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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: (Ranir)

The Araka set down the blanket and sat on it, cross-legged.
​"Since we're talking...tell me, Kanonu. Does your island have horrible death-creatures prowling in its jungles? Just asking."

Edited by Tarn of the DJD

(shout out to max)

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IC: Kanonu


Horrible death-creatures, eh? "There are lots of dangerous rahi, bu they aren't hunting us down if that's what you meant. Like ash bears, Nui-Rama, Kane-Ra, Muaka and others, they attack only when provoked. Unless possessed. Or hungry. Or other stuff." Kanonu looked at them straight in the eye.

"I still don't understand why you keep asking about murderous creatures. It can't be that bad on your island, can it? Don't you have some defence system to scare them off?"

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Wasuka laughed, echoing slightly from her helmet's visor.

"Yeah, it's called 'Living where they can't get us', all our villages are in the trees."

She looked down, sighing.

"Up there's honestly the safest place on that island."


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IC: Azureus


Azi tossed the drink to the Matoran, before deciding that it wasn't the right time to do this and bailed. He sped back to Kanonu's hut, which for some reason looked larger. They were in the middle of a conversation "what did I miss?" He asked.

Link to how Azi looks(UPDATED): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Hh1oWv0PcbLWVKdnpaT1hZeFk/view?usp=drivesdk


Also, because THEMESONG:

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IC: Azureus


"Well, not exactly. More like I got held at spearpoint by a guard for 5 minutes before blinking out. The marine, she had a Huna, and she looked really under armored for a matoran." He told Kanonu, "got any idea who she might be?"

Link to how Azi looks(UPDATED): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Hh1oWv0PcbLWVKdnpaT1hZeFk/view?usp=drivesdk


Also, because THEMESONG:

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IC: (Ranir)

The Araka looked around the room. She couldn't help but worry that any second now an oversized takea shark would burst through the floor and devour her. She pushed the thought aside and adjusted her blanket a bit.
Perhaps these lily-pads are actually reinforced with something and not...just...lily-pads.

(shout out to max)

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IC: Azureus Perspective: First Person/Third Person


Later that night....


"It's dark.... I can't see anything... where am i?" Suddenly the lights flared on. "Who's there?" He looked around, until he saw a cloak figure. He soon realized where he was. He was in a lab. Not just any lab though, the lab where he spent most of his time strapped down into a chair and experimented on by a madman in a cloak. He remembered it all, every serum, every virus, every time he got taken apart and rebuilt without being numbed. The being turned to him, and started walking closer, closer, with a maddened, twisted smile being the only thing he could see behind that cloak, along with a pair of dead lifeless eyes."No... Not again... Not Again! NEVER AGAIN!!!!


Azi awoken with a cry, drawing both of his blades. He quickly looked around. He saw his right blade was just above Wasuka's throat, who looked as though she was about to faint, while the one in his left was an inch away from Kanonu's heartlight. He saw fear, panic, and dread in Kanonu's eyes. He quickly sheathed both of his blades. "S-Sorry about that. Just had a nightmare." He told them, hoping he didn't just harm his friends


OOC: NO I AM NOT SAYING THAT THE GREAT BEINGS EXIST. This is why I chose to have the being cloaked, meaning we don't see any distinct features, meaning it could be anyone. , it could be a freaking Makuta under there and we'd never even know. And yes I said 'A Makuta' instead of 'The Makuta'. That's because I still think that Makuta was taken out too easily, that he might still have something, or someone, that he has access and communication to out there, that there might be more Makuta that he's wait to use as his Ace in The Hole....

Edited by Toa Azureus

Link to how Azi looks(UPDATED): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Hh1oWv0PcbLWVKdnpaT1hZeFk/view?usp=drivesdk


Also, because THEMESONG:

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OOC: Is, uh...is this stuff allowed? Just saying I feel like you're treading on thin ice here at best.



Wasuka, in fact, had not been paying attention and had simply spaced out for a moment. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around herself like a cocoon, shuffling into a corner.



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OOC: That's 'cause he is, Aegis. Azi, it might be a good idea to, I dunno, cut it out with the "past visions of things I'm saying might not actually exist to avoid getting in trouble" thing. And maybe actually read up more on the current storyline because your theory about Makuta being Not Quite Dead is an actual topic of debate IC, IIRC.
Also the puppeting on Wasuka and Kanonu. Oh, and the constant OOC chatter. There's an edit button, and you're aware of it. Use it. You don't need to make another non-IC post, it's spam.

​IC: (Ranir)

Seeing that everyone was turning in, the Araka followed suit and laid down, wrapping the blanket around herself tightly.

Edited by Tarn of the DJD

(shout out to max)

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OOC: I actually did read up on the story, and it said that Makuta was placed in the Legend. Also, I never said he died, I just said it seemed like his downfall was a little too easy. Need I remind you that this IS Makuta we're talking about? That same Makuta that plans for every detail, every setback, every being down to the last Protodite? Who's to say that this wasn't part of the plan? As for the other Makuta? Well, he had to some from somewhere! Who to say Mata Nui didn't have some cousins, or distant relatives? Finally, to end it off, Azi is a traveller. He goes where he wants, and usually finds trouble. most of the things I write down are either scenarios of these exploits, or his fragments memories of his past.


Edit: plus, unless I actually said they got up and started doing some kind of action, I was not puppetting them. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, in this case the action being my character waking up from a nightmare, the rector being fear and panic.

Edited by Toa Azureus

Link to how Azi looks(UPDATED): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Hh1oWv0PcbLWVKdnpaT1hZeFk/view?usp=drivesdk


Also, because THEMESONG:

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OOC: Not really going to get involved in this; you should probably take it to the staff.  As for Macku though, she’s dead.  I would suggest avoiding using named cannon characters before researching them in the future.



[Northern Ga-Koro, Crownest of the Silver (Talli)]


The marine continued watching the people that had gathered in front of the foreign craft.  She could tell something was about to happen.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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OOC: Azi what did we just say about OOC-only posts



Cyramar glanced at Datrox. He sure was spouting a lot of stuff. To the point that it was obviously faked, even to Cyr. Or maybe Cyr was just perceptive.

Or maybe he's just some penniless hobo trying to get free food.

Oh no not again. Cyr squinted.

If anyone's the penniless hobo here, it's me.

The odder voice shut up.

Edited by SnowyAegis


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OOC: I PMed Krayzikk about it.


Speak of the devil.


Azureus, I have largely been staying out of matters regarding you because Ghosthands has been addressing some of them in PM. The game can take a little while to get used to, so generally the staff will take matters up with newer players over PM and deal with things simply and discreetly. At this point, we're going on weeks and it was requested that I step in.


So I am, in fact, stepping in to tackle these issues.


First off, and the most simple matter, OOC only posts are not permitted, I'm using one right now because that is my prerogative as a member of the game's staff. For players, it is not allowed. We try not to be too uptight, so an OOC-only post here or there tends to be permitted. Sometimes there are situations where one is prudent. Generally these situations are best handled by PM, or an OOC included with an IC post, but exceptions exist. But the bottom line is that OOC posts are against the rules and you have used them far from sparingly.


Secondly, bunnying is not permitted. Bunnying is controlling another player's character without their permission. I have not seen too much of it, but it was mentioned in the PM and I can see why. Err on the side of caution. Timeskipping an entire group without permission, setting up situations that require certain movements from other players, all of this is bunnying if done without permission. Consider carefully what you elect to do. On another godmodding note, escapes in one post are not permitted. I observed your escape from Hahli's hut in a single post, a place you should not have been able to enter in a single post to begin with. But once you were there, you should have waited to be addressed. Asking in an OOC is ineffective, because not every player checks every topic every day. PMing Key would have been your best solution, either to request that he post for Hahli (as is his privilege, since Hahli is exclusively his character) or that he give you permission to extricate yourself. Powers given to Nuva masks, but not to normal ones, are not permitted either. Phasing through solid objects is not a power possessed by the Kakama.


That last point, however, segues into the meat of the issue; your handling of canon. When you have to spend as much time justifying what you post as you do, you need to reconsider what you are posting. "I may be wrong, right, or neither" is not a valid justification for using your own interpretation of canon. What the staff say is canon is canon, and anything that is not stated to be canon does not exist. That means no posts with it. That means no references to it. That means no making use of it and saying "I might be wrong", that means it does not exist. There is only one Makuta. The Turaga were never the Metru, as far as anyone knows. The Great Beings are mythological. If it is part of the story outline that you read, it is canon. Otherwise it is not.


Additionally, the use of canon characters in your posts is not permitted. Mel correctly pointed out that Macku is dead, but regardless she should not have been used in a post to begin with.


Glimpses of the past, similarly, are subject to staff approval if they concern subject matter not explicitly acknowledged to exist. Anyone foreign to Mata Nui has forgotten everything before Mata Nui. Unless explicitly approved otherwise, this is absolute. This has a plot reason, and exists so as to ensure that players do not run wild with a universe that they know nothing about. This means no flashbacks. No 'visions', or the past or otherwise as visions are explicitly metagaming, as there is no way for you, the player, to know what those visions should entail.


I hope that I am being crystal clear. If I am not, my PM inbox is open. Respond there and not in an OOC post, as I think I made it clear that OOC-only posts are not permitted. I would suggest revisiting this topic, particularly the rules and Common Sense Guide.

Edited by Peele
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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: look, I'm sorry for most of the shenanigans that I've caused. Azi is a character that comes from a place that the lore says doesn't exist. So I've been trying my hardest to find loopholes and exceptions in the lore and the game that would let me get away with it, but I've clearly overstepped my boundaries. But I think I have a way that where both lore, and loopholes can be improved. A Topic where people can suggest ideas and have them be added to the lore, minor and major. I really think that this could help out the thread.


IC: Azureus


Azi couldn't take the thought of him hurting his friends anymore. Activating his Kakama, he ran as he could before stopping on the rooftop of a nearby building, where he stayed till the sun came up, not closing his eyes once.

Link to how Azi looks(UPDATED): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Hh1oWv0PcbLWVKdnpaT1hZeFk/view?usp=drivesdk


Also, because THEMESONG:

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OOC: The point is that those loopholes aren't allowed. We control what is known of the setting the way we do for a reason, and actively subverting that doesn't help. Players can add to the lore; through custom species, powers, backstory, and similar means. That are sent as requests to the staff, and approved on a case by case basis.


This does not include aspects of the canon storyline. Aspects of the BZPRPG's canon on a large scale are handled by the staff, and only the staff.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC Sorox


Wow, this was taking a while.


When the food arrived, he glanced at it suspiciously before attempting to eat it. Although his features gave away his enjoyment of the flavor and quality, he tried his best to look inarticulate and dead.

Edited by Ghidora131
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OOC: I guess I'll just go along with Wasuka and Ranir's version of events. Just to make things clear. I suggest we skip Azi's attack on Kanonu and Wasuka.


IC: Kanonu


Kanonu took her blanket and sat down in the corner that was nearest to the window. She wrapped the blanket around herself, saying "Wake me up if you need me."

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OOC: That's fine by me. The only reason Aegis and I depicted a different version of the events was because Azi's required bunnying to happen, among other issues. He still did what he did, technically, just not how he wanted.

​IC: (Ranir)

She started to doze off, not even noticing that the Toa she had met before was gone. She fell into sleep, her knife beside her in case anything happened.

(shout out to max)

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