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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Tarex and Esao appeared to be ending up as the ones who stayed behind. Nothing wrong with that on his part. These were probably better equipped to handle the bugs than him anyway. Big things were more his style. Bunch of buzzy little s were better left to those like the ones departing, wind as opposed to crystal. Besides, somebody needed to stay behind to keep this place safe, and he was a bit interested in this Esao fellow. He had a feeling there was common ground they both had, and plenty of it. That was always nice, even if you were laconic like him.

Yeah, that sounded good. Stay behind, rest up, maybe have a bit to drink...

He nudged Esao and spoke in a low voice, leaning in close. "Smell that?"


helo frens

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IC: Trava (Le-Koro)


"If you need to know what I can do, I can tell you I'm a huntress. I know the terrain, know how to be quiet and how to find things, and I know pretty much all there is to know about herbs."

She leaned on her staff and cocked her head to the side as she looked at Kunitu


"Don't think I can help much with organizing though"

Edited by Geardirector

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IC Hile

(Le-Wahi, Fau swamp):


Hile grinned in triumph as Mesonak's weapon came into his possession. It was far too heavy for him to use effectively, but he had disarmed his foe. He saw the Toa of Gravity attack the Skakdi, which meant that he was on their side as well. The battle should be easily won, with the Skakdi outnumbered three against one.





A matoran had engaged in the battle, and quite effectively at that. Mesonak was temporarily disarmed due to the little one's actions, but Zeth wasn't prepared to stand by and watch Mesonak grind him beneath his heel. He swallowed hard and charged the Skakdi, sword poised effectively forwards. His left palm pushed against the pommel as he thrusted the blade towards Mesonak's abdomen.


IC: Mesonak


Insane though he was, his reflexes were sharp. With palms spread, Mesonak caught the blade on it's flat sides and used the momentum provided by Zeth to throw him past himself.


IC: Jakura

Jakura knew he must act while Mesonak was distracted. He fitted a bamboo disk into his wrist launcher and fired it at Mesonak's torso.



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The Toa of Gravity yet again found himself submerged in the foul water. Mesonak was strong, that much was for certain. He had thrown Zeth over five bio with ease.


The Ba-Toa resurfaced and spat into the murk. The gluttonous insects were making their way towards Le-Koro, having left a path of destruction in their wake. Countless trees that once stood higher than the eye could see had diminished into mere stumps.


The Toa of Fire had loaded a disc into his launcher and shot at the pale Skakdi. It was Jakura. There was no doubt about it.


Zeth could only stand there dumbfounded.

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IC: Gukko Force NPC's


The Gukko took flight into the skies.


Fire was not new to protocol. Le-Koro had been prepared for something like a wild-fire almost since the inception of the village. Large cargo carriers Gukko slowly rose behind the first wave of Kongu's Wind-riders. The fire would be put out easily with the release of tons of water upon the flames.

The insects were a totally different story.

As the first wave began flying towards to the smoke in the jungle, a second team was being assembled.


Forcemen and Forcewomen glided through the branches of the village, "Volunteers! Le-Koro needs your help! Gather in the market!" Their cries were heard all throughout the streets, "Volunteers! Gather in the market!"

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IC, Verdi: Verdi whistled as well. Soon, his Gukko, Ajax, flew out of nowhere and landed next to him. The Bo-Matoran hopped on and patted the bird's neck. He turned and looked at Kunitu and Ranok. "Alright, let's go!" he said. With that, the Gukko spread its wings and took off into the sky.

Edited by Toa Xemnas of Crystal
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Lifting up his chin to the sky, Esao took a quick, sharp breath, and offset the brisk exhale with another, longer inhale. The stench was unmistakable; Tarex's senses had not failed him. Smoke was wafting in the air around the Pala-Koro outskirts, and the bowman looked over at the large Toa of Crystal.


"It smells close," he reported, with the innate knowledge of a Fire Toa. "And fierce."





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Cys' eyes widened and he smelled the air frantically.


"Yeah...yeah. I think it is!" he exclaimed. "We should do something!" 


Cysero cracked his knuckles, stretched his arms, wiggled his knees and started to run aimlessly into the trees.





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Record scratching sound. Cys turned around, bewildered.


"Oh...right. Right! I'm on this!"


Cysero cracked his knuckles, stretched his arms, wiggled his knees and started to run backwards towards the fire.





Edited by Parks and Rekt



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"Cys stop you're going to run over the edge NO STOP NOW!"


Naria started running after the obstinately attention-deficit Le-Matoran with the I.Q. of a seeming negative five, gaining on him quite rapidly, but not rapidly enough to stop Cysero from going over the edge of the platform they were on, catching onto a vine and swinging off into the trees, with Naria having just barely grabbed him by the ankles, so now she was swinging alongside him.


Grumbling the hole time she climbed up and over Cysero, until she was occupying her own space on the vine, and then looked down at him, somewhat annoyed.


"I know you didn't plan on that vine being there. Do you realize what would've happened if it hadn't been?"

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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"You and me would've had to cling to each other for safety on the fall." Cys bit his lip with his teeth and grinned, bobbing his head back and forth self-satisfactorily. 





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Beosach and Komae had, somewhat inexplicably, found themselves transported from Pala-Koro on to the middle of the fight against the fire and whatever else was there. Soon enough, however, they were separated from the problems besetting Le-Wahi, and were left alone to try and fend for themselves, alone in the jungle, again.


"Komae, why does this keep happening to us?"




"I wonder what I did to make Mata-Nui angry enough that I have to put up with you."

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"I am a carefree sportsman who lives to chase your affections and make gains," Cys protested nobly. "My intentions are mad pure. Like spring water. Before you drink it. That kinda pure."





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"Right." Naria frowned, before her frown grew deeper. She quickly dropped lower on the vine, directly where Cysero was, though she had twisted around to be on the opposite side of Cysero - and had twisted the vine around a bit too, so that she could avoid the obstacle she had seen.

"Oh Cys, Cys, Cys of the jungle - look out for that tree!"


"At least you make a nice cushion, Cysero."


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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Komae


Komae furrowed his brow.  "Hm, beats me.  You know, there are all those stories about Matoran that think they're one tribe but actually another, like, Light or something.  Maybe you're actually a Matoran of Bad Luck."  For a moment Komae looked dead serious, and then his face relaxed into its customary grin.  "...Just kidding.  Everyone knows that sort of thing never really happens.  Besides, if one of us was a Matoran of Bad Luck, it'd be me."




"Or him," he said, looking up at the Matoran plastered against the tree above them.

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

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BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

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IC: Gukko Force NPC's


Gathering in the marketplace seemed odd. Le-Koro was very much accustomed to the hustle and bustle, but now it was still.


"For those of you unaware, there is a threat that dark-clouds over Le-Koro," a forcewoman started, "Firstly, there is a fire, although protocol dictates it will likely be taken care of. Secondly we have discovered an insect, quick-breeding in the jungle, rapidly eating the high-branches away," she was calm and in control, although her tone still communicated the seriousness of the threat, "We have a plan to deal with this threat. Hopefully, we can control the direction it spreads, by controlling it with Toa-hero elements, controlled burns, and controlled cutting."


Her jaw tightened, "Our hope is to turn the insect population towards itself, leaving it nothing to eat while we kill them," she turned, atop the pedestal in the street to properly address all present, "This is nothing we have ever seen. We must ask that the village be evacuated to the jungle floor in the event these threats reach us. There are guards station in at each chute station, awaiting to give you your instructions. We can risk no error, and cannot risk chaos. Word has been sent to Akiri Kongu calling for his leadership, but for now your cooperation is required. We have a long while before we think the insects can reach us, but we will not take chances. Act calmly and accordingly.



We may lose our home."



The silence grew louder, "We will take every willing man woman and child! To fly, to work, to fight." she shouted, "There is instruction waiting with each guard at the chutes, or my comrades present here," she gestured to the others, "The first party has left to put out the flames and to scout and monitor the insect swarm that threatens our home."


She stepped forward as the murmur of the crowd grew, "Gather whatever you can! Axes for cutting! Weapons for crushing! Toa-heroes for freezing and burning! Gukko for quick-messenging and quick transport! This is a threat to all of us, so all of you now - the life of the jungle- tree-bright Le-Koro - this is a call to arms! Fly! Fly for your village!"


She cheered, and with that Le-Wahi sounded as if the whole jungle had risen up in shouts of grandeur.


IC: Karata


The construction team had been hard at work for a long time at the Palm of Matau's. And so far, the job was rather uneventful. Karata's Rama-riders had encountered little to no conflict while protecting the construction of towers, huts, and agricultural centers.


Today was different.


Having called the team together, Karata stood before them, underneath the lookout tower next to the river bed. She got right to the point, "Today I have received word thanks to quick-fliers that Le-Koro has asked for our aid," the tattooed Matoran of air looked from member to member, "Suit up. I will explain what I know on our flight. My instruction is leave immediately."

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IC: Karata


The construction team had been hard at work for a long time at the Palm of Matau's. And so far, the job was rather uneventful. Karata's Rama-riders had encountered little to no conflict while protecting the construction of towers, huts, and agricultural centers.


Today was different.


Having called the team together, Karata stood before them, underneath the lookout tower next to the river bed. She got right to the point, "Today I have received word thanks to quick-fliers that Le-Koro has asked for our aid," the tattooed Matoran of air looked from member to member, "Suit up. I will explain what I know on our flight. My instruction is leave immediately."




IC (Lema): Lema gave a quick salute and then activated his kakama, zipping away in a blur of motion. Half a minute later, he was back, all saddled up and riding Zadok.


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Hasil nodded at Karata, and a short whistle brought Saran - who was never far from Hasil's side - back near the Toa of Air. With a leap he placed himself upon the calm-tempered Nui-Rama's back, watching to make sure the others mounted quickly as well. While it wasn't a good thing that the Rama Riders were now needed, he couldn't help but feel some measure of relief - he was, at least, being rescued from the endless tedium of working at this new outpost.


After a moment he looked to Karata, frowning. ¨If Le-Koro needs our aid, it must be something quite serious,¨ he said slowly. ¨I doubt that ours is the only Koro that might be suffering some sort of problem, now...Have any messengers been sent out, to see what is happening in the other five Koro? It might be necessary to know such information to determine just what the cause is of this current distress."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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[Le-Koro, Edges]


Ranok nodded, climbing onto the saddle reserved for a disk thrower.  He stumbled a little, not used to the larger bird, but soon fit his feet into the stirrups.


"Alright then."

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Trava (Le-Koro, Marketplace)


The Lesterin huntress found her way towards the Forceman near the chutes and presented herself quickly.


"I know where the entropy beetles are, if anyone needs to go by ground, I can lead 'em there"

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IC: Trava (Le-Koro, Marketplace)


The Lesterin huntress found her way towards the Forceman near the chutes and presented herself quickly.


"I know where the entropy beetles are, if anyone needs to go by ground, I can lead 'em there"


IC: Gukko Force NPC's


"Good," the guard nodded, "Head out, calling for others to join you. You'll find more guard with instructions there."

Edited by Palm

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[le Koro forest swamps]

IC: "Oh h3ll."

Went Alsorate, after stepping in another marshy point. He couldn't remember how he got here. he had been walking along the Ta - Wahi beaches, and saw a green Ussal crab - a rare specemin. He had never seen one before, and so set out to track and possibly capture it. Unfortunately, he slipped over, and fell with a loud crunch, which scared the Ussal crab into running away. He had chased it into the Le-Wahi swamps, and had now lost it.

He picked up his staff - a simple stick from an old branch with a little trinket on top of it , and leaning on it, pulled himself up our of the bog. It was only now he realised that he was lost.

IC: "Hello? Helooo? Anyone there?"

He rapped his staff of a nearby tree?

IC: "Hello? Please? Anyone?


Oh h3ll."


It appeared has well as being lost, he was now also alone. Alone in a place where he had no idea about.


IC: "well this is just fantastic."

Edited by alijar
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