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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Athiel


Athiel activated his mask, turning invisible. "We bypassed every security channel getting in the way we did. I would be wary of unwanted attention if I were you." Athiel then strained to leap onto a nearby rooftop, landing shakily but remaining balanced. "I'll shadow you, and drop in should trouble arise. I suggest we start looking."

Edited by Observedhalo

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



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IC: Qyntar


"I wouldn't worry too much about that. Le-Koro is a pretty peaceful place, always has been. But... if it makes you comfortable, go right ahead, I'll find us a good establishment in no time." Walking through the village, breathing in the fresh air and hearing the matoran play their instruments far in the winding jungle was refreshing after the long, dark and damp tunnels they had traversed earlier...


Finally, the two came upon a small inn, which seemed to have no more than a couple rooms and a small lobby. Walking inside, they found the place to be surprisingly bigger on the inside than the outside would have indicated.


Qyntar walked up to the lobby desk, asking the receptionist if they could have something to eat here, and if not, where they might find the right place. The receptionist, an unusually tall le-matoran with a lime kanohi rua, nodded, telling Qyntar that they had food in storage for when customers wanted breakfast the morning after, lunch in the afternoon or even dinner in the evenings.


Qyntar turned to his partner Athiel, his eyebrows raised, and a small smile stretching his lips.

Edited by Toa Onaku
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IC: Colx (Fitness Center)


It almost felt like I was a good few centuries older. I turned around, with not a care in the world.


Then wham.


"Yeah well, I guess the odds finally came a-knockin"

IC: Vrina


Vrina heard the loud thud of colx hitting the ground and as she came in to see what was going on she was promptly met by the same fate as she too fell to the ground unconscious


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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The Reveler rose from his tree-throne, striding out of the hall to observe the sun before it set over the tops of the trees. The Games would begin soon.


Very soon.


OOC: Oooohkay. So for those of you who are captive, you're being held on the inside of a giant tree. You're all free to interact with each other, but there is only one entrance, and no windows. There are no objects inside the tree, it is a completely bare room, devoid of windows, furniture, and any objects. All of you have been depowered through various means, and several guards are on the outside of the singular door. Have fun until the games start~


IC: Colx (Giant Tree)




"This next part's hard to talk about, no matter how many times I try..."




I woke up, and all around me I saw blurry shapes, unknown warnings of what was to come, and I felt my muscles groan as I got into a sitting position.


My eyes cleared, and I saw a bunch of unfortunate fools sitting around like myself, brought to this dark place for some unknown reason, although I had my gut feeling telling me something I didn't want to hear.




I found her next to me, maskless and unconscious, but she was alright, I instantly felt a little bit better, not that it was worth much in this situation.


"How long you been here?"


That voice... never thought I'd be this happy to hear that one again.


"Only just got here, it seems. Long time no see Alfon"

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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"I have nooooo idea. But I do know I spent a looong time in this stupid hole, and I can't wait for the people outside to throw us out."

With a clenched fist, I slammed the wooden floor around me. Such a prison was obviously unnatural; I could hope that whoever made it could sense the disturbances within it.

"YOU HEAR THAT, #######'S? LEEET USSS OOOOUUUUT!!" I shouted, channeling as much of my sonic powers as I could muster into the angry outburst, before promptly a sudden rush of drowsiness overtook my body and I slumped against the cell wall once again (OOC: Hey I have to admit I think that was a nice pun), left to experience the sudden ring of noise piercing my ears like an arrow.


If I wasn't so mad I'd probably have fainted by now. As it stands, all I wanted to do was strangle that Skakdi who had brought me here.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: Athiel


Athiel dropped out of invisibility while the Matoran had his back turned. "So, what do you have in stock?"

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



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IC: As they entered the Pala-Koro gates, Tarex turned his head and gazed back at the group behind him and Kunitu for a moment. That was one thing about the jungles, he recalled. Paths to place from all sorts of directions.

Three appeared to be fellow travellers, but something about the fourth's nonchalance to the whole ordeal told him she was a native.

Well, that and the fact that she was very decidedly guiding them through to the place. That was also usually a very distinct method of figuring out who knew the land.

He turned his head back, passing through the gates and scanning the village within.

"Definitely a ways to go, though..." he added, referring to the fact that they were still very much in the middle of rebuilding the area. Giving a slight tug to the bag on a string he'd been carrying over his back and readjusting its position, he continued to walk. It was a nice bag. He didn't want it falling too low and swinging into things.

Has to be an inn around here somewhere. Hive of Scum and Villainy or not, there's always someone looking to capitalize on weary travelers.

Well, here he was. Capitalize away.

"You see an inn, tell me." he said over his shoulder to the girl beside him. May as well have two pairs of eyes for this one.

helo frens

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IC: Merzt


Merzt headed back home.

His home was like most other Le-Matoran homes; a bee-hive shaped hut, with a single, open doorway with a window perhaps. Merzt had a window, but it was filled with a few potted flowers. Merzt adored flowers. Pretty little things, with various smells. They made him happy when he saw them.

He stepped inside the doorway and lit a torch hanging on the wall. It brought lit to the small hut, and all his possessions. There was his bed, run-of-the-mill style. He had a few pieces of metal art he made himself. Nothing good, but Merzt figured it was a good idea to at least try.


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IC Jetzul

"... Where am I?"


Jetzul tried to get up but fell back down with a resounding clank. The armor he had created was still on (if horribly misarranged) but the helmet was gone, and his mask with it. Turning his head, he took note of his surroundings. He was in... A tree? There seemed to be other people in the same tree. They seemed to be just as lost as he was. Was this the gladiator games he had been looking for? Well, if it was, karz. Just plain karz.

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IC: (Iiasmir)


Just outside the tree prison, Iiasmir walked up to the guards, whom he stood a head over. With his two chainblades and natural malicious demeanor, he came across as very intimidating.


"You're going to drop your weapons, and you're going to let these people go." He said these things plainly, as if he was making a business deal. Inside the tree, the prisoners were sure to hear him.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC Jetzul

"What...?" The detective turned to look. There was a Skakdi who wasn't there before, acting tough. "What the Karz..." Jetzul couldn't believe it. This guy was either very powerful, very stupid, secretly in league with their captors, or a combination of all three.

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"Or perhaps, you could surrender. If you do that, I assure you that you'd be treated much better than the fodder."


If liasmir turned around, he'd see a toa. While liasmir towered over the guards, the toa was still a good head over liasmir. It armor was simple in design, consisting mostly of pelts taken in victory, or various other trophies. He wore a battle-skirt fashioned from what appeared to be swords, and carried a mace whose edges curved inward, mimicking the style of the toa's horns, which only served to boost his height further. His mask was also glowing.


And he was petting a very large nui jaga that was at his side, occasionally whispering to the large scorpion.


"There are far better things in life than death, I assure you."

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IC: (Iiasmir)


"You see, your men captured the assistant of a blacksmith in my territory. You understand that this is highly offensive, yes? Now, you are strong, and control a considerable force. You are a worthy opponent, but one I will cut down none the less. What have you to offer me?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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"I don't suppose material things satisfy you... They're not very attractive for me either..." The Reveler said, blinking once, "I can offer you glory so long as you prove yourself. Warriors who have come wishing to win unimaginable riches... And of course, the chance to have a crowd at your back, ready and willing to listen to you... Provided you win."

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IC: (Iiasmir)


"My deal is as follows," he retorted flatly, "once I win your competition, we will become...business partners. Mutually beneficial. You will pay me the amount of cash I ask for, send me back home in luxury, and personally erect a shrine in my honor. Oh, and the assistant is mine." He gave a Skakdi grin, approaching the Toa and offering a handshake. "Deal?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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Last jam for a while. This is actually really old soooo...

IC: Akiri Kongu - Le-Koro - Village's Edge

Kongu nodded, "I have heard the name before. Although the Hapaka has never been under my employment, I have associates who can vouch for the accuracy of his work." Kongu shrugged, "But it would do us all well to keep an eye on him. I would advise against allocating resources away from watching him." Kongu turned, moving to the edge of the village, dangerously close to a long fall, "However," Kongu began with a slight lull in his tone, "I must say that Ko-Koro is not the only high perch on Mata-Nui, in case you have not noticed," he gestured to his feet, "We see much from here. For myself, I have sensed changes looming over us like a dark cloud waiting to storm. And although the nature of change and adaptation is one of great virtue, I do not speak of changes for the people, but against the people. That is the poison I speak of."


Oh, so he wasn't referring to the poison thrown into the water, then, Clades said.

Kongu is a songwriter, Ambages thought. It's no easy to get a read on him, even for me. We must be careful.

"Sorry," he apologized, "I though you were talking about the recent terror attack." He frowned tightly as he thought about Kongu's more philosophical touch. "The darkness always has existed somewhere beyond our reach," Ambages lamented, "and some might even say fighting it is a futile war, but I know it hasn't swallowed us because people fight it. I said we're in this together, the type of poison you refer to has no effect on that."


"Although the work of the terrorist is of this poison, the true poison is much greater than he. There is a multitude of movements on this island, coming from places you would least expect," Kongu paused, "You are correct though. We have yet to be swallowed because there are still those who dare to fight, and those who will fight until the end of their days. Foolish or not. I only wonder if what you say is true," Kongu turned slightly to Ambages, "That this poison has no effect on the fact we are in this together."


"If you feel you have reason to doubt me then speak your peace, Kongu," Ambages rebuked softly and stretched his arms out slightly in a shrug. He knew what Kongu meant clear as day. "Many good men have seen good things smeared by flickering lights in their peripherals. I'm neither adored or hated but I'm offering you my trust and friendship. And if you decide that don't want it..."

He paused, a hand awkwardly hanging behind Kongu's back. The akiri's hairs bristled slightly at the unseen gesture's potential. "... Then I'd challenge you to a drinking duel to change your mind," he said and clapped Kongu on the shoulder, punctuated by a clever smirk.


"I have no reason to doubt you Ambages. You must understand, much of this conversation was similar to the one me and the other Akiri shared. It is nothing more than a simple building of what is expected of those who hold power. Village leaders or otherwise."

Kongu glanced back at Ambages and smirked, "As for the drinking match, I cannot take part in the festivities as much as I would like to - with such unsure times I must remain clear-minded - but I would certainly share some drink with you. It would be criminal to have a visitor in this village without allowing them a taste of our famous parties."


"And I think we'd enjoy that taste, especially after traveling for the last couple days," Ambages declared. "We are weary, though—maybe we should reconvene in the morning and talk about our relations then, with clear heads?"


"Yes, meeting in the morning seems more appropriate," Kongu said, "On the eastern end of the village there are much quieter resting places. I could take you there now if you wish."

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"So long as you win..." The Reveler said flatly, looking into his eyes. He held out his hand to shake in agreement.


"However, I'm now quite keen to get you all arranged for the upcoming games... Mooks!"


A duo of Mooks, one of them Halfimus darted forward to their leader.


"See that our latest contestant receives suitable lodging. Make sure he is comfortable until the games begin..."


And make sure that he is properly watched, The Reveler added to the Nui-Jaga at his side.

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IC: (Iiasmir)


The Skakdi smirked, turning and strutting off as if he owned the place. He beckoned one of the guards towards him. "I'm hungry. Go get me a steak," he ordered. If he was going to be stuck here, he would be stuck here in luxury.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: (Iiasmir)


"I have no doubt that I can defeat your Reveler. By the end of the week I'll be back in Ta-Koro, a drink in my hand and cash to burn. Not a bad career choice, by the way."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: "Nonsense. There's always someone who wants to prey on vagrants like us looking for a place to lay up. There's bound to be one." he said, with what would likely be described as uncharacteristic optimism.

helo frens

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"Remove my blood to remove my mark? Not hardly," I said, shaking my head. "I don't remember anymore if anybody actually did do it that way, but if they did, it was most likely removal of their blood to the point that they died...or they were very, very lucky. No, most of us took care of our Marks in a different way.


I turned and pointed to where the Kumu Islets had been, before speaking. "We all went to a temple over in the islets - before they sank - and learned two things. First, our marks were all used in an attempt to make us the slaves of some insane, Makuta-loving Toa of Magnetism, and second, that inside that temple - that we all had to be there to open, as our Marks were, essentially, the keys - was some odd power that had control over the marks and was able to remove them from us. Makuta, some part of Mata-Nui, some other higher power, I'm not sure. To reference the earlier discussion, I like to call it voodoo." I gestured to where my Mark had formerly been, to the scar that now was there and held the old Mark's shape. Barely visible, but still there.


"And I'm being completely serious, and I've got this scar from where my Mark was as the proof. I went into that temple with it, and I got sent out without it, and with no understanding of how it was removed or what removed it. My plan is to get you into that temple and get the Mark of - Fear, wasn't it? - off of you so that you don't end up dying from it."


IC: Utu Kotore


I nodded, still a little unsure, "How exactly are we going to get into the temple?" I asked, "You said we all had to be there right? How are we going to use the Marks as keys when I'm the only one left?"

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IC: Qyntar & NPC innkeeper

"Oh, we have a good supply of Kene-Ra steak, as well as some of the special donuts, with multy-layered glazing made from exotic fr..." Qyntar quickly interrupted the matoran "Yes, that's all very good. We'll have two plates of well cooked steak." Qyntar turned to his companion, Athiel "Or do you prefer something else?"


The matoran continued; "As I was saying, we have steak, donuts, fruits and vegetables grown in our new gardens. You name it... and there'll be a statistical probability that we have it." He concluded with a wide smile.

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