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Friar Tuck

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IC: Dreenan"Look, my moron Toa of lightning friend decided he wanted to try Lava Surfing, and lightninged a small hole to let lava pour out. He didn't realize Lava would melt the hole to a larger size, letting more lava out."She explained to the Toa of Stone."Yeah, he's an cool dude. So, sure you can't at least try to stop the lava pouring out?"

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC - Kyat - StreetHe raised an eyebrow. Was 'lightninged' a word?"I guess I'll do it. In the sake of helping others." he said, still looking quite emotionless.Kyat started to walk in the direction of where he knew a volcano to be."Tell me about this 'cool dude' friend of yours. I want to know how the 'cool' meets the 'dude.'"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: Forgot the world filter. XDIC: DreenanShe had no idea what he was talking about, cool and dude. What did those words have to do at all with what was going on? She flew along, flying slightly ahead of Kyat."His name is Nighting, he never seems to think before acting. That's about it, that sums him up pretty well."

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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OOC: Sorry, couldn't resist.IC - Kyat - StreetThe Toa shrugged. A Toa of lightning named Nighting who didn't think before he acted and sucks at lava surfing. That was a basic summary of Ta-Toa on this island, inserting their name."Sounds like a heck of a guy."He activated his Kakama, keeling up with ease.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Dreenan"Yeah, causes a lot of chaos, and has other people stuck picking up the pieces."She commented. She had nothing against Nighting, she was just stating the truth. But he was himself, and no one could change him. Not that anyone he knew would want to. People usually like the Toa of lightning when they got to know him.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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OOC: Who cares, there's obviously a place for medical care somewhere in here....Tahuva went with Klastio, taking Dervian to the hospital. "This is a load of Muaka droppings...dispose of it." The Matoran running the hospital looked at him strangely. "Oh, and I suppose you're the Muaka.""..." Tahuva set Dervian down on the bed. "No, and he isn't Muaka droppings. He's fainted while drinking.""Take him home, he'll be fine in the morning." The Matoran was underwhelmed, thinking Dervian had been injured or something."No no no, he didn't faint FROM drinking. He fainted abruptly, like all the nerves in his body turned off." "Really now? Well, I'll examine him..." Dervian was in a dream. Where was he? "Hmm...that's strange..." There were two yellow windows overhead. There was some sort of hatch near the windows, but it was closed. The walls felt familiar. "Hmm....this is strange..." Dervian suddenly noticed the familiarity. "I'm in a vision! Inside..my own body?" Dervian figured that out, but his supposed innards were like the island. "Oh well, I guess it's fitting, seeing as I'm a helpless mind inside an unmoving body." Dervian looked around, then saw himself. "Huh? He looks like me! Is he talking to...Matau?"Tahuva watched the doctor. "Is he gonna be all right?""Well, his body is limp. His eyes are blank...but his heart is beating." The doctor examined him all over. "No injuries at all. Seems like a coma." "Seems like a WHAT?!" Tahuva nearly panicked at the idea. Dervian wouldn't be ok in one day? He'd end up checking the hospital every week or so!Dervian saw his past self talking to Matau. Dervian was talking to Matau. "You want me to what?"Matau answered simply. "This is the adventure you have begged me for. At this time, we are unsure of the fate of our heroes. Now there is one willing to find out.""What the...." Dervian realized he was seeing his past. The scene changed. Dervian was with a team of Toa. One of fire, water, earth, stone, and ice. "So I was mirroring the Toa Mata....in a team..." "All right, where next?"The fire Toa answered. "Past this door, we should find the Makuta." "My past was fighting the Makuta? Whoa..." The earth Toa activated his mask and broke down the door. "Done.""Makuta's not here. What's going on?"The water Toa answered. "RAHKSHI!"Dervian fought off hordes of Rahkshi, and so did the others. "HEY! KELUA!""What?!""STORM SPHERE, NOW!" Dervian created a wind sphere. Kelua fought off more Rahkshi. "I can't!" She blasted water, trying to save the others.The stone Toa had enough. "We'll never win unless I do this!""What?!"He released all his energy, destroying the Rahkshi in a single blast. "That's it..for one..day--GAAK!"Rahkshi killed the Stone toa, then the earth toa, and the ice toa."What the?! There are more Rahkshi?!" Dervian fought off the Rahkshi with Kelua and the fire toa."Korzan!" Korzan kicked a Rahkshi. "What is it?""I'm sacrificing myself! Run!""No, I'll do it!" Korzan released all his energy, but all the Rahkshi he killed were replaced with more. "I've never seen so many Rahkshi..." Dervian continued to watch his past.Dervian saw them coming. "Kelua! What are you doing?""Helping Korzan up!" She pulled, but she couldn't get him up. "Help me!"Dervian tried to help, but Korzan was limp. "He's dead! We have to go!"Kelua was about to cry. "He's not DEAD."Now Dervian was getting jealous. "He is!" Dervian grabbed Kelua and ran, picking up the ice Toa's Kakama and putting it on. He ran with Kelua, who screamed. "It'll be fine! We're getting out of here!" Dervian and Kelua finally made it out of the outer rooms of Mangaia. Kelua was crying. "You were jealous of Korzan. I know. That's why you left him.""Wha--?" Dervian was jealous, but that wasn't his reason for leaving Korzan. "No, I wasn't jealous! He was dead! No pulse!" He was telling the truth."LIAR!" Kelua punched Dervian and ran off.Dervian sat down. "No...""What...?" Dervian could tell he had told the truth that day. He watched on.Dervian's mind was invaded by Makuta."Your doubts...your fears...give me your pain...and destroy..all that makes you suffer...""I will never trust YOU!" Dervian resisted all the way until his sanity shattered. Makuta left him. The half-insane Dervian looked up, remembering nothing. "Time to have an adventure!" He ran off. The vision ended. "So that was my past...my mission was lost...." Dervian woke up."Dervian! I'm glad you're back up!"Dervian spaced out for a moment, then got back up. "Yeah..." He left the hospital, followed by Tahuva. "I saw my past." He explained everything."You saw WHAT?!" "And that's why...I want to help you fight the Makuta." Dervian hated Makuta more than anything now, for ruining his life.OOC: I know some things in this post aren't allowed, but since they were flashbacks, it doesn't really change anything or affect gameplay.


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OOC: New Character.IC: Diasolia aka SoliTwo years, has it really been that long since I last stepped foot in Ta-Wahi. I have spent so many years searching for my brother, and have still not found him. Ah, dear little brother, where are you and why'd you leave Zyckel? Was it my fault? If so I apologize, please come back I miss you. She sighed, stepped off the boat, and listened Ta-Koro even after all these years seemed very much the same. She then activated her Arthon and smiled as she 'saw' the city, yes it was still very much the same, but that was not why she was here. Not to sight see but rather to return home and set up shop again. She began walking down a dirt road that led out of the Koro and to Mangai, the road was faded and few new it existed, but to Soli that was no problem she had traveled along this path many times. She winced slightly at the noise produced by the metal clanging together in the bag she carried, but it wasn't horrible.After little while of walking she arrived at an old building that had long since been boarded up. ah home, it's good to be back. She removed a the boards and opened the door, everything was just how she had left it. She deposited the metal with the rest of her cache, grabbed a lava board and left the house. She wanted to have some fun. She quickly climbed up to the top of Mount Mangai, when she realized something using her ecolocation, there was hole in the Volcano's side that was getting bigger, if the lava flowed anymore her housed would be buried under lava. Then she realized someone else was there. "You there, did you create this hole. Cause it's looking the lava is going to be smothering my home." She called out fool, my house is going to get burned down, and I only just got home. Soli realized that the only thing to do would be creating a barricade to block the lava, a waste of perfectly good metal. The fastest way down was by boarding, and board she did,all the way to bottom of the Volcano. Upon reaching the ground, Soli ran over to her hut to get some metal.OOC: Person Soli yells at is Nighting.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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OOC:Nighting's not like Toa of Fire! Dreenan is, but not Nighting. And I said that the Lava was being contained.IC:Nighting"What? It's nowhere near any houses! I'm keeping it contained up here thank you very much!" Nighting called back to the whoever it was.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Surprised, Krayzikk let out a string of curses that would have had Makuta running for cover. "What the Karz is this?!? I came to get my shoulder looked at and that cool dude Tarn healed, not get arrested!!" Another string of curses followed as he fought against the crystal.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: @ Krayzikk Champ.IC: NakumiirNakumiir flinched as the titan roared. Why did I get this guy and not Takimoc... If I was calling the shots, well don't think about it. Just work. Looking back her voice carried as she slowly walked back to the injured shoulder, lightly palpating the area around as she cleaned the blood off the wound. "There, there, just calm down. The only reason we have you like this is in case you tried to run off. We can't have an admitted patient run off, you know. What then, do you think, Riaril would do?"Riaril sneezed."Karz, must be Nakumiir. Always putting the blame on me for something..."

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IC: At the mention of Riaril's name, Krayzikk's eyes widened, he fell silent and his heart rate elevated slightly in terror.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Takimoc sneered. "Heh, better hold still now," he said with a smirk. "Don't want you getting scared of me as well when your mask accidentally melts off cuz ya fidgeted."Lighting a concentrated blue-hot flame right before his right finger, Takimoc attempted to place it close enough to Krayzikk's armor to cauterize. He was wary of any sudden movements; as he had said, the titan even twitching right now would make things rather messy.Nakumir sighed. Why did Takimoc have to snark at the patients before cauterizing them? It never helped, and it plain wasn't nice.Meanwhile, Tarn's chest armor was removed. A quick inspection by Riaril had revealed that he suffered from the exact same injury as the mystery had came in sporting. Fortunately this was in the earlier stages, so it wouldn't be as hard to fix. But that broken rib, liver damage, and solar plexus trauma plus the regular bruising made the wound something to be reckoned with.She sighed and filed away the info on the injury to the back of her mind. She'd just have to look out for more punches to the gut from now on, she guessed.Riaril and Moriika now began to work. This patient was definitely not one who could wait a few days for treatment.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Biobeast, Soli's house is at the base of Mt. Mangai, it's been boarded up for two years while Soli was away.IC: SoliSoli reached her house and grabbed some scrap metal that had rusted over the years. Well at least I won't be wasting any more metal. She thought as she grabbed a grappling hook she had forged a long time ago. She ran towards the mountain and latched on with her grappling hook and climbed up the mountain.


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IC: Krayzikk glared at Takimoc and looked at Nakumir. Making sure that she saw, he rolled his eyes at Takimoc's comment. Granted, he didn't doubt that it would be bad if he moved.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Nakumir smiled slightly. She mouthed: He isn't that bad, really.After several seconds Takimoc absorbed the fire. Krayzikk's shoulder wound had stopped bleeding as its blood vessels fused under the heat."Good, ya didn't squirm," the toa remarked. "Pretty impressive for a hunk like yaself."

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Krayzikk was quiet for a moment. Then, "All I understood of that was the first five words. And I'm going to take the rest as a compliment." Another pause. Looking pointedly at the crystal surrounding him, he said "Could somebody get me out of this? Please?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Who cares, there's obviously a place for medical care somewhere in here....Tahuva went with Klastio, taking Dervian to the hospital. "This is a load of Muaka droppings...dispose of it." The Matoran running the hospital looked at him strangely. "Oh, and I suppose you're the Muaka.""..." Tahuva set Dervian down on the bed. "No, and he isn't Muaka droppings. He's fainted while drinking.""Take him home, he'll be fine in the morning." The Matoran was underwhelmed, thinking Dervian had been injured or something."No no no, he didn't faint FROM drinking. He fainted abruptly, like all the nerves in his body turned off." "Really now? Well, I'll examine him..." Dervian was in a dream. Where was he? "Hmm...that's strange..." There were two yellow windows overhead. There was some sort of hatch near the windows, but it was closed. The walls felt familiar. "Hmm....this is strange..." Dervian suddenly noticed the familiarity. "I'm in a vision! Inside..my own body?" Dervian figured that out, but his supposed innards were like the island. "Oh well, I guess it's fitting, seeing as I'm a helpless mind inside an unmoving body." Dervian looked around, then saw himself. "Huh? He looks like me! Is he talking to...Matau?"Tahuva watched the doctor. "Is he gonna be all right?""Well, his body is limp. His eyes are blank...but his heart is beating." The doctor examined him all over. "No injuries at all. Seems like a coma." "Seems like a WHAT?!" Tahuva nearly panicked at the idea. Dervian wouldn't be ok in one day? He'd end up checking the hospital every week or so!Dervian saw his past self talking to Matau. Dervian was talking to Matau. "You want me to what?"Matau answered simply. "This is the adventure you have begged me for. At this time, we are unsure of the fate of our heroes. Now there is one willing to find out.""What the...." Dervian realized he was seeing his past. The scene changed. Dervian was with a team of Toa. One of fire, water, earth, stone, and ice. "So I was mirroring the Toa Mata....in a team..." "All right, where next?"The fire Toa answered. "Past this door, we should find the Makuta." "My past was fighting the Makuta? Whoa..." The earth Toa activated his mask and broke down the door. "Done.""Makuta's not here. What's going on?"The water Toa answered. "RAHKSHI!"Dervian fought off hordes of Rahkshi, and so did the others. "HEY! KELUA!""What?!""STORM SPHERE, NOW!" Dervian created a wind sphere. Kelua fought off more Rahkshi. "I can't!" She blasted water, trying to save the others.The stone Toa had enough. "We'll never win unless I do this!""What?!"He released all his energy, destroying the Rahkshi in a single blast. "That's it..for one..day--GAAK!"Rahkshi killed the Stone toa, then the earth toa, and the ice toa."What the?! There are more Rahkshi?!" Dervian fought off the Rahkshi with Kelua and the fire toa."Korzan!" Korzan kicked a Rahkshi. "What is it?""I'm sacrificing myself! Run!""No, I'll do it!" Korzan released all his energy, but all the Rahkshi he killed were replaced with more. "I've never seen so many Rahkshi..." Dervian continued to watch his past.Dervian saw them coming. "Kelua! What are you doing?""Helping Korzan up!" She pulled, but she couldn't get him up. "Help me!"Dervian tried to help, but Korzan was limp. "He's dead! We have to go!"Kelua was about to cry. "He's not DEAD."Now Dervian was getting jealous. "He is!" Dervian grabbed Kelua and ran, picking up the ice Toa's Kakama and putting it on. He ran with Kelua, who screamed. "It'll be fine! We're getting out of here!" Dervian and Kelua finally made it out of the outer rooms of Mangaia. Kelua was crying. "You were jealous of Korzan. I know. That's why you left him.""Wha--?" Dervian was jealous, but that wasn't his reason for leaving Korzan. "No, I wasn't jealous! He was dead! No pulse!" He was telling the truth."LIAR!" Kelua punched Dervian and ran off.Dervian sat down. "No...""What...?" Dervian could tell he had told the truth that day. He watched on.Dervian's mind was invaded by Makuta."Your doubts...your fears...give me your pain...and destroy..all that makes you suffer...""I will never trust YOU!" Dervian resisted all the way until his sanity shattered. Makuta left him. The half-insane Dervian looked up, remembering nothing. "Time to have an adventure!" He ran off. The vision ended. "So that was my past...my mission was lost...." Dervian woke up."Dervian! I'm glad you're back up!"Dervian spaced out for a moment, then got back up. "Yeah..." He left the hospital, followed by Tahuva. "I saw my past." He explained everything."You saw WHAT?!" "And that's why...I want to help you fight the Makuta." Dervian hated Makuta more than anything now, for ruining his life.OOC: I know some things in this post aren't allowed, but since they were flashbacks, it doesn't really change anything or affect gameplay.

OOC: Okay... that was a bit odd, to be honest. IC Klastio - Ta-Koro Hospital - Talking: "That's... quite a vision, Dervian. I didn't know there was another Toa team sent to defeat the Makuta," Klastio said, following the two. "Are you certain that it wasn't a dream? I've had dreams that I thought were visions as well, but it's possible that what you saw was true," the Toa of air said as the three neared Garth's shop. "Fighting against the Makuta and all his minions will not be easy, but with enough of a rebellion, any evil can be overthrown." OOC: I guess I'm running out of ideas for this story arc... -Klastio
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IC:Nighting"Does it look like I've stopped it?" Nighting asked, gesturing towards the lava, which had started to flow slower, but was still flowing out of the mountain. "Got a Toa of Stone?" He then noticed Soli. Or, saw her for the first time, as when she went past before he had his back turned. His jaw dropped. "Who... Who is that?" he asked, dumbstruck.OOC:Why does that matter? He's containing it at the top of the mountain. There's no reason for Soli's house to be in danger. And yes, Nighting has a crush on Soli. :P

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Just got the oddest picture of a double date.Adapting to Onarax/Bio writing...IC - Kyat - MountainThe Toa of stone shuffled up to Nighting, cracking his knuckles."Heck yeah she got a Toa of stone." he replied.His arm blade flipped up with a SHRING, and immediately a circle of rocks rose and began revolving."One of the best, of course." he said cockily.He raised his blade, leveling it to his chest. The rocks came towards him, and each split cleanly over his blade. Was he the best? Naw, not really.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC:NightingNighting was still gawking over Soli, but quickly snapped himself back to reality. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Great. Just plug that hole right there." he said, pointing towards the hole in the volcano.OOC:YES. Must do that. Dreenan/Kyat and Soli/Nighting. The best double date ever. :P

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: @Biobeast No offense but Soli does not think Nighting can contain it. Also as for your second point, uh okay.@KNI Same reply uh okay.IC: SoliUpon reaching the top of the volcano, Soli flipped herself up to the surface. Not caring much for what the others were doing, Soli got to work, first make the whole slightly bigger so the Lavalevel drops. Second step, before the Lava flows out all the way, wedge metal slab. Step three cover up hole with metal and weld. She stepped back, it wouldn't hold forever, but it should delay it, while the Toa of Stone, that was showing off, finished the job.EDIT: Biobeast second post, good luck trying to get Soli to go out with Nighting, although it would be a 'blind' date XD.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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IC: "I'm sure of it. In dreams I feel fuzzy and can't think straight."OOC: LIKE ME!IC: "But this was crystal-clear."Tahuva nodded. "So do I. We need a few leads though....I say we call in the expert.""Who?""The only surviving member of your team...Kelua. She might know a bit more than you saw in that vision.""Ga-Koro.""Yes."OOC: There, we get the Ga-Koro vacation and get this story arc forward. :D and on top of that, if you make the next debt guy live in Ga-Koro too, we solve yet another problem.


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OOC: Open for interaction.IC: [Rannin]"Hey you," a voice from behind Rannin said, "I dun like yoursh facesh."The Iron Toa set down his cup of tea, turning to face the being that had insulted him. It seemed as if his appearance had attracted the ire of some, possibly because he seemed rather intimidating, and because of his eyes being red. Most people were rather sensible, not wanting to insult him, but drunks didn't really have many sensibilities."Excuse me?" he asked, his eyes settling into a hardened stare."Yu heard me," the drunken being, who was a Toa, slurred. "I don't like your facesh, or yoursh eyes. Yoush a Makuta-follower."A frown crossed Rannin's face. He really hated it when people accused of him of working for the being that was mostly in control of the island. So he voiced his displeasure with two words and a heavy application of power."Trace on."Any patrons who had recently entered would have been treated to the sight of a Toa impaled with many bladed weapons onto the wall.

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IC - Kyat - MountainJust as the metal slab came up, stones broke it and shattered it. No way this person was taking his job. The lava continued to pour, and he looked it dead in the metaphorical eye.With a stomp, a wall of pure stone came up and blocked it. Even as it came around the edges, more walls of stone shot up. It soon became evident that the lava could descend no more. After that, he extended his glad similiarly to a conductor guiding a symphony. Slowly progressing, the lava was being spoon-fed back into the hole. Soon, there was only a few bits of dried magma. With a final stomp, the hole was covered."That was easy." He turned, rubbing his hands together.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Soli​Soli sighed as she heard the metal shattered, and then her echolocation bounced off rock where it had been., "That was unnecessary," she said to the Toa, "I was helping you, but if you can fix it once than you can fix it again." That was Kyat's only warning before Soli took the lava board off her back, blasted the rocks apart with fire, and lava-boarded down the Volcano. They'll fix up the hole again, in the mean time, I need to prepare my shop for reopening.


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OOC: Watch me have gotten something wrong here. :PIC: Rubble fell on him?Yeah, that'd explain it, he's gotta have a vertebra out of place or something. Should be an easy fix. he thought, visualizing the wall collapsing on the toa."Okay, I know how to take care of this. Might hurt a bit, but you should be back in top shape within around an hour at most, if memory serves." he said calmly and professionally, with the tone of somone who knew what they needed to do by heart.Shifting the Toa of stone so that heis back was facing him, he quickly undid his back armor, exposing the skin underneath."Yeah, that probably hurt..." he muttered, seeing the bulge where the vertebra was, slightly off-center from the rest of the spine."Okay, I'll be done on three." he stated, placing his hands on specific areas of the back, and sliding his knee up against it."One...""Two...""Three." he said, shifting the vertebra back into place with a single, deft motion."Not too bad, is it? You look the type to have lived through worse," he said.

Edited by Razgriz the Dovahkiin

helo frens

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OOC: Why do I seem to have a hard time picturing Dreenan on a date... or any of my characters for that matter... They're just so... unlikable. XDIC: DreenanFirst it seemed two people were trying to fix up the Volcano. And Nighting... She was tempted to just punch Nighting in the face to snap him back to the real world. But, She was trying to control her temper. Then, The two Lava Stoppers seem to be against each other. Next, the Lava was blasted back open, pouring more Lava out. Controlling her temper, failed for that."Ah come on! Why the-"Not Kirgon level language or even Moylan level, but still not exactly pleasant."-did she that!?"

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC - Kyat - MountainAs Soli's fire beam hit the wall, it passed through. The hole it did make was soon covered again as Kyat raised his arm. There was no lava to board on. Soli would just have to walk home.With a laugh, he turned towards the other two."So...where next?"He would just have to stay with them. Of course, he wasn't really prone to doing anything else.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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