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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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"Aye sir. I'd just gotten back from a personal expedition from Po-Wahi concerning the Temple of Wisdom. Nuraka had nabbed something from Yorlonda, you probably know her, and handed it off to me. I along with Tanuka who gotten some sketching of lore written on the walls were waiting to meet with Nokama to let her take a look at the treasures we'd gotten."Kalama rolled a shoulder popping the joint. "The reason we had to wait was because she was talking with another Toa who'd followed me home. His name was Argentum and he was a Toa of Magnetism. He was asking about Macku. I wasn't quite paying much attention to what he was asking about but mother seemed... put off by his questions. She started pressing the Toa for information on how he'd come to learn about Macku. There was a commotion outside, presumably started by Joske who'd arrived with an unknown Onu-Matoran. Engineer type if I recall correctly. In any case, a messenger from Le-Koro bearing news of some kind, presumably Tamaru's death, got mixed up in the commotion. The message did make it to Nokama by the way. She flipped out ordering me and the Marines in the area to seize Argentum. That's when his true nature came to light."Kalama relaxed the arm. "I got lucky and managed to get a grip on Argentum and secure myself to his back before he started wielding his powers. Despite the fact I had a knife to his throat he refused to stand down bellowing out about how he was going to kill Macku and demanding we surrender her. Seeing he wasn't going to come quietly despite the fact I could have killed him I went to strike him down anyway." His eyes narrowed. "We take threats against Ga-Koroans very seriously sir."Relaxing his gaze he continued. "He tried to throw me off and manged to keep me from slitting his throat but ended up causing me to stab him in the chest mortally wounding him. Lamest. Fight. I've ever had in the last hundred years. Mother summoned a Tarakava to knock him out for questioning later on." Pausing to take a breath Kalama started back up. "She ordered me to take my unit and take Macku inland and hide her. I manged to get Macku to safety but before I could regroup with the girls, Argentum decided to start round 2. I and Tanuka stayed behind to delay him and give the Raiders time to escape. Thus commenced the second lamest fight I've ever had on the same day. I'm pretty sure I set a record among the Marines." He chuckled."Any case, a bunch of mercenaries interfered on both his and my sides but he was recaptured in the end. Kotu herself ended up interrogating him revealing he wasn't working alone. He supposedly was working with another Toa of Magnetism and a Toa of Air, both the culprits in the case of Tamaru's death and were headed for Po-Koro to take care of Hafu next. He said they were after all the members of the Chronicler's Company and wanted to silence them all. Supposedly they were working for Makuta."That's all we got out of Argentum since he ###### off one of the mercs who sent an assassin to kill him while he was talking. Kotu bailed less she and three of the Marines with her were killed in the attempt to off Argentum."Kalama scratched the back of his head. "Which... leads me to my current predicament. Under the protocol for Trident Directive. Kalama's Raiders has gone officially rogue. They're authorized to kill anything within a 50 bio radius of themselves to protect the objective, in this case Macku, unless I can get back in command of them. I've been tracking them for the past two days with another group of Toa and we found something interesting. After we were informed of Hafu's fate, we decided it might be for the best to round up the other three members and safe guard them. Two of the Toa and I went ahead to Kopeke while the rest caught up to get him first. Apparently Macku has been bothering Kali because the Raiders got there first and Kopeke is long gone. The Toa have gone north to Onu-Koro to look for Taipu while I tracked the Raiders. The trail led into Ta-Wahi. They're going for Kapura next. We have no idea which member these two Toa trying to silence the Company are going after but they've picked up some extras so there's more."Letting out a sigh Kalama then fixed Jaller with a very serious stare."I need to get to Kapura first so I can intercept my unit before they start killing innocent Matoran. Ether you or Vakama HAVE to know where he is. I cannot stress how important it is that I get this rogue unit back under Marine control. Can you help me?"

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC:Jaller listened attentively as Kalama recounted his tale. When Kalama had finished, Jaller responded. "A rogue unit, yes I'd heard rumblings..." he muttered. "Insofar as dealing with them, I'm afraid the Ta-Koronian guard can do nothing to help you. We are stretched thin as things are just to keep guard of the Koro. There hasn't been rahi activity recently, but that just compels me to believe that Makuta is up to something."Kapura hasn't been seen lately, either. This isn't necessarily unusual for him - he wanders off frequently - and so we have not yet tried to locate him. Since he may now be in danger, though, Ta-Koro will help you to find him if he is to be found. I will send some of my people with you on the search; not soldiers, we can't spare any, but civilians who know the area and will be glad to help." Jaller leaned back in his seat. "Speed is paramount, but so is defense. I hope you do not object to what I can offer you."


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"Any help with locating Kapura will be most appreciated. I understand if you don't have any soldiers to spare and would prefer not to place civilians in danger. I'm the only person that particular rogue unit won't kill on sight so best if I looked for them alone. It's a Marine problem anyway but I do thank you for your offer to help look. I'll agree that Makuta is up to something. There's a small swarm of Nui-Rama buzzing around overhead in a search pattern. Not uncommon but it's past meal time. I'd say that's rather erratic behavior for normal Rama but not for Rama that are looking for something for a certain Dark Great Spirit."Kalama glanced at the table again before back to Jaller. "As such, if you could just point me in the direction of anyone who knows Kapura's general location or a trail for me to follow, I'll deal with the Marines personally when I find them."

Edited by Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC:"Kapura practices the art of moving slowly and yet traveling great distances," Jaller said. "If he is not in the Koro, he could be anywhere in Ta-Wahi... But I'd guess that if anywhere, he is in the Charred Forest. Kapura holds a certain fascination with the burned trees. You should start your search there."


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"Appreciate it Captain." He saluted and then turned to go.He paused for a minute before looking back over his shoulder."By the way, Dren's securing some escaped prisoners. A brown Toa of Stone I would guess and another Toa of Ice. Don't know why they were locked up but Dren seems convinced they were supposed to be. Also, Argentum is outside, seems to have switched sides, and he's bringing a troublemaker along. You might get very busy in the next few minutes. Just a fair warning."With that, Kalama departed the War Room.

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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OOC: Perfect opportunity, if you don't mind me joining in there. This would connect nicely to the events from Po-Koro.IC:Outside the War-Room, Kalama found a group of four Matoran heading for the door behind him. Three were Matoran from the guard, led by a Sergeant. The other was a slightly shorter Le-Matoran, with the markings of the Gukko-force on him."I couldn't help but hear-notice you talk-mentioning Kapura. Are you looking to protect him as well?" Sisk asked Kalama.




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IC: Yerith, Pordal, Yu'rekYerith ran out of the Onu-Wahi tunnel and into the village of Ta-Koro, the heavily wounded Pordal leaning on his shoulder."Hold on, son," he said, genuinely worried. His friend had lost a lot of blood."I can still teach you a thing or two, old man," Pordal coughed.Yerith ran through the streets until they came to the hospital."WE NEED A DOCTOR!" he yelled, dragging his friend into the lobby.Yu'rek made sure Nik-Kolii stayed behind to take out anyone following them. He hoped Pordal would live. He didn't want another friend dying in this war...

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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Tairel turned away from Ayra to see...yes it was the two beings from earlier joined by a new being. "I'll be back," he says to Ayra before rushing toward the new beings. "I'll take care of this, Riaril," he calls out. "What's the problem?" he asks the beings while looking over Pordal.-Mef Man

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OOC: Nope. Don't mind at all.IC: Kalama nodded. "Half right. He's currently the target of a Ghekula Unit gone rogue. They aren't going to kill him but they'll kill anyone who gets in their way. I need to intercept them before they find Kapura so I can retake control. THEN I'll see about getting Kapura somewhere safe."

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC: Yerith, Pordal, Yerith"My friend," Yerith explained, "he was caught in a large explosion, then fell four stories to the ground, hitting a couple cloth awnings and breaking one market stall. He was almost crushed by the rubble. He's lost a lot of blood, and we don't have much time.""Yerith, I have to tell ya something," Pordal gasped."Save your energy," Yerith growled. "I need you alive."What did Pordal want to say? Yu'rek stepped back, trying not to show his panic.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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Tairel listens closely while wheeling out a moving operating table. He gently places the being on the table and begins to wheel him back toward the operation room. Once inside, the Ta-Toa walks back outside."Be back," he says. "Just getting some ether."For Mata-Nui's sake, why don't I just carry a container of the stuff?-Mef Man

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IC: Pordal, Yerith"Yerith," Pordal gasped. "I have to tell you something.""Keep quiet, son," Yerith warned. "Save your energy."Pordal grabbed Yerith's arm."Mekrof... knows... Yu'rek," he said, his strength leaving him.He lay back and closed his eyes.OOC: Captain "Soap" Pordal - KIAIC: Yerith looked down at Pordal's body."No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO!" he said, his voice ascending to a shout.His best friend and mission partner was dead. He took out a banged up pistol, the same one that Pordal had used to kill the Skakdi that had controlled the war in the beginning, the one that Pordal had given back when Yerith had been freed from the prison camp, and he lay it down on his friend's chest."I'm sorry, son," he said, turning away.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC:Sisk gulped. So there were more villains on the hunt for Kapura already? He was startled by the realization, before he concentrated back on the task merror had given him:"That is why I fast-traveled here, sir. There might be more bad-trouble coming for him." Sisk said, before continuing: "I am called Sisk, bird-tamer and wind-rider of the Gukko force. Makuta servants stole-kidnapped Hafu in Po-Koro. They slay-killed another Matoran and posed him as fake-double to buy themselves time to get away. To-Toa Merror sent me here to warn the fire-village and safe-watch Kapura. They were the evil-bad ones who killed Tamaru." The Le-Matoran looked down on the ground, fighting to keep his composure. Tamaru's death still hurt him. He still wasn't used to be caught up in such big events. But he couldn't worry about that now. Regaining his focus he looked back up at Kalama. "I want to help as much-good as I can that they don't get another of the company." After a half-second he added: "Sir."

Edited by Vezok's Friend




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Tairel wasn't gone more than two seconds and when he came back the being was already dead. Tairel looked away from the body before throwing the ether container on the ground; a loud sound of breaking glass echoed throughout the room."I'm such a Brakas," he says to himself. But, there was no time to sustain any injury; especially when the major ones were internal. It would've been a risky operation anyway. Looking back to Yerith. he apologizes,"I'm sorry. I'm afraid there would've been little I could've done anyway."-Mef Man

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Kalama nodded. "I heard about Hafu already. The group of Toa I was traveling with went north to Onu-Koro to check up on Taipu, the trail the Marines left led down here which leads me to believe they're after Kapura which is why I'm trying to find him first. Come on, Jaller said Kapura was likely somewhere in the charred forest. You want to help we need to get a move on." He was already walking toward the main gate.

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC: Yerith, Yu'rek"It's fine," Yerith said, looking at the ground. "Don't blame yourself for anything. It was none of our faults that Pordal is dead, mate."Yu'rek placed a comforting hand on Yerith's shoulder.Yerith whacked the hand away."I just need to get some air," he said, walking out of the room.Yu'rek followed. They were standing near some stairs. They were a bit steep, and a rather long fall if one tripped.Yerith punched Yu'rek down the stairs. After about ten seconds of rolling, Yu'rek hit the bottom. Yerith pulled out his secondary pistol, cocking it as he walked down the stairs. Then he pointed it at Yu'rek's head."Pordal trusted you," he growled. "So why the bloody Karz does Mekrof know you?!""It was a long time ago," Yu'rek explained. "When I met Mekrof, I was young and patriotic. We were there when you tried to assassinate our leader. We drove him away from there and saved his life. Fifteen years later, he and I caused the gravity blast on that island. I never knew that with just a flick of a wrist many innocents could be killed. I didn't want that. But that twisted power in Mekrof's eyes did. Five years from then, my doubts surfaced. The group was about to tear a port apart when I let an enemy force know. He tried to kill me for it. And now I hate him for everything he has done. Mekrof is not my friend."Yerith lifted the gun away."All right," he said, holstering it. "You've bought yourself some time. For now."And he went back up to Pordal's room to mourn, properly.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC:Sisk looked over his shoulder, back at the three guards-men still standing in front of the door. "Don't worry." the Sergeant said. "We'll inform the captain." The Le-Matoran nodded his thanks and hurried after Kalama, having a bit of trouble keeping up with the larger Matoran's bold strides. He simply wasn't used to ground-walking as a Le-Matoran. "I have a fine-flying Gukko waiting outside the gate." he mentioned. "He may be a bit tired from long-flying, but he's ready to go...if you want."




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IC: Riaril felt like she'd been punched in the gut. Twice now the hospital had lost a patient in one day.And it had all been under her watch.There was a few heartbeats of silence- -Then: "Give him a Ta-Koroan burial." The toa murmured calmly. She lit her cigarette off a heatstone and opened up her desk. A little puff."Take his body and put it on a lavaboard of wood."A long drag. One pink-armored hand reached into the wooden bowels of the furniture."Place all his possessions on it."A shorter puff again. Smoke drifted down in a ring around the bottle of sake rising up onto the desk."Let it loose at the top of the Mangai's central lava stream."One last, long drag. Smoke billowed into the office, enshrouding its occupants in a dark and slumbering fog.Then a cup was out and alcohol was sloshing into its clay basin."Now."

Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Kalama shook his head. "Best we stay at ground level. Maya and Hotu are likely to nail... hold on..."Kalama watched in the distance over the burnt forest as Rama buzzed overhead.One of them suddenly dropped like a stone. The Rama swarmed about the area angrily. Not finding anything they resumed the search."...No one but Maya could have made that shot. Let's use you Gukko to get out there and try to pick up the trail. Where is it?"

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC: [Ril]Ril lead the duo towards the door of the main hut, where Turaga Vakama was supposed to be, and knocked.

IC:"Come in," the Turaga's voice said from within. As his visitors entered, Vakama turned away from the fire and regarded them. "What can I do for you, friends?" he inquired.


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IC:"Right here." the Le-Matoran said, before whistling a loud tone. It was answered instantly by a Gukko-call and within a few seconds, Sikyscratcher had appeared overheard, fyling a low circle before landing in front of the two Matoran. Sisk patted the flank of the bird before climbing into the pilots saddle. "Welcome aboard."OOC: Last post for the night for me. But feel free to go ahead and move the characters, Sisk's just gonna pilot the bird. I'll be back in a few hours.




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OOC: Aight.IC: "That'll do. Let's Wind-Fly Sky-High! Watch for the Rama."RAMA IMPACT ZONECHARRED FORESTTA-WAHI, 1459 HRS"There." Kalama pointed out the downed Rahi. The Rama had cleared out a chunk of the forest due to the charred brittle trees in it's death throes. Sisk brought down the Gukko near the Rahi. Kalama jumped off before the Gukko had even touched the ground and hurried up to the insect.After a few minutes of inspection, Kalama pointed out the mortal wound. "Marine standard issue talon. They're here. We're close. This wound looks very fresh." Continuing to examine the Rama he found the makeshift javelin that had brought the Rahi down."No doubt about it. This is Maya's handiwork. Stay close. They could be anywhere..."

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC - Kyju - Talking to NaonaTrudging out the hospital, he sneered at the odd looks they all gave him. I guess when you were ten feet tall and had the sharpest teeth around, you got noticed a bit easier. Stepping out, he approached Naona."I hope you will excuse my sudden absence. I had other business to attend to." he explained.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC (Madrihk):Madrihk arrived at the Turaga's chamber just in time to see someone enter. Slightly annoyed at having to wait, he still leaned against the wall with crossed arms.It's no rush, he thought. People need time to gather in the square, and the village isn't going anywhere... I hope.OOC: If anyone wants to join the Island Liberation Squad or simply wants a place to live that is not one of the main Koros, be aware that I will have my character recruit people sometime later in this topic. Don't worry, I'll make it obvious. :P In the meantime, there is an advertisement sign you can gather by, if you got nothing better to do.

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IC: "There is no point in interrogating me. Our plan has failed, due to the annoying Toa and Guardsmen who ganged up on us. My master is DEAD."Kahua smiled at Solaris. "So, how many kills you got?"Tahuva said, "Don't get prideful. I killed 15 slaves, Shockwave, Zeltroth, and Senturon."After a moment of losing his cool, Kahua answered, "Grr....THAT STILL ONLY COUNTS AS 18!"Dervian burst out laughing.


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IC: ArgentumArgentum's swords stayed put, held aloft, its cold metal on Barricade. He whispered towards the Toa of Earth, who still didn't understand the situation. Why were all Toa so dumb these days?Argentum: We aren't interrogating you. I'm just bringing you in because I think it feels right.He turned towards Vakama.Argentum: Turaga.....Um......This guy was maiming and killing matoran. He escaped from this big fight where his masters wanted to invade Ta-Koro with some special mask, but we still tracked him down. He isn't really harmed right now, but he's kinda immobilized. But....He turned towards Ril.Argentum:.......For this part, may I speak to the Turaga alone? I respect it if you stayed, but it would be nicer if this conversation only took place between us two.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: "We were using a specialized Kualsi. Modified to not need to be worn to use, and to teleport other beings. The user must see the place where the others are to be teleported, but not the targets of the teleportation. Only one existed, and it was destroyed by that WRETCHED Toa of Iron. The island has no order, no purpose. We were going to teleport in troops so that Ta-Koro could be destroyed from the inside, the Matoran enslaved, and the whole island made under our rule. The other goal was to teleport the Pyro Citadel, full of weapons so powerful it seemed like they were from another world. BUT IT IMPLODED WHEN THE KUALSI WAS SMASHED!"OOC: Real Metru Nui Kanoka were in there, but I know those aren't allowed so they were never used. Only threatened to be teleported in, because I (obviously) planned the invasion to fail.


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OOC: You aren't allowed such an overpowered mask either. It isn't even a Kualsi. You seem to be talking about a Olmak instead.IC: [Ril]"Right..." Ril drawled. "Another madman. That's the second one I've met this week. Third if you count Stronin. But he's less mad and more reckless and incredibly crazy."

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OOC: I know that NOW, but it was a one-time-only event. A huge battle event I hosted (unfortunately with no permission from staff) that even though a bit rule-bending, proved to be fun for all the fighters. (Even got one of Skar's chars some character development) Nuju Metru decided not to smite it, but told me never to do it again. And so I will never do it again.IC: "You act as if your village is impenetrable. Look around you! Rubble! Death! Maiming!" He gave a callous laugh. "If we could not win, at least we could shake your Ta-Koronan pride.


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IC: [Ril]Ril sighed, before a small grin appeared on his face."Mai boi," he said cheerfully. "I see no rubble, death or maimed people. You may have killed some people around the outskirts, but you have failed to pierce the defences of the mighty Ta-Koro. You think a small invasion can mar our pride? Hah! We're the Ta-Koro Guard! We've dealt with worse than your 'invasion'."

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IC(BK, Zand): The vortixx was thrown against the wall. "What!? How are you alive!?" "I escaped from the trap thou set for me. Now, hand over the Blade Wolven before I smite thou."Zand chuckled. "You'll have to try better than--ACK!""I SAID HAND OVER THE SWORD!" The Knight threw Zand once more. She looked on the table he had been sitting at."Very good. Vortixx thing, it has been...a pleasure beating you." She drew Wolven out and smacked him over the head with the hilt."MUHAHAHAHA!" Black Knight continued to Ko-wahi, using her Guard Shield to get on the Cable Car.OOC: Black Knight to Ko-wahi, Zand open for interaction.

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