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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

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IC: Dorian (Ta-Koro)Dorian's face was stoic as he stared at the case, and after a minute, he hefted it over his shoulders, carrying the bag easily with his natural strength.Where to now...?Grinning, he began to practically strut out of Ta-Koro, leaving the burning chaos of the village of Fire behind him.OOC: Dorian to Po-Wahi.-Teezy



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IC: Tawara, Ta-Ga Border"Goat, not steak. And you better get used to it," responded Tawara. "I survived on nothing but these guys for two weeks before I reached Ta-Koro. They're pretty much all that's out here." The Matoran placed the firewood she had gathered in a small pile and arranged a circle of stones around the branches.OOC: Don't ask me where she got stones large enough for a campfire. They just happened to be there.

Edited by Toa Alaka

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC:Hiemalis sat in peace, wondering at his good luck. All seemed to be at peace for the moment. That illusion was broken quickly. In the shadows next to the Toa of Ice, Heuani materialized, sitting casually with his back to the wall. Hiemalis tried to stifle his surprise, but nothing can quite prepare you for a being popping out of the shadows five inches from you. Heuani smiled charismatically as he looked over at Hiemalis, who had jumped to his feet. "Hello again," the Toa of Shadow said. "Sorry, I won't be so easy to get rid of."


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IC: SongSong glared. "Overgrown, stupid, manipulating, thieving, witchy Brakas. Go and hide behind your hunchback." Song's words were somewhat slurred, and her anger didn't help.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Grochi:"In case you can't tell," Grochi said, looking at Song, "I'm not a hunchback anymore. Also, I said be polite. You people really don't understand what that means, do you?" He sighed, and walked back up to the top deck."Call me when you feel like doing something worthwhile," he called down to them as he walked through the hatch.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: LavihaWith Grochi gone, that left Laviha to fend for her own against Song, something that wouldn't be very hard to do with the Toa in a drunken state. The insults didn't bother her since she knew she had the upper hand at the moment but wouldn't abuse it."So Song...how's life?"OOC: :P

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OOC: For the record, I feel very mean doing this to poor Laviha. But I am laughing so hard as I write it. :PIC: SongSong smirked. "Pretty good. I've got a house, plenty of food on the table, and I've got plenty of money in the bank."Then her smile turned cruel. "So, you must have been pretty desperate to try and steal from a ship like this. How was it living on the streets? This ship must seem like flurging paradise."OOC; I'm going to guess that Laviha's Berserk Button has now been pressed.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Raknar (Infernavika, Ta-Wahi)Raknar stood, leaning against the wall of the room, watching Song and Laviha go on with their little catfight."Hey," he piped up. "Don't hate on my ship."-Teezy



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OOC: For the record, how the karz would Song know she's poor...?IC: Laviha"Desperate or not, this ship's a jewel and was at that moment currently unguarded. Had I come just a little earlier, the whole thing would have been looted or probably been stolen." she said, unfazed by what Song had told her. Sure she had been poor and living on the streets but she had come to accept that as a fact and since it wasn't exactly her fault, she had nothing to be ashamed of."But you are right, this place is a flurging paradise. Only bad thing about it is that you're on it. What's flurging anyway? Some word you invented in your drunken state? Dropped on the head as a child or just lost more than too many brain cells from all that drinking?"

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IC: Gunner Gunner grimaced, "Well, unfortunately, Po-Koro's kind of...not a great place to go right now, so I'll have to pass on that one. But if you're looking for adventure, I can help you. I'm First Mate of a ship known as the Infernavika, a-"He lowered his voice to a whisper, "-a pirate ship, filled to the brim with rogues and villains, and with slightly odd battles at least thrice a day."-Void



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OOC: She made a guess based on her perception of the world. Namely, how desperate someone would have to be to try and steal from the ship.IC: Song"Drunk or not, I'm still smart enough to take you." Song smiled cruelly. "As for my word choice, would you rather I have said something more unpleasant? I was censoring myself to protect your young, innocent, mind." Her last words oozed with sarcasm.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:"I see," Heuani said, eyebrows raised. Heuani was not really amazed, just an excellent actor, and he was appealing to Hiemalis' ego. "Impressive. So you live by your own moral compass. I do, too. Most of society does not agree with what I know is right. It used to be frustrating."


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OOC: That's a pretty elaborate guess just from seeing someone attempt to steal from a ship. You don't really have to be desperate to steal either.IC: Laviha"It doesn't really matter, everything you say is unpleasant and repulsive. Especially your breath, you should smell it." she returned, still in control of her emotions. Still, that part about her being poor and living on the streets hurt slightly although Laviha did not betray this at all. She remained impassive."Well, if it seems like an attempt to make friendly conversation provokes you, then I'm not sure what doesn't. I'll see you around, psycho." Laviha said, giving a single wave before heading on upstairs.

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OOC: No, but it says a lot about her opinion of thieves. She doesn't think highly of them at all, and thus comes to the conclusion that Laviha was desperate.IC: SongSong glared at Laviha's retreating back, then sighed. "I need a nap....." And promptly slumped to the ground, unconscious.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Ic: "Who do you work for?" Hiemalis queried. If this toa tried to glean more about him, he was going to try and get into his brain in turn. It was an interesting battle of wills, two masters of fear together, each with their own masters and agendas, traits and skills. Hiemalis' face was glowing once again, characteristic of him, and in the dark alley, the condensation rose as his chilly aura was raised once more.

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IC: Skyra - Near the Ta-koro Docks -"Go home Destiny..." Destiny, without hesitation, began to fly back to Le-koro, if the Gukko Force had any messages for him, they could attach it too Destiny, and next time he summoned her he would receive them. Skyra began to scan the docks for the Infernavika. Then he spotted it, it was unmistakable, he'd never forget the ship he had been captured on. "There it is." He pointed. "But, we still don't know for sure if the Turaga was captured by them, not a 100% anyway." He began to stroke his chin, thinking of what to do next, he thought about trying to sneak aboard, but he quickly dismissed the idea, they'd only end up being captured. Then he looked straight at Krayn, and got an idea. "Krayn...why don't you do what you do best? Eavesdrop on all the conversations on the ship." IC: Xxeth - Below deck of the Infernavika -Xxeth had been watching the unpleasant argument, he smirked at the last comment. Song had totally been schooled by Laviha, at least he though so. Then again, he was pretty biased anyway, considering his background. He thought about finding a marker and drawing on Song's face. But Raknar was standing there, so he did nothing.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:"I could ask you the same," Heuani replied evenly with a slight smile that did not reach his dark eyes. The Toa of Shadow appraised Hiemalis, felt the air around him grow colder as the Toa of Ice's mental hackles rose. Heuani though, remained cooler still. He would reveal nothing; the Toa of Shadow was sitting as casually as though he were watching the ocean. There was no apparent tension in his manner. "Tell me, Ice Toa," Heuani said, his tone utterly conversational, his body utterly relaxed, and his mind utterly steeled, "What it is you seek in this world."


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IC: Krayn"Yes sir." Using his abilities, Krayn manipulated the sounds emanating from the ship so that they were magnified loud enough to be heard by Skyra and himself. Simultaneously, he made sure that only he and Skyra could hear the enhanced noise. To everyone else, sound would behave normally."Done sir." Krayn winced as he tried to stretch his legs.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Grochi:Grochi looked up at a Gukko that had just flown off-probably somebody just catching a ride. Then he noticed a being pointing over at the ship. Not good. Ah well, he'd just act like everything was normal. They shouldn't have too much trouble. He shrugged and looked away.He saw Laviha coming up, and he frowned. "I take it you two didn't get into a fight," he said flatly.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: "Meat is meat. The others are taking a while aren't they?" Gyren replied as he stood up. He walked towards the small fireplace. Gyren picked up a small black stone from the ring and retrieved his scalpel from his pocket. The young Toa kneeled before the fire and carefully struck the rock with his scalpel, producing small sparks over the gathered branches. Slowly, a small ember lit up on the surface of the firewood. Gyren blew on the ember gently, allowing a fire to start. He turned to Tawara."Would you mind telling me about the lumes Tawara? I'm recording this for further reference."

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: Tawara, Ta-Ga Border"Thanks," said Tawara. She drove two sturdy, forked branches into the ground on either side of the fire, laid another branch horizontally across each pair, and then set the skinned Mahi on top of the makeshift stove. "Um, the 'lumes? Sure."Well, the 'lumes' proper name is the Light Tribe -- their element is Light, just like mine is Lightning, yours is Gravity, and so on. They rule the other tribes -- the "muckmasks", they call us -- and most of 'em live in the capital. Their armor is usually silver or gold, but they can change its color, so you never know whether someone might really be a 'lume in disguise. That's one of the reasons they manage to keep power. As for the others, they can control their element way more than any of the other tribes -- that helps protect 'em from assassins. And they have the upper classes on their side."The 'lumes tell us that they arrived at Goara Nui long ago, from a distant land. When they got here -- they say this -- the other tribes were all supposedly really uncivilized, and they helped enlighten us. We're all taught that they exterminated first the evil Shadow Tribe, then the monstrous Toa that came over the sea. Most folks don't believe it, though. The 'lumes prob'ly made all of it up."Anyway, the 'lumes don't let anyone stand against them. If they do, then somethin' bad will happen to 'em. Usually execution."By the way, why are you so obsessed with documentin' all of us, like Raion said? Can't I see your notebook?"OOC: Loooooooong post.

Edited by Toa Alaka

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: "Like I said, I'm a researcher. My hut is essentially the largest archive in Le-Koro." Gyren replied as he finished jotting down Tawara's explanation. He smiled and handed the palm-sized notebook over to her. Gyren's short-hand was indecipherable and looked more like a mess of curved lines and dots than actual letters. The only things worth looking at were the detailed and colored sketches of various rahi, anatomies of sentient species, Jikal's Mark, and Tawara.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: Tawara, Ta-Ga Border"Huh." Tawara flipped through the pages of the book, occasionally pausing to examine one of the drawings of Rahi with wonder. This is amazing, she thought."You know, I'm not sure I want you to spread knowledge of Goara Nui all over this island." Tawara thought for a moment, then said, "Actually, what do I care? I doubt the 'lumes care about finding me now that I'm so far away, and anyway, how would they find out? Go ahead."I have to ask, though: what language is this? I've never seen it before. And why is there a picture of me in the middle of your book of dead bodies?" The Matoran raised an eyebrow. "You're not planning to cut me up and study my organs, are you?"

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: "It's Matoran of course. And my archives aren't for the public." Gyren replied as he looked around for any sign of the others returning. The Toa sat down and leaned back on the log. He smiled slyly, and closed eyes as he rested his head on the log. Gyren turned towards Tawara as he rested."And I needed an image of a member of your society. Since you're probably the only Goara Nuian here I've sketched you. Although, I still need to add in the yellow lines and shade the purple. And Bula Juice is a good source of short-term energy, but the crash is terrible."

Edited by Nebula 2.0

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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Ic: Hiemalis paused and stared at Heuani until he finally said, "I'm not sure how to say it. But it would do me no well to tell you what it is anyway.""Are you certain? Heuani countered, subtly latching onto Hiemalis' doubt. The Toa of Shadow continued silkily, a trickle of water down a velvet chair. "I know you are not. What if I carry the key to your desires? What if I can show you the doorway to your identity?""Yes, I'm certain," Hiemalis said, banishing his doubts. "Let us be clear on something: We cannot hope to understand each other; We are enigmas, and that is all we have in common. What I share with you would be superficial, just as what you have shared with me. We can glean so much about each other here, but all that doesn't matter in the long run. Even now, I have learned much of you, but it does not satisfy any wishes."Hiemalis stood, finger to his chin, pointing out parts of Heuani's body as if he were an exhibit in a museum, and Hiemalis was the tourist admiring it. "You are cunning and witty, sly and wry. You have the attitude of a friend, but what better trait for an assassin to hold than to be able to be close to his enemies? And your face... So beautiful... The most best murderers understand that death is a beautiful art. Yes, you are an artist of the bleakest sort."But what's more, you are an actor. All this while, you would have me believe falsifications. You turned my question around: Who do you work for? You clearly work for somebody, but who could possibly have someone like you in their disposal? Someone powerful. Your powers, so dark, so mysterious, black fire to untrained observers, but I know it to be Shadow. Someone powerful, someone shadowy... You follow the Makuta, no doubt," Hiemalis concluded, then went on. "But in what capacity? Devout. You don't bear the body of a warrior. A priest, perhaps... or just a messenger, an assassin. Yes, your skills and traits would lend to that. But every assassin needs a mission."You were not in that prison as an inmate; you could have gotten out on your own accord. You weren't a prisoner but a spy. A spy to learn about another great force on the island: Perhaps me. And with all this revealed, it would only make sense that not even the name you gave me is truly yours, but another."No, you carry no keys I need, and you are no door I seek. You and your master have nothing that I want. You are... just another window into another life. Stay in your own room," he warned.

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IC:Heuani listened to Hiemalis, and the whole time, he remained seated against the wall of the alley. He listened attentively, eyes never straying from the Toa of Ice. Still, Heuani projected an air of utmost calm - an air that was upheld even as Hiemalis correctly named his master, and made a quite sound judgement of Heuani's partial character. These deductions were not surprising to Heuani, for the Toa of Shadow knew he had been overeager and too open in his interaction with the Toa of Ice. But even in recognition of his mistake, and in acknowledgement of Hiemalis' dangerousness, Heuani's face and body were nothing but relaxed as Hiemalis spoke.Once Hiemalis had finished, Heuani's face broke into a very real, and for that all the more handsome, smile. Then, as though a switch had been flung within Heuani, he leapt up impossibly quickly, propelled by a shadow, drew his flamberge, and pressed Hiemalis into a wall with it, the weapon's rippled blade to Hiemalis' throat. The Toa of Shadow's free hand gripped Hiemalis' neck like an iron collar, and easily lifted Hiemalis a few inches up the wall so that his feet dangled. Heuani's Kanohi Felnas stopped Hiemalis from being able to use any of his powers. Hiemalis gasped for air, but Heuani's arm was unrelenting, like a metal bar.The Toa of Shadow's face was still smiling, but now the smile was less pretty. It was vindictive. Not letting go of his enemy, Heuani lowered him slowly back to earth. The Toa of Shadow's strangulation hand then strayed from the Hiemalis' neck to his chin, which Heuani held gingerly, as one would hold the face of a lover. Hiemalis felt electrified at the contact; at once his pulse quickened, both in battle heat and in sheer excitement. Heuani had that effect on people. Blade still pressed into the throat of the Toa of Ice, Heuani offered his response at last. "You are correct on many counts about me, Hiemalis of Ice. I serve the Lord of Darkness, and it was on his orders that I arrived in your prison. Meeting you, though, was only a... lucky coincidence." Heuani's fingers walked their way deliberately up Hiemalis' cheek, and a throbbing heat dissuaded Hiemalis from action. Heuani smiled, and his black eyes glittered like beetles in his handsome face. "I am indeed wry and witty, as you've so adeptly pegged me," Heuani continued, "But you were wrong about some things, too. I do have the body and skills of a warrior. If you need more proof of that, I will gladly show you my strength. I am as much a warrior as you, Hiemalis. I have a sword. It draws blood like any other weapon." To make his point, Heuani drew his weapon lightly, affectionately, across Hiemalis' neck, and watched as the red blood oozed slowly out onto the shining blade. His weapon was like him; it bore a dark beauty."I am beautiful; you can feel it. I feel you shudder in anticipation at my touch. It is natural, and you must think no less of yourself for it. Most beings of weaker mettle are already trying to devour me, at this point," Heuani smirked and chuckled. "But you are something else, Hiemalis - something stronger. To be honest, I find you to be intriguing." Heuani was now holding Hiemalis' face tenderly, though his eyes remained sharklike and dark. Heuani drew closer to the Toa of Ice, his physical contact still stopping any power usage, and his sword preventing any movement. Their noses were less than three inches apart."You think that you understand me, and you are wrong. I cannot 'stay in my own room,' Hiemalis, any more than you will now want to stay in yours. There are more exciting things to be seen in others than out of windows."


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OOC: ....I feel we might be straying into dangerous territory here, folks. In more ways than one. Ah well, I want to watch.IC-Corik:Corik staggered drunkenly through the streets. He'd lost Krayzikk after a while, and had been wondering around the Koro. He almost seemed lost. He came near the prison, passing an alley and seeing a couple beings there. One was rather odd-looked almost like the guy who'd attacked the hospital. The other was different...almost like a prince in the midst of peasants. Just as odd.He staggered to the mouth of the alley. "You two be good," he said, leaning against the wall. "I don't want to have to arrest anybody." He closed his eyes, promptly beginning to snore. He was rather drunk.OOC: Feel free to kick him away from the alley. So long as you don't, ya know, kill him...or something.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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Ic: "I said we cannot understand each other. To claim, let alone pretend that I understand you is hypocrisy. Despite all that I divined about you, I still can not truly perceive anything below your rank and number." Hiemalis remained defiant despite the proximity and dangerousness of the situation. Assassins keep their quarry close, and Heuani could not have been closer. In a way it was reassuring knowing that Heuani detected Hiemalis as being that great a foe to warrant this display."But you are wrong about something else. The sword does not make the warrior -- the spirit does. And you are a puppet." At that instant, Hiemalis' left hand reached up and gripped Heuani's shoulder and shoved it away, turning Heuani's torso away as he threw his head back to avoid the sword's new path. His right hand intercepted Heuani's face and tore his Felnas away, and Hiemalis instinctively backed away at the instant he seized his prize. His own sword materialized in his hand as he pulled the crystalline weapon from his furry scabbard, previously hidden from Heuani."Now this seems familiar," Hiemalis taunted, still retraining Heuani's sword hand and eying him intently. He could see the energy seep away from Heuani, his power suddenly halved. "How intrigued are you now?"

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IC:Heuani knew that his energy would not last, so, as he feigned losing it at a much faster pace and fell to his knees, he simultaneously made the shadows of the alley wall behind Hiemalis silently emerge, and bind the Toa of Ice to the wall faster than he could react. Shackles about his hands and ankles and waist and neck prevented Hiemalis from moving as Heuani darted in for his mask. Heuani slammed himself through the wall of ice that Hiemalis conjured at the last moment to stop him from retrieving his mask, and this action almost entirely drained Heuani - but not before he snagged back his Felnas and redonned it. Heuani felt his energy return to him in a wave, and the Toa of Shadow redoubled the wall-shadows that held Hiemalis in place.

Edited by Nuju Metru


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Ic: With equal silence and force, Hiemalis conjured his own energies up and a hand of ice sprung from the ground, and in a cacophony of crunching ice sounds seized Heuani and shoved him against the wall opposite Hiemalis. Cuffs materialized at Heuani's arms, legs and chest, and finally about his neck, holding him in place. The icy hand vanished quickly afterward, disappearing into the coldness around them."In which neither side wins, as I predicted. We cannot win against each other, we are equals, and so we might as well be truthful. I told you my name. What is yours?" Hiemalis muttered, content in the knowledge that at least he was not any more subdued than the fiend with him.

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