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Friar Tuck

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IC: Fidelas"But I don't believe you. Nobody ever thanks her for her kindness. Even the woman who found me doesn't thank her. I heard them arguing," he looked closely at his fingers, which he fiddled with furiously. "I just killed three Vortixx in cold blood and then cried. What do you have to thank her for?"


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: "Hmmm... Perhaps I dreamt that all up while I was half-dead. But anyways, shouldn't we be worrying about the other Mark Bearers? The one that gave that other Toa his scars got away." Gyren replied. He had begun to pace around, keeping his eyes on the ceiling.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: VahliiWhy did he have to start getting suspicious now of all times? Things were going so smoothly and he didn't appear to be the brightest around town and suddenly, the guy decides to start asking logical questions. Vahlii bit her lip in frustration."For taking care of you. Obviously she's taught you better not to kill and it appears as if she's still trying to rectify that problem. Not everyone is up to that type of job." she said, having to think up something on the spot. She had the feeling Fidelas might not buy it this time around...

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IC: Fidelas and VirokiFidelas looked up and leered into Vahlii's eyes. Now he knew something was suspicious. He may appear simple-minded, but if Viroki was in danger, he would pull out all stops to prevent it. He opened his mouth to speak when the sight of the door opening caught his eye.He watched as Viroki marched firmly inwards, the emerald-armoured Skakdi's eyes shifting from him to the Toa of water next to him. Suspicion clouded her expression as she stood towering over the two of them. "Who are you?" she asked slowly.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: ValhiiA Skakdi, eh? Valhii wasn't very surprised that a member of such a brutal race was Fidelas' abusive parental figure. Valhii stared into the newcomer's eyes with accusation however still kept a smile on her face."For starters, my name's Valhii and I'm a Ga-Toa, plain and simple." she started, keeping her identity as a member of the Ga-Koro Guard hidden."And who may you be?"

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IC: Viroki and FidelasViroki looked deep into the eyes of the Toa before her. She didn't believe Fidelas would have betrayed her, no, he was too stupid to have thought to do that. But he had obviously let slip far too much about her. The look in this Toa's eyes was not one of friendliness, which might have intimidated anybody else, but only made Viroki try to make herself look taller. "The name's Viroki," she said sharply, shooting a glare at Fidelas to tell him that he would be dealt with later for bringing this Toa into their life. "I am the carer of this Matoran here and I would like to know just what your interest in him is."


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: The Toa's arrogance was really getting on Demas' nerves. Honestly, his logic was ridiculously flawed. He took another long drink and sighed. "Firstly, I really don't think I have to be 'invited' to come here for a drink. Maybe we should ask the bartender?" He looked at the Toa, his eyes glinting. "Thought not." His gaze relaxed. Careful, now. "Most of 'us'" - he paused for emphasis, though his voice remained soft - "'don't like' you? Tell me, who is 'us'? And I understand if you 'don't like' me, as you put it, but then, how would you know? You've never met me before, as far as I know." He activated his mask, each of its four lenses flickering with light, and glared into Mantoxis' eyes, daring him silently to claim otherwise."Now, think about your other points," Demas continued quietly, again looking away from the other Toa. He took another drink. "My weapons are heavily used? I have a 'hunter's look,' whatever that is? I look 'shady'? The same could be said of half the beings in this room." He muttered something that might have been "honestly" and returned to his drink.


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IC: ValhiiAs if in answer to Frenzy's look, Vahlii got up from her chair and approached Viroki, never taking her eyes off the Skakdi's. The glare she gave Fidelas was more than enough confirmation: this was definitely who the Ta-Matoran spoke of. "For one thing...he has killed three people, he admitted this himself. Although, he isn't my prime concern at the moment: you are. It just so happens that Fidelas here let me know that you are a rather abusive caretaker, no?"Now Valhii's tone was challenging, the expression on her face matching it."Apparently, you've hurt him quite a bit and from what I've seen and heard, he's afraid of you but contradicts himself into thinking he should stay. I would think a separation would be in order, maybe even further inquiry into this matter."

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IC: Viroki and FidelasViroki's eyes flashed. How dare this stranger ever try to confront her. How dare she even believe she could ever stand in her way. To challenge Viroki, when she should be trembling her name. Everyone should. But of course, they wouldn't be because the beings she knew as her friends abandoned these ambitions and went their separate ways. The memory of this betrayal fueled the Skakdi's rage and she let out a low, guttural growl."He said that, did he?" she snarled. Of course he would, he couldn't think sensibly to save his life. "Well, he's never said such a complaint to me and I don't think he ever will. So until then, I think you're just making it up." She stepped forward to stare deep into the Toa's eyes, just daring her to make the first move. From behind the Toa of water, Viroki watched Fidelas slink out of his chair, ever so quietly, and reach for his bow and arrow.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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OOC: Krayzikk, you fool! Now I'm going to get shot! :PIC: Valhii"Whatever the case..." Vahlii began, following Viroki's eyes ever so slightly. "Fidelas is coming with me whether you like it or not. A crime's a crime and there's no escaping the consequences."With Krayzikk beside her now, she shouldn't have any worries about being attacked if she turned around. So she did, about to approach Fidelas to secure him from his 'caretaker' until she saw him reaching for his weapons.

Edited by TX Wade
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OOC: Permission to knock your char out? And it's all right, I wasn't online ALL DAY on Mother's Day because my mom is ridiculous.IC: "Yes. Yes I did." Dino shrunk the cage to shock Hantak, aiming to knock him out and drag him off to prison for attempted robbery, disturbing the peace, attacking an officer, and just about anything else he could think of.OOC: Yes, this char is ridiculously proud. Oh, and Hubert, he means he'll send a signal if he finds anything of use, two fireballs. If he finds trouble, only one. As strange as that is to expect finding something anytime soon, that would have made sense on a battlefield. Ganter, it's against the rules to discover something staff didn't release.IC: Optimus nodded. "A strange Toa, but a motivated one."

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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IC: Fidelas and VirokiWhat?! Fidelas span around to see himself staring at the dwarf Toa he had so nearly killed a few minutes ago. So, that had been what Vahlii had whispered to him back then. She had instructed him to follow. "You tricked me," he gasped, looking hopelessly over at the Toa of water. "I...I trusted you!"Viroki watched the anguish pass over his face. Her eyes lit up with malevolence at the sight of this. Whatever they try now, they had lost Fidelas' faith, so he would stay on her side. "And who will believe your word over ours? I treat Fidelas like my own son and he will defend me to the grave. If it weren't for me, he would be dead and he knows that. I would have thought you would too, if he'd thought to tell you the whole story."

Edited by Grimoire Albastru


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: Frenzy"Well, even if we drop the charges of abuse, he still has to come with us." Frenzy smirked, his wit at odds with his rough language."And I think the wet wench wid agree with me when I say be should be institutional used for obvious psychological trauma, as per the law."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: VahliiVahlii did her best to ignore Fidelas' expression of pure shock and rather focused on what Viroki had to say. A small chuckle escaped her before pulling something out of her pouch, waving it in the air so everyone could see."Know what this is? The Ga-Koro Guard ensign. Everyone will believe my word over yours, Skakdi, and I have the right to arrest your little friend...which I'm doing right now. Fidelas, you're under arrest.""Now don't resist or else I will use whatever force necessary to restrain you. I warn you, I have a Sanok, multiple throwing knives and I have very good aim. Same for you, Viroki. Try to take him by force and you'll find yourself in quite a bit of trouble."

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OOC: Permission granted.IC: Hantak tried in vain to stay conscious. However, he soon fell into unconsciousness.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC: Fidelas and VirokiAt once, Fidelas snatched the bow from his back, accompanied with an arrow from his pack which he aimed squarely at Vahlii's heartlight. "You won't take me anywhere!" he yelled, tears already flooding into his eyes. Viroki took a step back and watched the scene unfold. She crossed her arms and looked over to the midget Toa to the side. "Interfere and I'll turn you to ashes," she warned, her eyes crackling with energy as if to back up her point.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: VahliiIn a blur, Vahlii threw one of the knives attached to her left armband directly at Fidelas' hand just as fast as he snatched his bow, maybe even faster. As she engaged the Matoran, she sidestepped swiftly to avoid being shot and reached for another throwing knife.

Edited by TX Wade
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IC: Fidelas and VirokiFidelas stared hopelessly forward as Vahlii advanced. His hands shook and his eyes were drowned in tears. He didn't want to fail. He didn't want to go back. What was a prison? He never knew, but it sounded too much like the life he had led in slavery and the thought of ever going into something like that filled him with dread. There was something he'd much rather than anything else.He threw the bow and arrow to the ground and stared defiantly up at the Toa of water. Before she could react, he then drew knife and pointed it straight at his throat. "Please, leave me alone. Leave us alone.""No!" Viroki yelled pushing forward. She sent a blast of heat in the direction of the Matoran which knocked him off of his feet and sent the knife clattering to the ground. She kicked the foul blade away and muttered a curse as she turned back to look at Vahlii. "Can't you see his resilience? If you take him anywhere he'll lose the will to live. And I don't want to see him dead just as much as you." She looked wildly into the Toa's eyes. Would she risk it?

Edited by Grimoire Albastru


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: FrenzyWith a thought, bonds of earth restricted Fidelas' movement from the waist down. He couldn't stab himself, not could he run."Problem solved."With another thought, he did the same to Viroki.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Angelus (Ta-Koro)"You saved me," he said quietly. "And you got us both out of Ga-Wahi alive. I'd count that as a success."He let go of Tuara's hand and slid his hand back through the bars."And you know what? Let's say you're right, we come up rolling snake eyes, and we don't beat these Bearers. At least we tried. At least we went out there, we fought them, and we lost with our heads up high. Sure, we lost, but for one brief, shining moment, we showed them that they're just emotional vampires, pricks with God complexes, and that they can be beaten. You can come out here, you can stand beside me, and we can finish what you and Kinvex started. Together. Because that's what heroes do: they finish what they started, even if they have to burn out in the process.""And you know what? Even if we lose, I'm gonna stick by you, because you're my partner and you're my best friend, and because if I have to lose to Utu and his ilk, I'm going to burn out, not fade away. And there is no one I'd rather burn out with than you, Tuara."-Teezy



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IC: VahliiFidelas attempting to suicide if he wasn't left alone was not something Valhii had foreseen, nor did she think he was so fanatical of his caretaker that he'd rather die than be without her. Viroki was right: he'd lose the will to live were they to be separated. Fidelas needed to pay for his crime but if that would rob him of his life, it didn't seem like proper justice.The Ga-Toa paused and sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose while she contemplated her thoughts, trying to make a very hard decision."Fine. Have him." she said almost wearily. "But if I catch you and him up to no good one more time, lady luck won't side with you a second time.""You, release the bonds of earth." Vahlii looked at Frenzy before looking back at Viroki and Fidelas. "You have one hour to leave Ta-Koro before I alert them of the Matoran."

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IC: Viroki and FidelasViroki smiled coldly at Vahlii. "How noble of you," she said slowly, as the earth around her waist dissipated. She rubbed the dirt off of her armour and let the following words drip icily from her tongue. "I strongly advise you don't forget us, because we certainly won't forget you." She looked sharply over at Fidelas, who was slowly picking himself up, rubbing the tears from his eyes and quite visibly shaking. "Come on, Fidelas. I think it's time we depart." She shot a glare in the direction of the two Toa and strode quickly out of the inn. As soon as she was out of ear shot, she said plainly, not a single drop of emotion resonating in her voice, "Now you know why I tell you to avoid the outsiders."Fidelas said nothing. The words had returned.

Edited by Grimoire Albastru


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro CellTuara looked back down at her legs. She sniffed, before looking back up at Angelus. She didn't say anything for a moment before just nodding, "Alright."Dren turned around and walked away from the cell, dropping the keys on the floor.

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IC: Angelus (Ta-Koro)"Attagirl," he said softly with a smile, plucking the keys from the ground and opening Tuara's cell, walking inside of it and closing it softly. He put the keys in his back pocket and crouched, giving her a hug with no regard for his own safety."You're one of a kind, kid," he whispered in her ear with a small laugh. "Nobody else can get me to work as efficiently as you, you know that?"-Teezy



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IC: Tawara"Hang on. Didn't you say that Toa had amnesia? 'Cause she seems fine from what I've overheard of their conversation," the Matoran said, gesturing towards Angelus and Tuara.

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: Lux - Lava LagoonLux hit the ground, rolling in the same direction as the sword, directly under the blade. Only once he was out of Hakilve's range, did he get back to his feet. How am I supposed to defeat this guy? He thought desperately, The guy's got four arms, with the best defence I've ever seen. What can I do?Still trying to come up with a plan, Lux charged again, another jab flying at the Toa's stomach.-Void



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IC: Dino laughed. "AH-A-A-AH!" It was a strange sound, with his accent. "Tell you what, I'll give you parole for the next month if you GET A JOB! Which I will follow you to the applications and interviews for." OOC: Lol. Oh, this is going to work out just fine.


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