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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

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IC: Angelus (Ta-Koro)Angelus's blood boiled as he heard Jikal and Kitsune kiss. It seemed like everyone could be happy but he and Tuara at this point...Drawing his weapons, he began to stalk away from the group, having finally made up his mind."Angel!" Emarosa yelled, taking a step forward. "Where are you going...?""I'm going to go kill Utu," he yelled back.-Teezy



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IC: JikalKitsune's words jolted Jikal back to reality. "Yes. Without a doubt."Even as he picked up his broadsword, Jikal couldn't help but cast a nervous glance toward Raion. But even then, Jikal couldn't hold back a smile.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Emarosa (Ta-Koro)"Wait. Guys, please, wait," she said frantically. "Let me try and go after him first. He'll listen to me before either of you. No offense."Before waiting for a "none taken" or a "you can hop off, Emarosa, we all hate you" she ran off after Angel.When Emarosa caught up with him, Angelus was back in his room at Lavapool, packing his stuff and getting ready for the trip to...wherever."Angel, please..." she said, her eyes shimmering with tears. "You don't have to do this...""What else am I supposed to do, Ema?" he screamed. "What do I have left, besides taking these psychos down?! Huh? Tell me! I'm all ears!"She was quiet for several long seconds, and when she spoke, her voice sounded as though it would break with the slightest touch."You still have me."Angel looked taken aback for a second, and then he moved towards Emarosa, holding her tightly. She pulled her head back and looked at him oddly, and Angel suddenly got the weirdest feeling that he knew what was about to happen before it did.He leaned in and kissed her.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro CellTuara's eyes fluttered open, and she pushed herself backwards, scrambling for the back wall. That was before she realized where she was. One thing she didn't know however, was what just happened.She saw Dren standing there, as Emarosa had just stepped out of the room. Jikal was there. And a few others she did not recognize. Also, she had a killer headache. Placing her hand on her temple and now leaning forwards, Tuara spoke, "What happened...? And why am I in chains?"Dren tilted his head, "You just killed half a dozen people by lighting them all on fire."Tuara's eyes widened, she stopped, "What?!""You ran off like you didn't know us. You didn't know you. When we caught up to you. Well. I'd rather not talk about what you did then."Tuara didn't bother trying to stand up, she knew they wouldn't let her. Not after what she just did. Providing it was true. She sighed."Where's Angelus?"Dren didn't answer, instead, he looked to Jikal.

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IC: Kitsune & Co, Ga-KoroKitsune's smile faltered when Emarosa spoke. Quickly it was back, however, and cheer continued to radiate out of her like radiation posioning out of an atomic bomb. Luckily for Jikal, Raion had been too busy arguing with Briani to notice Kitsune's kiss.OOC: Offical Kitsune & Co Bleach Comparisons: Kit: Orhime, Briani: Tatsuki (Or whoever the heck Orhime's friend is), and Raion: Kenpachi.Also, Jikal = Ichigo, Iris=Hollow Ichigo, Mark=Zangestu. :P


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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro CellTuara stood up this time, "What? No! He can't! Utu is too- Why didn't you stop him?""Ema went after him. Judging by how well they know each other, I'm sure she'll be more than enough to convince him otherwise." He tried to ignore Jikal's and Kitsune's more than friendly interactions."Let me out.""I can't do that Tuara. Who's to say you won't forget who you are again and kill more people? Do you have any idea how I'm supposed to explain this to Jaller? He'd kill me if I just let you go after what you've just done.""I said to let me out Dren. Angelus is not going after Utu without me.""Ema is with him.""So now she's in danger too. You don't understand. Nobody goes after Utu unless they have an army of Toa. Which in case you haven't noticed, we seem to be lacking."Dren just stood silent.Tuara started to pace, "You need to stop him from leaving. You can't let anybody go after him. Not until we're all ready."Dren turned around and walked away.

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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro"He's got too many Bearers on his side. If you aren't with them, they force you to be with them regardless. And it's not like having an alter ego in your head will help you resist that type of thing."She continued to pace, stopping only to glance at Jikal, "No, it's best he doesn't know you even exist."

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IC: Jikal"We might not be able to avoid it forever." Jikal pointed out. "As long as both he and I are at large, there is a chance we'll meet.""And let's face it, few could stop Angelus, and if he goes alone he'll die."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro CellTuara stopped, and instead continued to look at Jikal, "Do you know how close he was to dying the last time we went after Utu? He was almost killed. We lost another Toa to him as well. Me and Angelus, we were next.""I'm not letting that happen again."

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IC: JikalOf course I know, that's why we're in this mess."I'm aware. I'd rather he didn't die as well. But we only have two options. Stop him, or back him up."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Hasil:Hasil had left Kamaehu to go grab his things at the inn, following after the others, watching as Tuara set the bar on fire. He stepped in from the shadows, his black robes having concealed him well."It's possible," the Mri said, "That if Jikal were to meet with Utu, he could bargain for the release or, at the very least, freedom from harm of his companions," he said. "It is not unheard of, even among the maddest of men."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Kitsune, Ta-KoroKitsune pretended to think for a moment. "Well... There will be a lot of danger... I could die..." She said, attempting a frown. "Of course not!" She said, her face one huge smile. It was a bit too loud, for both Briani and Raion turned their heads. Raion looked more concerned than the Toa of Fire, who had a knowing grin.


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OOC: Forgot to mention it earlier, but those Bleach comparisons are startling accurate.IC: Jikal"I had a feeling." Jikal sighed quietly.So, got yourself a girlfriend, did ya Jikal?Shut up Iris. You had better not try anything.No intention of doin' so. What would I stand to gain, other than making everyone homicidal toward me?Jikal glanced toward Raion.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Akwardly enough, I based these characters off other characters in another comic. Didn't exactly turn out the way I liked.IC: Kitsune & Co, Ta-KoroKitsune simply continued to smile.Raion let go of Briani, not looking as she very nearly crashed into the ground, only saving herself by rolling. He saw the glance, and bared his teeth in a beastal fashion.

Edited by D.A.V.E.


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OOC: Only a few of my characters are homages. Obviously the Casseticons are. The only other was that I borrowed some influences from Virtue in Gundam 00 for Brukin.IC: JikalJikal shrugged at Raion. He turned his head so Kitsune couldn't see, and mouthed Problem, Raion?



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Angelus (Ta-Koro)Angel pulled away, seeing Emarosa smiling tearfully."You didn't feel anything, did you?"He sighed."No, I didn't.""Does she make you happy?"​"Does she--who, Tuara?""I'm not stupid, Angel," she laughed, sniffling slightly."I...Ema, we're just friends.""Are you? You were about ready to walk into a deathtrap for her."Angel was silent for a couple minutes; the two merely stood, avoiding each other's gazes."We should head back. You're right. It's not worth it."-Teezy



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IC: Tawara"He does seem to have a knack for gettin' into trouble. Well, let's go. You first," she added mockingly.

Edited by Toa Alaka

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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OOC: Hmmm... On second thought, Briani's more of a mix between Orhime's friend, and that one kid-captian(Hitsuayga, I think)'s assisstant-captian. /vauge. *Cough*ONU-WAHI POST*Cough*IC: Kitsune & Co, Ga-KoroRaion nearly exploded with anger, outraged by his almost-laughing. But even as he began to take a step, a red and matoon fist smashed directly into his chin, sending him onto his back, dazed. Briani punched the air in victory, temporarily forgetting others were watching. "HA!" She shouted at Raion, who, even after that punch, was still only holding his head in pain, fully consious. "That's for carrying me all that way! And for deserting me in that fight last year! And for not paying me ten years ago!" She continued to shout at him.


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OOC: Rangiku Matsumoto. And yes, I can see some of her character traits in Briani. IC: Jikal"So, Kitsune. Any tricks to not getting killed by Raion? Aside from being his sister?" Louder, "Good work Briani! You show him!"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Under ordinary circumstances, Demas would have sent the Toa flying across the room with a magnetic pulse and interrogated him. These circumstances, though, were not ordinary - he'd do best to follow his own orders at this point. "I think you're grasping at straws here - trying too hard to make a point. I understand, you want to come off as the big hero, but that just isn't gonna happen. Sorry." He took a long draught of his drink. "And my business here is of little interest to you."


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IC: "Is it?" Mantoxis replied. "Seems to me like you bad boys weren't invited to the party. Most of us around here don't really like you. Oh, and I beg to differ. Your weapons show heavy use, and you have a hunter's look in your eye. Besides, you just look shady. Even if I am clutching at straws, as you say, my hunches are almost never wrong. So where do you want to take this discussion, the back alley, or here and now?" OOC: Same question as my char. -Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: Ah, I thought her last name ended in a M. :PIC: Kitsune & Co, Ta-Koro"Well, you could always buy him a drink. But that only lasts a night..." Kitsune said as she thought.Briani whipped around when Jikal spoke, her face growing even redder than usual. "Uh-" She began to mumble, but her air supply was blocked by Raion's massive hand covering her mouth. The titan-sized Toa of Earth was now on his knees, and his eyes were red with rage.


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IC-Kaylov:"That's a question that has been plagueing me," the elderly Turaga of Earth muttered, in response to Naru. "It might be because I'm weak, barely more than a Matoran...or he did so because then I could spread the story," Kaylov said gravely. "He might want me to tell this story, thinking it will cause fear among the Matoran...that may be true, but it will more so give the determination needed to find and destroy the Makuta."Kaylov thought for a moment, back to the Toa he had sent out before. "I sent out an emissary to figure out what happened to the other Turaga, as I believe I mentioned," he said to the two by him. "He has not come back as of yet...I fear the worst, but that certainly lends credence to the thought that all the other Turaga are gone as well. I can only wonder who is leading the villages."

IC: Naru"Where did you send him?" Naru asked. "The Turaga will probably be extremely hard to find, but I guess we could look for your friend instead; especially considering he might have discovered something on his way."
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IC: Raion & Briani, Ta-KoroRaion opened his mouth to speak. An angry roar of pain came out instead. Looking down at Briani, he found her stepping away, wiping soot off her mouth. His hand was singed, still functional, but very painful to move. Briani smirked slightly. "Never could be fight me on fair terms. You'll see how it ends with one of your hands burned." She teased.Raion, ignoring the pain, took a menacing step foward, only stopped by a grey and green blur. Kitsune. "Stop it!" She shouted. "You two have always fought before! It never turned out this way! Get a grip!" She finished, looking back and forth from Raion to Briani. Briani lowered her head in shame, and Raion soon followed her example.OOC: 2000th post special live in BCC!

Edited by D.A.V.E.


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IC: Tawara"Then fly slowly." She set off in the direction of the smoke.OOC: I'll admit that I haven't been following the Jikal/Kitsune/Raion/Angelus/Briani storyline very well. Where are they right now?

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: "It's more like psuedo-flight really. And I could just carry you there." Gyren replied as he hovered over her. He looked rather laidback as he floated on his back. The young Toa used his hands as a pillow and yawned.OOC: I think they're in another alley since Tuara burnt down the bar.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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