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IC: Raknar (Infernavika, Ta-Wahi)"Of course you shouldn't," said Raknar with a shrug. "Slipping things in people's drinks, no matter what the cause, is a coward's way of doing something."-Teezy



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IC: Raknar (Infernavika, Ta-Wahi)"You're a catch, Song."What's more, he wasn't being sarcastic: he actually meant it. If she were a Skakdi, everyone back home would be clamoring for her. Of course, she'd probably be sold into slavery and twisted beyond belief if she were a Skakdi, so Raknar was glad they were here and not back home.-Teezy



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IC: SongSong smiled, and gave Raknar a hug. "I know I am." She said cheerfully. "But what brought about that compliment?"

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: SongSong winced slightly, as some pressure was put on her shoulder. Dehkaz's knife hadn't gone deep, but it still stung. "You know, you're quite a catch yourself, Raknar."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Sorry for any moment assassination. Just needed to have an in-character leaving of the room.IC: Giving Raknar one last joyful hug, the finally-dressed Doomslayer and his silent companion walked from the room. "TOODLES!," The Captain yelled cheerfully, then continued off towards his own cabin.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Angelus (Grove, Ga-Wahi)Angelus shrugged."Sure," he said. "You can file your report with the Guard and I'll just troll around for a while until you're ready to go."He cast a lustful look at the waffles."Of course, I see no reason for Rahi to get these now that they're already cooked. We might as well take it upon ourselves to take care of them..."IC: Raknar (Infernavika, Ta-Wahi)"Thanks," he said, feeling her wince and taking pressure off of the stab wound, hugging her unhurt sight a bit tighter.-Teezy



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IC: SongSong sighed with happiness, then chuckled. "Yesterday, I was one bored Toa. Today, I am not only far from bored, but I am an incredibly happy Toa."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Song"If it was the bloodlust talking, I would be looking for something to beat up." Song grinned. "No, this is happiness."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Raknar (Infernavika, Ta-Wahi)"Huh."He looked at Song's grinning face and leaned in, kissing her. The two stood there for several seconds, immobile against the coastal breeze and rising sun of Ga-Wahi."How do you feel now?"-Teezy



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IC-Grochi and Verak:"Here we are," Grochi said, gesturing to the ship so that Verak and his friends could see. "The Infernavika, in all her majestic glory." This he said sarcastically, because the ship was a wreck. Verak was even surprised it could still float."You've always had a way with ships, Grochi," The Toa of Plantlife said. "Keeping this thing afloat with all its problems. Well, no problem, time to get to work." He looked over at a large tree, and concentrated. The tree toppled over. A few more moments, and it was split into perfectly sized, already-seasoned planks."Alright, you slackjaws, get to work!" He yelled, sending Toa and Matoran off to remove damaged planks and replace them. The ship should be fully repaired rather quickly."Hmm..." Grochi thought, watching how quickly his friend's workers started, well, working. "They're good, I'll give 'em that. You train them well." He smiled."Don't I always?" Verak said, smiling. He then looked at the ship. "Grochi," he said, "Have you ever thought of armouring her?"Grochi thought for a moment. "I have," he admitted, "But it would most likely weigh too much to float with a full scale conversion." He smiled again. "Besides, that's Raknar's decision. I may be in charge of a lot of things, but this actually falls under Raknar.""Oh, so you're quartermaster, eh?" Verak said, looking at Grochi. "Never would have believed it." He looked over to two Le-Matoran who had stopped working and began admiring a tree."Get to work!" He yelled at them, and the two matoran jumped and ran guiltily over to grab some tar. Verak turned back to Grochi. "So," he said, smiling, "Have you met anybody special in your travels, yet?""Oh," Grochi said, tapping his foot slightly. "I'd say I have. Right after I joined the crew, actually," he smiled as Verak clapped him on the shoulder."Good for you!" The younger Toa exclaimed. He then looked at the ship again. "We should be finished by five o'clock P.M. tomorrow," he said to Grochi."Perfect."

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IC: Vacir was suddenly distracted by a spash. Peering out towards the endless ocean, he noticed for the first time that a Toa of Water was swimming, apparently for mere recreation. At the sudden realization that the Toa of Gravity was simply watching the Ga-Toa, Vacir approached the laying form and spoke a greeting quietly in an attempt to not startle him unnecessarily.

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IC: Song"Well, since I didn't punch you, you needn't be worried." Song smiled. "Now. Any particular place you'd like to go? After all, we are currently taking up the hallway."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dehkaz"Done," he said, also without hesitation.He hoped that she would say that, as no one could pilot a ship quite like a Toa of Water. The group finaly reached the Fowardi and Dehkaz nodded approvingly to the Ga-Matoran at work fixing the ship. By now, all of the holes made by that Skakdi had been properly fixed, and they were now working on the halfway shattered deck. She would be ready to sail soon."Splended," he said, happy to see his ship getting fixed.IC: GravityI was startled a bit when a black armored Toa of Plasma seemingly appeared out of nowhere. I forced myself to look away from Hajia, and at the Toa. "Oh, hey."

Edited by Acrophobia



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IC: SuraleWalking up to the control console, Surale analyzed it. Eventually, she'd have to change it a bit. Probably modify the rudder while she was at it...but these were for when they had more leisurely time. For now, they needed to get the essentials done and get out of there. As much as she hated the dryness of Po-Wahi, it'd have to do.

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IC-Verak and Grochi:"Grochi," Verak said, catching the Toa of Plasma's attention. He'd been thinking about something, and that normally didn't bode well. Time to distract him."Hmm?""Remember what I said about armouring the ship?" Verak asked.Grochi sighed. He wondered if he'd ever get it through the Verak's thick skull. "Like I said," he began annoyedly, "That's Raknar's decision, not mine. And for another, we'd be too heavy if we did the conversion.""Aha!" Verak exclaimed, punching Grochi in the shoulder. "That's where you're wrong. You know about chainmail, right?" When Grochi nodded, he smiled. "Well, one of my armour smiths figured out a way to make rather light chainmail that you can put on a ship. It protects against most attacks, and it doesn't deform in fire." He smiled at Grochi's expression."Hmm..." Grochi thought for a moment. He imagined the ship with chainmail, battleflags concealing the armour hanging from the deck of the ship. It was a beautiful sight. "I might have to go over Raknar for this," he said then. "Something he'd probably like." He raised an eyebrow as Verak smiled."Well, you're in luck. I brought enough with me to completely deck the ship. And this armour is really light." Verak grinned happily. "It'll only cost you eighteen-hundred widgets." He looked on greedily as Grochi drew out a coin purse."Oh, very well," Grochi said, smiling. "And get somebody to bring out those old dragon-flags of yours. This ship is going to look and work great." He beamed at Verak."Just what I thought." Verak grabbed a troop of Ga-Matoran, sending them back to the Koro to grab the banners.OOC: Lightly-armoured warship?Aww yeah. Assuming Tyler doesn't get mad at me, of course.But I want this ship armoured in case of another attack like that last one.

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OOC: lol, so now you want armor. :PIC: Dehkaz"As long as its remotely edible," Dehkaz said, hopping into a chair to watch the matoran work.He was thinking of making certain... upgrades to the Fowadi after the last battle. It probably was along the lines of adding more guns.



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OOC: Description of the grenade launcher, and attachment of it to Doomie, next IC here. @Gravity: Why shouldn't he? Geisthaende-the guy who created this ship-never thought about armor being on it because armor wasn't on ships until 'roundabouts the American Civil War due to a number of issues (ability to float & speed & iron's oxidation). You were the person who said 'Yes, they can', totally skewing the balance in Dehkaz' favor as the Infernavika wasn't concieved with that stuff already on it.IC: Doomslayer casually kicked open his old cabin's door. He grinned at the ease of its opening and held its 'lid' for the hooded Zmija, who glided right on by.Next, the merc walked in, closing and bolting the door afterwards. He sat down lightly and pulled from his bags a roughly cylindrical contraption of metal. This he placed on the ground reverently.The mechanic's first response was to unstrap the thing on her back. It fell to the ground with a mechanical clatter that would not be heard outside the room. Then the former slave quietly inspected the cylindrical device.At the same time, Rua's eyes flitted around the room boredly. He had some inspecting to do of his own.CHAINJIZ, CHAINJIZ...OWNLEE WOR NEVIR CHAINJIZ.

Edited by Armadijo



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: RiversongShe sat in a shaded area, staring out at the seemingly endless sea. The lily pad swayed beneath her gently, moving up and down with the rhythm of the waves. There were a few other beings nearby, some of whom were watching an elegant Toa swim. Although she continued to take advantage of the momentary peace, she couldn't deny that she felt a twinge of curiosity well up inside herself. Her gaze now diverted, Riversong began to watch the other beings instead.OOC: Waiting for an opportune moment to meet up with Kal Grochi's group.

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IC: SuraleSurale ran up to the controls, smiling. They were finally setting sail. Using the water, she gently pushed the newly repaired ship out of the dock. On the shore, Ga-Matoran waved them off. Surale waved back as she turned the ship and began on a course to Po-WahiOOC: Say maybe 5 posts to Po-Wahi?

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OOC: Sure. BTW, All of the crew of the Fowadi is now on said ship. Because I said so. :PIC: DehkazHe got up from his chair to join Surale on the deck, the Toa of Magnetism had purposely left his drink in the galley. He waved at the Ga-Matoran, and magnetically sent a few widgets towards them.Yeah, Dehkaz was in a great mood. "I was thinking of going to Onu-Wahi to upgrade her some after we finish in Po-Koro. What do you say, navigator?"

Edited by Acrophobia



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