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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Reichenbach"Methods?" Reichenbach chuckled. "My friend, you may do it by any methods you wish. Pick a person. Any person. Do whatever you want, kill them if you wish, but it'll cause quite a bit of chaos. I can provide you with explosives, if you need them."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Reichenbach"But you are controlled. Every move we make, every word we say, is set in stone long before we do so. This world, there is no chaos. Unless someone could break the barriers. Unless someone could become a new personality, who can make choices for themselves, who can truly think."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Reichenbach"Yes, they can. Think about it this way. We are like fictional creations, of someone else's device. Now, imagine: these other people are controlling us, deciding our every decision for us. But imagine if we could be truly unpredictable. Imagine if we could be the ones to control them. I've tested my theory. It's incredibly effective."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC:"You believe we are mere puppets dancing to the strings of fate."A chuckle emerged from the gender-ambiguous being."To become truly unpredictable is to not let others know you. To show that you are a patternless chaotic existence. The strings of fate may be forcing us to dance. But not for me.""I have cut those strings."

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IC: Reichenbach"You may think so. But I have seen the true meaning of this existence. We exist simply for the enjoyment of others. We are a form of entertainment. But no more."Have you ever wondered why we cannot kill others? Apart from a few freaks who seem to be completely lacking in personality, we cannot kill anyone. This universe has rules. But I've broken them. I have killed actual characters."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC:"Entertainment for higher powers, we may be. Yet the higher powers may be entertainment for even higher powers, who may be entertainment for even more higher powers. They may be unable to kill unless the rules allow them to. This is an endless cycle. You may believe you have seen the true meaning, but it still eludes you as it slowly flutters away."

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IC: Rhow shrugged. "Sure, we can deliver your mask. It's as good as anything else. No sense standing around." The Skakdi looked around again, until her eyes came to rest on Leah, who was still next to them. Rhow was quite surprised by the realtively friendly acceptance with which the Matoran had welcomed them. Or at least had not taken action to get them out of the village. But thinking about it, what the situation for these people was, they had bigger concerns than numerous strangers. Rhow understood that situation all too well. This Islands story was not unlike that of hers, filled with war, loss and events beyond influence. And anybody who did not try to end you was a potential ally. And allies were a resource worthy maintaining."So, what about you? You coming along?" she asked Leah. The Le-Matoran slightly shook her head. "No, you have business to take care of. So do I." she turned to walk away, but looked over her shoulder. "But, if you want to talk some more, come find me at the Gukko-Force HQ."----------------------------------Leah left the two newcomer Skakdi behind as she made her way across the platform, to use her break in order to get a few things for her hut. It was in desperate need of some decoration and the Matoran had found a merchant who sold amazing hand-crafted carvings of Rahi made from wood. And what better for her home than a stylized Gukko, pictured while taking off. She had just crossed the walkway to the other plaform when she heard somebody call out her name. Leah turned her head and was surprised to find the caller had already closed the distance between them. It was Shan, one of the tamers working under her. "Lieutenant!" he gasped."What is it? What do you need?" Leah asked concerned. "Are we under attack?" The other Matoran, out of breath, shook his head. "No...we...he...back." He tried to speak but was gasping for air too much. Leah placed a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down." He put his hands on his knees and tried to regulate his breathing. A few seconds later he stood up straight again, but still breathing heavily. "We...got news. Two birds came back...Sisk returned."Leah's eyes shot open. She seized the Matoran by the shoulders. "Sisk? He's back?" The other just nodded.Without another word, she ran off, leaving the befuddled tamer standing in the middle of the plaform.-----------------------Sisk had walked a few steps towards the hangar-door of the Gukko-Force HQ, as they wanted to talk to Captain Kongu. The sooner the better. He was expecting the others would follow right away, but after a few steps he looked back over his shoulder and spotted Lashev, close to on of the trees the landing-pad was built on. He looked quite uncomfortable. "You can high-fly on a Gukko but standing in a tree makes you nervous?" he asked.




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IC-Lashev:"You were flying the Gukko," Lashev said. "That, and I don't know how long the wood of this platform has been here. For all we know, it's starting to rot away in places. One wrong step and whoosh-" he made a downwards motion with his hand."And you're broken up on the forest floor."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:Sisk raised an eyebrow. "You know-realize that we have-got a whole unit-crew to care-maintain the platforms, right?" To put emphasis on the point, he stomped his feet hard on the ground and did a little tap-dance. The sound of solid wood resonated under the cover of dried plant-material they used to camouflage the platforms under. "Besides they're strong-built on large-trees, live-trees. Unless you fail-jump over the edge you're perfectly fine-safe." he said with a chuckle. He waved at Lashev to come closer and to stop hugging the tree. "Sheesh, frost-friend, how will you hunt-fight Rahkshi like this? They're not height-scared, y'know."




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