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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

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IC (Voi, Le-Wahi):"Good point", Voi said.Where nature connects the sky and the land, Voi thought to himself. That was the last clue. But what could it mean..."How can sky and land be connected?" Voi wondered aloud, thinking that perhaps his friends could help him solve the mystery.

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IC: Amerikos arrived in Pala-koro just in time to hear the last of a briefing made by someone named Madrihk. "If this has something to do with destroying that big brown tower in the sky known as a hive, count me in. I can help with early scouting, or the break in. Are we entering at the ground level, or just to get in, period? I would expect lower levels to be less populated, but aren't there breeding grounds down there? If there are, it will be heavily guarded. Also, if we can't destroy the hive, can we cripple it? Why don't we send in a team expressly to destroy the breeding areas? I know I'm not the greatest military strategist ever, but I think we should attack from as many sides as possible, dividing into small groups, with toa of each element in a team. This will distract the Nui Rama even more, with a divided front."OOC: Just a few suggestions, if you don't mind. If you want me to join the squad, I will.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro)Reordin's head turned to Trakuda, and he stared at him for a second before turning to the newcomer."That's the current basis for our plan," said the Sanctum Guardsman in a slightly warmer tone of voice.-Teezy



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IC: "Yes, I've heard of ILS before, and I know you're not stupid," Amerikos replied, putting the chill of a hardened combatant into his own voice. "And I know the risk of pulling off one of these acts. I just got here, so I'm making suggestions that make sense." Turning to the other toa standing next to him, he let the chill slide away. "So, can I join? And where can I help? I'm not one of the exact elements you need, but I can fight."-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: Emotia - Crimson Nova Safehouse -Well, this is just great Emotia, you've gotten addicted to using your mark, and you're talking to a ghost in your head like it's completely normal. She thought to herself as she lay on the ground handcuffed. At least Tillian's alive...

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Madrihk (ILS meeting, Pala-Koro)"Someone else can fill you in on the details," the Toa of Ice said, "but yeah, we plan on moving in both on foot and through the air. Most will hold off the Nui-Rama on separate flanks while a small force go inside the hive to destroy the internal structure. Once it's shaken up, and once we have determined how deep it goes, we'll topple the whole thing by destroying the foundations. The Sanctum guard, covered by Ta-Koro and a few Toa, will do half of that job with the explosives they brought."Madrihk looked twice at the newcomer after realizing they hadn't met before."I'm sorry, but who are you, by the way? You are new here, aren't you? Big group to keep track of right now..."OOC: Since I doubt Matoran have C4 or even gunpowder... what are these explosives, exactly?

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IC: "Yes, I'm new here," Amerikos replied. "Names Amerikos. I'm a martial arts master, and fight with only my hands and a shield. Oh, and don't let the white and blue deceive you. I'm a toa of Iron. Mind if I join the ILS?" Amerikos flipped his shield off his back, and lazily threw it. The shield flew straight and true, bouncing off three trees in quick succession before flying back to his hand.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: Madrihk (ILS meeting, Pala-Koro)"Someone else can fill you in on the details," the Toa of Ice said, "but yeah, we plan on moving in both on foot and through the air. Most will hold off the Nui-Rama on separate flanks while a small force go inside the hive to destroy the internal structure. Once it's shaken up, and once we have determined how deep it goes, we'll topple the whole thing by destroying the foundations. The Sanctum guard, covered by Ta-Koro and a few Toa, will do half of that job with the explosives they brought."Madrihk looked twice at the newcomer after realizing they hadn't met before."I'm sorry, but who are you, by the way? You are new here, aren't you? Big group to keep track of right now..."OOC: Since I doubt Matoran have C4 or even gunpowder... what are these explosives, exactly?

OOC: Overripe Madu fruit coated in oil.IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro)Reordin, in fact, did notice the blind Toa's utterance, but he merely settled for a small smirk and nodded his greeting."Lt. Reordin Saporta," said the Ko-Matoran. "Leader of the Sanctum Guard forces for this operation."-Teezy



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IC: AuronAuron cocked his head to the side in confusion, he and Aelynn has missed whatever meeting this was, and he didn't understand entirely what was said, just a plan to blow something up. He waited for Aelynn to come back and try to explain to her what had happened. And then there was the newcomer, who didn't seem very "good" to the simple Toa, although, the Toa of Fire wouldn't have used "not good", but he didn't know any other words to substitute. He sighed at this, and payed attention if anyone else spoke.

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OOC: if you think I'm suspicious, I'm not trying to be. My character is a little carefree, and I am good.IC: Amerikos looked around and could tell that some did not believe him. He said, "To tell you the truth, I have heard rumors, and I needed something to do. I live in the jungle area of le-wahi, and Le-koronians are talkative. What test do you want me to take to prove it to you that I am not a Makuta-follower?"OOC: Auron, elemental, what did I do wrong? Or am I just suspicious?-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: Aryll was rather happy that more people were arriving. The more out fighting the Rama, the more easier it would be for the hive to be toppled. Trying to look as regal as possible, he kindly spoke to the new recruit."Why don't you sit down and listen up," he told Amerikos.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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OOC: He uses it to mask a steel and almost depressed mind. Your characters might learn it a little later, but he lost his toa team awhile ago.IC: "Ah, you mean a little showy." Amerikos smirked, "I never was one for acting serious and meanicing." Turning, he stood at attention and listened to the next being talking to him.-Bane

Edited by Rocka's Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: I guess now's the time to have one of my Makuta servants rain on the ILS's parade. Again.IC: Az was rather happy. Arriving on the shores of Le-Wahi, he heaved his backpack along the trail. The backpack, filled with about eight jars of explosive, weighed a ton. But then again, what he was going to next do was going to so much fun.But the question that bugged his mind was simple. Was he going to blow up the village rumored to be near Lake Pala, or was he going to begin a campaign of terror across the other villages.Az figured he'd at least see if 'Pala Koro' existed. So he pulled out a map and sneaked into the forest.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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OOC: Zombie...you have to do it now of all times? Seriously dude? Even after all our hard work when we don't even have a lot done and when we're about to assault the hive soon?IC: AlfonAlfon didn't really betray his emotions as he continued to portray the care-free character he was, continuously wearing that faint smile and twinkle in his eyes. However, first impressions were everything at the moment: those for Amerikos weren't very good."You guys done with that pointless chit-chat over there? Yes? Good." He turned his gaze to Amerikos."Unless you haven't noticed, we're inside a freaking building. You wanna go bouncing your shield and bust up our walls? Go jump in the lake or don't do it again and keep that showiness of yours to yourself." Alfon said, this time his true colors revealed."Oh and don't worry, if any of you are followers of Makuta, I'll make sure you die a very miserable death."

Edited by TX Wade
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OOC: I'm going to timeskip the briefing. TX, Let's just say I bounced it off of tree rafters. If you want, I'll hunt the bad guy. Also, sorry, didn't know we were in a building. Kinda slipped me.Several minutes later...IC: "So that explains what you're doing. But what should I do? I do have a Volitak. Should I join the sabotuers that will attack the inside of the hive?" Turning to the other being that had addressed him, he let his facade slip again. "You could try," he replied, "But I've seen too many die and still lived. I've begun to think I can't die. So if you're done berating me, I'm trying to see what I can do to help you."-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC:"Try thinking for yourself. What are your strengths and weaknesses? And don't tell me all that bajizzle about being a good fighter or strong or whatever, what can you do, like special talents and stuff. Then Madrihk can slip you in somewhere. As it is, you can just be part of the second wave."

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IC: AelynnThe Toa of Iron walked into her small hut. She was about to set the supplies down near her bed when a sharp pain erupted inside her head. Aelynn collapsed, and blacked out.The Toa of Iron opened her eyes, but she wasn't inside of her hut anymore. Aelynn felt sand underneath her feet and heard the crashing of waves to the right of her. She was surrounded by a group of mean looking Skakdi, her hands were bound by a thick metal chain, and her Kanohi was nowhere to be found. Around her, it looked like a battle had taken place. Huge areas of land were burned, and even more weapons were stuck into the ground.Aelynn realised that she couldn't move, and not because of the chains. She had absolutely no control over her body.Before she could think of her problem any longer, Aelynn spotted a flash of red and blue in the corner of her eye. Her Skakdi captors seemed not to notice, though.There! Again, she saw the being. He seemed to be a Toa of Fire, and he looked oddly familar. The Toa suddenly attacked the Skakdi, and seemed to be doing a good job of fending them off. That is, untill one managed to hit the Toa, and he was forced to the ground. "No!" she heard herself scream, but it wasn't her who said it.Atleast, she didn't think she had said it.Aelynn was forced to watch as the being was shoved into a damaged canister, and she felt herself trying to break free of the chains. It was no use.The Toa of Iron suddenly sat up, she was breathing heavily and covered in sweat. And was back in her hut...?What was that? she thought, standing up.It seemed like a vision, or a memory. But of what?



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OC: Ooooh, bad idea talking back to Alfon...IC: Alfon"Y'know, there are two things I think you lack: respect and humility. First you barge into here with your shield and cockiness and now you're starting to give me attitude when you have no clue how things run down here?" Alfon said, his voice gaining a deadly edge it usually didn't have.When Alfon gets angry, you know you're in deep karz."Gonna let it slide this time but watch yourself Greenie. Keep thinking you can't die, it'll do wonders to ya." he said conclusively, rolling his eyes. Sometimes his emotions got the best of him unfortunately.

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OOC: *Insert really long post here.*IC: AuronAuron winced, pain bursting from the back of his head, he reached to grab the base of his skull, but he didn't, instead he was elsewhere. A sharp smell pierced his nostrils, the smell of the ocean and it's wonders. He was on a beach, in his old armor and carrying his old sword. The ocean was to his left, and the beach was littered with weapons, scorch marks, and what could have been blood. A battlefield. He was running, not sure to where, not sure why. He was running, ready to fight, at a group of spined monsters. The destroyers, the conquers. The ones responsible for trapping him like a Rahi. Anger welled up inside of him, he felt himself charging elemental energy and transferring it to his sword to make it red-hot like the coals he would light on dreary nights. As he reached the monsters, he swung his sword at the nearest one, it's screams pierced the still air, and the other monsters turned to him, weapons raised, smiles wickedly gleaming in the mid-day sun. Auron felt himself release a battle-cry, one full of anger and sorrow, one that wanted him to remove the presence of these monsters. Their being, his thoughts about them, everything. The one he struck backed away, he had not killed it, only hurt it. The leader of the group quickly jumped forward at Auron, mace in hand and swung downwards, aiming to crush the Toa.Auron quickly moved out of the way, aiming to attack another one when his mind suddenly burst into a bright symphony of pain. Lights flashed before him as his mind recoiled from the mental jab the monster sent at him. Another with a large staff for a weapon quickly lashed out, knocking Auron back into another monster, which tried to impale the Toa of Fire upon it's wicked sword. Miraculously, the Toa moved out of the way, so that his sword landed upon the monster's face, ruining its grin and burning its features. From there on, the battle quickly became a flash. The Toa would hurt his foes, but never kill them, even though every fiber of his being told him to dispatch them to what laid in the next life. Eventually, three of them, the one with the staff, the leader, and the one that had used his mental power ganged up on the Toa, and quickly dispatched him, knocking his sword from him and throwing him to the ground."We win Toa," The leader hissed, "This is our home now, and you. Will. Die!"He raised his mace to finish the Toa, but then his naturally wide grin became even wider. Deforming his face even more. He lowered his mace to his side, and grabbed the Toa's neck, and pulled him off the ground, and into the air."You will still die," The monster growled, "But you will suffer, and you will be cast from here into the deep."The leader glanced to his right, there were a group of transport canisters that they had used to arrive upon the island. He raised his other hand, and signaled with his mace towards the canisters. The two others understood, and went over and started ripping pieces off, and tampering with the wiring for a canister. The leader walked towards that canister still carrying Auron. A fourth monster, the one that Auron had wounded, stood by another figure, chained, weaponless, and maskless. Auron saw this, and stared in shock at one of his friends, a fellow defender, had been forced down by these invaders.The Leader also saw Auron's line of sight, and emitted a foul laugh, his breath reeked like rotting Rahi, "Yes, your friend will bear witness, and be ours to command. As well as the rest of the Matoran on this island. Now goodbye Toa, and may whatever Rahi that finds you have a good meal!"At that, Auron was hit with another mental blast, and was dropped onto the sand. As his sight cleared, one of the monster picked him up, and threw him into the canister they were messing with. A small "beep" came from the outside as the "door" closed, trapping Auron inside. He screamed, as a wave of pain rolled over his body. The monsters had tampered with the stasis function, removing safety features to make it as painful as possible. He dimly heard a splash as he was shoved into the ocean. This was ignored at the broiling pain that engulfed him, forcing him to slowly shut down into a tortured sleep, one that would last for several years, stripping his mind of what came before, subjecting him to the horror of his failure, again, and again. He had left someone behind to be victim of the monsters, and that felt worse than failure. That person had been his friend and ally, and he failed whoever it was.Auron's vision cleared as gasped to regain his breathe, the pain of his memories was great, and another revelation had come to him, he had another regret to remember, something he could never forget now that he remembered that. But what confused the Toa the most was, why couldn't he remember more?

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IC: "Well, I am good at finding shatterpoints. Hitting the right point with the right amount of force can do wonders. Also, I've always been good with stealth. This was just the mask of a dear friend." Rockosis tossed his shield from hand to hand, thinking. "Other than that, don't have anything else." Ameikos simply said to Alfon, "You remind me of me, but I'm no greenie. As for disrespect, I'm sorry. It doesn't help for brothers to fight on the eve of battle. But never call me greenie again."OOC: It's also dangerous to mess with Amerikos. Although he's based off of Cap America, he's imperfect. You irritate him, he can and will beat you up, although you seem like a capable fighter.

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: Thanks for the warning but do you really wanna mess with Alfon? :lol: Doesn't exactly give you good rep to fight your superior, especially with people's current opinions on Amerikos on the moment, no offense.That and don't count your chickens before they hatch. You'll find yourself in for an ugly surprise. :PIC: AlfonAlfon merely rolled his eyes once more at the mention of being brothers, not even considering the guy to be even close to that status. In fact, the only people he absolutely trusted with his life one-hundred percent. Didn't mean it wasn't close for others."No Vompran, Greenie was meant for the newbie." Alfon turned to Amerikos."Sounds good. Don't ever call me brother again and we've got a deal. Now lets stop making a bunch of bloody fools out of ourselves, alright?" he said, his mood lightening a little as he attempted to cool his jets. Being of a higher rank had its responsabilities...he'd have to control himself more properly.

Edited by TX Wade
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OOC: It's dangerous to mess with anyone here. Literally a small army of PCs is standing around right next to any of you. If one person attacks, the rest will make sure that someone will be sitting out on the big Rama fight. ;)IC: Madrihk"Shatter points. We can definitely use that. Welcome aboard, by the way." The ILS leader ignored the small argument that had occured, but made mental note of it for later. Better not put them on the same group, if they got off on the wrong foot. Liabilities like that were not good in such a large-scale maneuver."Right, Amerikos. I guess you'll be going on the inside job as well then, if you feel up for it. If not, there's always a few structural weaknesses on the outside of the hive as well, I bet."Madrihk looked the Toa over."You have no weapon, but I guess Iron works just as well. I guess you could work as a suitable defense for one of the squads, via iron walls and your shield. Vompran, that reminds me: you will be most useful outside the hive, where there is plenty of plants for you to take advantage of. You should probably go with a second group on foot.""Now... anyone here who knows how to fly a Gukko bird? Alfon, perhaps? We're going to have an air squad, and having a Toa up there with them - especially with powers like lightning - could work wonders. Then we've got Kirbati and Ledzel... ground-most targets, definitely. Aryll, you have combat experience, I gather, and power over flame. I'd aask you to accompany us inside the hive, but as the others: you have the choice of saying no. In that case, I would like you to go with the Matoran from the two Guards, and assist them. Add your power to their explosives if necessary."Madrihk scanned the people around him, trying to place them all."Gukko force attacks from the air, naturally. Those with flight powers should probably join them. I am not a master strategist; if any of you are experienced with dividing people into squads, then by all means, voice your opinion."

Edited by Katuko
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IC: Alfon / OnyxAlfon nodded in consensus with Madrihk's reasoning, completely willing to go ride a gukko and zap some Rama out of the sky. If anything, he'd become somewhat of a pro when it came to riding the bird rahi during his travels, nearly matching the skills of Le-Wahi citizens."Alright, I'll take to the skies during the battle.""I'll accompany Aryll and the Sanctum Guard while they plant their explosives and take out the structural weaknesses. My Pakari strength may help me soften them up and I can provide good cover for the squad." Alfon's older brother spoke up.

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OOC: Yessir!IC: "Yessir!" Amerikos smiled. "With your permission, I'll serve on the inside. Always liked adventure." He asked, "After the battle, will we meet back here?" Amerikos suprised himself with his excitement. "I wonder what Bucky would have thought," he wondered.OOC: Yes, that was a Captain America reference.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: Kethrye blinked, noticing that one of the newer recruits, a blue armored Toa of Fire, had fallen to the ground. Well, that's something that doesn't happen every day, he thought. Although with this group, nothing is really surprising anymore. . .Kethrye walked over and stared down at the downed Toa. "Hello? Anyone alive down there?" Kethrye said, prodding the body with his foot. "I believe you should be listening to the plan, and stuff."

Edited by BenLuke-116
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