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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC(Byraher): Byraher smirked. "Oh, is that what these maps are for? Destroying an insect hive?" She picked up one of the maps and read it again. "No, I don't plan on going to see sights that have a good chance of attacking me."


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IC: Madrihk"Well, that map is now outdated. The hive no longer exists, so you won't have to worry about it either. All that's left is an ash pile... and the obelisk I've outlined on that paper next to you, which we don't know much about. But enough about that."Madrihk waved his hand dismissively at the papers."I'm tired of dealing with all the little problems that have presented themselves today. What are you doing here?"

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IC(Byraher): "Like I said: I came to see Lake Pala, but didn't expect a village. As I drew close to the village, I heard screaming, laughing, fighting and some horrid singing. I thought I found a nuthouse of sorts." Byraher drew near to the Toa of Ice and put a finger on his chest. "So I investigated."


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IC-Dendron:"Hey, Madrihk, I've got a few things I could grab for the village, and I was wondering if you could-" Dendron was saying, walking up to where Madrihk was, before noticing that Madrihk wasn't alone. Moreso, Madrihk was with a girl."Oh, I'll, uh, I'll let you get on with...whatever you're doing," he said quickly, closing the door. Still standing there, he started to yell at Kethrye:"Kethrye! When did Madrihk get a girlfriend?!?!?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: MadrihkMadrihk repressed the instinct of looking down at the finger on his chest. He was in charge of the largest force he knew of on the island. He would not waver an inch before a random intruder."Sightseeing by virtue of sneaking around, then. All right, fine, sight-see all you want, we are not hostile. Start with the maps if you want, get some food--"At this point, Dendron appeared briefly in the doorway, before hurrying out and shutting the door after himself. Going silent for a second, Madrihk looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes before meeting the Vortixx's gaze again and continuing."-- and ask our blacksmith to fix you some armor. Your lack of it apparently gives people the wrong idea. Oh, what inanities are they going to spout at me because of you, I wonder."The Toa of Ice smirked halfheartedly."No offense to you, of course."

Edited by Katuko
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IC: Kethrye -Kethrye raised an eyebrow. "Er-What?" he shouted back toward Dendron. "First I've heard of anything to that affect. . ."Hardly seems like the type of chap to have a girlfriend, Kethrye thought, stepping over so that he could converse with Dendron without shouting halfway across the village. Assumed he was too "professional" for that sort of thing.

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IC: Madrihk"Ah, how could I forget?" Madrihk exclaimed. "I do so enjoy introducing myself - by title - to everyone, after all. I am Madrihk, Toa of Ice and - as said - leader of the Island Liberation Squad."

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IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro, Le-Wahi)"You're a blood pervert, Dendron," said the Ko-Matoran, laughing. "I gotta hut to repair, man."He moved back over to his pile and began to work again.-Teezy



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IC: Kethrye -Kethrye blinked, a bemused expression crossing his face. This was either the funniest or most terrifying thing that he had learned of since joining the ILS, which was saying something.Assuming it was true, of course."Granted, the only witness seems to be Dendron hear," he replied to Reordin, stepping alongside as they returning to their work. "Not exactly the pinnacle of trustworthiness. Although if it is true, Alfon's going to have a field day with it." He grinned and began hammering a replacement piece of wall in. "If it's true, and I'm not going to be the one to check."

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IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro, Le-Wahi)"Yeah, well," said Reordin, laughing and patching up a piece of burned-out wood near a window. "That makes two of us, mate. Besides, Skrihen'd kill me if she caught me trying to take a peek at Madrihk's girl."-Teezy



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IC: Madrihk (ILS HQ, Lake Pala)"Certainly. As far as I know we are the biggest independent force against Makuta on this island. We made our way here to Lake Pala, we beat back any Rahi here and then we set up camp. Makuta struck the place with his might, but we survived and built this small village. Just yesterday, there was a coalition between Le'Koro's Gukko Force, Onu-Koro's Ussalry and the Guards of Ta-Koro and Ko-Wahi's Sanctum. But they united under our wing, the ILS, as we marched on the Nui-Rama hive. Despite meeting thousands of the insects, a bunch of Rahkshi and even one of Makuta's higher-ranking minions, we succeeded. We have destroyed the largest source of infected Rahi in this region, making it that much safer for everyone."Madrihk straightened his back and adopted an almost prideful expression."If you wonder who I am, then I am simply the one on top. The one who makes others make history."

Edited by Katuko
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IC: Skrihen"Darn straight."Skrihen commented, walking past Reordin, and to the hut. "And since y'all are girls about it, I'll check." She opened the door in time to hear Madrihk's words. "Really, Madrihk? You're the last one I'd of thought would be on top." She smirked, and walked back to Reordin.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: MadrihkThe Toa of Ice froze with a murderous glare fixed at nothing in particular when he got interrupted again. He spun around quite gracefully and placed said glare on Skrihen's back as she left the hut."And what is that supposed to mean?" he asked, but it was already too late. The female Toa had shut the door. Madrihk turned around to face Byraher once more."See what I have to put up with, even as the leader?" he asked. "Can't go a day without something happening, whether that be bad humor or a minor catastrophe. But back to your question: yes, we might be slightly suicidal. Then again, it's worked out well so far. We've encountered both Makuta's minions and his power first-hand. We're still alive." A cough. "Well, most of us," he corrected himself.

Edited by Katuko
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OOC: Pfffffffffffffffffffffffft, what a burn.IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro, Le-Wahi)Reordin tried not to snort in laughter and failed, having to lean on the hut for support."Well, he seems like he's a bit short on the assertiveness to be on the top, doesn't he?"-Teezy

Edited by #firstworldtyler



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IC: Madrihk"I haven't been in here enough to confirm that. How are the Vortixx in terms of stress? We've only got one around here, and he's mostly been helping with building huts, so I haven't been able to learn how your species handles things. We Toa tend to be big on the whole Virtues thing."

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IC(Byraher):"The Virtues, yes," Byraher nodded, "I can imagine working under can be stressful. Along with the Toa Code." Byraher pulled a chair and sat down at the table and nodded for Madrihk to do the same."Vortixx can be rather stressful, I found a few that killed themselves from it. But it varies from Vortixx to Vortixx. I imagine it's much like Toa, no?"

Edited by Cinnamon Grochi


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IC: Madrihk"Yes," MAdrihk replied, as he sat down on a chair as well. "I believe we lost at least one of our Toa during yesterday's battle due to rash actions. One that survived attacked a Rahkshi on his own. It stabbed him and flung him at me. Me, I prefer to think things through, and that's why I'm still alive, despite certain... losses."The Toa of Ice raised his right hand and showed Byraher his mechanical fingers."I guess that's why I am the leader in the first place. I had the idea, and I've been thinking and giving orders and directing everyone. There's been several setbacks, but we've kept Unity so that we can perform what most perceive to be their Duty. I don't particularly care if this is our supposed Destiny or even Duty at all -- I make my own; I like to think. The Toa Code, I can say, went out the window somewhere along the way. It certainly did so yesterday, at least, for everyone."Madrihk leaned back, trying to relax. He would be getting no sleep, it seemed."And you? What are you using you life for?"

Edited by Katuko
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IC(Byraher): "My life? That's a good question." Byraher gazed into Madrihk's eyes as she thought. "I don't really have a life, come to think of it. I move from Koro to Koro, eating and sleeping, just doing enough to survive." She looked up at the ceiling and then back at Madrihk. "I never really lived."


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IC: "We need someone with knowledge of how to--""On it." Roadbuster picked some pieces up and filled the gaps with crystal.Leadfoot used his powers to fix and return to their position all the pieces of metal he could see.Roadbuster used crystal to brace the wooden fragments. "Topsin! Weldin'!"Topspin welded and melted certain parts together with his slow use of his plasma blast rods. Optimus was fairly pleased. "It seems they are not so useless after all. Wreckers, you are reinstated.""YAH!""Nauw thahts ryte!""Now get back to work."


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IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro, Le-Wahi)"You mad, love?" he asked, smirking. "Madrihk only knows three basic emotions: smugly satisfied, irritated, and full-blown PO'd. Fear isn't in his vocabulary."OOC: BTW, Krayzikk: this is for you.-Teezy



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OOC: I totally noticed that. Lying? What are you talking about? :PIC: Song"Huh. Surprised it holds both of us." Song said, with a smirk. She put her hands behind her head, and lay back.IC: Skrihen"Then where does this situation fit?" Skrihen tapped her chin in mock thought. "I mean, satisfied maybe, but smugly? I don't think that would be the adjective there, if you now what I mean." Skrihen said, with a smirk and a wink.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Kethrye -"Fear is certainly in his vocabulary! Other people's fear!" Kethrye said with a smirk. He raised an eyebrow, his mind finally getting around to processing the new information. "Wait, what's actually going on in there, then?"

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IC: Raknar (Infernavika, Le-Wahi)"Now that felt like an insult," I mock pouted, turning to face Song and kissing her cheek. "Was that an insult?"IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro, Le-Wahi)"You're a handful."-Teezy



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IC: A cloak hovered at the aft of the Infernavika. It did not move save for some of its fabric flapping in the wind. In spite of the cheery toa behind the wheel, it remained apparently inactive.But the air before it was not. Metal was gradually appearing on the wooden slats composing the deck. The grain unique to protosteel gleamed under the light of the moon.A ballista was piecing itself together on the aft of that ship. And more would soon follow.

Edited by Joshua L. Chamberlain



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: SkrihenSkrihen smirked at Reordin. "Yes, but you love me for it, and you know it." She looked at Kethrye with a grin. "The closest thing to flirting Madrihk will ever have."IC: Song"No, it was a fact. Let's face it, the weight of a Skakdi, plus the weight of a Toa is no small number." Song shrugged as best she could with her hands where they were. "Not to mention, if it was, I should insult you more often."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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