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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC-Mussiki:When Sulov came in, he would see Mussiki, standing just out of the light, by what appeared to be the cave wall. The lightstones didn't quite reach where he was, and there were very few beings who wouldn't take the space for what it appeared to be."Ready?" The Toa of Sonics asked.

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IC: Pirok & Nikarra"I need a holiday...""Then you can take one." Nikarra grabbed Pirok and dragged him along. "I know a place in Xa-Koro. My old boss owns it.""Wasn't your old boss a serial killer?""He wasn't a serial killer, it was a hobby.""Riiiight..."OOC: Pirok & Nikarra to Kumu Islets.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung stopped, causing Zaruthan to stop as well as he looked about the cavern. Nobody."Zarnarax!" The Dragon roared, loud enough that the echoes would probably reach Onu-Koro, and still be loud enough to hurt their ears.

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IC: PhantomsThen the Aukati realised that all the Phantoms were gone. The ground beneath them yawned open and swallowed the group whole.Zocord, from his place hidden behind a crack in the wall, could not be seen as he smiled and left.IC: ZaruthanI raised an eyebrow at Accy's odd question. What did he want gold, iron or platinum for?"Hello." I said blandly to Zarnarax.

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IC: Zarnarax"Zaruthan, I'd heard you were back in town. And I see you've made a new friend. By the way, the girl who beat you half to death a while back is on the Mystix council, so I wouldn't suggest upsetting her. Although I personally abhor violence, she doesn't, and I really don't think she'd be happy to see you." He then turned to address Aclaraung. "It's pretty deep down, but it's there. I think Shaft 43 might not have collapsed, so I'd check it out."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC-Aclaraung:"Good enough," the Dragon growled. He walked a ways away, sniffing, before dropping like a flexible snake down a shaft. A little while later he came back up, carrying quite a few bits of purified Iron and gold, which he proceeded to eat.Basically, pop it in his mouth, coat it in saliva, and down it goes.He noticed the Zar's staring at him oddly."It's good for my scale," he said.

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IC: Zarnarax"Zaruthan, you are twice as wretched as Laz, and perhaps not even half as intelligent or cunning. And that's coming from someone who despises him. I don't want your fake respect." Zarnarax growled.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung rolled his eyes, and released a blast of flame in between the other two Mystix before him. They each turned to glare at him."Both of you be good to each other," he growled menacingly, "Or I'll have force feed each of you each other. I doubt either of you want to be stuck with the other's feet stuck down your gullet for all of eternity, so shut up, stop arguing, and work together."

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IC-Aclaraung:"Yes, I did," Aclaraung growled. "He was the must insufferable fool I've ever put up with, but he had a clear idea of what he wanted to do, how to do it, and he was willing to die for what he did. I didn't respect him in life, but there is absolutely no point to continue to insult his memory."

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OOC: Assuming Mussiki was mainly concentrated on using his power to keep up with what Sulov's been doing, I think it's fair to say he wouldn't've noticed this.IC: Sulov paused. His mouth opened, ready to say something."Stop!," Cried a voice behind him.The matoran turned. His kanohi now bore an expression of shock.Trotting from the darkness came eleven Ussalmatoran. Each one wore distinctive lamellar armor, parts daubed with mud for camouflage. In the center of the group was a well-dressed figure exuding an air of authority.Regiment 2. Gyn!Maybe if they hadn't followed him..., Said 'matoran' thought. Ah, but I would've put an end to this foolishness even without tracing their courses to this hideout. This will come to nothing."Ussalmatoran," The Regiment Commander spoke sternly, "As per Ussalry Law, you are forbidden from associating with exiles. Repeat this behavior and you will be punished with more than a warning."Then he turned to Sulov. The ex-military matoran awaited punishment with bowed head, though his eyes looked up into those of the speaker."Rejoice, Sulov Koskium. You have escaped certain death-an exile of Onu-Koro is liable to be hunted upon reentrance of the wahi," Gyn stated. He let a little warmth seep into his eyes now.My little friend needs some hope."Go now. They cannot pursue."Sulov inclined his head. Getting up, the matoran began to make his way back to Le-Wahi.OOC: Sulov Koskium to Le-.

Edited by Francis Wisehead



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IC-Mussiki:"..."Mussiki turned, bashing his head into the cave wall as hard as possible. "I'm" bang "Not" bang "A" bang "Bloody" bang "Matoran!" bang."And from what I was told, as per Ussalry law, an honorary officer to do mostly as he pleases, and Toa do not count as a part of the main force of Matoran."

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IC: Gyn shook his head. The Ussalmatoran appeared to be slightly saddened by this turn of events as well, his eyes communicating a deeper anguish to Mussiki than his cool voice."That is only the terminology used for the collective members of the Ussalry. While you two are not matoran in race, you are our brothers in spirit," He explained."As well, even an honorary officer is obliged to hunt exiles. Do not think yourself no less a citizen of Onu-Koro than the rest of the Ussalry," Kirsug went on. "You are still subject to that law."



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OOC: Seeing as Mussiki is an officer, he'd probably know Gyn, correct?IC-Mussiki:"You know I would never hunt an exile," Mussiki growled. "I'd be more likely to hide them out until I could argue their case-assuming it wasn't somebody who, say, murdered another, or something like that. In that case, I'd force them away."

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OOC: Maybe. But Gyn isn't one to attract attention, and he is pretty high-ranked. Perhaps higher than Tillian.IC: "Of course. But it appears that your friend is yet an exile, and as such, it is highly discouraged to associate with him," Gyn added. "You must understand that to do so may mean that you yourself may not be safe from further scrutiny."Regimental Commander Arkom and his ilk are afraid," Kirsug extrapolated. "They see that Makuta has spies and allies everywhere. So they are quick to judge those exiled as those who may become future allies of that being if not at present; as such, you would be associated with the Dark One."

Edited by Francis Wisehead



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IC-Mussiki:"Don't tell him I've said this, but Arkom's done quite a few things that have led me to classify him as a 'Bloody fool.' Exiling Sulov Koskium was just another nail in the coffin." Mussiki shook his head."Really, thinking that just because they exiled somebody that person is going to go to Makuta is one of the stupidest things I've heard. They joined the Ussalry to defend Onu-Koro and fight against Makuta. Nobody is the kind of turncoat that they expect."

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IC: "Yes," Gyn agreed. "That is counter-intuitive."However, anger at their status or feelings of resentment at the system ostracizing them can lead exiles to do strange things. Desperate things," The 'matoran' continued. "Arkom does sense that."Kirsug smiled apologetically. "I would love to continue this discussion. But it appears that I, as Regiment Commander 2, must go on with our patrol of these tunnels instead," Gyn expounded."Goodbye. May the Great Spirit protect and guide you."The mass of matoran and ussals turned as one. In seconds, they were trotting away from the scene.



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IC-Mussiki:Mussiki sighed. Then he turned to all the others."Everybody," he growled, "Cover your ears." When they had done so, he gathered his elemental power, to amplify his next yell to unknown levels."ARKOM!" He yelled, unsure of whether or not the fool would hear him.IC-Aclaraung:~ARKOM~Aclaraung looked up, a loud yell reaching his ears, and hurting somewhat."What in the blazes?" He growled.OOC: Aclaraung. On the other side of the whole Wahi.And it hurts his ears.Boo-yah.

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IC: Said commander looked up from his paperwork, cigar dropping from his mouth in shock. Arkom promptly spittake'd."The KARZ-!"Gyn internally smiled as Regiment 2 trotted along. He could not wait to get back to the village.This only furthered his plans.



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IC: ZonguZongu woke up in a cave. But it was not the same cave he had been in earlier. It smelled like... Manure, to put it bluntly. Groaning, he sat up to see that he was indeed lying on a pile of manure: Ussal manure, to be precise. Karz. It'll take hours to get rid of this smell. He thought, then suddenly realised that there was no explanation for him being there. He looked around, and saw his possessions were scattered across the ground, and there was a dead tree in the middle of the cave, and hanging from the tree was several melting clocks. Then someone screamed what sounded like a name, which hurt his ears, although there was no one else in the cave.His Calix twisted into an expression of disgust, pain and shock. "WHAT'S HAPPENING!"

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IC: Covering his ears at the first syllable, Arkom winced. The abuse his ears were being forced to withstand was almost causing him to black out.Choosing not to respond, he merely tried to soundproof his office. It wasn't long before every door and window was closed.The scene was similar elsewhere in Onu-Koro. Shocked Ussalmatoran, recognizing the voice of an acquaintance, hesitated to shut their own audio receptors and were laid low in seconds. Others began to work in soundproofing the village as they stuffed wax and dirt inside their ears. All reacted with shock, anger, and a melancholy questioning of the situation.



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IC-Mussiki:Mussiki stormed off to Onu-Wahi. He went up to the guard post, where Arkom was, and tried to get into his office. And it didn't work.Mussiki decided to tone down the volume level a bit, though it was still rather loud."Open Up."The door promptly exploded outward away from Mussiki."I'll pay for that," he said in a more normal voice.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: Immediately, both Arkom and his lieutenant were leveling swords at Mussiki. Both of their kanohi featured a hard line of a mouth."You have now destroyed Onu-Koroan property, peace, and stability," Arkom pointed out coldly. "And all so that you might talk to me."Honorary Ussalmatoran Mussiki," He continued, "That rank is officially torn from you. Only hope that the court-martial following this does not deem to punish you further."



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IC-Mussiki:Mussiki smiled."Good to know, because I was just coming to tell you I resigned," the unusually-cheerful Mussiki said. "So, yeah. Bye!" He stepped out of the broken door, left a coin purse of widgets on the table, and proceeded to walk away.

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IC: Arkom and his lieutenant followed. "Desist in your exit!," Shouted the matoran. "Do you wish to make this look worse than it already does?!"Regiment 2 rode in before Mussiki. Gyn looked into the toa's eyes, urgently mouthing 'Do as he says'. His own ocular sensors were concerned and saddened.Even better.

Edited by Francis Wisehead



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