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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: One of the daggers stuck into Hatann's shoulder, while the others were wild shots - Hatann had never had much luck hitting his own targets while screaming. Then the toa was on him again, attacking from all angles with his sword and his fists. Hatann managed to block most of the slashes with his own weapon and responded in kind, gaining several cuts in his armour and nicks in his spine. The punches, however, he let land, but each time, he countered with an uppercut back at Shade's head. If this lanky toa wanted to fight with fists, then the burly Skakdi was confident he could win.


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IC: PhantomsThe Phantoms had been teleported straight back to their cavern base after the battle in Ko-Wahi. many of them had been hurt by the Aukati or disappointed with the outcome of the battle, but Zar, for one, was not. He swaggered through the chamber and sat in his throne, overlooking the amassed forces before him."Phantoms... You all know Nemesis Pyro, I trust." he smirked, as an identical, black-armoured copy of Tahuva stepped out from the shadows. "You can all, therefore, trust he will be our... Ambassador to the Aukati." some of the Phantoms laughed menacingly. "As for our agenda..."Zocord formed the earthen wall behind Zar's throne into the spitting image of a Mystix, to which Zar gestured. "This is my species. Once, long ago, I was shunned and abused by my own people, my people!" he got to his feet in frustration, and paced back and forth along the podium his throne sat on. "And the time has come to show them what a mistake they made. They will be made to serve us, or perish!" he raised his wing into the air triumphantly."HAIL ZARUTHAN!" the Phantoms chorused, saluting.Zar smiled a dark smile. At last, he would have his revenge.OOC: I'm aware that I wrote third person for Zar, but I tend to do that when it's a group scene.TNG, your cue.

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OOC: Wait, they like him?IC: Nemesis was silent for a while. He even kept his faceplate on, to help show no emotion at Zar's jest. "You lead us on a personal agenda? Megatron led us to a goal benefiting all of us, ultimate power and conquest. And you lead us to your personal revenge, as extensions of your will. What have you to say, Zaruthan Screemah?" OOC: Burned. Lol.


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IC: ZaruthanNemesis was as defiant as ever. Typical for a clone. (OOC: IRONY FTW)"So you're saying that an entire species at our command isn't benefiting all of us?" I asked him. "That demonstrating our power by quelling the other powerful forces on the island is a pointless, personal pursuit? That's a bit short-sighted, isn't it Pyro?"

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IC: "You just said your reason for wanting this was their abuse of you. You." Nemesis laughed, a coarse, rattling, sickening sound. "Don't make me laugh, Zaruthan. Oh, yes..that's right. It's too late." The tone in which he said the italicized words was light and mocking. "Why this species, then? Clones of you, cowardly, deceitful, and treacherous. Wouldn't they be a welcome help, right up to the point when they stab us in the back." The boldfaced words were spoken in a dark, menacing tone. "Yes...did you not tell us that Megatron had fallen, making you the leader? Ha. You would say the same if he fell over." OOC: G1 REFERENCEIC: "Why this species, then? Two reasons. They're just. Like. You. And two, you're mad at them." OOC: I kinda used KNI's style of argument to make Nemesis more..well, you know. Hard to describe it, really. Don't judge me by his tones and words.


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OOC: No offence, but Nemesis is kind of making a fool of himself here :PIC: Zar"So you're saying that the second in command should not take charge if their leader goes insane and burns himself to cinders? Fine by me..."I raise an eyebrow at his blind assumption of my species. "The Mystix are a species like any other. Dubbing them all cowardly and deceitful despite never meeting one is an idiotic move. It is also why you aren't coming with us. If you hate my leadership so much, then get out of here immediately. If you're willing to do something, then go attack the Aukati or something."

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OOC: I know. Thus the argument style I made him use.IC: "The point is you lied. We deceive others, not our own. An organization divided cannot stand. And from his actions and words in his final battle, he was perfectly sane, right down to the core."OOC: A true statement.IC: Nemesis considered, weighing his options. It would just not do to be kicked out, with no Phantoms behind him, now would it? "Special mission it is, Zaruthan. Make it worth it." He spat the new Phantom leader's name, right in his face. OOC: Something tells me he's screwed himself a suicide mission.


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IC: ZarI ignored his erroneous statements and decided to do the intelligent thing. "Your mission, then, is this: Kill Tahuva Pyro. By any means necessary. How you do it is up to you, as is what tactics and weapons you will use. If you fail, try again. Don't come crying back to me if they beat you to a pulp. You're supposed to be a copy of him, so prove you are the superior one."He asked for it.

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OOC: Wait, you do know Megs was sane (Or at least as sane as he ordinarily is, which, psychologically and medically, is considered sane.) right?IC: Nemesis nearly jumped, but his Optimus-like composure kept him silent. "I am to fight Prime?" His eyes narrowed. "Get me a few new weapons..and he will not return alive. He is weak from his last battle."


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OOC: Yeah. However that has nothing to do with his sanity, which is all he said. Zar was witness to the whole fight. Oh well, not important.IC: Nemesis took a crossbow. "Fire bolts...good. These embed themselves, so they can, until the bolts run out, serve better than my Blast Rod." He looked over the weapons. "Mace...no. For the unintelligent." He inadvertently offended any Phantom in possession of one. "Hmm..." He found a javelin. "Perhaps." He took it. "That is all I will require, in addition to the weapons of Optimus Prime, which I already possess. Hail the Phantoms." Nemesis walked off, giving a look at every Phantom he passed. To Valastrum and Transeth, Megatron's most loyal, he whispered, "Zaruthan is weak and a coward. Do not put your faith in him." He paused at the door for a response, though did not make it appear so.


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OOC: Nor Rodimus Prime? He counts too. He's a descendant of whoever Auron picks.IC: Assuming Optimus was still in Ko-Wahi, as he was, Nemesis went out the door to that very place. Though, of course, he gave Zar an obscene gesture with his finger first.OOC: Nemesis to Ko-Wahi.


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IC:Tupua nodded. "I'm fine." the dark Toa said, brushing off some dust from his cloak. He got up and looked around. He spotted a sign at the end of the road, showing the directions to different areas of the village. "I think we can start by taking a look around the markets." he said to his companions, as if the incident with Skakdi hadn't even happened.




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OOC: Zar hasn't met any of 'em :PIC: Phantoms"Agreed." said everyone.Zar nodded. "Now, with him out of the way, we can get to tracking down ad destroying our rivals, starting with the Mystix."
IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung had moved away from Zarnarax, because he was getting bored, and had tracked by sound the meeting of Phantoms somewhere in the tunnels. So he sat in the back of the group, unnoticed by the others.Until he heard destroying the Mystix."You realize that includes you as well, Zaruthan?" the Dragon asked, drawing attention to himself from the group, who all armed themselves quickly.

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IC: Zar"I just want the wretched stain of Ignotus and his allies wiped from the island. If he's been killed already, then it's time for the Mystix to bow to us," I gestured to the Phantoms, all with their weapons ready. "or perish. I hope you haven't swayed from my side, Aclaraung. The Phantoms answer to me now, and I can promise you so much..."OOC: Such as less (if any) expy-ness :P

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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung snorted, snapping his jaws at one of the Phantoms who had decided to get too close."Ignotus is dead," he said, "But you of all people should never expect a Mystix to bow. Zarnarax is trying to gain power through different methods than his brother did, I can tell you that much." The Dragon turned to one of the Phantoms, who was holding out an electric spear."Go ahead," he said to the being. "Poke me."OOC: I hope you don't mind a count of Phantoms-1 after this.

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IC: Shade smiled. Kaheri had organized his escape so well that it could have been born of Shade himself. He moved, allowing Kaheri to continue his plunge. When Hatann stepped back, Shade escaped his grasp, turning with unbelievable speed. The sword swung up, backhanded, trying to imbed itself in Hatann's diaphram.OOC: You can now deal the dying blow, at your earliest convenience. Please make it some kind of chest wound.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: The sword's tip was broken off by an intense blast of laser vision. The broken piece dropped to the ground with a clang and a tiny splash of molten droplets. They sizzled into the earth for a moment before they cooled into bright points of solid steel. Taking advantage of the move, Hatann caught Shade as he lunged forward and then through him roughly to the ground. He landed on his back, eyes wide as Hatann followed in an instant. An overhead blow from his mace slammed into Shade's chest, breaking through the plates of armour and crushing his ribcage.Breathing heavily, Hatann got up and removed his mace from Shade's chest cavity, along with tiny splashes of blood as it left. He lifted up the toa's bear-like mask, knowing that the job was done. He would keep it as a momento of this fight, just like all the other masks that lined his home. Truly, it was a fight to remember, but in the end, Shade had to die. His only gravestone would be a simple stone tablet engraved with three letters. :n: :e: :x:


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IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi was bleeding or bruised all over his body, his cloak was shredded, but he didn't mind. This was fun. Hatann left a depression in Shade's chest. He would die very soon if his heart wasn't popped. He would gurgle and struggle, but he would die with his last words caught in his throat.


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OOC: Okay, you kinda ruined the transferring of the title. You'll see why in a second.IC: Rockosis stood over the body of Shade looking at him sadly as both realized he was dying. He shoved Kaheri aside as Shade motioned for him to come closer."Well, I'm dying. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but honestly, I was hoping later." He coughted, blood spattering on Rockosis' armour. "I had a plan for a team of assassins, a group that would rule the world, but I knew it wouldn't happen." He smiled weakly, refusing to give in to the toa-killing insanity that had aided him so many times in battle, "But I did know this: Armageddon."Rockosis reeled back, shocked at the ephifany. But it couldn't be! he thought to himself. That generation died years ago! How did he know- no, no, NO!!!!"Yes," said Shade, somehow able to read his mind. "Hello, and goodbye, brother."OOC: Shade really is Rockosis' brother. More to be revealed on that later.-Bane

Edited by General Rocka's Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung backed up slightly, grabbing spear. He turned, jabbing it into another of the Phantoms as he turned back to the Skakdi. He ripped off the spine of the Skakdi. It dropped to the ground, howling in pain as Aclaraung turned, using the bloody length fo organic matter as a garrote on another of the Phantoms.Aclaraung then turned back to the Skakdi. He was nearly unconscious, and was gibbering incoherently. Aclaraung reached out, biting his head off. The Skakdi's body fell as the Dragon turned back to the others, spitting the head out. The whole group moved away, the head coming to rest at Zaruthan's feet, a red carpet of blood leading from it back to Aclaraung. He then turned, grasping the body, and threw it into the group of Skakdi closest to him, who were most shocked at seeing their friend get killed."Let that be a warning," he growled to all the Phantoms in the room, who were staring at their three dead comrades. "I will kill you all gladly if you attempt to attack me." He looked up to Zar."Including you."

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OOC: I thought they were all NPCs. xDIC-Aclaraung:"I'm not leading you to them," Aclaraung said. "Zarnarax and I have come to an understanding-if he does anything stupid, I kill him. If I do anything stupid, he tries to kill me, and I still kill him." The Dragon snorted."I'm planning on returning to my home in Ga-Wahi for the time being, though."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: ZaruthanI was actually intrigued by this. Perhaps with the change in leadership, the Mystix would accept me among them again. The Phantoms around me seemed oblivious to my change in expression, however."Would... Would I be able to..." I looked up at Aclaraung, clearly concerned. "...Go back...?"

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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung eyed Zaruthan warily, not trusting his sudden change in demeanor. This was a Mystix who could hide his emotions well, so he wasn't to be trusted as much as others."I can't see why not," Aclaraung growled all the same. "Follow me and I'll lead you to them. Any of your 'Phantoms' who try to follow us will die, however," the Dragon growled.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Zaruthan"Stay here." I said to them, quelling their protests. "If all goes well, I'll find some work for you serving the Mystix. If not..." I trailed off and let their pathetic minds work it out for themselves.Me and Aclaraung stepped out of the cave and headed towards the location of Zarnarax.

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OOC: I figured. IC(Tosp): Tosp happened to notice an axe, larger and possibly sharper then the one he had now. "Oh, I like this." he said picking it up from the stall. Kythera snorted, "Do you really need another?" Tosp glanced at her then back at the axe. "No, but it looks so much cooler." he responded.


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OOC: Sorry for ruining your transition. If you like, I could go back and edit whatever it was that did it.IC: Hatann turned to the orange toa. He looked a good fighter, but was he good enough? Then there was the question of loyalty. Would he slip that fancy sword into Hatann's back at the first opportunity? "You may be able to join" he told him. "But you must proove yourself. NEX requires dedication and distinction. Do you have what it takes?"OOC: So Armageddon died, but the Apocalypse is coming. Very interesting


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OOC: New group, the Apocalype gang. It's supposed to be a counter for the ILS. Unfortunately, I only have my characters to join, and new-b's aren't really respected around here. Anyway, I'm going to work around the problem.IC: "Oh, I can commit." Rockosis replied. "I live by my word, even though I'm a bounty hunter, and as for distinction, I have several clients that can tell you my distinctions. My References, Mantoxis and Baneless, can vouch for me." he twirled his sword nonchalantly, seemingly oblivious to the appraising look of the Skakdi. "Name's Rockosis, by the way." He picked up Shade's cloak and bandolier of daggers. He wouldn't be needing it anymore.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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