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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi followed Hatann, but didn't stick to the shadows as well as him. Kaerhi would have dropped his jaw in amazement. An entire village built underground? Amazing. He managed to keep his mouth shut, but his eyes were wide.


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IC: KytheraSeeing as Tosp hadn't let go of her, Kythera slipped her arm around him and began to lead the two Toa to Onu-Koro. It was easy going, as the tunnels that lead to the Village of Earth are kept in good repair. No broken lightstones, not a chance of a cave-in.Slowly, the tunnel began to widen as they got closer to the Koro.IC: GravityIf the situation was different, such as my girlfriend not being kidnapped, I would of thought that the Koro of Earth looked pretty friggin' cool.But now everything around me seemed unimportant. Anything that didn't help me get her back wasn't relevant. "Neat," was my only comment.



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OOC: Great. Raxa is rounding up NEX to help with Hound & Co., so my Skadki, who dislikes everyone and has a certain hate for Raxa, is going to be in the battle along with my Matoran(Maybe).....I'm scared.IC(Tosp): Tosp gave Kythera a quick squeeze as the road continued to widen. "So, when we hit the village, it's a turn south-ward, which should lead us to the tunnel to Kini-Nui, right?" he asked. He had never been to Onu-Koro before, so this was all new to him.


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IC: Hound & Co, Onu-Koro"Kirian," Hound said, his deep voice resonating in the underground city's air. "Tirus." The Toa of Ice shot into the darkness, activating his Kanohi as he did so. Tirus, on the other hand, rolled his eyes and murmured a few choices words about the Toa of Ice before setting off. After a few steps, he paused, looking back at Tajeh. "Ye still need a bit a patching up, I presume?" He asked, his deep, accented voice not resonating quite like Hound's had. Without waiting for a reply, he continued speaking. "If memory serves, there's a 'ospital over... there." He said, pointing his war hammer in the general direction of the largest group of buildings. That said, he once again set off in the direction of the aforementioned group of buildings.Hound, wordless after his strange outburst, quietly walked towards on of the smallest bridges, heading towards a solitary hut at the far corner of the sprawling metropolis.


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IC(Tajeh): "Yeah, I'll go check it out." he replied quickly. Something was gonna happen real soon and Tajeh didn't feel real excited about it. He quietly, but quickly ran in the direction Tirus pointed out. As he approached the cluster of buildings, he noticed that these buildings almost seemed to sprout out of the ground. Tajeh walked along a narrow street inbetween the buildings until he saw what he was looking for. A hospital. Pushing open the door, Tajeh realized it was more of a clinic then a full hospital, but it would serve the same purpose. The attendant behind the counter muttered a greeting as Tajeh walked up. "Hi, what can we do for you today?" "Um, I think I broke my hand." "Left or right hand?" the attendant replied as he wrote the information down. "Left." "How did you break it?" "Why do you want to know that?" "If you have a problem, you can leave." "Broke it in a fight." "Uh-huh. Take this and wait a few minutes." the attendant said as he handed a slip of paper to Tajeh. Tajeh took the paper and took a chair a few feet from the counter. He noticed that he was the only person in the waiting room. Maybe in the whole clinic.IC(Tosp): Tosp moved his shoulder slightly to adjust to the added weight of Kythera's head. "Anyone ever tell you have a heavy head?" he teased.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa watched as the others headed off, and stood in the middle of the Koro. Looking about, he noticed somebody, Kaerhi. One quickly-grown lightstone later, and there was Hatann, backing away from the light. Raxa then made a couple crystal cuffs on each of their legs that would force them to walk over to him."What have you found?" He asked them quickly.

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IC:"Well, Vortixx are of larger statue so their cranium obviously is..." Tupua started, then realized the Toa and Vortixx behind him were flirting. "Sorry..." he muttered, keeping walking. Sometimes, his cold demeanor ledto awkward statements. But before he could make any more of those, the cave opened up in front of them and there, with lighstones dotting the buildings like stars in the night sky, lay Onu-Koro. Tupua stopped for a moment, taking in the sight. "Nice." he commented.




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IC: The crystal cuffs were quickly shattered by the power of gravity. Hatann wasn't going to take that from this toa - he would have walked over himself, but being made to do it was in insult to him."We tried to drop in on an old friend of mine in Ko-wahi" he replied in a low voice. "I figured that if anybody was going to get killed, it was that obnoxious brakas. He was away on business though, so we broke into his house instead and took a sizeable haul of stored wealth. He had more security than you would believe, but we did it. A few toa showed up to object, but they weren't a problem. As for NEX agents, there haven't been any NEX murders this side of the Mangai in the last few days. Maybe your employees aren't doing a very good job, sir" he remarked pointedly.


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IC: "Done" Hatann said and retreated back out of the village. Just before he left though, he decided to give Raxa a little repayment for the crystal shackles. He increased the gravity around Raxa's feet and ankles. It wasn't much and it would wear off quickly, but he hoped it would convey his feeling about the new leader of NEX.

Edited by The Lorax


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IC-Raxa:Raxa smiled."Nice attempt, Hatann," he said, continuing to walk around just fine, without even activating his Pakari. "Just because I may not be a Skakdi, doesn't mean I'm not stronger than one." He then turned, following after Hound after he tossed a coin purse full of widgets at Hatann, somewhere near five-hundred widgets within.

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IC: Hatann was surprised at the ferocity with which Kaerhi attacked the toa. In his experience, it was common for criminals and scum to dislike or even hate each other, but when push came to shove, they forced themselves to get along because they needed each other or something the other had. Sometimes you just had to cooperate, even with someone you despised. Hatann didn't care for Raxa either, but he put that aside because he was happy to get payed and plenty of targets to kill.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa heard Kaerhi, and he turned, launching a kick at the Skakdi's face. It connected, hard, the Skakdi rolling along the ground."Let that be a lesson, Kaerhi," he said, gesturing to the Skakdi's swollen, possibly broken, nose. "I'm not going to tolerate something like that again."

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IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi sat up and spat at Raxa, hitting him in his mask. His ability at sneak attacks was poor, but he could boast about his range and accuracy of spitting, disgusting as it is. "Matches the rest of you." he growled.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa smiled, dropping his crystal face guard to the ground, where it shattered. He kept his hands from his weapons, though he glared over at Kaerhi."Come now, Kaerhi," he said after a moment. "I have no prior problems with you, you're just making problems of your own. You could always challenge me to a duel, of course, but I wouldn't recommend it."

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IC: "Unfortunately, the toa has a point" Hatann conceeded. "While he may be an obnoxious brakas to rival Dekuna, he has his uses. Thanks to him, we have targets to kill, pay and a network of others to work with. Hate him all you like, but actually fighting him isn't smart".


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IC-Raxa:Raxa launched a feint of a kick upwards, towards Kaerhi's jaw. The Skakdi instinctively went up as well, directly retreating from the kick, and before he noticed what had happened, Raxa had his hand at Kaerhi's throat, Pakari activated, crushing it as he lifted the struggling Skakdi in the air."Bad move," he said, throwing the Skakdi into an underground river. He turned to Hatann. "Fish him out, if you feel like it," he told the other Skakdi, and proceeded to walk out.

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IC: Kaerhi didn't seem to hear his reasoned attempts to stop the fight, so Hatann saw two options for how to proceed. He could withdraw his cooperation and eliminate Kaerhi's elemental power, leading to a quick defeat, and maybe a chance at continuing as they had been. On the other hand, he could join with Kaerhi, kill raxa and take the leadership of NEX for himself. He was just about to take action, when fight was abruptly ended. "He totara wahi rua..." he muttered to himself and went to go get Kaerhi. The two Skakdi had made a good team in their missions so far, and he wasn't going to give that up for his next mission.


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IC: Hound, Onu-KoroHound stood on the beginning of the bridge, having journeyed back to view Raxa discipline and argue with his fellow hit men and assassians."What fascinating friends you have here, Raxa." Hound said, his eyes emotionless as he surveyed them. "Oh, and so great at taking orders."


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IC-Raxa:"I think it's just the fact that I'm not Fictus," Raxa thought out-loud to Hound. "They would never have dared act that way to him, that's all. Incurso and Caige are a bit calmer than those two, and that's what makes them the deadlier. Not that those two don't have their uses." He turned to Hound after Hatann and Kaerhi ran off."There are times I wonder just how I got sucked into this, I have to say," the Toa of Crystal mentioned. "Though I still remind myself of the answer every time."

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OOC: Small Autohit here. *sheepish smile*IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi pulled himself out of the river. The water would have steamed off him if he was a Toa of Fire, seeing how mad he was. He pushed Hatann out of his way, picked up a rock and threw it at Raxa, pinning him in the back of his head. When Raxa turned around, Kaerhi gave a rather rude hand gesture in reply. He would have said something, but he couldn't speak at the moment.IC(Tajeh): Tajeh sat in the clinic for almost two minutes before being called back to see the doctor. He was escorted by the attendant down a hallway to a small room and was told to sit on the low table. Tajeh complied and sat down as the attendant left. Tajeh took some time to observe his surroundings in the room. It was pretty much the same as any clinic room. The equipment, the cabinets, the smell. There was a small window as well, looking out to what appeared to be an underground park. Tajeh's private time was cut short as the door opened and the doctor walked in. Much to Tajeh's surprise, it was a Toa of Earth. "Okay, let's see here." he muttered as he walked over to Tajeh. "You think you broke your hand in a fight?" "Correct." Tajeh replied. "Okay, let's take a look see." The Toa grabbed Tajeh's left hand and began examining it. He prodded and poked, felt and pushed. It wouldn't have shocked Tajeh if he bent over and licked his hand the way he was going. "Well, it's broke, but nothing too serious. I can fix this in a jiffy. Hold still." Tajeh suddenly felt a tingling in his hand as the Toa's mask glowed. His hand stopped swelling and shrunk to it's normal size. Tajeh heard the bone crack and reset to it's normal form. The bruising went away as well. "Wow....what did you do?" Tajeh asked as he looked at his hand. "Mask of Healing." the Toa replied as he tapped his mask. "Now hold still." The Toa picked up some earth and wrapped it about Tajeh's hand and hardened it. It was almost as hard as iron. "Keep that on for a few weeks and then maybe you can take it off." he said when he was finished. "Now that will be 250 widgets." Tajeh's smile faltered. "I don't have any money on me.." he stammered. "Really? Then it's up to the Guard to deal with you." he said calmly. He said it like he had dealt with this before many times. He walked out of the room and threw up a barricade of earth to block the door. The only noise left was Tajeh's breathing. "Oh, this is SO not my day!"


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OOC: Up for Tirus saving Tajeh?IC: Hound, Onu-Koro Hound watched as the rock beamed off the back of Raxa's head. While most beings would have asked what the answer was, Hound remained silent, waiting for Raxa to explain.When Raxa did not reply, Hound said nothing, but followed behind, his pace slowly growing. Soon he was next to Raxa, his stride measured and efficent.

Edited by D.A.V.E.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa noted Hound's expression, however little of one their was. "I was somewhat forced into it," he said after a moment. "I control more than NEX now, and I'm not happy about it." He didn't shrink from giving Hound the name of the organization-somebody such as him would most likely already know of it.He stepped into the hospital, looking over to the receptionist. "I'm looking for a Matoran...?" He suggested. She nodded, gesturing over to the hall. Raxa moved down it, seeing the small room blocked by the Earth."Ah, finally," the doctor said. "The Guard is here." He nodded at Raxa, who smiled and nodded back. "Don't worry," the Toa of Crystal said. "We'll take care of him for you." The doctor lowered the earth barrier, and Raxa stepped in, glaring down at Tajeh. He put the Matoran in handcuffs made of crystal, dragging him out of the hospital.Once they were out of sight of the doctor, Raxa re-absorbed the crystal cuffs."Next time you're planning to go to a hospital," he said, a light smile on his face, "Ask me for money. Or, better yet, wait and follow me to my home."

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IC(Tajeh): "Yeah, yeah, I'll make sure to remember that." Tajeh grumbled. "Was it really necessary to drag me out?" IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi didn't smile at Hatann's joke, but thought it was very good idea. Kaerhi grunted and made a few hand motions, which seemed to ask, Where do you think our prey is located?


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OOC: IF there's one thing that will never get old about this RPG, it's your use of words, D.A.V.E. :PIC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi coughed a few times and started off towards a cluster of buildings. He waved for Hatann to follow, but didn't care, like always, if he came or not.


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IC: Hatann followed after Kaerhi, if only to make sure that they didn't have another run in with Raxa. Since they didn't know where their targets might be, Onu-koro was a good place to start looking.OOC: I've PMed Rocka's Bane about Shade and Mantoxis, so once he gets back online and replies, we're in business. Shade is currently somewhere in Onu-wahi, while Mantoxis is in Ta.


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OOC: And we'll be going even further. Apparently he's in the Le-wahi tunnel.IC: The pair of Skakdi spent some time searching around Onu-koro for "Shade and Mantoxis", but there was no sign of them - apparently they weren't here."Let's look somewhere else" Hatann suggested eventually. "The island is a big place, so we've got a lot of searching to do." He picked a highway out of Onu-koro that would take them to one of the other regions and started walking down it.Eventually, he came upon a lanky toa in black and grey armour, standing in the tunnel. "'scuse me there" Hatann said, walking up to him, "We're looking for a couple of beings named Shade and Mantoxis. We have an important business proposal for them. Any info on their whereabouts?"


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IC: Shade looked up, suprised that a skakdi was addressing him by name. He didn't have any skakdi as his personal friends, and he didn't plan on having any. "Who wants to know?"Rockosis joined his partner standing near the tunnel. He was still annoyed at the dead end in the hunt, but he was wary of the skakdi standing before them. He knew his own kind (OOC: Mercenary) when he saw them, and didn't like them one bit.OOC: Rockosis is not to be harmed, other than flesh wounds. Oh, and I want Shade to have a slow but epic death, so give me a fatal wound that will allow me to post a death for Shade. Oh, and Shade has a missing hand in real life, but shape-shifts new ones by shrinking.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: Understood.IC: "NEX wants to know" Hatann announced, slightly interested by the toa's response. It almost seemed as if he knew these people. Maybe he was on of them? Could Hatann's luck be that good? Either that or this toa was just wasting his time. "You may not know who that is, but soon, the whole island will. Let's just say someone who wants to do business."


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IC: "Ah, NEX," Shade mused. "I once aspired to make a competetor for that assassin's group. Unfortunately, no one joined. Yes, I'm Shade."He readied his swords behind his great cloak, ready to make a move. He really did know about NEX, from his spy Baneless, and he knew what this meant. NEX had a death mark on him. Unfortunately, these two wouldn't live to tell the tale, unless their dead bodies spoke. Actually, they would testify, their bodies giving Raxa the fear of Shade. He bumped Rockosis, the signified sign for danger, and kept talking. "I heard that your glorious leader died. Pity. How's Raxa doing as the new leader of NEX?"Rockosis didn't show it, but he kind of liked these guys. He would fight them, but only to keep them away from Shade.OOC: Rockosis might join the order, if Kal doesn't mind. He's bored, at the moment, and you need someone to help stop Tajeh.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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