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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: So this was Shade, but what really made him interesting for Hatann was that he knew of NEX. He could have just attacked then and there - a couple of strong lesers couldn't have missed his neck at that range - but instead he chose to keep talking. If Shade knew about NEX and Raxa, this was going to be a very good fight, not to mention an interesting prelude. He needed to make sure that he would have the advantage when he struck. "Ah, I see you do know about us. That's good, because it will save me having to explain. It's like this - we want you to join".


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IC: Now that had taken Shade by suprised. Most of the island didn't know him, as he was one anonymous toa among many. Although he had killed several toa in his past, he had always prided himself on remaining the unknown killer. Although he liked having his ego slightly stroked, he knew that most could not have known of his killings. He still stood at the ready, but slowly straightened. "Really now, how did you learn about me? And what are the wages? Also, do you have any openings for my partner Rockosis?"Rockosis stood, but he was suprised at Shade relaxing his guard. He knew these people. Killing was in their nature. He held his hand behind his back, ready to grab his custom sword.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


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IC: "I suppose that could be arranged" Hatann shrugged, looking as casual as he could around a couple a killers. "The wages are very good - you can get whatever you want, really. Weapons, women, widgets... and lots of them. So long as you do your job well, you will be payed in equal proportion. For example, killing a toa of crystal in the middle of Ta-koro earnt us a few hundered widgets. Bringing back his mask and Ta-koro guard insignia to spite the rest of the guard add on some razor crystals - you know the type. They shred armour and tissue like paper. They're a great addition to my zamor spheres". Casually, he lifted his launcher and pointed it at the tunnel wall, his finger on the trigger.Now was his chance. Shade's guard was down, if only slightly. In an instant, he whirled back to face shade and fired a sphere of crystal-laced high explosive right at his chest. As soon as the sphere left the barrel, Hatann backflipped out of the blast zone and fetched up against the tunnel wall with a gigantic grin on his face.


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IC: Shade knew how to act. Even as Hatann turned and began speaking, Shade had unsheathed his swords. When the Skakdi shot, he dived, sliding on his knees and rolling. He jumped up, even as the blast exploded behind him. He got up, and threw a sonic scream as he ran towards the Skakdi. He went for the knees, hitting them in a football-style dive. With any luck, it would knock the assassin down. "Really now, did you expect a silly little act like that to throw me off my guard? You need to up your training."Meanwhile, Rockosis spun, simultaneously unsheathing his sword and jumping. He brought the sword down in a double-handed slash, intending to cleave the toa in two.-Bane

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IC: Neither toa's swords reached the Skakdi, though the sonic scream made him wince. As Shade dived and Rockosis leapt into the air, the gravity within that section of the tunnel increased by many times, and both were pulled to the ground a few feet away from Hatann. Taking his chance while they were down, Hatann charged the head of his mace with gravitic energy and slammed it down towards Shade's chest.


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IC: Shade, although somewhat crushed, was still able to roll as the skakdi brought his mace down. When it embedded itself in the ground next to him, he jumped up, screaming as if his life depended upon it. He threw two knives, both headed for the skakdi's head.Rockosis fell, but exerting his Calix was easy. He got up, and pressed the trigger of his blade. The blade threw itself at the evil skakdi, heading straight for the arm. Rockosis still didn't want to seriously injure the Skakdi, he truly wanted to join them, and no amount of money from Shade would change that.-Bane

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OOC: The evil Skakdi - which one is that? :P I kid, I kid.IC: The knives and sword blade burried themselves in the dirt - the gravity was still too high for them to fly far. Hatann and Kaerhi, however, were uneffected. They existed in their own bubbles of normal gravity, allowing them to move about with speed which eluded the two toa. As soon as Hatann was free of the blades, however, the crushing force weighing the two toa down vanished - and then reversed itself. The overwhelming force was now yanking the two up towards the ceiling - for them, up was now down, and down was up.


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IC: Rockosis rolled backwards, only to be thrown up as Hatann's gravity shift took place. Both Rockosis and Shade rolled when they hit the ceiling, and looked at each other. They had practiced this move for years. As Rockosis created a field of heat, beginning to singe everyone but Shade.Shade began to emit a high-pitched sound. It would start with a headache, but soon progress into brain-destroying material. The Skakdi would soon drop them.-Bane

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IC-Raxa:"Aye," Raxa said, smiling. "If you'll excuse me, I have something to do." Raxa ran off, quickly, taking about half a minute to reach the Tunnel to Le-Koro unseen, to make sure that Kaerhi and Hatann did their job. He readied his crossbow, looking at the screeching Shade, and smiled. This was one he recognized, who'd tried to start that rival organization. He fired, the string silent, the bolt flying silently through the air to hit Shade's lower spine, leaching poison right into his nervous system.He would die slowly, in constant agony.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC(Tosp): Tosp whistled. "How did they build an entire village under ground?" he thought aloud. Tosp has only seen two villages: Ta- and Po-Koro. He had been to Onu-Wahi before, but never visited Onu-Koro. The lighting was dimmer than the sun, but still bright enough to see well.


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OOC: Close, so I'll allow the other Skakdi to give the killing blow, but I'll give an advantage to you.IC: The arrow sped on it's flight towards Shade, but Raxa had not taken into accout the gravity around him. The arrow flew up, to land on the ceiling. But as it landed, it cut through Shade's side, beginning to poison him. Shade looked down. He knew he didn't have much time left. He emitted a sonic pitch so high, that what was left of the Le-wahi highway began to crumble.Rockosis watched, sad that another paying customer was going to die, but glad that he finally would be free of Shade's control. Shade had blackmailed and bribed him so many times, that he really didn't care if he lived or died. He stopped attacking the other Skakdi and newly appeared toa, and lowered his weapon, not afraid but not wanting to fight, either.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


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IC: As Shade was hanging from the ceiling, he leaned and the punch missed. The toa brought a blade against the Skakdi's back as the overcompensated punch sent the Skakdi flying towards the wall.-Bane

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IC: "Hidden blade, hmmm? I had a few of those before." said Shade, easily dodging the blades by leaning. He pulled out two daggers, and threw them at the Skakdi's back. As he turned, though, one of the blades caught him in the leg. He turned, casting the illusion of millions of bugs crawling on the Skakdi. Where Shade could not hurt, he caused terror.-Bane

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IC(Kaerhi): The first knife went directly through the cloak, no damage to Kaerhi. The second hit him in the shoulder blade and fell out. Grunting, Kaerhi dropped to the ground and picked up the knife that missed. He was about to throw it when noticed insects covering him. Kaerhi closed his eyes and bit his tongue as he threw the knife towards Shade's chest.


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IC: "Iron-eating Rahu," said Shade, adding to the illusion by modifying his voice. "You won't survive for five minutes. Oh, and throwing blind is bad. You missed me by a full bio." He slipped out his sword, and sliced at the Skakdi's throat.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


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IC-Raxa:Maybe I should've hired this guy when I had the chance, Raxa thought. He noticed that the Toa of Plasma was doing nothing, so he thought for a moment. He was probably going to get hired by the others, that much was certain, and now Shade would die before everything got destroyed. Paying for repairs was never fun.Taking a detour, Raxa moved around, to where he could easily toss something to the opening to Le-Wahi. He pulled out another bag of widgets that he had gotten from Fictus' and his own home, tossing it out towards the highway, where the two would easily find it.He figured that, judging by their abilities, he may as well pre-pay them.

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OOC: Cheers for your munificent dictions. Oh, new (and possibly last) torture post.IC: Hajia, Gahuari, & Halion, The CatacombsHajia, eyes wide, stared at the Ga-Matoran before her. The small, child-like Matoran's body was bloody and bruised, and she moaned once more. Hajia struggled to speak, her eyes welling with tears. Of course, She thought. They know that, no matter what they try, I would never tell them anything. But when someone else, someone truly innocent, is put at risk... Blinking back a tear, she stared at Halion, anger and rage swelling up inside her. "You..." She started, her chest heaving in labored breathing. "You brakas... You so much as even-"Flicking his wrist, Halion drew a carver's knife, it's edge flashing in the torch light. A dissapointed, pouting frown on his face, Halion glared at Hajia. "You'll what? Break pure diamond? You're in no position to give orders, miss Hajia." As he spoke, he ran the knife's edge down the side of Gahuari's chair, his frown turning into a smile at the anticipation he held for the cruelness coming.With lightning speed, He slammed the knife down on Gahuari's hand. Hajia screamed, half in rage, half in fear, leaning foward as close as possible, tears falling down her cheeks onto the floor. As Halion moved his hand away from the knife, he revealed it's position, directly between two of Gahuari's fingers. "With you crying like that when she isn't hurt..." He whispered, suddenly directly in front of the growling Hajia, his sharp, pointed mask directly in front of hers, almost as if he was about to kiss her. Instead of a romantic smile, a wicked, sadistic grin was on his lips. "I can only imagine what you'll do when I begin cutting."That said, he stepped back next to Gahuari, pulling the knife out of the table. In on smooth movement, he placed it over the thumb of Gahuari's tiny hand. "Now then... Start babbling, or this little Matoran will have a unique number of digits."Tears now freely flowing, Hajia told them everything, giving everything she had to. She felt like she was being destroyed from the inside, her stomach going cold from hearing her tratiorous words, her utter betrayal.


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IC(Tosp):Tosp whistled. "How did they build an entire village under ground?" he thought aloud. Tosp has only seen two villages: Ta- and Po-Koro. He had been to Onu-Wahi before, but never visited Onu-Koro. The lighting was dimmer than the sun, but still bright enough to see well.
IC:"They found a cave and they kept digging." Tupua said drily, but with a smile on his face. "Come on, let us take a closer look."Now that they were actually here, it was much easier for Tupua to find his bearings, and the Toa walked with seemingly more confidence then he'd had before. They crossed the bridge over the underground river and a few minutes after, they were walking down the rather busy main-street of the Koro. Tupua constantly looked left and right, vigilant as always. "So, you've never been here?" he asked Tosp.




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IC: Gunner - InfernavikaGunner face-palmed himself, a curse stuck in his throat, "How do I wind up on the receiving end of two 'reason you suck' speeches in one day?"Sighing with fatigue, the Toa cracked a more weary smile at Grochi, "You really know how to make friends, don't you Grochi?"-Void



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IC:"They found a cave and they kept digging." Tupua said drily, but with a smile on his face. "Come on, let us take a closer look."Now that they were actually here, it was much easier for Tupua to find his bearings, and the Toa walked with seemingly more confidence then he'd had before. They crossed the bridge over the underground river and a few minutes after, they were walking down the rather busy main-street of the Koro. Tupua constantly looked left and right, vigilant as always. "So, you've never been here?" he asked Tosp.
IC(Tosp): Tosp laughed at Tupua's joke. Maybe they found what could not be found. A funny Toa of Ice. It seemed Tupua knew where he was going. Or at least had a natural sense of direction. "No, I've never been to Onu-Koro before. I've been to some of the tunnels in Onu-Wahi. It's how I found my Toa Stone, in fact." Tosp replied, "But, no, I've never seen the village."


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IC:Tupua nodded. "Hmm." he hummed in acknowledgement of Tosps answer. They continued to walk, down the dim-lit streets. Eventually they came across the hut Turaga Whenua. The Matoran in his absence had begun to place small piles of stone in front of it. At first he didn't know what purpose that could serve, until he spotted inscriptions carved into their surface. Intrigued, the cloaked Toa stepped closer and bent forward slightly to examine them closer. He saw they were wishes of well-being, or prayers to the great spirit. Apparently the Matoran of this Island were highly fond of their leaders. Tupua could understand the sentiment, but the memories the stones caused in him were mostly bitter.With a small sigh, the Toa stood back up to his full height. He turned back to Tosp and Kythera. "Come on, let's keep mov-"His sentence was cut short by the figure of a large gunmetal-grey Skakdi with green eyes, whos massive shoulder collided with the back of the Toa as it ran. Tupua was knocked forward and sideways, almost stumbling into one of the consolation-piles. He caught himself quickly, just in time to spot the Skakdi round a corner and disappear. "Rude." he mumbled, but got back up.




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IC: Hatann was about to remove the bugs from his body by increasing their weight so much that they imploded, but it turned out that they had no weight to begin with. "Nice show, Shade, but come on," he said to the upside-down toa, "We're playing the real game here". He looked Shade in the eyes and then activated his laser vision.


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IC: Hatann would be suprised as lasers hit the toa of sonics and faded. Shade had made an illusion of himselfm while he disappeared into the shadows. He came up silently, bringing his dagger around Hatann's throat. "Oh, I like shows. They work well if you aren't paying attention. Now, you drop your weapons." Shade felt the beginnings of something burning in his body, and he wanted this to be over with. He would kill or incapacitate the two, then head to his home, where he had a ready store of antidotes.OOC: Now would be a good point at which to end it. PM me so we can discuss an epic end.-Bane

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IC: Gunner - InfernavikaGunner shrugged, a small chuckle escaping from his mouth, before leaving wordlessly, walking back over to where Raknar and Zijak had been, "Excuse me, captain. I was just wondering if you could fill me in on just what exactly we're doing in Onu-Wahi."-Void

Edited by Emissary to the Void


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IC(Tosp): Tosp managed to pull Kythera and him out of the Skakdi's way before he barreled them down as well. "What the Kraz is his problem?" Tosp half-said, half-yelled after the Skakdi. Tosp turned to Tupua and asked, "You alright?"


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IC: The cold metal at his neck didn't disturb Hatann at all. He stepped forward, and it passed right through his throat - the Shade behind him had also been an illusion. Hatann scanned the tunnel, looking for where the real Shade was - the only one with any weight. He found him, lurking in an alcove off to Hatann's right."Drop the act, Shade" Hatann snorted as the illusion faltered. "I know where you are. Come out and fight like a real man". Hatann stepped towards Shade and swiped with his mace, aiming to crush the toa's ribs.


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IC: "I'm an assassin, stupid." said Shade, "Not a man. I kill from the shadows. But I will oblige you in a fight to the death, if you wish it." He stepped from the shadows, swinging his double-sided sword, swinging in a spinning, circular motion. The blade knocked the club away from Hatann's body, leaving his chest open from a deadly slash from the right.OOC: That wasn't an illusion, but I'll play with it.-Bane

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IC: Hatann caught the second blow on the magazine of his zamor launcher, which he twisted, hoping to make Shade lose his grip. Shade was a good fighter, however, so in case it didn't work, he followed up with a blow from his mace,bringing it down at Shade's head.


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IC: Shade was light, so when the skakdi threw his blade, Shade jumped and flew with it, narrowly missing the club. He landed next to the skakdi, lunging for his exposed side with a slash to the back.OOC: Bunny one slash, away! :P-Bane

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IC: Shade's sword cut a thin line through Hatann's armour, tracing the line of a rib. He hissed at the sudden pain, but then grabbed at Shade's sword arm as it flew past. With his elbow in a vice-like grip, Hatann prepared to deliver a strong blow to the toa's stomach with his mace.OOC: Bunnying one grab, away!


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OOC: No, I meant you need to bunny a slash to my character, not to yours.IC: Shade twisted and turned, but could not get free. He watched in fear as the club descended.OOC: Slash/stick me, and then we go back to dueling.-Bane

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OOC: Tis' okeday :PIC: Shade gripped his stomach, hurting from the blood loss. He threw several daggers, and screamed in pain. While the Skakdi was hurting, he attacked, throwing alternating punches and slashes. This was a do-or-die effort, an epic fight to the death.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


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