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Bzprpg - Kumu Islets

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Constructman, I know you're new here, so I'll explain this to you: the security guards were positioned outside, at the only entrance. Your character would have been stopped immediately (because near-invincibility is downright impossible), the warehouse is in the heart of Xa-Koro along with a whole lot of buildings compared to which it just seems dull, and I don't want you there, so I'm afraid the things that happened in your posts are going to have to be treated as though they didn't.IC: Xylak"That depends." The Toa shrugged. "At this point, you have a choice. You can return to the world with the knowledge that there's a nutjob in a warehouse who wants to 'fix' civilisation... or you can join me, and learn things that will forever change the way you see the world."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: The DuskThe Dusk kept walking, and went into a bar. This place was filled with crooks and thieves. Felt like home.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Psyzhran"Ok then," thought Psyzhran. Then he noticed that there was a restaurant down the street which seemed a little bit more respectable than the bar The Dusk walked into. He went in. This place was full of once-heroes turned wanderers, just like he was. He felt like he blended in perfectly.

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OOC: Good, you caught the very obscure Matrix reference. :PIC: Xylak"You just hit the nail on the head. There are so many people, so many idealists, who want to change the world by way of force. And they make it worse. Organisations, like the ILS and the guards, they have become corrupt and chaotic as they have become powerful. And I'm the one who's going to change that." There was a faint hint of a smile on the Toa's face. "I have found these organisations and I have wormed my way into them by way of spies. Not only do they tell me the information that I need to know, they influence the decisions of the organisations. I am like a Fikou, sitting at the centre of a web, with a thousand threads, and I know how each and every one of them dances. We are known simply as the League, or the League of Shades. Few know of our existence, let alone our leader. You can become a part of us."There is a shrine built to Makuta in Ko-Wahi. I need you to travel to it and keep me aware of anything important that happens there. Send the information through a letter. Do not provide a name or an address or anything of the short -- inscribe this symbol on it." The Toa used his Mahiki to make an image of the shadow of a Shelek appear before Feongulf. "I do not need to hear your answer. If you decide to join us, you will contact me upon reaching the shrine. Goodbye."There was large blast of smoke (a creation of the Mahiki), and when it cleared the Toa was gone, leaving no sign of how he had left, and the warehouse was empty apart from Feongulf.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Psyzhran"Ok then," thought Psyzhran. Then he noticed that there was a restaurant down the street which seemed a little bit more respectable than the bar The Dusk walked into. He went in. This place was full of once-heroes turned wanderers, just like he was. He felt like he blended in perfectly.
OOC:Time skipping by a day. Walking into the same tavern as you, Constructman.IC: Two days had passed since the posters had been put up in Xa-Koro advertising the Black Inferno. It was then that Takari returned from his trip, his duties complete. After speaking to Vilor and discovering that no one in Xa-Koro had taken an interest, he decided it was time to go and recruit the old fashioned way. Takari headed out on the streets, stopping in one of Xa-Koro's taverns. He strode in confidently, and shouted, "Hey, folks, big news! The Black Inferno is now holding open recruitment trials!"OOC:Takari very open for interaction. Benluke, if you'd be interested in Black Inferno, feel free to talk to us as well. Vilor would pay a good price for information on the League of Shades, and would be more than willing to accept a new recruit.
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IC:Feongulf`considered the maniac's offer.She wasn't one of Makuta biggest fans. The Master of Shadows had plagued the life of the Matoran since long before she had been born, and anyone who claimed to serve him was filed away in her head under "Extremely Delusional".On the other hand, most of what he had said about the ILS seemed true. Feongulf was lost a relative stable job after they had killed her now-former employer, and removing them would at least bring something back to status-qua. She shook her head with indecision as she pulled open the warehouse's door and stepped back out into Xa-Koro's streets.She made up her mind and swung her steps towards the docks. She was headed for Ko-Wahi, land of ice. OOC: To Ko-Wahi.

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IC: PsyzhranThe toa of ice continued to eat and drink while considering the toa of lightning's offer to the crowd in the tavern. He had heard of the Black Inferno before from reading their posters, and he didn't like it. While they were against Makuta, and he was only ambiguously good, he was still good and the Black Inferno didn't sound all that appealing to him. Also, his mask was not that of superspeed but of reanimation; how could he benefit these people? "Still," he thought. "It would be be a good idea to keep track of these people." He exited the tavern and after sending a letter to Zaeron, he went in search of a hotel only to be pointed back to the same tavern that he had just been in.

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OOC: In this case, your last post is allowable, but would be considered meta-gaming if not for the existance of the posters. You should reference reading things like that for the sake of avoiding such. IC: While Takari continued to wait in the tavern, Makkan made a landing on the beach. "Report?" asked Vilor. "Posters up in all Wahi I was assigned."

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IC: Dorian (Xa-Koro)I rolled an unlit cig around my fingers and popped it into my mouth as I drew my gun and began to set up empty beer bottles on a ledge that was even with my sternum, about three blocks away from the casino. As Beast watched, I checked the ammo of the gun - full, just as I had hoped - and spun the cylinder around, lifting the gun evenly and taking aim for a second.BAM!The bullet bounced wildly off the wall, ricocheting through a bottle and towards my head: only a quick spin saved my face from becoming a Dorian-colored splatter on the wall, and as I watched and cried "Whoa!" a little underneath my breath, I felt a strange surge of adrenaline; a slow grin came across my face as I fingered the trigger, took aim again, and fired. This time, the bottle broke, even if my arm was sent slightly off balance by the velocity of the bullet being expelled from the chamber. Oh, I was already falling in love with this thing.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Psyzhran was startled by the booming noise. He left the tavern, and headed towards the source of the noise. He readied his mace and shield, preparing for a fight, when he saw Dorian blowing the smoke off of the barrel of his gun. I saw a couple of broken beer bottles and I realized what had happened. "False alarm," he thought, and headed back to the tavern.

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IC: Baruk had taken little notice of the newcomers, being far more interested in his meal, if it could be called that. The burger was far from the best he'd had, as was the case with just about everything else, but the Toa of Gravity was undeterred. After all, he was hungry. He gulped down his last few fries and raised his head, taking in the two who had joined them. They seemed like they'd serve Ketan's purpose well enough, he decided, though personally he didn't see what set them apart from the Vortixx over in the corner or that Skakdi at the bar. He smirked. Destiny at work, to be sure.


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IC: Dorian (Xa-Koro)I don't remember anything.I was shooting my new pistol at random bottles, winking at people passing by, creating new slugs out of lead and iron every now and then; life seemed good, what with the heist coming up, Naryth dead, Grokk's trustworthiness assured, Illicia thoroughly frightened out of her oh-so-pretty skin...yeah, life was definitely good. Especially the Illicia part: of course I knew she was the spy, how could I not? Killing her would be simple enough, but that would leave an even greater issue: another member of Bad Company to replace, and I really didn't want Nikarra on the team. Maybe I could buy her loyalty. If anyone could do it, I could, she was obsessed with me. Just as I was debating on when the proper time would be to ask her...I blacked out.This...this is tough to even think of, because I'm constructing what may have happened entirely from scratch. All I remember was a quick, sudden pang in my shoulder, and when I looked, my Mark was glowing up a storm, and I could see myself reflected in a store window across the street, my eyes glowing like the beacons of a lighthouse and my Mark shining clear through my satin shirt, and I remember turning and asking Beast something along the lines of "Do you see this? What in the everloving--?"And then I blacked out, waking up minutes later with a groan and rubbing my hands over my face. My Mark...it had never done that before. Ever. Not even during the tattoo-induced hallucinations had I felt such a surge, such a blinding glow of energy that even I was taken aback. I took my pistol, made sure it was still in working order, checked myself over, rubbed my hand over my face again. And that's when I saw it.00:00:00:07:00:00:00. 00:00:00:06:23:59:59. 00:00:00:06:23:59:58.On my right forearm, stretched across my skin in thin font, was a tattoo, glowing cool blue in tune with my Mark. It took me a second to realize what it was: a clock. And it was ticking down.-Teezy



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IC: Dorian (Harbor, Xa-Koro)I have now been dying for twelve minutes.As soon as four seconds went by, I hopped up and immediately moved to the casino, taking any shortcut I could, no matter how shady, no matter how crowded, until I got through the front doors and immediately barged to my villa. Sev was there, but I shoved past him without a word, grabbing Nikarra by the wrist and pulling her around the corner. She gasped out in pain, whispered my name, but all I did was bend down and kiss the small of her neck hungrily, distracting her enough so that I could snap up her arm and see that she, too, had a clock on her forearm. We were Timestamped. Like Cattle. Beasts. Subpar beings. Utu would weep if he could see us now."Come with me," I whispered. "We can get through this. Together. Just come with me, Nikarra."She gulped, nodded, and together we barged out of the casino together and towards the dock, where I "commandeered" a boat with some help from my pistol and a hemophiliac dock guard. Now, we had cast off and we were sailing out past the Islets, into open water. I sat, staring at Nikarra and contemplating why I hadn't cleaned her clock already and taken her time for myself. Screw the heist. We could find some other way into the vault. She was the new Bearer, she had no idea of the power she had stumbled upon, and she had almost an entire week that could be much better spent with me..."Where are we going?" she asked, interrupting my contemplation and dreams of murder."Ga-Wahi. Bearer territory."OOC: Dorian and Nikarra to Ga-Wahi.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: PsyzhranPsyzhran was now at a different bar, after switching bars several times, waiting for something to happen that would require his assistance. That was his way, learned from a turaga named Valja long, long, ago. He kept on waiting.OOC: open for interaction. Have been open for a very long time

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The Toa of Air had spoken what had been on Kynaera's mind for so long. She nodded fractionally, and though her gaze didn't soften, it also didn't bore into the Toa of Air's forehead anymore. "How exactly do you plan on making our situations right?"
IC (Ketan)The Toa of Air closed his eyes and breathed deeply, then smiled as he opened them. "I have no doubt that the Makuta has plans and schemes to turn this island fully to himself. The only question is, what are those plans, and how can we know them for ourselves?"The answer is deceptively simple: we become his hand on the island, the force of his will. We destroy his enemies, and make believers of those who doubt. We prove our worth to the Master."Ketan sighed. "The truth is, as I'm sure you are aware, is that one Toa alone cannot do enough to command the attention of the Makuta. You have tried, haven't you? Even two or three are not enough. But were a team to be assembled, a Toa team rivalling the power of the Toa of old, they would be able to do a hundredfold more in the pursuit of Makuta's will, and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were worthy of serving the Master of Shadows."That is my wish. I desire to assemble a team of Toa akin to the Toa of old, and use our combined power to bring this island to its knees before our Master. Only then can we begin to build a future kinder to those like you and I."
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IC: Venedico (The Black Muaka, Xa-Koro)A future, kinder to those like them.A future, ruled by Makuta, with this new "team" serving as his right hand, spreading his grace throughout the land.A lifetime, in which he would never have to be jealous of anything ever again.Venedico made no verbal reply, merely took the glass of ale Ketan had bought him and swallowing it down in a gulp before setting the empty glass down onto the table.-Teezy



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IC: PsyzhranPsyzhran, still sitting at the barstool, heard everything. He had heard Ketan's plot to assemble a team of toa to serve makuta. He thought to himself "What should I do..." He exited the bar, sent a note to Zaeron via bird warning him of this recent development. He then sat outside, waiting for the three to come out...

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IC: KynaeraMorningThe Black Muaka, Xa-KoroKynaera compressed her lips at the Toa of Plant Life's careless downing of his drink but said nothing to him. Her gaze returned to the Toa of Air's face, drifting around his features before settling on the space between both his eyes."Kinder." She tested the word; it sounded all right. "Ambition, as you should know, can get the better of people with the flip of a coin. This plan of yours places a lot of responsibility upon very few shoulders... I think you're the first servant of Makuta to exhibit such recklessness."The Toa of Gravity leaned back in her chair, propping her legs against the underside of her table to remain in a comfortable reclining position. Her hands remained in her lap; a tiny smile lingered in her expression."I like it. How many people have you recruited?"

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IC (Ketan)The Toa of Air smiled. "I don't see it as recklessness, my dear... I see it more as... trust. Faith in destiny, if you will. Faith in the power of the one whom I serve."He raised the glass to his lips and drank again, before setting the wine back on the table."As for our numbers, we are the beings seated around this table. I believe we will gain a few more, but for now, we are four."The Toa of old numbered six, and they could have ruled the island if not for their misplaced ideas of destiny. I hope to number the same, or perhaps one more. Besides being difficult to trust, too many soldiers make the army unruly."He smiled again, but this one had less mirth in it. "And too many plunderers spread the spoils too thin."

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IC: PsyzhranPsyzhran sat outside, waiting for the three conspirators outside. Oh, he had big plans for these three... They thought they would rule the island in the name of Makuta. Little did they now that soon, their plans would turn to ash, or rather, be frozen and shattered...

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IC (Ketan)The Toa of Air laughed. "What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."My old name is inconsequential; it describes a being that no longer exists. Who am now, however, is the creator of the Toa team that will rule the island in the name of Makuta."The Toa lazily ran his finger around the rim of his wine glass. "I am a sinner, as are we all. We are the outcasts, the ones whom society has chosen to reject, and now we will rise up and strike back. We are servants of the evil one; we are Daedra."Ketan's eyes never strayed from the Toa of Gravity's. "My name is Greed."OOC: Daedra being the archaic Matoran word for 'sinners'.

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IC: LondarLondar had arrived in the Kumu Islets, and started putting up signs


Want a chance to cause

as much destruction as

you want while being

protected from the law?

Well then, JOIN US

If you wish to join, meet

me at the Tren Krom Break Suva Kaita.

Any species and element welcome.

Toa/Skakdi of Fire, Water, Air, Ice, Plasma, Lightning, Magnetism, Iron, Gravity especially welcome.

Huna/Volitak users recommended

-The Pyro

With that, the matoran found the ferry and returned home. But what he didn't notice was...OOC: If you wish to join, meet The Pyro IC at the suva kaita and send a pm to me. This new group is basically a terrorist group that wants to smash as much as possible. Each of our members is allowed to go on individual rampages; sometimes, I might organize group raids. Catastrophic destruction of canon locations such as the koros not allowed, but you are free to cause a little mayhem so long as 5/6 of the koro hasn't been razed. Londar to Le-WahiIC: PsyzhranPsyzhran had spotted the Fe-Matoran posting his signs. "Another bad group," he thought. Turning back to the conversation between the conspirators, he made note of their discussions and listened intently.

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IC: KynaeraMorningThe Black Muaka, Xa-KoroDaedra. Sinners. Greed?Kynaera understood immediately. "Greed... Then allow me to say my old name is inconsequential as well." She paused, her gaze turning pensive. "I -- don't know what my new name should be," she admitted, and for the first time, her eyes glanced away.

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IC: Venedico (Black Muaka, Xa-Koro)"Can't think of any sins?" grumbled Venedico, his eyes wandering over to Kynaera, whose eyes betrayed a certain thoughtfulness at what sin she personified - if indeed she personified any sin at all. Whereas the other Toa of Gravity definitely didn't look like the kindest bloke around, and though there was something off about Greed that Dico just couldn't place, the woman looked...different. Almost too untouched by evil, too unvictimized to truly be a sinner. She did carry one thing, though: swagger. A certain cocksure attitude, a stiff, proud gait that she used to her advantage. "Why not Pride? You certainly fit the part."Even if you have no reason to...-Teezy

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IC (Greed)The Toa of Air nodded. "Pride. A good choice. But, as I said, names are of little consequence."He lowered his voice, and spoke so quietly that only those at the table could hear him. "What interests me more than names is the Toa of Ice who has entered and left this tavern a half-dozen times in the last half-hour. I've caught him watching us every few minutes; it's possible he is a spy.""So before we figure out names..." Greed smiled, an expression that looked more like a predator's grimace than anything joyful. "Why don't we take care of him. Show me what you can do."

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IC: Venedico (The Black Muaka, Xa-Koro)Venedico's gaze sharpened instantly, faster than Greed or Pride would have expected, and turned towards the tavern window, where, in the corner, the Toa was watching them. Well, this should play out quite well: another barfight in Xa-Koro would hardly draw any ire or suspicion, and they managed to keep this little group active before it even started.Slowly, the Toa of Plant Life began to unfurl his whip...-Teezy



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IC: KynaeraMorningThe Black Muaka, Xa-KoroBriefly, Kynaera's hand touched the Toa of Plant Life's to halt his drawing of his whip. She wasn't looking at her new partner; she had in fact moved her focus again to the bar. Her gaze, unlike her relaxed body, was very, very still; her lips were pressed together to form a thin line as she thought."I," she said very suddenly, standing with unwonted vigor, "am going to get a drink. Maybe two. Maybe more, if you catch my drift."And she strode to the bar and ordered a shot. She downed it. Then another. Then a third. She didn't look like she would stop soon.

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IC: PsyzhranPsyzhran had seen the toa of plant life start to get aggresive; he knew that he was out of time. He had to make either make his move now, or run. He left the bar for the final time, sent another letter to Zaeron and started for the Le-Wahi ferry, ready for a sudden ambush.He was willing to deal with the villains right here and now, but he preferred to have the ILS on his side.OOC: If you want me dead, you're going to have to chase me down NOW; this is your only chance before I go to Pala-Koro

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IC: KynaeraMorningThe Black Muaka, Xa-KoroOut of the corner of her eye -- for she had been watching the Toa of Ice all whilst drinking -- Kynaera saw the suspected spy exit the bar.She slammed her pay onto the counter and ran. "Wait," she said to the other two as she passed their table.Outside, the Toa of Ice was unseen. Kynaera swore. Then she lowered her gravity and leapt straight up, landing atop the bar's roof without trouble. The haphazard vista of Xa-Koro reached with patchwork fingers into the seas to the north. A flash of white appeared in a road leading to the Docks--She took a running start this time and reached the next roof easily. The distance to the roof after that was negligible; she made the jump without bothering to use her powers. She was catching up to the Toa of Ice, but if he started running, she would be in trouble. Kynaera accordingly lightened her steps to avoid making too much noise.

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IC: PsyzhranPsyzhran had written a letter to Zaeron just in case he couldn't get out of the islets in time. He felt his pace quickening, but it was entirely illogical; there wasn't anybody pursuing him, was there? Still, he felt the need to look behind him. Tens of thousands of years on the battlefield had trained him to check his surroundings. Nobody on the road, nobody in the back alleys; he looked up to the rooftops and saw a flash of purple? "This could spell bad," he thought. Good thing the ferry was just 10 feet away. "Le-Wahi," said Psyzhran. "I'm sorry, but the ferry for Le-Wahi left sometime ago," the (OOC: what is the guy who gives you ferry tickets called?) said. "The next one should be here in five minutes," "Shouldn't be too long," said Psyzhran, readying his mace and reaching out with his mask power hoping to find a dead body he could use to aid him in the fight.

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IC: KynaeraMorningDocks, Xa-KoroSomewhere above, a bird called. The ocean splashed against the stone shoreline. The sun was bright, but no metallic glints appeared atop the buildings surrounding the Toa of Ice.The calm before the storm?The ferry was nearing the Docks at a smart clip. Reckoning would say four minutes till landing.Twenty seconds passed. Another twenty. The minute mark was reached.A bladed staff was flung with deadly accuracy at the Toa of Ice from a nearby rooftop.

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IC: PsyzhranPsyzhran heard a whooshing sound. He instinctively put his shield up and sure enough, a bladed staff bounced off of it. He readied his ice energies, which materialized behind him in the form of swirling frost, always changing form to suit his thoughts. "3 minutes 20 seconds until the ferry comes," he thought as the construct of energy came around him in the form of an ice bubble.

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IC: KynaeraMorningDocks, Xa-KoroStill, no purple emerged from behind a chimney or surmounted a shingled roof. The purple -- Kynaera -- remained on the opposite side of a roof in stages of disrepair, her cloak drawn close to her body, peeking just enough above the peak to watch as the Toa of Ice drew moisture from the air into a sphere about himself.Her staff was already within his protection. At the Mask of Telekinesis's whim, it leapt from its prone position to the Toa of Ice's back.

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IC: KynaeraMorningDocks, Xa-KoroKynaera was already gone.First she telekinetically flung several shingles in the Toa of Ice's direction to distract him. Next she leapt over the roof, slid down its opposite slope, and lowered her gravity so she fell to the ground softly. A meter above the ground, she shifted her focus to the Toa of Ice and increased his weight twofold, not enough to kill him but enough to incapacitate him. Her gravitational grasp weakened when she used her Kanohi to summon her staff, but it waxed again a second later.

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