WriterofReapers Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 I know I'm not part of the group, but I am curious about something. What are you guys going to do with Wrath? I'm aware that you found a replacement, but the restart (in my opinion) almost makes it as if there are two Wraths. KNI, didn't Der Blitzmann want Kinika? ◇ Lacertus ◇
Relapse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 That was before I was certain I was coming back....How many people did he tell? BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Parugi Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Well, unless the player of the original Wrath rejoins the BZPRPG, which is doubtful, then we won't have to worry about there being two Wraths running around -- it'll just be as if the original was never part of the group. Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
WriterofReapers Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up. ◇ Lacertus ◇
Relapse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 No problem. ;)On a different note, does anyone remember the Spectrum? I was rewriting Com's profile before I realized they may not be coming back. BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Zahaki Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 I got just one question, kinda two, I'll PM later for the Character I want, but aswell.... I had a Toa in the last RPG, before the long-update-move-to-new-fourms, and I didn't get a chance to use him, Will if be fine, if I just re-used that Character.It couldn't hurt after all, I never got to use him. Art:Antique Bionicle Cards:Comics:The Guardians of Gevra-Nui:The Legends of Taladi-Nui:Terrible Comics:Signature Under-construction.
Relapse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Your first sentence wasn't in regards to me, was it Zahiki? BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Zahaki Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Your first sentence wasn't in regards to me, was it Zahiki?*Zahaki (Sorry, it's my 1 of 2 pet-pevs) Not at all, just more to any higher up could help me with *eh.he* Art:Antique Bionicle Cards:Comics:The Guardians of Gevra-Nui:The Legends of Taladi-Nui:Terrible Comics:Signature Under-construction.
Relapse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Oh, my bad. :'DOkay, just wondering, I was offering out characters, so your *second sentence, I meant to say, confused me. Thanks for clearing that up! BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Wotz Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Aww yeahh, we're back in business baby! http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png I've transferred my main characters, but I have some others which I'll probably bring in a bit later.I guess all that character development has gone down the drain which is kind of a good thing, because I had a character that was supposed to go through a very emotional story arc but it kind of messed up because she wasn't interacting with anyone. Speaking of which, I wonder whether certain groups of characters will return, such as the Sonic and Doctor Who semi-continuities? Only time will tell. I just really want to bring my precious Cybermen back D U N E W O L F
Let's Henshin! Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Though this is probably seriously not an issue (XD) if anyone remembers Kinika? Anyone? You may remember Kraeyn and Naara.I'm giving them away. It seems awefully cliched to play your character's siblings. Does anyone have any interest in them, or any other of my characters?Kinika seemed interesting I might play as him, but first I need to get the rest of my profiles in order.
Captain Marvel Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 If the Daedra come back, Marvel will come back too. I find his profile now... -CM
Relapse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 @Onarax Thing is, Kinika is the one I wanted to keep. BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Hi guys! You may remember a certain pirate named Lohkar from the aborted timeline. Well, he needs something to do, and also a crew. I haven't decided whether or not he'll ask forgiveness from Nokama in this storyline; probably not without the threat of Xa-Koro. I also don't know if his crew mutinied in this universe. The replies I do or don't get to this message will determine whether or not I choose to have Lohkar start with a crew or go looking for one. I was wondering: would anyone would like to have a character in Lohkar's crew?
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Well I wouldn't, but I still think he should have a crew. Who else would be Weald's rival? "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
The Dark Chronicler Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Why not stick Weald and Lohkar on the same ship, both arguing over who the captain is? It means you both only need one crew, and can be rivals at the same time. Though I'm sure you'll all think this idea is completely insane. This is my signature It has words in it They don't say much BZPRPG profiles
Kakaru Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Hi guys! You may remember a certain pirate named Lohkar from the aborted timeline. Well, he needs something to do, and also a crew. I haven't decided whether or not he'll ask forgiveness from Nokama in this storyline; probably not without the threat of Xa-Koro. I also don't know if his crew mutinied in this universe. The replies I do or don't get to this message will determine whether or not I choose to have Lohkar start with a crew or go looking for one. I was wondering: would anyone would like to have a character in Lohkar's crew?I'll be a part of the crew, but you'll have to come recruit me from my mercenary work in the Great Mine. Just sayin', my character has a life too. 「どこに行けばいいんだ・・・」「タ・コロ村はもうおしまいだ・・・」タ・コロ村の村人達 hey it's Studio Comic
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Well I wouldn't, but I still think he should have a crew. Who else would be Weald's rival? Quite Why not stick Weald and Lohkar on the same ship, both arguing over who the captain is? It means you both only need one crew, and can be rivals at the same time. Though I'm sure you'll all think this idea is completely insane. Mmm, I don't really like that idea. Maybe at some point on the future, but not yet. Hi guys! You may remember a certain pirate named Lohkar from the aborted timeline. Well, he needs something to do, and also a crew. I haven't decided whether or not he'll ask forgiveness from Nokama in this storyline; probably not without the threat of Xa-Koro. I also don't know if his crew mutinied in this universe. The replies I do or don't get to this message will determine whether or not I choose to have Lohkar start with a crew or go looking for one. I was wondering: would anyone would like to have a character in Lohkar's crew?I'll be a part of the crew, but you'll have to come recruit me from my mercenary work in the Great Mine. Just sayin', my character has a life too. That's fine. What's he/she called?
Relapse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 I have a character named Kiox, has a bit of a knack for boats. ;)And by that I mean stowing away and pretending he's part of the crew. But he can swear like a sailor! 8D BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Kakaru Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) Well I wouldn't, but I still think he should have a crew. Who else would be Weald's rival? Quite Why not stick Weald and Lohkar on the same ship, both arguing over who the captain is? It means you both only need one crew, and can be rivals at the same time. Though I'm sure you'll all think this idea is completely insane. Mmm, I don't really like that idea. Maybe at some point on the future, but not yet. Hi guys! You may remember a certain pirate named Lohkar from the aborted timeline. Well, he needs something to do, and also a crew. I haven't decided whether or not he'll ask forgiveness from Nokama in this storyline; probably not without the threat of Xa-Koro. I also don't know if his crew mutinied in this universe. The replies I do or don't get to this message will determine whether or not I choose to have Lohkar start with a crew or go looking for one. I was wondering: would anyone would like to have a character in Lohkar's crew?I'll be a part of the crew, but you'll have to come recruit me from my mercenary work in the Great Mine. Just sayin', my character has a life too. That's fine. What's he/she called?Kakaru. Just hand me the award for most egotistical character right now. Edited October 14, 2011 by Kakaru 「どこに行けばいいんだ・・・」「タ・コロ村はもうおしまいだ・・・」タ・コロ村の村人達 hey it's Studio Comic
They Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 ahhh... the smell of the sea, the breeze of the summer wind... well, okay, coming back to the BZPRPG forums is nothing like a trip to Hawaii, but my heart is still beating faster than a cheetah's top speed. I'm going to begin playing again, but LIGHTLY, as my life is still just as important to me as my character's lives. Shout out to Mef Man and Der Blitz (if that still be thine name), as well as Vezok's Friend, Friar Tuck, and all the others I've RPed with over the past year or so: THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP! Also, I apologize for starting so much at the beginning of the year and then dropping out, leaving you all to juggle a very unwanted basket of eggs. I look forward to RPing with the rest of the players once this package is re-opened!--Kughii http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=9733&page=2&do=findComment&comment=546628 Link for the BZPRPG 2013 arc profiles.
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 I have a character named Kiox, has a bit of a knack for boats. And by that I mean stowing away and pretending he's part of the crew. But he can swear like a sailor! 8D That would be a great asset! Read this. Oh, and off-topic, are you planning on continuing your "Writers' Alliance"? (I think that's what it was...and that it was you...but not quite sure...)
Relapse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Okay, I'll plan for it.Nah, that was... Darn, I forgot his name. Writing legend, though. As long as we're off topic (after this I'll stop) I love your avatar. Tenth Doctor much? BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Okay, I'll plan for it. Nah, that was... Darn, I forgot his name. Writing legend, though. As long as we're off topic (after this I'll stop) I love your avatar. Tenth Doctor much? Oh, only the best character in sci-fi So, which character is it that might join up?
Relapse Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Kiox. I would give you a link, but I'm still working out the system. BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Emzee Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 I got just one question, kinda two, I'll PM later for the Character I want, but aswell.... I had a Toa in the last RPG, before the long-update-move-to-new-fourms, and I didn't get a chance to use him, Will if be fine, if I just re-used that Character.It couldn't hurt after all, I never got to use him.Characters are fine. It's past experiences/events that you can't bring back. "hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you: You’re the boss of this operation." [BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]
Toa Yakuzan Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 YAAAY! BZP is back! I'm rarin' and ready to go for this RP. It'll be so great to play again with all you guys. :3 Though, I have to fix my avatar still. lol My RPG character profiles It's so great to have BZP back. :3
Emzee Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 In case you missed it, the BZPRPG is now open for play. Use these links (posting them again for convenience) to get to the 8 regions of the game:Kumu IsletsTa-WahiKo-WahiLe-WahiGa-WahiPo-WahiOnu-WahiKini-Nui "hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you: You’re the boss of this operation." [BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]
Franco Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 ahhh... the smell of the sea, the breeze of the summer wind... well, okay, coming back to the BZPRPG forums is nothing like a trip to Hawaii, but my heart is still beating faster than a cheetah's top speed. I'm going to begin playing again, but LIGHTLY, as my life is still just as important to me as my character's lives. Shout out to Mef Man and Der Blitz (if that still be thine name), as well as Vezok's Friend, Friar Tuck, and all the others I've RPed with over the past year or so: THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP! Also, I apologize for starting so much at the beginning of the year and then dropping out, leaving you all to juggle a very unwanted basket of eggs. I look forward to RPing with the rest of the players once this package is re-opened!--Kughii Haha, man, so glad to see you back. I totally understand; real life should be more important than that of fictional chars, after all. Mef has left, though. Hi guys! You may remember a certain pirate named Lohkar from the aborted timeline. Well, he needs something to do, and also a crew. I haven't decided whether or not he'll ask forgiveness from Nokama in this storyline; probably not without the threat of Xa-Koro. I also don't know if his crew mutinied in this universe. The replies I do or don't get to this message will determine whether or not I choose to have Lohkar start with a crew or go looking for one. I was wondering: would anyone would like to have a character in Lohkar's crew? Dudeyes. I'll have The Captain sign up for it (a new char). Mainly for the lulz of having two Sparrow-inspired guys in one crew. As well, it will be plausible, considering his motives... -The Fearless Leader [Profiles] Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness.
Cosmic Titan Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 I may come back but I am not sure. Maybe one or two characters. Well I am glad the forums are finally back and they look great.
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) Ok, TFL, but I made Lohkar before anyone else made any Jack Sparrow-inspired characters. So really everyone's plagiarising my plagiarism XD Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message: Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro If you want a character in the crew of the Infernavika, now's your chance! Lohkar is waiting... Edited October 14, 2011 by Ghosthands
Franco Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Ok, TFL, but I made Lohkar before anyone else made any Jack Sparrow-inspired characters. So really everyone's plagiarising my plagiarism XD Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message: Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro If you want a character in the crew of the Infernavika, now's your chance! Lohkar is waiting... Actually, you didn't-I made him over the downtime before I even knew Lohkar existed ;P But I'd suggest that if we want to continue this, we go elsewhere. In any case, can't wait to actually RP with you guys in the pirate crew. Raknar (LL's char) is joining as well, BTW. At this rate, your crew will be full before the day is up ;P -The Fearless Leader [Profiles] Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness.
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Ok, TFL, but I made Lohkar before anyone else made any Jack Sparrow-inspired characters. So really everyone's plagiarising my plagiarism XD Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message: Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro If you want a character in the crew of the Infernavika, now's your chance! Lohkar is waiting... Actually, you didn't-I made him over the downtime before I even knew Lohkar existed ;P But I'd suggest that if we want to continue this, we go elsewhere. In any case, can't wait to actually RP with you guys in the pirate crew. Raknar (LL's char) is joining as well, BTW. At this rate, your crew will be full before the day is up ;P -The Fearless Leader Lohkar first appeared on Page 9 of the original Ga-Koro topic Great! Never underestimate the power of advertising. This is going to be fun...
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Ok, TFL, but I made Lohkar before anyone else made any Jack Sparrow-inspired characters. So really everyone's plagiarising my plagiarism XD Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message: Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro If you want a character in the crew of the Infernavika, now's your chance! Lohkar is waiting...Odhran won't like this at all. "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Kakaru Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message: Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-KoroOkay, I've left an opening in the Onu-Koro topic. You can find me or I can have an NPC deliver the message in the form of your advertisement. Your call. Edited October 14, 2011 by Kakaru 「どこに行けばいいんだ・・・」「タ・コロ村はもうおしまいだ・・・」タ・コロ村の村人達 hey it's Studio Comic
The Drink Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 ahhh... the smell of the sea, the breeze of the summer wind... well, okay, coming back to the BZPRPG forums is nothing like a trip to Hawaii, but my heart is still beating faster than a cheetah's top speed. I'm going to begin playing again, but LIGHTLY, as my life is still just as important to me as my character's lives. Shout out to Mef Man and Der Blitz (if that still be thine name), as well as Vezok's Friend, Friar Tuck, and all the others I've RPed with over the past year or so: THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP! Also, I apologize for starting so much at the beginning of the year and then dropping out, leaving you all to juggle a very unwanted basket of eggs. I look forward to RPing with the rest of the players once this package is re-opened!--KughiiHAHAHAHA YES YOU'RE BACK. WE HAVE MUCH TO DO, KUGHZ. MUCH TO DO. helo frens
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Ok, TFL, but I made Lohkar before anyone else made any Jack Sparrow-inspired characters. So really everyone's plagiarising my plagiarism XD Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message: Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro If you want a character in the crew of the Infernavika, now's your chance! Lohkar is waiting...Odhran won't like this at all. XP
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Ok, TFL, but I made Lohkar before anyone else made any Jack Sparrow-inspired characters. So really everyone's plagiarising my plagiarism XD Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message: Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro If you want a character in the crew of the Infernavika, now's your chance! Lohkar is waiting...Odhran won't like this at all. XP Looks like he won't make his stay in Ga-Koro nice and peaceful like he promised... "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
Ghosthands Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Ok, TFL, but I made Lohkar before anyone else made any Jack Sparrow-inspired characters. So really everyone's plagiarising my plagiarism XD Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message: Crew WantedPrevious sailing experience helpful but not essentialFighting, stealing, drinking involvedWater/Air elemental powers particularly welcomeApply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro If you want a character in the crew of the Infernavika, now's your chance! Lohkar is waiting...Odhran won't like this at all. XP Looks like he won't make his stay in Ga-Koro nice and peaceful like he promised... He'll be making a mistake if he tries to interfere with Lohkar...
Mad Scientist BioBeast Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Just a slight argument. What could possibly go wrong? "I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!Fooling the world is nothing to me!"
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