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Ghosthands, my post was rather lousy. Do I need to change anything?

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.


Ghosthands, my post was rather lousy. Do I need to change anything?

Remember, if you are addressing an individual member, it doesn't belong in this topic. Please use the PM system in future for one-on-one discussions.



are the matoran in this game tohunga- type or '03 type?

Either one, really. It doesn't make much difference. A Matoran is a Matoran - neither build/armor has any advantages in the game. Personally, I see them as Tohunga-style, but that's just me.



I think of them as Tohunga, seeing as how without the Toa Olda surviving their battle with Makuta (or at least making it back :P) Makuta probably didn't feel the need to unleash the Bohrok. Since the Matoran were rebuilt after the Bohrok arc, I think that they would still be in their Tohunga forms. That was far too wordy for what I wanted to say... Argh, I need a nap.



I think of them as Tohunga, seeing as how without the Toa Olda surviving their battle with Makuta (or at least making it back :P) Makuta probably didn't feel the need to unleash the Bohrok. Since the Matoran were rebuilt after the Bohrok arc, I think that they would still be in their Tohunga forms. That was far too wordy for what I wanted to say... Argh, I need a nap.

well maybe the turaga let them have the new build because of the toa's defeat? i see them as tohunga,:P so mine will be a tohuga

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


Question for the staff, pre-reboot I played as a Toa/Titan, specifically, Name: KrayzikkGender: MaleSpecies: Toa, specifically a Titan.Alignement: Nuetral GoodAppearance: A tall titan, Krayzikk is clad in spiked Gray and Black battle-scarred armor.Weapons: His prmary weapon is a morning star, though he carries a short sword along with two hidden daggers.Powers: He has enormous strength, as befits most titans. He is also somewhat more difficult to injure than your average being. He is skilled with both his weapons and hand-to-hand combat as he did not have any elemental powers to master. As a result, all of his training went into other skills. He wears a kanohi Kualsi.Bio: Krayzikk is young and something of an oddity in the regard that, though he is a toa by species, he was born with no elemental powers. He is also taller and stronger than most toa. Though this is not common, it is not rare either. Since he had no powers, and his parents fighting style relied on them, he was sent to train with a teacher who taught both sorts of fighting styles. His teacher was a Psionics toa named Song. He was trained well, both in combat skills and morality. Both he and his teacher were strongly against Xa-Koro, and finally they decided that they had put up with them enough. They attacked them and mortally wounded Song, though they were driven back. With her last wish, Song instructed Krayzikk to run and hide in Le-Wahi, where they would have a hard time finding him. He presently resides in various temporary shelters in Le-Wahi, constantly moving. Woe to any member or supporter of Xa-Koro who encounters him.Personality: Krayzikk is an angry and lonely being. He is young and arrogant, something largely caused by the fact that he has never had anyone who was his friend for more than a short time besides his teacher. If he encounters people, he acts like he thinks he is superior to everyone though he knows he is anything but. He is loyal and honest, as anyone who has met him can attest.Weaknesses: Krayzikk has no elemental powers, and as a result relies completely on his actual combat skill. This means that when he faces an opponent with powers, elemental or otherwise, he is at a slight disadvantage. His armor is also less thick near his joints Would I be allowed to continue with him? New personality of course.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG



Question for the staff, pre-reboot I played as a Toa/Titan, specifically, [profile] Would I be allowed to continue with him? New personality of course.

Do not post profiles in this topic. It says so in the first post. If you want a character checked, PM a staffer.



I'm going to be moving through Le-Wahi. If anyone's interested in getting a start/meeting up, do so now before I've moved on and gotten engaged in an arc.


"This spot marks our grave; but you may rest here too, if you like."



Oh wow, I almost can't believe that this place is back! Anyhow, I'm going to go sketch up a profile - is anyone interested in planning on an arc, or just some general ideas for interaction before we get into it? I like premeditating things, so if anyone's up for that, do say so. :D

Remember, remember, the fifth of November,

The gunpowder, treason and plot.


I know of no reason, why the Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot!

Posted (edited)

Kakaru. Just hand me the award for most egotistical character right now.

Guess I'll have to share that award with you. =P Also woot you finally joined! Welcome :D --- Whew. Good to be back; looking forward to playing again. Things are busy though, so not sure how active I'll be... hopefully more active than before the downtime. =P Nice to see all my fellow RPers again, too. newso1.png Edited by Toa_Velox

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender


Does anyone have a character willing to help two people stuck in a metal box? With man eating ants trying to get in.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.


I don't know, guys. If CJ ends up bringing back Korruhn, you might have to give up the Ego Award...

Remember, remember, the fifth of November,

The gunpowder, treason and plot.


I know of no reason, why the Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot!

Posted (edited)

Does anyone have a character that would have a bounty? I have a bounty hunter that needs a target.

Aexias would probably have a bounty on her head from someone. I haven't introduced her yet, and it's doubtful the bounty would be for her exact name, but I'm pretty sure that if you run around killing people for anyone, even if it's under a disguise, then rivals and perhaps the government would be out to get her. EDIT: Alright, Aexias' first post has been made with her in Po-Koro. There is now a bounty on her head. -The Fearless Leader Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 




Me (Vejmeq), Toa Onarax (Nikaron) and Astrotorical (Toron) will be going to Ta-Wahi from Le-Wahi once both of them have said "Nikaron/Toron to Ta-Wahi". If you want to have some sort of interaction with us three in Ta-Wahi, let me know.

-[bZRPG Profiles]-

- [Vejmeq] - [isiak] - [Qathek] -


*sits down as laptop finally wakes up, rebooted, cup of coffee in hand* Good morning everyone! Not two days old and we're already bustling.... must've done SOMETHING right ;) Glad to see everyone back, really am, as well as my staff getting this ball rolling without me, well done chaps; knew I could count on you. Right, well, there isn't a lot for me to say at this point, seeing as it's all be said already. As you can tell there were some slight changes, talied so that this is now a much more open sandbox-style RPG, and I want to keep it that way, more focused on the players and THEIR/YOUR stories than traditional storybook led by staff. That said, with my new career in sight (yes, career, not job) my role will be much more administrative than it has in the past, which means I may not be as active, and do as much reading as I traditionally have done, leaving the general policing up to my underlings and yourselves. I will still reply to any PM/e-mails in a timely fashion however, so please send me something if you have questions or problems. I look forward to playing with you guys as my schedule allows, and by all means have fun. P.S. Emzee, why do you keep posting the links to the locales? I already did... them... waaaa... WHY ARE MY LINKS BAD!?!? *storms off to fix yet another inconvenience*

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


Posted (edited)

Quick question: Now that Xa-Koro is gone, why is there a Kumu islets topic? It seems like it is so small that it would be easier to just merge it into Le-wahi. :shrugs:

Because there ALWAYS need a be a place of scum and villainy, if not someplace where you can find, do, or otherwise experience things nowhere else :P Should it prove lackluster or otherwise lacking in activity it will be removed. EDIT: As we are aware, there are a few linking errors in some of the official topics. I've done what I can, but if anyone should spot linking errors, bad typos, or any other misdemeanor please let one of the staff know so we can fix it. That said the locale index has been fixed. Edited by Friar Tuck

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.



DAEDRA! Now I'm unsure of how many Daedra RPers are returning to the RP, but I'm planning on bringing the group back with returning players and maybe new players as well. I know I've seen EW, Parugi, and Eyru around these parks. So if any of you guys are interested in returning, please contact me!



Kakaru. Just hand me the award for most egotistical character right now.

Guess I'll have to share that award with you. =P Also woot you finally joined! Welcome :biggrin: --- Whew. Good to be back; looking forward to playing again. Things are busy though, so not sure how active I'll be... hopefully more active than before the downtime. =P Nice to see all my fellow RPers again, too. newso1.png
Haha, yeah. I was going to create a completely different character, but then I saw your character profile and thought, what the heck. I may as well give mine one more chance.I really don't know how well this is going to turn out. I may create a second profile just so I don't have such a generic character.

hey it's Studio Comic


Lohkar's starting a crew Ga-Koro. I don't know about Po yet, I haven't done anything there.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.


The link in my signature will lead you there.Do you have any interest in the Spectrum?

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

Posted (edited)

Quick question: Now that Xa-Koro is gone, why is there a Kumu islets topic? It seems like it is so small that it would be easier to just merge it into Le-wahi. :shrugs:

Considering my past experiences with "isles off the mainland," I think it'll be better for everyone to leave the topic be for now. Usually it's dormant until a group moves there, dominates the region, and attracts the attention of everyone in the game, leading to giant wars taking place on tiny little islets. I have no idea why this happens. :shrugs: Also, for those wondering about news, send me newsworthy stuff weekly, starting next week. I'm still adjusting to the whole BZP being back thing, plus I'm busy with life this weekend. :P As for which section you're submitting to, it's the Mata Nui Daily. BZPRPG News and Announcements are for out of game news and important updates like rule changes. Edited by Emzee

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]



The link in my signature will lead you there. Do you have any interest in the Spectrum?

I'm willing to do Rage again, I just pulled her from the profile, just in case we weren't doing it. Now that I know that at least a few people are back I guess this time we can piece the group back together, and by that I mean it seems like it might be imcomplete. Wait Galahad was a part of the team. The guy previosu know as Mirr or Captain Mirr (Whatever I don't know) also had a character. I'm forgetting Willpower though.


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