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Posted (edited)


Off to a Terrible start, since they were meant to come out about a month ago. Suits the theme, right? riiiiight?

...Anyways, this is a collaborative project, a hand-drawn comic making group lead by myself, with the goal of allowing artists who don't have enough time to commit to their own topic to have somewhere to put there comics, and to work together and have fun with like-minded individuals :)
And by extension of this, the aim is to have at least one of us putting out a comic at some point not long after someone else, so that way the topic doesn't die :P
Founding Authors: 
Akaku: Master of Flight

Current Authors:
Akaku: Master of Flight
Toa Onaku

Current Co-Authors:
Shadowed Dallior
This list will probably change over time, and hopfully expand too!
Now, on with the comics!
Zippy: Intro Comic
Itaki: Contagious
Akaku: Great minds...
Zahaki: Patience
Itaki: Festive Bohrok, Page 1
Itaki: Festive Bohrok, Page 2
Onaku: Oh you rebel, you
Onaku: Job Interview
Dallior: Not so fast!
Dallior: Still being gazed upon...
Onaku: Unemployment
Zahaki: Do Comicz

Zippy: Why
Akaku: Staying Alive
Logan Tec: Terrible, simply just Terrible
All artists are welcome and encouraged to contribute! We accept all levels of skill and effort. The system is going to work something like this:
Guest comics: For those who want to contribute just one or however many comics to the Topic completely at their leisure.
Co-Authors: For those who want to and can contribute multiple comics, preferably at least once a month :P
Authors: For those who want to and can contribute many comics, preferably at least a few per month :)
Go ahead and drop me a PM if you want a spot or to contribute! :D
This hasn't really been discussed amongst us yet, but im open to it if everyone else is!
you people are mad, i tell you! it is a great honor, though! :)


Credit to all the authors for their respective works, your all awesome!
Credit to Lego for Bionicles and such
Credit to our friends not directly involved, but help with thinking up the shenanigins that occur.
Credit to you guys, the viewers, for giving us inspiration and motivation to make thease comics!
--Akaku: Master of Flight

Edited by Akaku: Master of Flight
  • Upvote 13

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)



Zippy uses MS Paint, Itaki's line art is messy, Zahaki looks the cleanest and Akaku looks really sketchy. The clash of art styles fits the title and gets the viewer ready to view some terrible comics.


I would criticize Tcbeegees by Akaku, but because the comic parodies Staying Alive by the Bee Gees, it gets an automatic pass.


Zippy's comic, Gaze, is truly the worst of the comics currently released, the graphics are very poor, with little to no resemblance of their original forms, Akaku's missing arms and Zippy's legs being extremely disproportionate to his pixel tall upper torso. The story of this comic, if you can call it that, has no beginning or hints to how Zippy & Akaku became deformed, devaluing this comic's worth. 


Gaze upon me mortal Gaze upon me and weep.

Let me fix that for you: "Gaze upon me mortal! Gaze upon me and weep."



Zahaki is the closest to making a good comic, but his smoother style is changed to a sketchier version & the MS Paint text bubbles stand out in a bad way. The punchline saves the comic. 


I have nothing to say about the other comics.  



Overall, I recommend this series, it's terrible and the comics help live up to the name. 

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.


Woo! Comments!
@Kyle Whyte: Thanks! :)
@Dark_Samus:tulee, trulee indeed.
@Arnold: Thanks for the reply :)

I should elaborate, this series is made for people who don't have a lot of time or are too busy working on another series to do something silly and fun; the first comics were purposefully made quickly and thus terrible, they hardly represent the full extent of our artistic abilities; Zippy's one panel in particular was just us throwing ideas around, and got there because I thought it was random and funny. the beegees one was made when I had a lot of time to kill, so I overdid it a little ^^;;
You seem to be judging them mostly by their visual quality, which I suppose theres nothing wrong with doing, but that's not exactly the point of the series, it's much more about the humor then anything :P we don't really have time to set a bar for how great it looks (hence why we decided to go with the name 'Terrible Comics', in anticipation for the fact and to emphasize that its not exactly supposed to be the cleanest and most perfect thing on the market), but who knows, we may find more time to put into future ones, at the cost of having them come out less often  ;)

--Akaku: Master of Flight

  • Upvote 7

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)


Posted (edited)



Soran here. I was just checking the comics section and stumbled upon this topic and I thought it would be interesting to see what's exactly going down.


Now, I'll go ahead and admit that I was a bit too interested in seeing if the comics lived up to the name. I'll go ahead and spoil it now that they don't. That's just false advertising, click bait even. How dare you. But in all seriousness these are actually all pretty entertaining. Some more than others but I'll get around that later.


First thing I'd like to comment on is how clever of a topic this is. I'm sure there's been something like this in the past but I haven't seen anything like it recently. I know that Multi-Author Series (MAS) were pretty popular for a time (I was a part of a few), but it doesn't look like these comics are part of the same series. Or at least they don't look it upon first impressions. It's more like they're under the same brand. Either way, I'll go ahead and say you guys get an A+ for originality in terms of topic setup, so nicely done.


All right, I think I've given you guys enough compliments, now to move onto the actual comics. The comics themselves are interesting because of the different styles as well as the fact that they're all hand drawn. Now the hand drawn thing is most interesting to me, specifically with how you each delivered the comic. Now, I know this isn't a sure-fire thing but it happens often enough where I figure I'd relate it to you guys. I've noticed that a lot of people who hand draw comics spend a lot of time on the process of drawing the comic and little on the delivery of the joke/story. The artist inside of them takes over and they forget to write down the script they had in their head, they just move onto what they want to draw next. This normally results in very pretty looking comics but often very poor, not thought out jokes or stories. Of course this does not apply to everyone but I'd like to point it out just to give a frame of reference with where I'm going with this.


You guys aren't like that, at all. In fact, almost all the comics posted here so far were entertaining to a greater degree than most I find on the site. They work well and even though the art styles are different the jokes themselves are rather similar in style which gives the impression that these are things you guys came up with together. Now of course, having a similar style of comedy has both positives and negatives but in this case I would say it's mostly positive. They're all entertaining, so nice work.


Okay, now I'm going to move onto each specific comic. This is where I'll truly critique you guys on your individual comics. I'll try not to rip into them too much.


Zippy: Intro Comic - Intro comics are something I try not to judge. It's very rare for anyone to start off a series with a good intro comic and I'll go ahead and say that this is no exception. It isn't by any means bad, it just isn't quite as entertaining. At least for my first impression of the series it ranges quite low (but that's rather common for me). I'm given no context to what's going on in the comic. I don't know who the character is besides the fact that thankfully he has a brain, perhaps he's bipolar? Heck if I know since I don't know anything about him. I'm assuming the character's name is Zippy just based off of the Author's name but that isn't present in the comic itself.

The art style is more or less interesting. It's simple and easy on the eyes. However, the first panel's drawing looked rather crude compared to the following panels, perhaps it's because I can't tell exactly what's going on. I assume he's holding a piece of paper or a (stone) tablet of some kind based off of the text but it's difficult to tell without context. This normally isn't something I judge people on but considering you guys are doing a hand drawn series, you have free range of what you draw and how you draw it in comparison to the usual sprite comics which are must more restrictive. Because of this factor, I have to add a little to my "grading" (critiquing) system.

This particular comic is interesting as well because its the only one of the bunch that I don't recommend coloring. My reason for this is simple, the quality of the picture itself isn't great. You can easily see the different shadows and effects on the white paper instead of it just being a solid color. Because of that, even if you were to color them it would end up looking rather sloppy and unappealing. If you were to attempt to color the comic in the future I would suggest cleaning up the image or scanning and redrawing it on the computer (or at least editing it so that any colors are more or less a solid color instead of different splotches).

The main thing I recommend with this particular comic is to give insight to who the character is. Whether it be through a character sheet or a comic itself, I want to know about the character. By giving the character a personality I as a reader can further judge a particular action. With insight as to who a character is it almost always makes jokes more entertaining and is rarely at all a negative situation. Also, please continue with the cartoonish facial expressions like in panel 3, that panel was probably the most entertaining of the comics released so far. To wrap this one up, it's a good comic, it actually appears vastly different than the others which works well in this case, but there are definitely certain things you can improve on. It's good work, nonetheless.


Akaku: Great minds… - think alike. This particular comic is interesting for one reason and one reason alone. It introduced the idea of a running joke or a deja vu moment. This comic is a prime example of why a comic's order matters. Where Zippy's comic fell flat because of the way he introduced it, yours actually was entertaining for one reason alone. You acknowledged it and you helped give the readers something to think about. 

What I thought was great about this particular comic was the fact that you used the same joke as Zippy but also had your character acknowledge it in a way. It now gives the impression that instead of it being Zippy's actual brain in his comic, it's now just a separate entity itself. Perhaps Zippy's brain is so powerful that it can influence others? Who knows, that's for you guys to decide. The art is also quite nice and I'm able to tell what exactly your character is doing during the comic. Because of how close the screen is it's safe to assume that he's on the computer, especially once mentioned that he was doing work (even without the text it's still quite clear).

What did yours fall flat on? Since your comic is pretty much the same as Zippy's it suffers from the same situation. I don't know anything about your character or who he is. It's safe to assume his name is Akaku by the author's name, which isn't stated in the actual comic. He's particularly afraid of outside influences based off of his reaction to the brain. He does some form of work (what it is isn't explained but also doesn't need to). The first panel looks much too sketchy in comparison to the following panels, it looks as if you were trying to reposition the neck several times during the drawing process of the first panel. The writing is legible but barely, this is something that both you and Zippy might need to work on. It shouldn't be an immediate concern but it definitely would help the comic and probably your lives as well (Good writing is helpful, just ask any nurse you know). All in all, it's also a good comic, it's entertaining but it definitely has areas to improve. Great work.


Zahaki: Patience - This one is actually probably the best of the bunch. It has most of the points I brought up before and it treats the comic as anything but an intro comic, it just treats it as an ordinary comic. I'm given context on at least one of the main characters (In this case who Zahaki is) and one of his personality traits as well as a personality trait of a secondary character. It's got good art and good coloring and probably the best (and most clever) joke in the series. 

What could be improved upon is different compared to the others thus far. Your text is the most legible so far (probably because it's on a computer) but now that you've transitioned it to a text, this then opens the area to different fonts. To put it plainly, the font you use makes the comic seem monotone. It's very plain and gives no emotion. It might work well with how Zahaki's character is displayed in the comic but it doesn't work nearly as well with how Akaku's character is shown to be. Something more fun and whimsical would work, especially considering this is supposed to be a comedy series (I assume). The image size is also rather large which doesn't work nearly as well here because of the amount of detail you put into the comic. By having it zoom in on not even a panel, it overloads the reader's viewpoints and makes everything disorienting. I'd suggest simply lowering the size of the comic. This also would help make it appear cleaner as a result. 

In closing, this comic is probably the best of the bunch. I like the fact that you included the title in the comic (giving context to what the comic is about. It also helps a person to remember which comic they found entertaining), it's very legible and it's got good art and a clever joke. Nicely done.


Zippy: Why - I have no comment besides its gr8


Akaku: Staying Alive - I'll keep this one short because my hands are hurting from the amount of writing I've been doing recently. The art is great, it actually is the best art of all the comics in the topic so far. It's got great perspective, you can see the attitudes of the characters clearly and it's entertaining looking. It's got panache. This is also the only comic I see no problem with having the characters not introduced, the main reason why is because it's a reference. Great work!



In conclusion, the comics themselves are all good. They've got special things about them and they're all unique enough to each other that it adds a level of interest to the audience. Some comics are good while others are great. There are definitely things for you guys to improve in but who doesn't? Hopefully I wasn't too harsh or too soft on you guys, I wanted to keep it strictly unbiased. Anyway, these are definitely something I'll keep an eye on in the forum. I hope you guys create more soon and I look forward to any future comics.


Also, I wish I had an updated trophy or something. I'd totally give you guys a Soran Stamp of Stupendousness. Maybe I'll make one soon.




Edit: I feel like I just wrote a short story.

Edited by Soran
  • Upvote 6

Posted (edited)

Soran: I feel like I should be giving you a medal for that review. Thanks for the input! And I'd like to note that, to my knowledge, all three comics were rushed or at least done quickly so honestly your critique is pretty stellar. It's like getting a pass mark on a report I wrote on a used napkin two minutes before it was due.


See, I had comics to go for this, but then realised we did not have an intro ten minutes before the topic went up. The result was a joke that I forgot halfway through and messed up, but I do like to live a YOLO kind of lifestyle, so I handed it over anyway. I promise you, my jokes are usually a lot better.

Edited by ZippyWharrgarbl
  • Upvote 4

Memoirs of the Dead entry: The Unknown Turaga, a tale from the late Chronicler Kodan's journal.

Strakk's Best Friend, the story of a confusing yet somehow canon friendship.

Terrible Comics, a collection of comics that are terrible.

Posted (edited)

I feel like it should be us giving you an award for giving such a thorough and well said response and review, Soran :P

you've raised many great points :) Yeah, we probably should've put more time and thought into the intro comics, and been more descriptive in them... I usually use font, but I was particularly rushed at the time, mostly because I have a flight to catch in a few hours and I wanted to get my part finished and the topic rolling before I'd be away from my drawing equipment for the next few days :P

Thanks for the reply! :D I'm sure my fellow artists have there own things to say as well. and don't worry, short-story critiques are good, we love 'em. we soak them up like a sponge, its good for the soul. I think. :P


EDIT: Ah, looks like zippy beat me to it! Well said, my friend :P

--Akaku: Master of Flight

Edited by Akaku: Master of Flight
  • Upvote 4

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)



I just want to say that I have absolutely no clue how this comic series can contain tape measure jokes and the Bee Gees already. That takes months here in the Comics forum, months I tell you!

  • Upvote 6

forgive me if i seem unusually weird and bland today, im currently unable to use most forms of punctuation and normal emotes because im home for vacation, and my parents computer's keyboard doesnt have a working shift key. that will most likley be fixed tommorow, at least. =p
oh, also, i dont have spellcheck on here either, so... onward with this terrible post.
the 1st shadow - thank you. zahaki's is my favorite out of the bunch we have too, i think. looking back, mine is just beyond the point of terrible and reaches the point of horrible, and this isnt 'horrible comics', so... ill try not to stoop so low in the future =p
soran - oh my. thank you for the approval, and awesome amount of additional advice. as someone whos been reading and making comics for many years and is now taking several courses in a graphic novel course, theres much of this im familiar with, but its still really good pointers and a good refresher regardless. thanks again. c=
ghidora - glad you like it. ill be getting back to you soon about your pm, btw. =p
windrider - I dont know how we managed it ourselves, to be honest. thanks wind c=
logan tec - thanks a bunch for the fancomic, its a little small and hard to see whats going on, though. is there a larger version available[insert question mark here]
kyle whyte - thanks for the approval. is that b-rex i see on the fist [another question mark] its been a long time since ive seen a reference to that legendary staff member, assuming thats what it is =p
--akaku; master of flight

  • Upvote 1

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)



kyle whyte - thanks for the approval. is that b-rex i see on the fist [another question mark] its been a long time since ive seen a reference to that legendary staff member, assuming thats what it is =p

No, B-rex is my childhood nickname, near universal username, and what I've used as my signature ever since I was six, I honestly had no idea that it was the username name of a staffer.

If you'll notice, it's actually on all of my art.

  • Upvote 1
  • 2 weeks later...

How did I miss out on this going up? Awful. Anyway, love it. Totally my kind of humor, and I missed your art styles so much. :< Loved all of them so far, and hopefully I'll find some time during the holidays to throw a fan comic or two your way.

Keep up the good work, it's quite outstanding and lovely! C:

  • Upvote 4


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)


Hello everyone! Having a crave for some terrible comics? Itaki has made some and I've put them up on the main page for everyone's viewing pleasure. Hopefully it will tide you guys over as most of us are busy/away from our computers for the holidays :P
Also, this is a somewhat late announcement, but everyone give a warm welcome to Ghidora 131 to the team! :D I don't know about you guys, but I cant wait to work with him and see what we can do :)
Now, onto my thoughts on the comments!
@ Kyle: Perhaps its a sign of destined greatness? :D Regardless, that's pretty cool. :P
@ Taka: Thank you taka! glad you like them  :) a fan comic would be totally awesome!
--Akaku: Master of Flight

  • Upvote 5

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)


Posted (edited)

It's amazing to see just how well recieved Terrible Comics has been so far!! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with next.



Thanks Inferna!


Not a happy little Bohrok at all. Not like the little black one.


@Taka Nuvia

I'll admit, I'm a fan of drawing Bohrok cuter than they should be. XD

Edited by Itaki
  • Upvote 3


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Rejoice, folks! for our newest Author brings us back from the dead! :D

I've updated the topic with some comics Ghidora did. I've been told Zahaki has several in the works, Zippy has some comics she's planning to scan in for me to show, and me and Itaki have a few Idea's we may act upon, eventually. :P

--Akaku: Master of Flight

  • Upvote 3

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)



Aaaaaand Topic updated! Please, everyone give a warm welcome and round of applause to our newest terrible author, Ooooooonaku! :D

@Jaga: You know, all things considered I just might have to agree with that :P

--Akaku: Master of Flight

  • Upvote 4

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)



Wow, these are great! The lack of coherency makes it feel like a group project, if only because everyone can do their own thing IC. Great job on all of these, everyone.

  • Upvote 3

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

  • 2 weeks later...


The lack of coherency

Well you described us perfectly.


I second that :P Next comics I make I'll try to have some sort of consistency :P


Anyways, New comics are up! We have two from our First and newest Co-Author, Shadowed Dallior, and another from Onaku! :)


Happy Easter everyone! :D


--Akaku: Master of Flight

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)


  • 2 weeks later...

Well, TC is updated again; Ironic, that the subject of Zahaki's comic is something I myself am arguably much worse at (procrastinating with this topic, at least) ^^;

Enjoy! My current term for my graphic novel program just ended and I have about a month at least until any new courses start (which im not even 100% sure ill even be taking since I have a very busy summer), but you can at least most likely maybe perhaps expect something from me before the end of... the month :P

--Akaku: Master of Flight

  • Upvote 1

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Akaku usually posts for updates but I am rebelling >:u


Anyway I haven't been up to much drawing recently so here's two old comics. If you thought all these comics were only about the author characters then either you or I thought WRONG


Obligatory Spongebob Reference, the oldest of the two, wherein the Bara Magnans debate each other's worth as members of a band Glatorian warriors.


Anime-zing, made as a dedication to the Mask of Light anniversary, wherein you as the reader mentally picture every time someone has wandered into one of Teridax's secret lairs and then imagine them finding his secret anime hoard. It is also the comic wherein I unintentionally discover that the ruler I was using for panel lines operated very well as a stamp for black ink.

Edited by ZippyWharrgarbl
  • Upvote 1

Memoirs of the Dead entry: The Unknown Turaga, a tale from the late Chronicler Kodan's journal.

Strakk's Best Friend, the story of a confusing yet somehow canon friendship.

Terrible Comics, a collection of comics that are terrible.

  • 10 months later...

Okay, so as spoken directly here, Terrible Comics is making a comeback!
oh right I forgot nobody cares :c
And here's the first comic! (multi-panel)
The... Power?
And here's the other first comic! (single-panel)
Onua, Master of Beef


Also, I was specifically given permission to revive this topic by Akaku, so... Yeah. Plz read the comics and bask in the Terribleness

  • Upvote 1

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