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Short Stories Critics Club


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Welcome, one and all, to the newly revised and updated Short Stories Critics Club! However, there have been some changes made, so make sure to read this whole post before requesting a review! As many of you authors know, it is hard for someone to get a lot of reviews in the Library here on BZPower. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a lot of reviews. However, we hope to provide something better: One in-depth review by one of our very own critics that will help everyone grow as a writer. After all, everyone can always improve, no matter how good someone is. And that is precisely the reason this small handful of kind and helpful BZP members have come together: To help others become better writers. All you have to do is read this post and then post below using the correct format, and a review will be given!


All authors must adhere to the Short Stories Forum Rules as outlined by the Forum Leader, Hahli Husky. Neither myself, nor any of the critics or co-curators are responsible for any short stories being closed because they violated one of BZPower's rules. Request limit ~ This depends on critic availability. We have a new system in place where as a request comes in, it is immediately assigned to an active critic. Critics will then have a week to complete the reviews. However, if all active critics are currently assigned to a story, then we will stop accepting requests until a critic has finished his or her request in order to make room for a new one. Check one of my most recent post (I'll also try to keep this first post updated) to see if we are currently accepting requests. One story at a time ~ We will only be accepting one story at a time from each member. Once your story has been reviewed you may request another story be reviewed, but please do not ask for reviews of more than one story at a time. Furthermore, stories will only be reviewed once.Civility ~ We will not tolerate any rudeness towards any of our staff. Also, please do not start spamming this topic with complaints of "My short story hasn't been reviewed yet!" and so on. Additionally, do not PM any critics along the same lines [or myself, for that matter]. This may, and most likely will, be considered harassment, and you will be reported to the proper authorities and taken care of. Not to mention we will never review your story. Please, no spamming in this topic. If you see an error, or it has been a while and no one has reviewed your story, you may politely myself or Snoopy82 asking whatever it is you want to ask. Make sure, however, that it has been at least a week since you requested a review. Of course, if we made a mistake when adding your story to the list, feel free to PM me any time, or post in this topic politely, pointing out the error. Short Stories Only ~ No, we will not be reviewing epics, comedies, artwork, or anything else that is not a short story. We do take COT requests, but it must be a short story.Back-Seat Reviewing ~ We've all heard the term "back-seat driving." This is what happens when a passenger in your car starts telling you what lane to turn into, when to brake, when to accelerate, etc. It can get really annoying. Back-seat reviewing is the same idea, where writers explicitly tell us how to do our job. We're here for you, but we also know what we're doing. So please, don't tell us how your want your short story reviewed. If you have a preference, you may explain such in your own topic. However, whether or not the critic reviewing your story takes such into account, the Short Stories Critics Club cannot be blamed. We're writing reviews how we feel will help you best. Only if the review you receive goes against the BZPower rules do you have the option of reporting such grievances to me [Velox], Snoopy82, or the Forum Staff of the short stories forum. If you have a problem with your review, please PM myself or Snoopy82 and we'll be glad to remedy the situation. Favoritism ~ Writers may not request that a specific critic review his or her short story. We're all hardworking people, and we're dedicating our time so that the authors of BZP get recognition. All critics are either handpicked by myself and Snoopy82, or have undergone heavy scrutiny and screening. We have full faith in them, and you will get a good review from all of them -- we don't let every critic in here. Begging ~ It is not alright for an author to beg for a review. I understand that you may not get reviews, or if you do all you get are reviews filled with spam, but that does not mean you are allowed to beg and spam. Don't give us that. Just post saying you'd like a review [following the guidelines below], and one will be given. This follows under the rule of Civility.


We ARE currently taking requests!

Copy and paste the following form into your post, adding in the necessary information:

[url=(your story url)]Short Story Title[/url] - Author's name here
You must link to your short story. Do not say 'It's in my sig.' Your request will be ignored if you do. Then, you must put your name under the 'author's name here' section.


Either Snoopy82 or myself will check over each and every review, to assure that is of the appropriate quality. If we find one which does not give enough insight, then we will PM that critic asking them to edit their post and give them pointers how to improve. We value quality as a very high priority, and if you find that we have not performed to the best of our abilities, please, don't hesitate to PM either Snoopy82 or myself. Here is the list of current approved Critics and Curators/Co-Curators. Bios will be put up at a later date:


PM me if you have any questions, comments, concerns, complaints, etc. about the club or if you would like to become a critic.

Feel free to PM him with any questions, comments, concerns, etc. We will be working very closely together to ensure that each critic upholds the elite status of this club. He will also be helping to make sure the club runs smoothly.


Snoopy82 -- He was in charge of the critics, but currently inactive.

Lazzy the Spazzy -- Co-Curator Emeritus




Snoopy82 -- Inactive

Critics Awaiting Approval: None at this point. Apply today!

For how to become a critic, simply PM me (Velox) with your desire. Current critics must adhere to the rules in the post below. ~ Veloxsscccurator1.png

Edited by Velox

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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  • 3 months later...

To become a critic, you must PM myself [snoopy82] or Velox. We do not want this thread to be filled up with requests to become a critic. Also, if you wish to become a critic, or are a critic, you may still request a review.Critic Screening ~ Critics Screening just means that I will screen everyone before they become a critic, and ask them if they are able to fulfill the guidelines set for critics below. I will make my decision, and ask Velox for his input. If we are not in agreement, we will send your request out to the other critics for a vote. If your review was unsatisfactory, we will give you tips on how to improve, and you will be given a second chance. After a second unsatisfactory review, you must wait two months before re-applying. If you are rejected a second time, you may not reapply.Note: To save yourself the embarrassment of being rejected twice, please only apply if you are serious about delivering in-depth reviews to requesters.


Critic duties ~ Every short story will have a critic assigned to it. Velox and I will be keeping careful track of how many go to each critic, so that no one person gets an advanced workload. If a critic does not complete his review within one week of the assignment, the critic in question will receive a strike. If the critic has informed us beforehand that he will be unable to review, the strike will be dropped. When a critic accumulates five strikes he will be released. No Ifs, Ands, or Buts. To reapply, the critic must wait two months. If a critic is released twice, they will not be allowed to return to the SSCC. Once again, please only apply if you can review at least one short story every two weeks, and complete each review in one week.Reviews ~ Each critic is required to give a full, in-depth review. Following these guidelines set by Nikira in her blog [sure, it was written for art, but it works for literature, too] would be a good start, but one can review however they wish, as long as it is helpful. We encourage correcting the spelling/grammar as well as giving your thoughts on the plot, characters, etc. You must give positive feedback and constructive criticism. WE WILL NOT accept simple posts saying "I love it! KUTGW 3443543/2323!". If you like the short story, tell the writer why. If you don't, tell the author why politely, and say how said author can improve. Some good advice would be that of ToM Dracone given to the Comedies Critic Club [easily applicable to this club]:

Here is a piece of advice: Only sign up if you feel like you can actually give helpful, thorough, and polite reviews. It won't do much good to just say "hey, this is good, you should change these two things here" or to criticize so harshly it becomes flaming. Go into detail, explain things, et cetera. And if you think a [short story] is absolutely terrible, for goodness' sakes don't say that. Explain what can be improved, and if you can't find anything to actually compliment, see if there's something that has the potential to be [compelling] or creative and say how to use that potential. That's the sort of review that helps people.

Civility ~ If you are rude to either myself, Velox, another critic, a requester, or ANYONE, for that matter, you will be released and not allowed to reapply. No questions asked.Review Notification ~ As soon as you review a short story, post saying so! Give a link and the author's name- it's that simple. Just take thirty seconds of your time and post to say what you reviewed. Please do not PM Velox or myself with review notifications; post them here.General Stuff ~ If you do not give proper reviews, you might be removed from the critics list and placed on a suspension. Of course, you'll have a few warnings and chances, but if you continuously give spammy or rude reviews, you will be asked to leave. So, please, just follow these guidelines. I will be working with you guys to make sure you give good reviews. If you have any questions about a proper review, DO NOT hesitate to PM me.-Snoopy82sscccurator1.png Edited by Snoopy82
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Welcome back, everyone! I'm sorry it took so long for me to get this up and running again, but I appreciate your patience. Anyway, we are now accepting requests -- there's no set schedule, as of yet, so for now just remember: 5 requests at a time. Here's to a new SSCC! *raises glass*newso1.png

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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Well, I've been hoping for some sort of feedback on my contest entry I posted a couple weeks ago, but none has come, so mayhaps I'll look to you guys, give you some business eh? :PTo Trap a Tahnok - BMSMAEDIT: Sorry, didn't format that right the first time. Should work now.EDIT2: Nope, still not working...well, here's the URL: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=1539

Edited by Bite My Shiny Metal Armour

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Well, it turns out I submitted the non-edited story for the SSC #8 (so there are still unnecessary commas and grammatical things that I don't like XD), but it's nothing too severe for the story and I would very much appreciate a review.If a Universe Ends by Tekulo: Toa of Wind

Edited by Tekulo: Toa of Wind

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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To Trap a Tahnok - BMSMA -- Claimed by TheMightyFightyAt Last–Takanuva! - Toa of Dischordant Dancing -- Claimed by Tyler DurdenIf a Universe Ends - Tekulo: Toa of Wind12.5 - Shyyrn

Thanks, Tyler and MightyFighty. The other two are up for grabs.

My entry for SSC#8, 12.5Thank you! :)-Shyyr

Next time, please use the proper requesting format.newso1.png

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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Showdown - Taipu1Always looking to improve, a quick request to whoever reviews it, the story is I think fairly long for a short story, and I was wondering if you'd think I'd be better off doing this kind of thing as an epic, as I think I could have added a lot more if it wasn't for SSC 8 (therefore having to be a short story :P).

- Taipu1.


HighFly Matoran


BZPRPG Profiles

Have you seen my Blog? I understand if you haven't

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My entry for SSC#8:The Triumph of the Toa - TNTOS-TNTOS-

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

A Writerly Blog

The Tasty Library of Sugary Goodness

(My Little BIONICLE: Friendship is Explosive Completed 01/05/14)

{The Shika Trilogy Omnibus Completed 03/31/14) (Review Topic)

(In the End Completed 09/01/14) (Review Topic)

The Biological Chronicle: (2001) (2002) (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006) (2007) (2008) (2009) (2010)

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At Last–Takanuva! - Toa of Dischordant Dancing 12.5 - Shyyrn

Dreams of Darkness - Rising Moon

Showdown - Taipu1

Thanks for the reviews. [oh, and TheMightyFighty, if you could post here after you've done a review, that'd be great, so that I can then remove the story from the list -- thanks! And thanks for all your work so far; you've done some excellent reviews, and I'm glad to have you on the team]And with that, the gates are closed; no more requests until these are done. newso1.png

Edited by Velox

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just out of curiosity, would it be okay if I fill in as temporary critic for the moment? Only until all the reviews are done - if they don't get posted in about three days, I'd be glad to help. Only if the reviews aren't done in that time, that is. :)

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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Yeah, sure. Thanks, Peach. I'm always very appreciative of your help. Though I am sorry that we need it; most of it is my fault, I'll admit, as I've been extremely busy lately and as such this has been near the bottom of my priority list. Next week I have finals, but after that (and maybe even before then) I'll have time to focus on this club. My apologies to everyone; I really can't expect the critics to be active when I'm not, so hopefully I'll be able to get this back and running quickly.newso1.png

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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All right, thanks, Velox. =]I'll take Rising Moon's and ToDD's. The review for RM's will be up shortly, and ToDD's review might be up tonight if I can get to it.EDIT: Here's Rising Moon's review. Great story, I really recommend it if you want a horror story to read.

Edited by Peach 00

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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Would I be allowed to post my story for a review? Even though I didn't get into the contest finals, I'd still like it reviewed. :)

I'm BACK!!!!!!!!

PM me if you want your comics or movie's reviewed by a guy who loves Bum Reviews!

bum_review_spoof_new1.pngP.S. I am not Doug Walker, nor do I claim to be.



Darthbrandon14's "ESCAPE FROM DARKNESS", coming soon



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Not quite yet, sorry; I want to finish all the current stories that need reviewing first, but we should be letting in more stories soon -- just keep checking back. =]newso1.png

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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Not quite yet, sorry; I want to finish all the current stories that need reviewing first, but we should be letting in more stories soon -- just keep checking back. =]newso1.png

K, thanks. :D

I'm BACK!!!!!!!!

PM me if you want your comics or movie's reviewed by a guy who loves Bum Reviews!

bum_review_spoof_new1.pngP.S. I am not Doug Walker, nor do I claim to be.



Darthbrandon14's "ESCAPE FROM DARKNESS", coming soon



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At Last--Takanuva! by Toa of Dischordant Dancing has been reviewed! Which leaves only one review to be posted when Snoopy is completed with his reviews, but I think TheMightyFighty took care of it, I'm not sure. Still, if it hasn't been officially reviewed, I'll be glad to claim it. :)

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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Yeah, he reviewed it, but not officially and Shyyrn requested the review after TMF reviewed it. If you wanted to, that'd be great, but it's fine if you don't. Thanks so much again for your help! =] newso1.png

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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I'll be happy to review it - and, you're totally welcome. If you're ever in a jam and need help with reviews, contact me (PMs, comments, et cetera) and I'll be glad to help. =)

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Um, can I submit my story fo review now?Reading the past posts I see that the Request List has been emptied.

Unfortunately, not all the stories have been reviewed, so the club can't accept your story just yet. Snoopy needs to review two of the stories, and because the other critics are busy, I'm in charge of reviewing Shyyrn's story. Sorry, but you're going to have to be patient until the list is cleared. :)

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, I was supposed approved as a critic ages ago, but I haven't been added yet. I you guys need someone to do reviews, I'm free.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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I've reviewed, 12.5 and What Lurks Below. Now if someone could take one more we could get this puppy moving again.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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I've got the last one. Lord Darkon and PooZy ~ We are not currently accepting requests, sorry. Check back later this week (you will have to re-submit your stories when we are allowing requests). Yukiko ~ Thank you so much! Apologies for the mix-up with listing you as a critic; not sure what happened there. But yes, you're definitely approved. And thank you for the reviews! To everyone else ~ I apologize for the lack of activity in this club; to be honest there is no good excuse I have, as I was just busy and let other thing take priority. By tomorrow I'll have that last review done, and tomorrow I'll be PMing all the critics, and we'll get this going again. At that time I'll also post to let everyone know that we are taking requests again. In the meantime, I appreciate your patience, and again, on behalf of the SSCC staff, I apologize for the recent inactivity. newso1.png

Edited by Velox

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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