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Steal the Mask 3


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I simply walk up and take the mask.


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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One does not simply tell one what one does not simply do.


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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Well I don't.


My mask!

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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Black Lotus


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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What about Yu-Gi-Oh?


My Mask!

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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I don't even play Yu-Gi-Oh - haha!


My mask...

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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But I am poisoned.


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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Sorry, did I say poisoned? I meant... poisonous!!!


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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But I bite you with a venomous bite!


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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I alter the timeline so that Spider-Man never found the Symbiote. This means that it never had a chance to bond with Eddie Brock, and so Venom ceases to exist. My death is therefore negated (not that it would have been meaningful anyway).


My Mask.

Edited by TwilightVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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I eat you.


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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*Slams hammer on table* TwilightVezon. You have violated one of the most sacred decrees of this game. Thou shalt not negate the previous poster's post. For your transgressions against the game, you are hereby stripped of all your godly powers, and reduced to your original mortal state from all those years ago. Let this be a lesson to anyone who dares fly in the face of the game's sacred decrees of order from this point onward. Dissenters will not be tolerated.


Also, Collector, you somehow missed an active landmine and stepped on it. Hilarity ensues. (And by hilarity, I mean burnt chunks of you fly everywhere.)


Not your mask.

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I think you'll find that Miras's action was not negated in the way which the rule was supposed to prevent. Negating the post would have been saying "Actually, I hadn't died and in fact had killed Venom." Altering the timestream does not prevent his action, it simply changes the universe to one in which he didn't do it. It still happened, and so it has not been negated.


(Oh, and the "moving through so many locations so rapidly that specifying a single location has become meaningless" bit in the first post would have been funnier earlier when we were moving through a couple galaxies every few posts.)


My Mask.

Edited by TwilightVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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Silence! I keel you!


My mask!

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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I was the swamp.


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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Too late.


For you to stop me stabbing you.


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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I then proceed to stab you harder.


My mask.


You have violated one of the most sacred decrees of this game. Thou shalt not negate the previous poster's post. Let this be a lesson to anyone who dares fly in the face of the game's sacred decrees of order from this point onward. Dissenters will not be tolerated.

Yeah, says the guy who went against his own rules by playing the "innocent bystander" card as he supposedly hung out on a foreign planet, not caring for the mask. Not taking the mask at the end of your post goes directly against your own rules. And you did this for several posts. Therefore, TwilightVezon should not be penalized for this one action. 


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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I repeatedly stab you.


My mask.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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You have violated one of the most sacred decrees of this game. Thou shalt not negate the previous poster's post. Let this be a lesson to anyone who dares fly in the face of the game's sacred decrees of order from this point onward. Dissenters will not be tolerated.

Yeah, says the guy who went against his own rules by playing the "innocent bystander" card as he supposedly hung out on a foreign planet, not caring for the mask. Not taking the mask at the end of your post goes directly against your own rules. And you did this for several posts. Therefore, TwilightVezon should not be penalized for this one action. 

Oh, but I think you'll find that the rules state quite clearly that, while I cannot make a post where the mask is not taken, I do not have to take the mask myself. I have in that vein repeatedly made posts where, while I myself did not take the mask, there were other things that did, thus fulfilling my rule. And even in the event that I had not followed the rule, you'll notice that I said "from this point onward", signifying a sudden turn toward more stringent rule keeping, whereas before I had been more lenient. 


But most of all, things in this game should not be taken too seriously, especially when words such as "sacred decrees" are used in lieu of a simpler term like "rules". 


Anyway, I kill Collector with an axe.


My mask.

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EMP. As a result, the Metru Nui prison cells burst open, the Vahki deactivated, and Onaku runs off with the mask. Unfortunately for him, the mask he had was actually the Vahi- since he stole it from one of the Vahki- me having swapped it for the real Ignika and made off with the Ignika whilst Onaku was still in prison.


My mask and also citywide chaos in Metru Nui.


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