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Bionifight 4


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Squishy was confused because he was levitating and technically not on the ground, but the fire was tall enough to hit and burn him anyway. Squishy's concentration broke as he fell to the floor and hopped around, hoping to shake off the fire or something. Squishy eventually cooled down after sitting on a stray piece of ToD's ice. Squishy then fired his Monsterquake Inducer again(which closed the previous chasm and opened a new one), this time aiming for Nujanii. If all want well, Nujanii would either fall to his death in the opened ground or have Robert grab him and drag him down to his death. Either way, Squishy would be pleased.


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Beano, unsatisfied at the unmoving body of Tavahka, turned towards Squishy. Trying to hit him with the Superossimsonicgun, Beano started running towards him.CRACK!Beano tripped, his body began to faceplant, and the entire ground became a chasm. His hands reached out to touch one side, and his legs touched the other.Fatality in Planking, this was called.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Squishy had noticed Beano running towards him with the Superossimsonicgun in hand. Squishy readied for the attack, but then shot his Monsterquake Inducer at Nujanii closing the chasm and opening a new one blah blah blah explained in more detail in my last post. Beano tripped and was now stretched out across the crack in the ground. Squishy began to taunt Beano, saying "Robert is hungry, you know! You're a sitting target for him, really! That's all you are, really! Semi-aquatic tentacled monster food!". But it was not to last as Robert screwed Squishy once more, grabbing him and dragging him down.

Edited by Demon Llama


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Round 11 Over.The winner this round is The Highly Visible Noob. You may design a special weapon of your own for me to approve via pm.Round 12: Bionifight (Tag Team Modifier)For this round you find yourselves finally teleported out of the Metru-Nui Coliseum and arrive on a Pirate Ship. While on this ship you must avoid the roaming, murderous pirates on board, and can also look for a ruby that has the power to turn you into a fish for an entire round. In addition, this round will use the Tag Team modifier, meaning you must work together with a partner to win. Since there are an odd number of players however, Toa of Dischordant Dancing has been left in the dust and has to fight on his own this round. that may or may not give him an advantage.Tag TeamsToa of Dischordant DancingToa Onarax & Unit#phntk#1MebKohu & Tyler DurdenThe highly Visible Noob & Jl1223 Xkanohi_master & PortalfigDemon Llama & MoC1Good luck!-ibrow

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OOC= Special weapon choice, will be put in first post later.Health Leeching Claw add on. A moderator to the alpha gloves that add's claws to them, allows shape-shifting and stretching with the user with a final function that allows me to leech the health of those I grab onto. Healing me and hurting them.There was only one way to deal with these pirates and win this round. I had to win over their trust with a jaunty tune. Quickly I shape-shifted into a pirate with the typical one leg and eye-patch as I began my song."Do what you want, ‘cause a pirate is free,YOU ARE A PIRATE!Being a pirate is alright to be,Do what you want ‘cause a pirate is free,You are a pirate!"Soon those old sea dogs would accept me as one of their number and attack the others. Until then I motioned to Beano to join me.OOC= If you didn't see this coming at some point in this round then you're blind.

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Pirates' weapons were locked up until under attack, or attacking someone else. I doubt that the captain will have gotten the weapons out. If so, I'm going to get myself a blunderbuss!Also, MoC1 told me that he would be making a new character. Just thought you guys might wanna know that.NujaniiNujanii felt himself leave the collesium, enter the abyssal plane, and end up on a pirate ship. Not being a shapehshifter, he could not compete with THVN and try for the pirates' loyalty. What he could do, however, was burn stuff. So Nujanii burned stuff. Nujanii set the ship on fire. Anyone who could not fly had better be able to swim.Nujanii then turned to his partner. "Tahvaka! I know I spelled your name wrong. Now, let's have some fun. It's about time I got to fight beside another Toa of Fire. Pity your special weapon won't be too helpful... Oh well! Help me spread this blaze, will ya?"

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The flames surrounded me, I began to choke on the fumes and gave up on the song."You crazy land blubber you'll ignite the gunpowder and blow up the treasure"Moving quickly I grabbed Beano and lifted him into the air with me before the ship could explode.I hovered high over the ship with my mask of repulsion, holding Beano in an extra pair of arms I had grown. I needed to stop Nujanii's madness fast. One of my normal arms changed into a tentacle that lashed out at Nujanii.That would do it.

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​Squishy was levitating over the fire. Levitation was such a useful power. Squishy remembered how pirates believed in superstitions and sea monsters like the sea kraken and mermaids. Squishy lifted his Monsterquake Inducer and fired a sonic charge into the water."The real sea monster? Get ready, you're just about to meet him!" Squishy announced as the unmistakable tentacles of Robert sprang up from the ocean. Robert used one tentacle to hold the ship and keep it at a tilt while the pirates/contenders that cannot fly/levitate/whatever slid down to the rail of the boat while the other tentacles grabbed and dragged down whoever was near. However, Robert was feasting mostly on the pirates because the fighters were harder targets. In fact, Robert just grabbed the contenders who could not fly/levitate/whatever and chucked them far away.Squishy then turned towards his teammate ask him whether or not he could fly. Squishy thought he could but he wanted to make sure.


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NujaniiNujanii used his shield's rebounding ability to send the tentacle away. It was sent dangerously close to Robert, actually. Nujanii then ignited his jetpacks. Nujanii located and grabbed his partner. Nujanii made sure he and his partner were clear of the ship, then ignited the powder, causing the ship to explode. The explosion took out Robert.

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Squishy was wondering how the heck they were going to fight on the pirate ship if it's not even there anymore. Squishy thought about bringing in the PIG but decided against it until he had official word that it was bad to destroy the arena that you are supposed to be fighting on, even though the fight was pretty much postponed because they had nowhere to really duke it out and not all of the contenders could fly/levitate/whatever.


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"But how do we get the treasure now?"I asked dejectedly above the smoke, my potential pirate allies burning below."You ruin everything Nujanii, you know that right?"Still I had an obligation to make things a bit fair for the land dwellers. Focusing hard, I summoned a few toa of iron, who used their powers to recreate the titanic. With a YAR! all the pirates and land blubbers climbed aboard."Now this definitely wont sink"

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Squishy gladly climbed aboard the new ship. Even though he was levitating. Oh well.Squishy saw through THVN's disguise and lobed his bowling ball at him. Also, mourning the "death" of Robert he fired another sonic blast into the water with his Monsterquake Inducer and Robert's tentacles sprang up once more. True, while the new ship was too heavy for the monster to tilt his tentacles could still reach far enough to grab anyone that was too close to the rail, as he just demonstrated on an unfortunate pirate.


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"OW THOSE THINGS HURT MAN"I yelled as I landed on the ship, Beano was placed besides me. The pirates looked at me oddly"I MEAN YARR THOSE THINGS HURT LAND BLUBBER ... YARR!"Wasting no time I ordered my Iron toa army to attack Squishy and the pirates returned to looting the Titanic.

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Squishy summoned twenty or so Toa of Magnetism to keep the Iron Toa at bay. Squishy saw many pirates ganging up on him for messing with another one of their kind. Squishy decreased their gravity dramatically which sent them flying up into the air. But then he had an idea. Squishy returned their gravity to normal and sent long, thick vines out to grab them. Squishy commanded the vines to try and hit THVN and Beano, hopefully whacking them with the pirates on the ends.


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Unsure quite how to react I stalled long enough that the vines hit with brutal force. My other arm turned into an axe that I sliced through the foliage with. Then I rushed at Squishy with a crazy glint in my eye, because crazy people with axes for arms are pretty much unstoppable.

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"Unstoppable" is correct, because Squishy soon found himself chopped and hacked by THVN. Squishy tried to increase his own gravity a bit and dropped below deck. He saw THVN looking town the new hole in the floor and Squishy was sure he was going to hop down any second. It was pitch-black down there except the small bit of sunlight shining through the hole and that freshly-lit candle.Wait.As it turns out, Squishy had woken up the pirates who had been sleeping below deck. And they weren't happy. Not happy at all. Squishy still had a fighting chance but if THVN jumped down he was most likely toast. Squishy fired many(10-15) rodents out of his Anaconda Summoner at the pirates to help him, which attracted the giant snakes out of seemingly nowhere. Surely they would take out a couple of pirates.

Edited by Demon Llama


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NujaniiNujanii landed on the deck of the ship. Robert tried to grab him, but Nujanii easily scorched his tentacle. Nujanii then began to pick off pirates by throwing (Nujanii almost always kept his disk launcher on his back) reconstitute at random disks. Unfortunately for everyone, one of Nujanii's reconstitute at random disks missed and hit Robert. Horrified, Nujanii wondered what terror he had just unleashed.

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Robert crawled up onto the deck of the ship, now slightly resembling Cthulhu. His body was now gigantic and heavy, actually weighing down the boat a bit. He was spitting out his sticky saliva all around the deck, and anyone who touched it was surely stuck there to be eaten. Robert was looking much different now, only having two tentacles for arms now while lacking legs. Robert now had two eyes instead of one on a long stalk, greatly helping his vision. He began to sweep the deck and toss pirates overboard.Below deck, things were not going as well for Squishy as they were for Robert. Squishy was now facing off against a band of murderous pirates and THVN. Not to mention that many more pirates were swarming in to escape the terror of Robert."Where's your teammate when you need him!?" Squishy frantically shouted as Robert stuck a tentacle blow deck through the hole Squishy had made earlier and the door that leads below deck.

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Speaking of partners, where's mine?NujaniiNujanii barely avoided some saliva. Nujanii fried a tentacle that tried to grab him and jumped into his first resort- flight. Nujanii pleted Robert with weakening disks from the relative safety of the sky.

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OOC: I was doing school, that where I is. :PTavahka appeared on the Titanic and saw Robert. "Another boss battle already?" he commented aloud, before morphing his arm into a propeller, flying out of reach, and then asking Nujanii to hit him with a levitation disc. "Let's take him down!" he cried "For Narnia!". With his free hand, Tavahka started to pelt Robert with fireballs, all aimed towards his eyes.

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Suddenly a familiar Shield flew by to block the attack and returned to its user. "Not quite," Said a new figure in Iron Man like armor who held a mighty Sword and Shield, "I am the BZPower Paladin: Azure Edition, Toa Makuta's replacement, he was a prototype but I am the finished product"OOC: Big mistake.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

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I turned to BZPower Paladin, madness in my eyes."I see you two have returned in a new form, care to show off your new powers?"Suddenly fear entered my mind as I realized what that meant."... while you get revenge for when I got revenge on you previous self for killing me ... oh dear"I changed to a defensive stance."Well bring it on then"

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"I will in just a moment, I've always wanted to try this out," She concentrated and several large clouds formed above the ship. When the clouds were large enough she flung a strong bolt of lightning into them and then charged at THVN.OOC: I really have wanted to try this technique out for a while.

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Robert began spitting furiously at Nujanii and Tavahka. Surely if they were hit by the saliva they would be too heavy to support their own weight in the air and then they would fall down into Robert's turf; water.Below deck, Squishy was getting murdered by THVN and the pirates. With the door being blocked and Robert still sticking his tentacle through the hole, Squishy severely lightened his gravity and busted a new hole in the deck. When he got above deck he saw Robert's new form for the first time. Squishy was terrified at his own creation, and since Robert didn't know right from wrong he would surely kill Squishy(and, to a lesser extent, BZP Paladin). Squishy had to stop him, so he fired another sonic blast into the water which closed the previous chasm and opened a new one. The new Robert's tentacles sprang up from the water. But for some strange reason the old, Cthulhu-like Robert didn't disappear, creating two Roberts. Squishy grunted in frustration and yelled "You really do ruin everything, Nujanii. You know that, right?"

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Suddenly something massive struck me ..."... Wait you're a girl! guess you're no problem then, unless I make a sexist comment whereupon you will get revenge for all the ladies out there."It was only as all four of my arms rocketed outward to attack BZPP that I realised I had just made a sexist comment."DOH!"

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Poor, poor kanohi_master. You can't blow up the arena. That post=negated, and...VertakVertak felt sorry for Nujanii as he flew in on the magical PIG, but decided not to worry about it. Lugging out his enchantment table and a Diamon Axe, he rebuilt the ship with amazing speed and then created a spell that would set Nujanii on fire for the rest of the round. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depening on your point of view), making the spell last that long meant the flames wouldn't hurt Nujanii, and thus only serve as an annoyance.-ibrow

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NujaniiNujanii nailed Tahvaka with a levitation disk. Nujanii then threw a disk of shriking at Robert while dodging saliva shots. "Yeah, but I don't mean to. Usually."Nujanii felt himself ignite. He was going to do that anyway, so he was glad that it was happening without using elemental energy. "Vertak, I've fought with and against you. You ought to know by now that I am a Toa of fire. Heck, I could probably draw strength from and manipulte this fire." Nujanii proceeded to do so. "Yup, you've just provided me with energy. I ought to break rules more often!"Nujanii was covered in flames. If he had shadow and shapeshifting powers, he'd go into Balrog mode. As it was, it was still pretty epic.OOC: Just kidding. I won't go god mode.

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Cthu-Bert shrunk. He was now half his original size. He was quickly dragged overboard and eaten by the new Robert. Squishy sighed, not having to deal with Cthu-Bert anymore. But now he had to deal with Nujanii/Tavahka and THVN. Well, not as much THVN because MOC1 seemed to be dealing with him. Squishy began firing rodents around the ship like wild, causing anacondas to slither around deck freely. True, while they likely wouldn't hurt anyone too much, they were a comfort to Squishy because they were a repellent to most people.

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She raised her Shield to block two of THVN's arms but the other two hit her and sent her stumbling back. Warping to behind THVN She blasted the noob with powerful lasers.OOC: BZPP is a girl but I'm not, I just thought it wold be interesting to have a female Bionifighter.

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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NujaniiNujanii hated snakes. Nujanii was shocked that BZPP was a girl, and immediately mentally told K_m to send MoC1 a rant via PM concerning how bad a decision that was. Nujanii had some controversial oppinions all right. Fortunately he said nothing out loud. Nujanii then torched the snakes, and accidentally the ship as well. Oh well, if the ship exploded again, it wouldn't be his fault...not completely anyway...

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Sigh...VertakWith Nujanii reminding him of his status as a Toa of fire, Vertak decided to withdraw the fire punishment in the hopes that he wouldn't have to sit down with Nujanii and speak to him about his actions.So instead he put one of Nujanii's fingers into a cold and non-breakable or meltable ice cube for the rest of the round.-ibrowAnd trust me, you do not want Vertak to sit down and have a chat with you. :P

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I know you're not a girl, but yeah the girl character thing I didn't expect.The lasers struck me in the back, sending flying into the other side of the room."Nice trick girl but ..."My alpha gloves began to twist and warp, becoming just as corrupted as the rest of my form as they gained a new power."I've got plenty o' tricks too"My arms extended outwards again, but this time life leeching claws were affixed to my alpha gloves, making the attack much more dangerous.Outside the pirates began to attack the Titanic.

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As I drowned my head pulled itself into my body as my torso armour developed a pair of eyes and nose. Several other mouths developed on my arms and legs, that all spoke in unison."Nice try miss but tell me where is Toa Makuta? I bet ya killed him"This time I abandoned my tentacle attack and rushed at BZPP, then I used my Crast to push her into the wall with force."Tho I guess you stuck up paladin types wouldn't do that right?"

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Nujaniis attack failed thanks to the power of epic one on one battles for revenge and showing off new powers."DANG IT!"​I shouted as I realized my mistake and released BZPP. I clutched my eyes and grew an extra set above them, then changed into a spiked ball and rolled at BZPP.

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