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Bionifight 4


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OOC: Meaning you are an exception to the rule, which could and probably is the case for a lot of Bionifighters.IC:Zadakh sent out a rain of Ethereal Keyblades, Kaulsi-jumped in front of BZPP rather than behind, and dealt a Shinryu Punch, this time remaining in Shinryu Mode and dealing as many punches as possible.

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However, it was not wise to keep using the same tactics over and over. And BZPP warped awayto shoot a vollay of powered-up flares and smog bullets at Zadakh, this time ready for any sneak attacks.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Okay, iBrow is online so everybody should just hang tight for a (short) while and he'll end the round.Edit: Nevermind. He went offline three minutes before I was able to PM him, so Round 22 over. I'll let him decide a winner since I feel to tired to make a good decision.Round 23 Start! (Forever Alone Modifier)For this round we will be fighting in Mangaia, Makuta has done a lot of refurbishing so it's triple the size it was when MoL came out. Watch out for Carnivorous Plants, Mutant Rahi, Lethal Traps and Rahkshi of all kinds.In addition this round has the Forever Alone Modifier, this means that no armies can be summoned during the round.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

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IC:Zadakh looked around and said, "Mangaia...AWESOME!! I always wanted to visit Mangaia! Now I can forge that Sword of Mangaia I've been thinking about for so long."He walked across the floor when he spotted a Rahkshi. "Oh, Rahkshi...hm, I GUESS I should focus on the battle rather than the sword for now, since I'll have a lot of things to deal with..."Zadakh drew Reaper and kicked the Rahkshi back, and then he turned around and prepared for battle.

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You're right, MoC1, I'll adjust my profile accordingly.NujaniiZahdak's preperations were in vain. Nujanii hit him square in the back with a fireball which sent Zahdak through a wall. "Oops, I didn't mean to make it that powerful. It's the Virtus Robes. It amplifies my powers, often more than I expect."

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Squishy looked around. What a dump. Oh well, it would have to do.Noticing the carnivorous plants scattered around, Squishy quickly took control of them along with growing some of his own. Yay! Now then, Squishy hopped on Black Eyes and started flying/teleporting/shooting lasers all around. What a FUN Special Weapon.


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Beano walked through the damp, dark and really ugly tunnels, although he managed to have light to show his path by using his Plasma Sword. He found BZPP sleeping, so, before anything could happen, he used his Kakama to go straight up to her before she could wake up, and he slashed with the sword, supremely heated plasma slashing at her face.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Cole groaned. What the heck he had gone from Ghosts, to Caterpillars becoming Butterflies, to now Carnivorous plants. Although it was kinda of sad, that this annoyed him so much seeing the horrors he faced in the game, but hey that was fictional. Although so is this. Regardless, Cole was not only near a carnivorous plant, he was in one, and man did the stomach acid stink. Oh yeah Stomach Acid, not only did it burn, but as liquid it shocked him, and for some odd reason Cole was not harmed by any electricity outside of being in a fluid. Video game logic I suppose. To escape Cole created a massive electric shockwave, sending electrified acid everywhere. Not fun for the others, not fun at all.


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IC:Zadakh walked out of the wall covered in infected armor, and laughed, "Mwa-ha-ha..."He then tossed it off and said, "Wonder why this armor was just lying around? Oh well."After using some Fire Keyblades to burn up the carnivorous plants, he began beating up Rahkshi. Sure, he was affected by a few powers here and there, but all in all things went pretty well...and epicly.

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Beano was slightly stunned when BZPP vanished, but when he heard a slight wooshing sound, along with a splashing sound, he was confused. To his somewhere, a lot of liquid which looked weird was flying towards him while to his anothersomewhere there were find bolts. He took 2 steps back and watched as the wind bolts stopped the acid from flying towards him. Beano then created a beanstalk to stop what was left of the windblades which had also cut a bit of the rock and slightly dissipated. However, he was still hit by quite a lot of force from the blades itself. Annoyed, he turned to find an enemy. That arrived in the form of Zadakh, who was attacked by the combination of a carnivorous plant and a bean plant. Also beside the bean plant was the Superossimsonicgun, whose trigger was activated by a vine.A very acidic blob of ....acid.... was fired at Mach 30 towards Zadakh.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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NujaniiNujanii commanded the fire keyblades to come to him. And they did. The Fire Keyblades circled over Nujanii's head. Nujanii jumped over spurts of acid, ducked around the carnivorous plants, and over a set of infected armor that came out of nowhere. Nujanii ran at BZPP, only to confront a rahkshi of dodge. Being a master of the art of dodging, Nujanii and the rahkshi bowed to each other, traced a ring in the ground, and began attacking and dodging in their artistic art. Nujanii was the first to land a hit on the other; in mid hand-stand, Nujanii cut off the lower part of the rahshi's left leg. (Yes Nujanii is balancing on one hand alone.) The rahkshi (after a quarter of an hour passed) lost its head. Nujanii then bowed once more to his deceased partner, saying "Well, maybe I am untouchable."

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IC:Zadakh twitched, then willed the Fire Keyblades to vanish. And they did."For some reason, that seriously annoys me...""You know you're being attacked by plants and acid, right?" Reaper said."What?"The mach 30 acid hit Zadakh and knocked him through the wall again, and then the plants came after him. Suddenly the plants wilted, and Zadakh came out wearing a gas mask and holding a giant tank of weed killing chemicals."Wow, there's a lot of stuff back there.""Back where?""Off-screen.""Oh...wait, why do you need a gas mask if you don't need to breathe?!""It's to complete the look."

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MoC1, I adjusted my powers to fit my species. I took my own advice.NujaniiNujanii, angered by the loss of epic factor resulting from the loss of the Fkeyblades, ran at Zahdak, daggers drawn and ignited. (please not that Nujanii has both Kakama and Arthron activated)

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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IC:In his anger, Nujanii forgot one crucial thing......Wait, now I forget it too...hold on...um...OH, yes!! He forgot that there were plenty of Rahkshi nearby who encased him in a stasis field!Oh, and Zadakh was punched through the wall again by a Rahkshi of Density. When he came back out, he was a pirate, and forced the Rahkshi to walk the plank. Arrgh.

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IC:Zadakh was stabbed, but didn't really noticed cause he was too busy talking like a pirate."Arrgh, me matey, walk the plank! Arrgh...and, uh...arrgh...""...You don't know any more pirate talk, do you?""Arrgh! Ye best be takin' that back, matey, before I...keel haul ye!""Do you even know what that means?""...Arrgh..."

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Name: JunkyardWeapon: Rifle and fists. Detachable protosteel dagger.Power 1: Ground Smash - Junkyard hits the ground with his fist, causing an air pulse and cracks near the impact.Power 2: Junk Whip - Junkyard sends out a short(1-3 metres) whip to grapple enemies.Power 3: Petrifying Roar - Junkyard roars at enemies, stunning the target for 1 post.Appearance: A large, bulky mass of armour and wires. Junkyard also has a horrible colour scheme due to the lack of matching parts. If hit, sometimes a small piece of armour or junk will fall off. (Description will be replaced by gallery, soon)May I join this? It is rather interesting.

Edited by The First Evo

I was the First Evo.



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Nujanii"It means to put a rope the length of the ship, and under it, then tie a guy to the ends, then pull it so that the guy is dragged under the ship, across the bottom of it, and back on deck. Usually the person dies from drowning. If not, he experiences the pain of the barnacles stripping the flesh off of his back. Usually this..."Without even knowing it, Nujanii had activated his own non-elemental nerd powers. This was awesome.

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IC:"...So my Nerd powers are either ignored or copied...fantastic."Zadakh sat down and said, "Meh, since it takes so much effort just to land one hit on you, I'm not even gonna bother.""You're giving up?" Reaper asked."Waiting for easier prey. I'm gonna go off screen and find more costumes."

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BZPP was hit by a bunch of attacks and got angry but then she remembered that she was doing that to other people and calmed down. She selected Beano as her target and sucked up all the air around him.OOC: I am MoC1 and I am the Bionifight Co-Host, and you have a few profile problems The First Evo. Nothing serious just a bit underpowered. You should change your first power to something like earthquake creation/control, your Junk Whip belongs in the weapons section not powers, and your third power looks fine. I would strongly recommend that you edit it. If you have any questions ask me and I'll be happy to help. :)

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Ok, reposting edited version...Name: JunkyardWeapon: Rifle and fists. Detachable protosteel dagger. Also has a junk whip that can grapple enemies. Power 1: Ground Smash - Junkyard hits the ground with his fist, causing an earthquake and cracks near the impact.Power 2: Junk Throw - Junkyard throws a random piece of junk to hit a target.Power 3: Petrifying Roar - Junkyard roars at enemies, stunning the target for 1 post.Appearance: A large, bulky mass of armour and wires. Junkyard also has a horrible colour scheme due to the lack of matching parts. If hit, sometimes a small piece of armour or junk will fall off. (Description will be replaced by gallery, soon)

Edited by The First Evo

I was the First Evo.



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BZPP was hit by a firefighter hat that Zadakh had blindly thrown and it caused all of the air she had absorbed to blast out at Beano.OOC: Looking better but something like elemental control over iron would be much better then being able to throw junk.

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NujaniiNujanii was buiried under rock. Then he was blasted out of it by a stray lightning bolt. Thanks to the PSJS, he was unharmed. Nujanii turned to Zahdak, saying "I'm flattered. I'm also surprised that you, a nerd, weren't aware of Pirate torture methods." Nujanii grabbed a conveniently placed sign and bashed BZPP, saying "Hi, I hope you haven't forgotten me."

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Resending profile:Name: JunkyardWeapon: Rifle and fists. Detachable protosteel dagger. Also has a junk whip that can grapple enemies. Power 1: Ground Smash - Junkyard hits the ground with his fist, causing an earthquake and cracks near the impact.Power 2: Iron Shield - Junkyard pulls iron towards himself to raise his defence for 1 post.Power 3: Petrifying Roar - Junkyard roars at enemies, stunning the target for 1 post.Appearance: A large, bulky mass of armour and wires. Junkyard also has a horrible colour scheme due to the lack of matching parts. If hit, sometimes a small piece of armour or junk will fall off. (Description will be replaced by gallery, soon)

I was the First Evo.



and I am a Gentleman.

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BZPP was in Genocide Mode, so the unexpected blow only turned her attention on Nujanii. She now used a terrible combination of all of her powers on the foolish toa of fire.OOC: Well that would be better in a video game, but how about the Iron Shield just being an indestructible shield? Those are very handy.

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Ok... Iron shield has been edited to be an indestructible shield. It can only be broken by intense fire damage, I guess. Also added gallery.Name: JunkyardWeapon: Rifle and fists. Detachable protosteel dagger. Also has a junk whip that can grapple enemies. Power 1: Ground Smash - Junkyard hits the ground with his fist, causing an earthquake and cracks near the impact.Power 2: Iron Shield - Junkyard pulls iron towards himself to form an indestructible shield.Power 3: Petrifying Roar - Junkyard roars at enemies, stunning the target for 1 post.Appearance: A large, bulky mass of armour and wires. Junkyard also has a horrible colour scheme due to the lack of matching parts. If hit, sometimes a small piece of armour or junk will fall off. (Gallery(when public))EDIT: Special Weapons:The Grumpy Hammer"Well, you would be grumpy too, if your head was being used as a weapon."There is a grumpy face engraved into the head of the hammer.Offense (Physical): 12Offense (Non-Physical): 0Defense (Physical): 1Defense (Non-Physical): 0Speed: 7

Edited by The First Evo

I was the First Evo.



and I am a Gentleman.

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