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Persona: Sea of Djinn - Discussion

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Thought I'd join in.


Name: Channah Makhlouf

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Arcana: Temperance

Weapons and Tools: A small sketchbook and various drawing implements, a small laptop computer; other various university-related paraphernalia.

Skills: Channah is fluent in both Egyptian and al-Bareha dialects of Arabic, as well as Mizrahi Hebrew.  She is also fairly proficient in biblical Hebrew, and is studying Turkish in school.  An accomplished mechanical drawer, she has a keen eye for proportion and perspective as well as a great knowledge of architecture.

Appearance: Channah is petite, with dark olive skin and very small hands that look delicate, although they are quite calloused from years of art school.  Her keen hazel eyes look out from beneath a thick pair of dark angular eyebrows, and she has a prominent hooked nose and small mouth that turns up at the corners.  She maintains a neat and proper image, her thick curly black hair cut short and close to her skull.  On particularly dusty days, she might cover her hair with a dark blue kerchief.  Her daily wear consists of a  light colored blouse buttoned at the neck, a dark blazer, a knee length skirt, and thick stockings in either white or powder blue.  She also owns several pairs of black, ankle-length, lace up boots, which are comfortable for walking.

Personality: Upon first meeting, Channah appears open and friendly, but although she is easy to get along with, she is slow to trust and rarely confides truly in anyone.  As of late, she deals with the various expectations placed upon her by throwing herself into her schoolwork.

Biography:  Channah is the eldest daughter of  a family of conservative Mizrahi Jews of Egyptian origin.  Her grandparents were expelled from Egypt in the late 1950’s, and opted to settle in the fairly conflict free Al-Bareha.  Because of her position as “the hope of the next generation” she juggles a variety of family expectations (getting married, succeeded academically and socially), her religious of obligations, her own dreams (to design buildings in Turkey), and her social life.


Channah accidentally summoned her Persona while trying to escape a shadow that attacked her while she was walking home one evening.  The experience shook her up emotionally and she has tried her best to forget it--while still keeping an ear open for anything that might explain the strange monsters.

Weaknesses:  Channah is not a fighter by any means, and the mental stress that she is experiencing lately makes her somewhat distracted and hard to talk to.  Her ability to compartmentalize seems to be increasingly working against her these days; she simply ignores the problems that she cannot deal with.  Also, she is extremely reluctant to summon her persona and thus is not practiced with it at all.


Name: Miriam

Origin:  The older sister of Moses in the Hebrew bible, and prophetess in her own right.  Usually associated with water, because she hid her brother in the river to save his life, and is linked to Miriam’s well, a spring of pure water that followed the Israelites through their wanderings in the desert.

Appearance: A slender, feminine figure, hooded and clad in flowing pale tan robes.  Her face is featureless, and what is visible surface of her “skin” appears as if it was simply glass on the surface of a deep blue lake.  In her left hand, she holds a large timbral (an ancient instrument similar to a tambourine); she strikes it when casting her magic.

Powers and Abilities: Miriam wields power over water, which allows her to summon geysers of water beneath her enemies.  While this is her only offensive ability, she has a couple other abilities to assist Channah (though Channah has yet to take advantage of them.)  The first is a cooling a mist that although it does not heal, rejuvenates and energizes her allies, removing both physical and mental exhaustion.  (Basically, it’s a move that restores SP instead of HP).  The second is a passive ability, a sort of mental partial invisibility that compels enemies to ignore both her and Channah.  Lastly, Miriam can guide Channah to wherever she thinks is home through any amount of illusions or complications.

Miriam is not armored and rather fragile for a Persona, but she is also exceptionally swift and agile--which along with her passive ability makes it exceptionally hard to land a hit on her.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Name: Adam Reid

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Arcana: Strength

Weaponry and Tools: Baseball bat

Skills: Baseball

Appearance: Clocking in at a roughly six feet in height, Adam is exceptionally fit. Due to his athletic tendencies, he has maintained muscle tone suitable for strength as well as speed. This, plus his personal preference, has kept him well away from bodybuilder territory. On a day to day basis, it isn’t even entirely obvious that he’s as athletic as he is. His preference in casual clothing only hints at his physique. The most common expression to be seen on his face is a slight grin, a smile at the very least. The brown hair that crowns his head is usually slightly messy, and his blue eyes are set in a slightly tanned face that could be called mildly handsome. 


Adam’s wardrobe isn’t anything exceptional, and if anything, it’s fairly basic. Bootcut jeans with gray sneakers, and a simple maroon t-shirt over his torso. Everything is well-kept, but with a slightly worn, well-used feel to it. On colder days he adds a simply black jacket, with a set of headphones tucked into a pocket along with his phone for listening during his daily walk. 


Personality: The first, and most prominent, character trait Adam puts forth is his sense of humor. He’s always quick with a joke of his own, often at his own expense, or to laugh at one someone else has made. His cheerful grin is ever-present, and more than a little infectious. Adam is always happy to go see a movie, or hang out with friends. He'll always attend any parties being hosted.


That’s the feeling he gives off, and what most people think of him as. The truth, as it always is, is a little more layered than that. Despite the stereotype for an athlete, Adam is a very good student. His attendance is consistent, and he never fails to be properly prepared for class. He grasps the material well, and even offers his help if he notices that someone is struggling. Though the cheerful, laid back personality is still present, it’s quieter when he’s not in the public eye. His professors would describe him as reliable, even helpful. 


Few people can think of anything bad to say about him, and certainly he’s never lacked for confidence. He never complains about his lot in life, even at times many would, but for all his casual friends and acquaintances, he seldom seems to have a close inner circle.


Biography: Adam Reid was born in a small town in the western US. The first few years of his life were incredibly uneventful; he was born to a middle class family, neither privileged nor impoverished. Most of his childhood followed a similar pattern. His mother was a teacher, while his dad worked as a file clerk in the nearest city. It was during one of his commutes to the city, when Adam was in junior high, that his dad, Thomas Reid, was killed in a fatal car accident.


Unsurprisingly, Adam’s behavior changed, and for the worse. He slacked off in school, only keeping his grades high enough to keep participating in athletics, and developed a distinct attitude problem. His relationship with his mother followed a similar downward spiral, as she, overworked and overstressed, struggled to keep things relatively normal, let alone deal with her son’s newfound behavioral problems. Things were forced to a head when his behavior worsened, resulting in repeated detentions and calls from his school. A heated argument, the first and last they ever had, resulted from the fifth such incident. After a shouting match that lasted nearly half an hour, both had retreated to their own bedrooms. They were calm by the next morning, and the argument wasn’t mentioned again; Adam’s behavior improved, mostly because of a realization stemming from the confrontation. He realized that acting out wasn’t going to solve his problems, it just made them worse. He wanted a chance with a clean slate, and high school was his last shot.


So, at his request, they moved to another small town. He threw himself into freshman year, determined to make up for the year prior. It worked, for the most part. His grades were better than they had been in a long time, and he made a few fast friends. Sports, as they always had, continued to be a highlight of his school year. However, things weren’t quite the same. He handled most of the work around the house while his mother worked long hours, and he often prepared meals for himself, and for her when she returned. When he was old enough, he quietly got a job at the local grocery store to help ease the financial burden a little. 


Entering his senior year, those changes only grew more pronounced. Though ever-cheerful, he moves rapidly between school, athletics, and his job, maintaining a high level of conduct in each. Each one had a purpose. School and athletics to further his chances at decent post-secondary education, and a job both to help with short term finances, and help pay for college later. Yet despite all the work, he would persevere, even surviving certain shenanigans through the year.


Following his high school graduation, Adam decided to study at the al-Barehan University with the money he had saved, moving from his native America to the Gulf city-state.


Weaknesses: Adam is not particularly skilled in any form of fighting, relying only on his own physical strength, and is rather unwilling to lay a hand on anyone unless there is absolutely no other choice. He is also rather inflexible in regards to what he perceives as his duties and morals, and his Persona lacks real range and a weakness to magics.




Name: Atlas

Origin and Background: An ancient greek god who held up the Celestial Spheres, Atlas was also associated with astronomy and navigation. Atlas was punished by Zeus when he sided with the other Titans and attacked the Olympians, it was this punishment that forced Atlas to hold up the heavens. 

Appearance: Armoured in the attire of ancient Greek soliders, the red-skinned Atlas is a pinnacle of masculinity, with bulging muscles, toned abs and a powerful jaw. His face however, is covered from sight, with only his glowing green eyes visible beneath his magnificent golden helmet. A red sash is also tied to part of his armour, contrasting against its gold.

Powers and Abilities: Atlas is a powerful warrior whose blows can deal great damage to all that receive them. He is also capable of certain magics, such as manipulating earth to attack his foes or boosting the speed and defenses of his allies.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"A lime to a lemon, my D.C. women / bringin' in 10 G minimums to condos with elevators innum! Vehicles with televisions innum! Huh? Wha? Sorry bruh. What were you saying?"


Name: Desdemona Taylor ["Des"]

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Arcana: The Star

Weaponry and Tools: iPhone 6, Oakland Raiders New Era snapback perpetually tilted

Skills: Has a grin like thermite and a snake charmer flow [adorably awful rapper], v skilled at protectin' ya neck [basic hand to hand/mean right]

Appearance: Des is of average size, though of course if you were looking at her from a height of six feet or above you would be able to comfortably rest your chin on her head. She doesn't measure herself often, but 5'5 or 5'6 thereabouts sounds right. There are really two appearances to Des - her appearance at school and her appearance at home. At school, she tends towards black skinny jeans, shirts with quirky slogans or cartoons on the front, and one of a veritable army of dark-colored pullover hoodies that, due to the temperature, are really just long-sleeved henleys with hoods. She can often be found wearing her Raiders hat underneath the hood, almost like she's trying to guard as much of her head as possible, though this may be to distract from the attention her blue-colored highlights bring. She prefers to show off as much of the natural brown in her hairstyle as possible around people she doesn't know. Around friends, she doesn't feel the need to defend herself quite as much.


If you knocked on her door at home, you would find a quite pretty young girl, dressed in a navy tank top, black shorts, and barefoot, staring at you like a deer in headlights. This would show off her massive sapphire eyes, as well as thin, toned arms, slim legs, a flat stomach, and even slight curves. Her smile is wide and warm, and comes often to her face, though she prefers short, consistent smiles to long ones that make her feel like a blank-looking goofball. She tends to act more unguarded at home as well, though she would be utterly surprised to find you at her door in the first place. 

Personality: Intelligent and warm, Des nonetheless projects a dreamy, quiet atmosphere about her at most times. She's never the first to start a conversation, but she'll gladly hold one, almost as though she'll only talk to you if you're sure you want to. Absolutely loves school, both for the social value and for the feeling of just sitting down in class and letting a lecture wash over her while she daydreams. Very musical, with separate playlists for running, class, and gaming at home [200 hours in Skyrim, 80 in Titanfall, 80 in Warframe]; her favorites tend towards 90s boom-bap, though she's not averse to modern trap or pop rap; she also loves herself some soft acoustic and electronic. She's fairly athletic, as befits a high school track team member, but she only started in her junior year and never quite got around to learning if there was a track team here, so she's trying to motivate herself to get back in shape right now. 



Des also loves to laugh, and loves good jokes, but doesn't think she can tell many herself. She doesn't have a very good poker face, which is why she finds it easier to not say much. 

Biography: Des, born out of Portland, Oregon and a frequent vacationer to California, always found herself wanting to go abroad. She had the travel bug in her early - she and her mother went up and down the West Coast frequently, while her father, a prominent banker at Goldman Sachs who nonetheless had no issues being a doting father, would often shell out for her to visit him in New York on summers. After her graduation, she deferred a semester from UC Santa Cruz due to "illness" - which, she pleaded privately to her dad, was actually "terminal inverse homesickness." At the end of her semester off, she was about to reluctantly go back to school when her dad called her back. She could almost hear the smile on his face when he told her the news.


One of his colleagues had just gotten back from sending her daughter to a university in the Gulf state of al-Bareha, which took students from abroad indiscriminately as long as they could pay for it. Money not being an issue, Des leapt at the chance and had her things packed within days. Starting a semester late proved not to be an issue for her; within months of her arrival she had poured all her life into her credit hours, and now that she's a ways into college she's back on track and finally has free time again. Des' Persona tends to help with this - one night, after a near mental breakdown involving a chemistry final, she pleaded with anything to just tear the migraine out of her head; Morgana shimmered into existence from across the room, weaponizing the young woman's finals stress, and ever since then Des has found herself remarkably calm on the eve of finals or big commitments. 

Weaknesses: Des is built like a relay runner, not a football player. She's not going to be beating anyone into a pulp any time soon, being just good enough to defend herself until help arrives - as long as help arrives somewhat soon. 


Name: Morgana le Fay

Origin and Background: The enchantress half-sister of King Arthur, Morgana is often erroneously painted as an antagonistic character, when in reality she was merely a powerful sorcerer with a loathing for the king's wife Guinevere. She studied under Merlin and became a powerful sorceress and ally to many Knights of the Round Table until Arthur's death. 

Appearance: Morgana appears as a half-manifested young woman, with an extremely pale face, eyes with violets instead of whites, and long, straight hair that could only be considered black due to the lack of any color. Her arms from shoulder to wrist are the same color, with long shadows clinging so tightly to her arms that they appear to be extremely snug sleeves. Only the fact that they wriggle and crawl along the length of her limbs gives away that they are her arms. Wears a sleeveless black hooded robe, though the hood is never pulled up.

Powers and Abilities: Amongst the most powerful sorcerers in Britain in her day, Persona Morgana is limited to control of the four alchemical elements, as well as the ability to create a crippling mental shriek that, if not stopped, can lead to a migraine in a minute.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Sarah LePaige

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Arcana: Hermit

Weaponry and Tools:

-New Nintendo 3DS with green/pink faceplates

-Swiss army knife

-Green cellphone.

-Headphones for her cellphone


-Sarah spends a lot of time gaming, and has therefore built up a good skill in that.

-Because of her experience gaming for years, she has gathered decent reflexes, and has been noted to be a very good dodger.

-Sarah likes to sing in her free time, however, not when anyone is around, because she feels she is off-key, no matter how true that is.

Appearance: Sarah has shoulder length wavy auburn hair. Her eyes are a dull blue-grey, and carry her uneasiness with things in general. She tends to wear clothes that help her blend into the background - an example of this would be her favourite grey t-shirt that covers her relatively small chest, worn with her typical blue jeans. Her shoes are pretty much just normal black running shoes with grey trim and shoelaces. Sarah is roughly 5'4".

Personality: Sarah is a quiet and reserved girl, always looking around and double checking before she does something. If she feels she has messed up somehow, she will apologize nearly instantly... even if she didn't actually cause what happened. She tends to keep to herself whenever possible; always having her head buried in either a book, or her 3DS, a pair of over the ear headphones on all the time.


Sarah constantly feels awkward when trying to interact with someone, to the point where she will accidentally say something stupid, or otherwise mess up, which tends to repeat the cycle. Online, she feels a lot more comfortable, simply because of having more of a shield to hide behind if necessary. Because of those factors, she tends to not like to leave the house unless she has to, which means on weekends and when she's otherwise not working, she mostly can be found inside.


A more forceful side of her sometimes comes out while gaming, becoming highly competitive and a lot less shy. If someone is there to listen when she gets talking about games, it is 99% likely that she will go off on a lament about how her computer is not the best for gaming at all. She can be easier to talk about gaming, however, than most other things.


Her hobbies range across different things that could be considered geeky, and she will occasionally reference them, but only online, or if someone manages to earn her trust... or she gets too into a moment, in which case the next moment she would simply sit down quietly, highly embarrassed.
Biography: Sarah was born in Hamilton, Scotland. She had never had much luck at interacting with people and making friends back in her hometown even when she was younger. It simply compounded when her family moved away when she was roughly 11 years old, as she was like a fish out of water in the new city. She felt shunned even by the people who paid attention to her, however, and simply retreated to her hobbies instead. Sarah always had trouble adapting to the new language, however, finding it ironic that she kept trying to want to learn a third language for watching shows or playing games, even though it didn't stick much more. She got a job stocking shelves at a nearby job, however, she likes it mostly because of not having to interact with people much.


-Despite how good she thinks she is at fighting, she is actually not very good at all.

-She also has horrible aim half the time.

-She doesn't know how to talk to people, like at all; any times things work out are just happy luck.

-Her shyness doesn't help things at all either.

-Despite knowing some arabic, Sarah is most fluent in english, and the arabic she does know is not enough to carry her through a conversation, and very broken.




Name: Ratatoskr

Origin: Norse Mythology

Appearance: Ratatoskr resembles a flying squirrel, but with more of a mystic look. He sometimes appears to have a horn on his head, but it can sometimes be just regarded as a rumour.

Powers and Abilities: As a flying squirrel, Ratatoskr has the innate ability to utilize the ability to use wind element spells, such as Garu.

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Name: Claud Albert Hamilton

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Arcana: Tower


Weaponry and Tools: His body. 


Skills: Claud has been groomed to be both quick in mind and body. Fairly intelligent, Claud has consistently been at the top in academic pursuits and is able to adapt quickly to most situations. His body has been trained to be rather fit, and he has a basic knowledge of self defense and spear use.

Appearance: Claud possesses long, straight black hair that falls to around his shoulders, while not messy it is obvious that Claud pays little mind to status of his hair. He has piercing green eyes, that are always taking in the details around him, and a somewhat pointed chin. Overall his features tend to possess a downplayed sense of regality. He is rather tall, around 190 cm, and has lean muscles that, while not overly defined, can be noticed upon closer inspection.

In terms of clothing, Claud tends to wear casual clothes such as jeans and shirts. He also has a tendency of wearing a light jacket over his shirt. His appearance often appears to be rather disheveled.

Personality: Claud is rather introspective, preferring to keep to himself and merely observe others. Constantly being at the forefront of attention all his life has led him to despise the attention and left much preferring solitude. Despite this, there are times when he feels rather lonely, as he lacks the ability to truly connect with any of his peers. At nearly all times Claud feels like an observer looking in on his life and the lives of others.

Despite his introspective nature, Claud was still groomed to be an eloquent speaker. He is capable of communicating with others with ease, just much prefers to avoid it. He is intelligent and possesses a cool head at most times. Claud possesses a strong moral character and refuses to back down in the face of what he sees as injustice, feeling a responsibility to help others.

However Claud can be late to act in nearly any situation outside of an injustice, particularly those involving himself. In addition once he perceives an injustice, he can be adamantly stubborn and make wrong calls. His secrecy regarding his life and solitude tends to paint an air of aloofness that often leaves him alone and without any allies.

Background: Claud has always been placed under heavy expectations and responsibilities. His parents told him that he was to always strive for excellence and nothing less was allowed. Be that in his grades or self defense training or whatever he chose to invest his time in, he had to be on top and he had to be exceptional. While this may have been hard on the young boy, it was understandable, as his family is long line of nobles originating in Northern Ireland. It was Claud’s birthright to inherit this position one day.

For Claud’s family, it was their duty to lead the lower classes into the future. Their duty as nobles was to shine as a beacon of greatness and to illustrate their merit at every turn. As nobles, others would always follow their example, and as such they needed to make it an example worth following. Being good at something wasn’t enough, one had to be the best at it.

However for Claud, such expectations were burdensome and difficult. He had little desire to excel at everything, or even inherit his birthright. For Claud such things were accompanied by too many hardships and disappointments. Truth be a told, a part of Claud was jealous of those who grew in a typical familial relations, instead of his overbearing and yet simultaneously distant parents. Parents who never seemed to be around, but were constantly telling him how he should best live his life.

Yet despite his slight jealousy, Claud knew he could never live in such a setting. It was too foreign and unnatural for a boy who had never grow up knowing anything else. Hence his jealousy became more akin to an appreciation rather than a deep seated desire or longing. An appreciation that has carried on into the present.

Claud’s early years consisted mostly of tutoring and self studying as he was thought at home. During these years, in addition to basic schooling, he learned a variety of self defense tactics and developed a proficiency for spears and other polearms. That said his inability to properly commit himself, led to this training having very less of impact.

When Claud was eight, his parents enrolled him in a prestigious school in the U.K. It was here that Claud first began having daily interactions with other peers of his age. It was a pleasant experience for the young boy, but it turned out to be a short lived experience. His status as noble and the consistency of his high end performances, quickly led to the rest of his class deferring extra respect towards Claud.

For Claud, who just wished to be on a similar level as others, this was troublesome to say the least. He knew he would stand out one day, but for now he just wanted to enjoy his childhood years. However short they may be.

Thus, less than a year later, Claud approached his parents with a proposition: He wanted to study abroad. After presenting the case to his parents, saying things like it’d be a good experience for him to see the world, and that he’d be able to learn many new languages and cultures unavailable at home, his parents reluctantly consented.

Claud stayed in many places, first living with servants as his caretakers but eventually transitioned to living on his own. He was glad to be away from his responsibilities and the pressure he faced daily, and in hopes of maintaining it he told no one of his background. In order to appease his parents Claud didn’t join any activities or sports, so that none of those records would have to be sent back, instead he just consistently remained at the top academically.

In terms of locations, Claud spent a vast majority of his time in America, living a vast variety of states, and many different schools. It was rare for him to stay in one school for more than a year. He studied abroad for two more years, before returning to America for his senior year. While he underwent certain shenanigans during the year, he also made close friends for the first time. 


After graduating, Claud received to further his education abroad, and thus arrived at Al-Bareha, where he would also represent his family's interests. As such he has studied enough Arabic to hold a conversation with the locals and conduct any business that his family desired, in order to continue appeasing his parents. 


Weaknesses: Claud isn't great at connecting with others and always feels burdened by the responsibilities he's supposed to uphold. As such Claud often feels isolated and alone, but lacks any real skill in communicating his personal desires. Still, he has grown a little from his anti-social high school years and is now more quiet than anything else. In addition, Claud's preferred method of fighting often puts him in danger. 





Persona: Cú Chulainn

Origin and Background: Cú Chulainn is an Irish mythical hero hailing from the stories of the Ulster Cycle, as well as Scottish and Manx folklore. The son of the god Lugh, he was originally named Sétanta until he killed the smith Culann’s fierce guard dog in self-defense, and out of obligation chose to take its place until a proper replacement could be reared. He is well-known for his warp spasms in battle, in which he entered a berserk state, and his usage of the barbed spear “Gáe Bulg”.

Appearance: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080708183926/megamitensei/images/1/1c/CuChulainn2.jpg

Powers and Abilities: Cú Chulainn is obviously skilled in the use of his mythical spear, but is also able to cast wind and lightning spells to deal with enemies. However Cú Chulainn most unique trait, is the spell known as Mystic Change, this allows Cú Chulainn to transform into a spear that Claud is able to wield. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't been active lately, but its been difficult since I started a job and I had to help with my brother's grad party.


I can have a post up tomorrow, but I am literally typing this a few minutes before I start work.


Plus yugioh took over my life for a bit.


EDIT: on the plus side, my job is at the LEGO store, but it is still retail sooooo...

Edited by sonyaxe
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  • 2 months later...

Name: Maigo Koizumi
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Arcana: The Lovers
Weaponry and Tools: A katana given to her as a prize from a Kendo tourney, kept in her modest apartment. Flip phone, Camera, Umbrella, Bookbag, various notebooks and writing utensils.
Skills: Expert photographer, decent duelist(kendo), amateur swords-woman, unusually strong for her size, and strangely apt at throwing objects.
Appearance: Grade-A cutie. Petite all around, Maigo tops the scale at a towering 4'10", and 105 pounds(48 kilos). Short black hair, and unusually green eyes complete her. Typically clad in blues and blacks, her usual outfit is a simple t shirt and shorts, coupled with hiking boots.
Personality: Hot headed, stubborn, and generally headstrong, Maigo is a force of nature all her own. It's perhaps because of this that her natural curiosity is also intense and hard to ignore. She'd make a good journalist if her passion wasn't in photography. Still, her hard working nature and determination make her a dependable sort of person, if a little quick to temper.
Biography: Simply put, Maigo came to al-Bareha for college, majoring in photography. She works a side job at a tea shop, of all things, and does photo commissions as well to help maintain her small apartment. Her parents generously paid her way to the college, and she works hard to do them proud. 
Weaknesses: Stubborn nature makes her apt to pushing her limits, quick temper tends to get her in trouble, curiosity easy to manipulate.


Name: Queen Elizabeth
Origin: Queen Elizabeth the First
Appearance: An anthropomorphic Tiger wearing an Elizabethan era dress that would suit a Queen. Has eyes of a brilliant green that sparkle with gold specks.
Powers/abilities: The queen of course has claws, and an ability to create and control fire. Beyond this, her emerald eyes see all, peering through rock and earth and flesh to see the soul. These eyes see not only through objects, to a limit of about 200 feet, but also get a rough idea of the sort of person that the gaze falls upon.

Edited by The Other Other Alex
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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Maigo Koizumi


What Kanji would be used to write this name?

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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I honestly hadn't put that to thought.


It's just that maigo means "lost child" in Japanese.  While it's a possible alternative reading of 舞子, the word itself is so common that your character would have to have very eccentric parents who don't mind their kid getting made fun of until she leaves Japan.  Maiko is a much more realistic name, and there are several real life people with it.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Name: Jace Lee

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Arcana: Death

Weaponry and Tools: 

Weaponry: A pair of brass knuckles.


A MacBook Pro that's been heavily customized and upgraded, including several hard drives and a 3G card.

An LG G4 smartphone and spare batteries.

A pair of Bluetooth headphones.

Skills: Average combat skills thanks to taking martial arts for a few years; decent with technology; some skill with strategizing due to his love of card games, including Magic: The Gathering; an obsessive knowledge of mythology; a talented, but not trained writer; and a very good cook, having raised himself in boarding schools. Jace speaks fluent English and decent Japanese.

Appearance:  Korean-American, 5'10", dyed hair (currently teal), average build with a line-shaped scar running down the left side of his forehead and a small scar on his left palm. Usually wearing casual clothing, almost always covered by a hoodie of some sort. His bluetooth headphones are almost a part of his appearance, whether he's wearing them or resting them around his neck. Always has a very bored expression on his face, but that swiftly changes depending on the situation.

Personality: Jace spent most of his upbringing and education in boarding school, yet also traveling around the world due to various circumstances such as vacations and moves, thus leading to the growth of someone with strong opinions and experiences, but a lack of knowledge when it comes to understanding others or complex social situations. He can be arrogant and confident, but most times, Jace is very introspective, and struggles with anxiety, having a critical lack of confidence in his relationships and himself. He is somewhat of an ambivert, in that he enjoys speaking and hates being alone, but is also uncomfortable in large gatherings or parties and such. Jace finds comfort in reading about mythology, and while he isn't religious or superstitious per say, he was not as shocked as one might imagine when his Persona first manifested. Having been forced to grow up quickly after being sent to boarding school at the age of 12, Jace has a very laid back outlook on life, an almost apathetic outlook, as nothing has been constant in his upbringing, whether it's been changing schools or countries, or meeting new people, making and losing friends.

Biography: The oldest child of three, Jace Lee grew up overshadowed by his siblings, who were successful and garnered most of his family's attention. His father a major business mogul and his mother a freelance craftsperson, Jace spent most of his time immersed in books, specifically books about mythology, in order to fill the void he felt even at such a young age. He felt an especially close connection to gods of death, after reading what the Arcana symbolized in tarot, as even then, Jace wished nothing more than to change from the person he was. In addition, he became fascinated with the concept of darkness; he wasn't able to accept the widespread belief that darkness was automatically evil or full of terrors. At the age of 12, his father sent him to boarding school, citing that maybe Jace would find success like his siblings if he was pushed to work hard for it. While Jace managed to keep up with the rigors of the schools that his father sent him to, he quickly realized after getting into many disciplinary issues and fights that he would have to be the one to raise himself, not his parents, teachers, or friends.


This realization propelled him through his schools, and while Jace tried to forge connections and friendships, he quickly lost faith in them after the constant school switches and moves made it difficult for him to stay in touch with the friends he had made. Eventually, he graduated from high school and chose to go to college in al-Bareha, studying creative writing and anthropology. Now at the start of his senior year, he is disillusioned with the path he feels he must find in order to proceed with his life. This has led to him wandering the city at night, so as to clear his thoughts and think.


It is during one of these walks that he is attacked by a mob of Shadows, and he awakens his Persona after realizing he wants to live, not die, and change the path he's been walking in his life. Thus he gains the power to call forth Chernobog and narrowly defeats the shadow horde. Struggling back to his apartment, Jace thinks long and hard about what he's just witnessed. Deciding that he wants to know more about his Persona, Shadows, and the hidden side of al-Bareha, he starts typing away, looking for more information...

Weaknesses: Despite his martial arts training, Jace doesn't have much actual stamina, which means his style of fighting is quick attacks and then retreating to recover. He can sometimes be a little dense and overlook the details, preferring to go with the flow. Jace can also sometimes get annoyed, especially when it comes to figures of authority attempting to give him orders. In addition, Chernobog, while a powerful Persona, is weak against light-based magic and fights using trickery and the sheer power stemming from both its physical and magical strength; Chernobog has very limited options for defense once its tricks are penetrated, thus both Jace and his Persona are glass cannons in a sense. In addition, at his current level of training, Jace can't call upon Chernobog for many attacks, as the drain and burden on his stamina and mind are currently too great to allow sustained usage of Chernobog.




Name: Chernobog

Origin: His name meaning black god, Chernobog is a Slavic deity of death and darkness, feared by the Slavic peoples; however, there is a lack of folklore about Chernobog, thus shrouding him in mystery.

Appearance: Lounging on a golden, round, ornate pedestal that details the movements of the heavens, Chernobog is surrounded by four dark swords floating around the pedestal, each tinted with the color of one of the four classical elements (red, bronze, green, blue). The swords are stylized longswords, skulls decorating their hilts and a dark jewel set in their pommels. The god himself is cloaked in a regal, dark purple and black robe, tattered at the bottom and the ends of the sleeves, with a gold chain fastening the collar together. His face is an azure skull, with red lights glowing in the eye sockets, which intensify when he casts magic. In addition, whenever he casts magic, a dark aura surrounds him, the pedestal, and the swords, if he's using one or more.

Powers and Abilities: Chernobog is essentially a god of pure power, yet also trickery. However, in exchange, he has virtually no defenses once his illusions and tricks are pierced and destroyed, thus relying on his wielder to be able to dodge or redirect their enemy's assaults. His power grants his wielder the ability to manipulate darkness in a variety of ways, most of them indirect, such as melting and traveling into shadows to avoid enemy attacks, or blinding opponents. Despite his skeletal frame, Chernobog is strong, allowing even his wielder to smash concrete. The four swords that surround his pedestal each channel a limited form of each of the classical elements.


However, using elemental attacks is far more draining than his innate dark powers and places more of a burden on the wielder's spiritual reserves. In addition, at Jace's current level, he can only wield one element at a time; two or more completely exhaust him after one attack, while merely using one element limits him to three attacks that grow weaker with successive casting. While Chernobog does not innately offer the ability to influence the minds of others, Jace is adept at using Chernobog's powers of darkness to inspire fear into his enemies, whether by using the shadows and psychological warfare together, or by subtly engulfing his enemies in the massive pressure that is Chernobog's aura. However, Jace's current lack of training and inexperience with his Persona greatly hampers the true potential of Chernobog's powers, thus, Jace must be careful not to overuse his Persona, or risk being left defenseless and weak from the burden it places on him.

Edited by Jokerstyle00
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