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Prepared for the fan out-cry and hide away in a bomb shelter until the smoke cleared. I myself however couldn't really care.



If BIONICLE's original run lasted until 2020, you would...

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Have been disappointed with a prequel story being how they ended it-or at least THAT prequel story. Referring back to Imrukii's prompt, I also question if Bionicle G1 could have lasted another ten years without a serious dive in quality.


If Ben 10 became a full on licensed theme with standard and CCBS sets.

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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Maybe buy my favorite alien, if it didn't suck.

If Hero Factory had actually gone on through the time that BIONICLE's reboot was scheduled to fill, you would...

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I would have been fine with having two simultaneous constraction lines, so long as they didn't interfere with each other.


If Lego brought back Robo Riders, you would... 


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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Get some more mask variety: not so many Metru Hunas or Rurus, mix up the Voya Nui Resistance Team masks, and an actual Olisi as opposed to a pair of green Pridak feet.


If you had been in charge of Bionicle G2...

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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Been somewhat surprised that they brought him back.



If you had a character and it became canon, you would....

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Find it interesting that he could become the Toa of Light...or be annoyed at the added Ta-Matoran surplus.


If the other four Hagah, Pre-Pit Karzahni, and humanoid Miserix had gotten sets.

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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Have a BIONICLE first-person shooter set during the events of 2006.

If the Great Beings were kept a mystery forever, you would...

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Been amazed that a spotlight-stealing Toa of Fire would be killed off like that.

If it turned out that Mata Nui's slumber was just an elaborate planned prank between Mata Nui and Makuta, you would...

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Expect massive upheaval within the Matoran Universe.



If you found yourself upon the reformed Spherus Magna, you would...

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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I would make straight for New Atero and try to see some of my favorite Bionicle characters there.


If the Toa Mata had Cordak Blasters on Mata Nui instead of their original weapons, you would've....

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.



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I would have been surprised with the level of carnage, and would have either been enthralled by it or turned away by it. It isn't easy to say. I mean heck, when the Piraka came around I was slightly scared of them. YES, YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT.



If the Piraka were the villains of 2001, you would've...

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Been pleasantly surprised, but hope that the Piraka Rap didn't exist.

If you could add a new element to the BIONICLE universe, you would...

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Add the Element of Uranium, or just Radiation in general.



If you could remove any Element, you would....

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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I'd give rid of Plasma. Because it's the only one I could think of to remove as of this post. :P


If you looked out your window and saw every Dark Hunter known to exist heading straight towards your house, you would...

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.



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I would join the Order of Mata Nui. Considering that they'll hire really any oddball lone joe that comes around.


If you could join any Bara Magna Clan, you would...

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Join the Earth Tribe since they have yet to have a single member named.


If you could have any Bionicle characters fight each other.

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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Own a tiny fragment of the Nui Stone.



If you had a pet Bohrok, you would...

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Find a Suva and become the founding member of the Toa Terra. 


If Bara Magna and related characters existed in Bionicle Gen 2 you would...

Hope they got better treatment this time around.


If you had a million dollars

If you had a million dollars...

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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Not be surprised, I tend to sleep woth them on top of my bed anyway. If they came alive, than that would be one confusing morning.



If you had a girlfriend that was a rahkshi, you would...


Have it eat Toa Timelord.

But y doe?

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Be OK with it.  At least I'd have a girlfriend.

If one of your OCs came alive and confessed that they were madly in love with you, you would...


But y doe?

'Cause TTL's a Rahkshi, and Muaka love Rahkshi... for dinner.

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It would be a surprise as a to who. Though I have an idea as to who. Said character isn't from the MU BTW.



If one of your OC's came alive and wanted to be friends, you would...

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Get myself a GSR man!


What would you do if you saw a single human make an appearance in Bionicle's lore?



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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