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*waits for the "well then you didn't do a good enough job" response*So, are you guys still interested in the isolated city thingymajig?


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Mass Effect: DivisionMany thousands of years ago an ancient culture struggled against a more ancient enemy.They were the Protheans. Their adversaries were the Reapers. The Reapers were a machine race that “harvested” advanced races and stored the races in the form of a Reaper every 50 thousand years. The Old Machines were all the harder to defeat because of Indoctrination, an insidious process that makes the victim serve the Reapers. Indoctrinated agents sabotaged many Prothean attempts at survival, including one to plant 1 million Prothean warriors to survive the primary invasion.Just when the Protheans thought all was lost, they completed a device. One that dated back to the first civilization harvested by the Reapers.The Protheans realized that the Catalyst,the last part they needed, was the Citadel, a space station the Reapers had built as part of their trap and the former seat of the Prothean government. The Protheans gathered their remaining strength and made a final push to the Citadel. They attached the Crucible, as they had dubbed the device, to the Citadel, but when it fired it was too damaged to, or it never could, tell friend from foe. The Reapers were wiped out, but at a great cost.Civilization was lost once more.What I've written so far for the back story of the mass effect rpg. Thoughts? Snide Remarks?

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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Snide Remarks: So it's a setup for Mass Effect but without the plot of Mass Effect?Why not leave the universe intact and just set things a few years before the first game?

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Seems more suited to being played on a Mass Effect-centric forum.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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OK, here's my finished product of an idea. How is it?OK editing..SKULDUGGERY PLEASANTERA OF CHAOS Introduction/Story Somewhere on Earth, Present TimeListen to the story of the Ancients and Faceless Ones.A long time ago... ( I don't know how long but let's say the time where humans became humans)The Ancients were the first people to discover magic. They had all the time in the world to learn the extent of their skills and therefore were very powerful. But far more powerful than them were the Faceless Ones.The Faceless Ones were gods. Not real gods actually, but they were god like beings. They were far stronger than the Ancients and could do many horrific things (tearing someone inside out, killing the world's strongest man with just a glance). They needed a host body to actually do all of those things, but if you happened to catch them without one, you would go insane, immediately. It wasn't fun for the host either. Their sense of self and personality was erased, along with their faces.Now, the Ancients had enough and fought the Faceless Ones, who won every battle, be it land, sea or air, until the Ancients constructed their secret weapon-The Scepter of The Ancients. Its power source was an enemy-detecting crystal, created by The Faceless Ones, which oddly did not detect the Ancients when they stole it from the Faceless Ones.Using the Sceptre, the Ancients succeeded in banishing the Faceless Ones from this reality. They were invincible.But all power came with a price.The Ancients squabbled with one another, and turned the Scepter on each other. When the last one realized the truth of his actions, he flung the Scepter deep into the ground. It is unknown what happened to him after that.Many centuries later... Location Classified, 1800sMevolent clicked his fingers and fire sprang into his grip. He looked at the shadows his fingers cast on the wall. He wasn’t one for philosophy, but he suddenly remembered the words of a philosopher, something about gods looking at the actions of humanity as we watch a shadow puppet show. If things tonight went the way they were planned, he would be one of the puppet show’s audience.He dismissed the flame and stood. He turned around and looked at Serpine, who was standing there looking impassive.“Serpine…” Mevolent hissed, an impressive feat for one with a nasal voice. “I suppose you are wondering why you are here?”“Yes, my lord.” stated Serpine simply. He clenched his red right hand. Soon. He told himself. Soon.Maybe his face betrayed a bit too much of his intentions, for Mevolent suddenly made a violent gesture and Serpine felt a vise-like grip enclose his throat. He fell to his knees, clawing helplessly at his neck.“Baron Vengous is dead.” The world, to Serpine, was going greyer and blurry…..“Why is that, Serpine?” the vise-like grip loosened and Serpine eagerly gasped for breath. It was barely enough for him to choke out the words: “I…..*gak*…don’t……*gasp*…..know…..”“Oh, but of course you know.” Mevolent paced closer. How Serpine despised him. Mevolent had no right to be with the Faceless Ones. It was Serpine himself who was more suitable to serve them, the Dark Gods.“You sent the Baron on a mission, a suicide mission, to kill Grand Mage China Sorrows, who was-is- surrounded by many high-power mages.” Mevolent spat those words into Serpine’s face. “You knew he wouldn’t come back. He could have refused the mission, but you sent him in my name.”“He had no choice but to go and get himself killed.” Mevolent made a lifting movement and Serpine floated into the air, suspended by the air itself. He struggled to break free, although he probably knew it was useless. For the first time in his whole life, he knew the meaning of fear.Mevolent laughed a ….well…malevolent….laugh, worthy of an entry into the Hall Of Evil Laughs (if there was even one) He made a tearing gesture and blood splattered across the floor and walls as Serpine right arm was torn off. Serpine wanted to scream, but all he managed was a whimper.“You wanted him out of the way for your ascension to power, don’t you? If Sorrows was killed, it was an added bonus as no one would be powerful enough to defeat me, won’t they?” He paused and pretended to think. “Oh, wait. There’s still me and Lord Vile, isn’t there?”Mevolent made another pulling gesture and the vise-like grip on Serpine’s neck loosened, enough to allow a tortured scream to escape from his vocal cords as his left arm was torn off.“Look at you now, Serpine. A spineless coward, filled with all sorts of tricks that will never be used again.”Mevolent leaned in and whispered in Serpine’s ear. “You know what’s your weakness, Serpine? Ambition. You are filled with it, but you lack the drive to fulfill it. Well,” Mevolent added, “You don’t need it any more.”The vise –like grip increased on Serpine’s neck and as Serpine blacked out, he felt his soul winging its way to the Faceless Ones. His last thought was, May an era of chaos follow my death. His wish would soon be granted.Months later, Mevolent was found decapitated. Being the only person strong enough, Lord Vile took over and started to rule the world with an iron fist, with the aim of finding Faceless One relics strong enough to break down the walls between realities and let in the Faceless Ones. Somewhere on Earth, Present Time"And that's the story," said the Necromancer sitting in front of you in the tacky diner. Ugh...Neon Elvises. That was something that the brain would file under 'Preferably ignored'. "No one's safe in the conflict. Luckily for you, we found you out first before Vile could.""Where is this place exactly?" you ask. "Could do with some redecorating.""It's too complicated to explain exactly...But now, th problem is who do wish to follow? Vile, the Sanctuary or do you want to stay out of the conflict? Just know that you will be drawn into e conflict, whether you like it or not." The tacky diner started warping and started going dark.You woke up, panting and looking around. That was a surreal dream, but it was so real that you believe you could create fire. You click your fingers. You gasp and do it again, to see the sparks you created."I am magic." you whisper. Summary of the StoryBefore time, there were these mages/sorcerers called the Ancients, who had these horrible gods called the Faceless Ones. They were so horrible that they were kicked out of this reality by the Ancients, using this weapon they created called the Scepter.After banishing the Faceless Ones, they started to fight each other and the last one to survive was horrified by what he did, so he locked the Scepter away and disappeared from the world.And in the 1800s, there was this bunch of insane people who worshipped the Faceless Ones (a.k.a Dark Gods) led by this especially insane person called Mevolent who had Three Generals working under him (Serpine, Baron Vengous and Lord Vile). They wanted, for some reason to bring back the Dark Gods onto this reality, knowing full well that they (The Faceless Ones) would destroy humanity. Oh joy.And this mage government, The Sanctuary decided that they has to act now, so they went and had this War with the Church of the Faceless.The Sanctuary got defeated [all three Elders got killed(Eachan Meritorious and Morwenna Crow wer betrayed by Sagacious Tome and Tome himself got lynched), heavy losses etc.] and pushed underground.Mevolent thought he had won, but was mysteriously assassinated and Lord Vile took over and started to rule the world with an iron fist, with the aim of destroying all the Sanctuaries and letting theFaceless Ones in.So now it’s your turn to finish this story. The Three NamesThe Three Names are the names every person has. They are the Given Name, True Name and Taken Name.A Given Name is the name someone is given when they are born from your parents. If someone finds out your Given Name, they can control you. This can be prevented by making a Taken Name.A Taken Name is the name a person makes up for themselves. The name you choose also protects the person from being controlled because of their Given Name. A person can only choose a Taken Name once. They can choose one name (such as Mevolent) or two names (Valkyrie Cain).A True Name is the source of the person's magic. If the person knows their True Name, they can become very powerful. A possible side effect of this however might be a multiple personality trait. Also, if someone finds out your True Name before you, they can control you. A way to stop this is to seal your True Name before anyone else knows it. However, most of us go about without knowing what our True Name is, but we can still tap into a small amount of power it provides. MagicMagic comes in a variety of types although they are classed into four types: Reaper (magic that affects physical body), Symbolism (magic that deals with symbols, the language of magic), Elementals (magic that involves the use of Air, Water, Earth and Fire) and Adept (a variety of different magics, such as Necromancy and Teleportation).The constant use of magic is said to rejuvenate the body, and extend a sorcerer's lifetime. The rate of age slowdown is not accurately known, but as Madness is over two hundred years old and appears as if he's in his thirties, so the effects are quite noticeable.As said earlier, True Names are the source of Magic. Every sorcerer has a True Name, and that enables them to use magic. However most of us go about without knowing what our True Name is, but we can still tap into a small amount of power it provides. ElementalsElementals are magicians that use the four classical elements (earth, air, fire and water) in combat and in leisure.·Air: Can be utilised to propel an object or oneself through the air by visualising the air as a series of objects and pushing at it, creating a gust of wind. It is also able to create solid walls of air and levitate objects.·Earth: Used as a last defence in extreme situations. Covers the user in rock and when coated the user will be trapped in this form for periods ranging from weeks to years. The least used power.·Fire: Using friction to create a spark and ultimately a flame, fire is used as an effective projectile. The fire that is made can be manipulated as well as fire that was not made by the sorcerer.·Water: Can be utilised to perform feats such as walking on water to forming water from vapour.The uses of these elements can vary depending on the skills and creativity of the user.The best known and strongest Elemental is Skulduggery Pleasant, who can fly by manipulating air, and utilize the Earth power for different purposes. AdeptsAdept mages have dedicated their life and magical potential to a single set of powers, although the scope of these powers might vary. Powers can range from burrowing underground to having an immunity to fire. Many Adepts have weaknesses that may cause trouble for them. An example is George Madness, whose Necromancy power is so volatile that he has to store and channel it through his pistols. Not all Adept magic is combat-related, such as Nye and Kenspeckle, who are doctors. SymbolismSymbol Magic is a special branch of magic that deals with symbols, the language of magic. One notable user of Symbol Magic is Grand Mage China Sorrows. Symbols can be placed either on the body as a tattoo, or drawn on to other objects. The signs are activated by a series of taps on them, and serve many different purposes. They can be used as offensive energy attacks, defensive walls, escape methods, and other miscellaneous things, such as making tea. ReapersReapers are solely melee fighters because they view magic as a corrupting influence. They do possess some magic ability, but it is used in augmenting their already outstanding physical powers. Factions The SanctuarySanctuaries are the worldwide organizations that enforce the magical laws. All Sanctuaries have a Council of Elders that lead the Sanctuary, and are led by a Grand Mage.At first the Sanctuaries were unofficial. The sorcerers would go to the Sanctuaries to escape the mortal world. Over time, the sorcerers came up with rules, leaders and a code of conduct.The current Sanctuaries were established after the War. The mages of the original Sanctuary (in Ireland) had differences on how to defeat Lord Vile and therefore they separated to establish different branches of the Sanctuary in other countries.Although the Sanctuaries have worked together before, there is a lot of rivalry, particularly against Ireland, as it is seen as the main Cradle of Magic.After the War, all of the Sanctuaries were driven underground and are now fighting against Lord Vile. Their army includes mostly Reapers.The main Sanctuaries are:·The Irish Sanctuary·The Japanese Sanctuary·The Egyptian Sanctuary·The American Sanctuary·The Haitian SanctuaryThe main Sanctuary in the war is the Irish Sanctuary. Coveted by many, due to the fact that it contains the most magical artifacts, and that it was in their country that the Ancients banished the Faceless Ones. Also, it is the strongest of all Cradles of Magic.The Irish Sanctuary, as with all Sanctuaries, is led by the Council of Elders. They in turn are led by the Grand Mage.The Grand Mage of the Irish Sanctuary is China Sorrows, an ex-Faceless One worshipper and Symbolist.The Elders are:· Elder George Madness, a Necromancer.· Eva Casio, an Elemental.Other important people of the Irish Sanctuary are:-Skulduggery Pleasant, Prime Detective-Desmond Edgely, Pleasant's apprentice. Lord Vile“There is this very important rule. You don’t go up against Lord Vile alone. You get a bunch of people and hope that one of you gets a lucky strike.”-Ghastly Bespoke to Tanith LowLord Vile. How should I describe him? There are many differing opinions concerning him. A monster. Evil. Powerful. Imaginative.Lord Vile appeared from nowhere and in the space of three years, became the most feared general of Mevolent. Ghastly Bespoke’s mother, who defeated Serpine and Vengous single handed, died at the hands of Lord Vile.He is the strongest Necromancer, and was once pronounced the Death Bringer, the Messiah of the Necromancers. He proved them wrong.People follow him due to his power and his promises of a new world, one of power where they would be elevated to the status of gods.He has established a program where children who are beginning to show the first signs of magic are conscripted into his army. Vampires‘Vampires are humans who suffer from a magical disease that is transmitted by the bite of another vampire. At nightfall, they transform from their human form, into their vampire form, a pale and hairless beast consumed by blood lust.When night comes they rip off their skin and turn into vicious killer beasts that seek out blood at any costs. Before becoming a vampire one will be an Infected, a creature that follows the orders of the vampire that bit it. After two nights, the Infected will transform into a true vampire.They possess super human strength and agility. Their speed and agility has often been described as unnatural and inhuman as they can make no sound whilst walking. All vampires have an extreme weakness to salt water with the exception of newly turned Infected. Should a vampire swallow salt water, they suffer an extreme allergic reaction, one that causes their throat to constrict, leading to their suffocation. It is unknown if immediate medical aid could save a vampire in these conditions.However, a vampire can use a concoction of hemlock and wolfsbane to stay in human form during the night. One particular vampire uses his powers to his advantage.Vampires are fundamentally immortal, and unlike normal Sorcerers, do not age and can, in theory, live forever.When a mage is turned into a vampire, they keep any magic they previously had.’ - The Incomplete Encyclopedia of Magic, Volume XThe Vampire faction is led by Theresa Sadista, who is um…. a sadistic vampire who believes that vampires are the master race and mages and mortals are just food for them. Theresa Sadista was once an Elemental. Some of them are Faceless One worshippers who believe that their condition is a gift from the Dark Gods. NeutralLed by the Necromancers, those of neutral faction do not want to get really involved in the conflict. They prefer to stay in the middle of the conflict and just simply observe. Most vampires are in this group. Profile·Name (Taken Name in this case):·Age:·Gender:·Species:·Magic [Y/N]:·Discipline of Magic:·Description of Magic Discipline(Basic idea of what he can and cannot do):·Weapons(Be serious. Some disciplines won’t have them):·Faction:·Appearance:·Personality:·Bio (Short history of your character):·Weaknesses:·Anything else deemed necessary? Rules of the RPG·Obviously all BZP rules apply.·No "Leet". Really. It gives other people headaches. And you’ll look stupid.·No godmodding. Even a Faceless One has a weakness. I cannot stress the importance of this enough.·No teleportation, unless of course, you are a Teleporter. But then you have to know and have been at your intended destination. If not, walk or drive.·No bunnying/puppeting(using other people’s characters as your own without permission). You are not a Remnant.·Be nice. No one likes a bully.·The Adept discipline is rather flexible, so you may create your own if you do not wish to follow canon. But the staff reserves the right to deny it if we find it too powerful. Staff:TradTheMentalistToast of Awesomeness Character Rules:1. No being overpowered. One power each. 2. No canon characters. If you want to be someone similar to them, (who doesn’t?) then please do. This is obviously non-canon, so children of the canon characters are allowed.3. Yes, you can play as mortals.4. Your character is not all-knowing. There can be rumor mills of characters, but they have to have a limit.5. Three characters each. And that is final.5. And most importantly, your character MUST be approved by a staff member before you post as that character. PunishmentsI don’t like punishing people, but these are the punishments for breaking rules.1.A simple PM warning. A minor appeal.2.A public warning. Shame on you.3.A visit to Dr. Nye or Kenspeckle. Character out for a few days. (i.e. three )4.If your character is a mage, he becomes de-powered permanently. If a mortal, a longer visit to Nye or Kenspeckle.5.OK. All your characters will somehow die (I’ll think up of a way) and you are permanently banned. Serves you right.Ok, so how is this version?I can't please everyone, so it may not be satisfactory to some people.

Edited by TradTheMentalist

"Wer Traumt?"


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Also, that was a double post.So, I have a question to inquire on the community of COTRPGs; how would you guys feel about an RPG where you're dropped into the magical pointy shoes of a magician, in a world where there's never been any formalized or large magical institutions. You've stumbled across your power by dumb luck, the only way to get magic actually, and the only help you have is the occasional runebooks scattered out by magicians of old. So you'd actually have to research ways to expand your powers.The magic system itself is very complex, too complex to explain right here, but it basically boils down to magicians are rune writers, runes are broken down into three basic groups; conduit runes, exchange runes, and mechanical runes. Conduit runes transfer energy (classical energies like light, heat, kinetic, as well as more magical ones, life, void, and eldritch), exchange runes convert one energy to another, and mechanical runes are runes that use energy to actually do something.This leads into something else the RPG would do; as I wrote the magic system I realized that it's already to big to cram into an RPG front post, and it'd really deter people away if I did manage to do it. As well I realized I can't think of every nuisance for every mechanic. So the research aspect would be both in-game and meta; the front post would contain the basics on runes, and then after that you're on your own, using your own imagination to figure stuff out. When you have a cool idea for a rune function, you PM me, I look at the mad scribbles I've made at school and the PM convos I've had about the system, and then I tell you if it works. If it's a cool enough idea I'll just go ahead and add it to the canon mechanics. Or, as sad as it can be, I'll say its a bust and you go research something else. Somehow I doubt the latter will happen much as, so long as you don't get too absurd, it should work, if not exactly the way you were hoping.After someone does this they post about it in the topic, and I make a quick blurp about their discovery in the front post with a link to the page. This way, I'm not cluttering the post with unnecessary information, while at the same time providing information I know people will use. It also ties in well with the story, which says rune writers usually have absolutely no idea what's going on until they do some extensive studying.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Sounds like it works a bit like Charter Magic from the Old Kingdom trilogy AlexIf you want a one-word summary of your RPG Trad, I would say 'cluttered'. The narrative jumps around. For example

The Ancients squabbled with one another, and turned the Scepter on each other. When the last one realized the truth of his actions, he flung the Scepter deep into the ground. It is unknown what happened to him after that.Mevolent was a fanatical Faceless One worshipper, who wanted to let in the Faceless Ones into this reality again. Now let’s go forward in time, to the end of The War between The Sanctuary and Mevolent.
That sentence about Mevolent comes out of nowhere. You suddenly start talking about this guy but then say "enough about that!" which leaves the whole thing hangingAlso, reading on to the rest of the RPG, isn't the war more with this Lord Vile chap?
Months later, Mevolent was found decapitated. Lord Vile took over and started to rule the world with an iron fist.
And again with the clunky exposition. You go into this long introduction of Mevolent, clearly setting him up as the villain then drop it all to say, in a single sentence, "nope, he dead!"
And these mage government, The Sanctuary, was like “NO WAY!” so they went and had this War with the Faceless One worshippers, and they got defeated (all three elders assassinated in the space of three months) and pushed underground.
...is this you attempting to ape the style of the book? Never read them so don't know where the fall of the humour/grit ratio. I know this is the short summary but resorting to internet memes?Do the worshippers not have a more shortened name? I feel if you're a cult dedicated to bringing some dark gods into the world you'd call yourself something snappier than "worshippers of the Faceless Ones"All three elders got assassinated? I thought this China Sorrows fellow survived? Was he not one of the elders?Oh, and are we still in the 1800s?How is this surge supposed to affect us as a player? Is this something we're all supposed to have gone through to lock us onto one form of magic? is it something that we get hit with during the story as our characters develop?When talking about the Sanctuary you say its not one body but several...so which one did the Faceless One worshippers take down? You make it sound like they destroyed the whole thing but there's, like, five other Sanctuaries leftAlso, I don't think you once mentioned Skullduggery Pleasant in the RPG. Its named after him, what he up to?


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The magic system itself is very complex, too complex to explain right here...
Looks interesting, but it'll never get approved if this line is any indication.Yeah, I'm pretty much convinced that anything of notable complexity (aside from RPG-RTSes, since they got lucky and got a chance to prove themselves) will get by the judges. :w: Edited by Lloyd: the White Wolf
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Eh, with Wrack (who, don't get me wrong, I do respect, could get a bit trollish at times) resigned, methinks the judging committee is a lot more open nowadays to new ideas.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Well, from what I've seen of it - and, really, it's been me, Humva, and Basilisk fleshing the thing out - it is still rather a fluid system, it's just got a sizable bucket filled to roughly the 3/4 mark with intricacies and oddments.It takes too long to explain in roughly the same way that teaching someone proper swordplay takes too long, except that, in this, an IC that says "Billy Bob Genericson slashed at Bobby Bill Humdrumson" wouldn't actually work.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Yes, the underlying system is simple enough; it's just the various nitpicks and small details. It's mainly the sheer amount of combinations you can make with the runes; you can combine two or more rune types (say, a heat rune and a life rune) to do a more sophisticated task, like shielding you from fire. I have a very good idea of what a lot of these combinations would do, but I can't go and write them all down, because well it'd be a massive list and people would be lost. I have the information in my head, in my notebook, in my PMs, but this way I'm only putting information I know people are going use, rather than a giant list detailing everything. Better to let people have to do a bit of guesswork, IMO, than have a post filled with useless information.And I mean really once you get the basic concepts the rest is basically common sense, except for the weirder combinations, like gravity-life or stuff using the three magical energies in general (life, void, eldritch). Those three will be vastly more detailed upon, whereas classical energies like heat, kinetic, gravity, electricity, so forth, you should be able to riddle that out easy enough.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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And I'd like to put in a disclaimer here saying that the "eldritch" stuff will be properly weird this time. I'll leave it up to Alex regarding whether he wants to explain what I mean by that.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Still hung up over that Lloyd? Really? Let me get this straight; you present an RPG in the Planning Topic, the place where people go to get feedback on their ideas, and upon getting feedback that doesn't call you perfect your reaction is to throw a big sulk and start insulting people (insulting them behind their backs too, which is cowardly no matter how you look at it). And now, months later you're still harping on about it and calling the judges morons. All because we didn't give you your own way....Ever considered that, since your reaction to being told 'no' is inevitably to turn into a five year old, the problem is you? I see this petty behaviour from you time and time again and it is getting phenomenally tiring. Give it a rest


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I still think the whole dice idea could of worked, personally, though methinks the time has long since passed for that debate.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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I remain of the opinion that dice are much better suited to games in which everyone can see the dice being rolled.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Having plenty of experience with dice-centric games, yes, everyone needs to see them.If you wanted to run something through Skype, there's a system for that, but here on BZP we wouldn't be able to do that unless we added in a /tg/ style diceroller.I've created a combat system that can get around this fairly well by using fixed values rather than dice, which you're free to use.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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It's specifically for squads or formations of men and ships; it doesn't work for individual people.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Could you not tell by the name? Yes, I am an elegan/tg/entleman.In any case, combat systems don't work with one on one combat unless dice rolling is allowed.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Rigid combat systems that way. Combat systems that consist - as the proposed IL.3 one does - of just getting a general feel for what weapons and those carrying them can do before the fight even happens can work without dice quite fine. Establish that a sword has such-and-such reach, can be swung with such-and-such speed, and can/can't decapitate a horse when it hits, all that mess.But, ahem, yes. Websites with comments sections/forums/suchwhat shouldn't be discussed here, regardless of content.

Edited by Ymper Trymon

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Maybe a rigid combat system could work for one on one, maybe it couldn't.Personally I'm inclined to focus on TBRPGRTS games, simply because I like them more than standard roleplay, and they need the combat system far more urgently than one-on-one.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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So, I'm a bit behind the times, but I would definitely play the Rune game suggested by Humva above.I love how it forces you to be creative about how you go about things, and I love it.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Hopefully it's something like 'Werewolf' where a group of people are locked in a certain place, with werewolves among them.And the problem is no one knows who.And slowly, everyone will die.Saw that on a comic site. Not original I know.

Edited by TradTheMentalist

"Wer Traumt?"


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Hm. Humva, a question-how will the research be handled mechanic's wise?
Well, I don't know how he would do it, but this is what I think. In-game, I think that you'd research runes through old books, mythology, the internet etc.I believe he mentioned above that out-of-game you would PM him and ask if what you wanted to do would be allowed, he would check it over, and tell you yes or no. And if no, possibly talk about how to make it work in some way.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Changed it. So how is it now?As for the rune game, I'll play it.
Much clearer on how the Sanctuaries worked so thanks for that :)Also nice to know what the eponymous character is up to in his own RPG :PI still have the issue with the introduction of Mevolent. Why not replace him with Lord Vile in that? Have him reveal to Serpine he knows what he's up to and is taking out Serpine before what happens to the Baron happens to him. Establishes Vile as smart and ruthless and a legitimate threat/competent leader (depending on your alignment) and means you aren't setting someone up as a major focus only to execute them in a single sentence


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