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OOC: Gah, ninjas!IC: Krayzikk, Tech Tower TAin picked Ga'mal up and climbed off of Krayzikk,before setting Ga'mal back on her own two feet. Krayzikk reverted to his robot mode and nodded. Krayzikk drew his shotgun. "Yes sir."Tain nodded. "Come on, Ga'mal. We need to go up there."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC(Ga'mal talking to Tain ?)

(Jade talking to Gust in tunnels)

"If you ever need a place to stay, Gust, I can put you up for the night," Jade says to Gust while forcing a smile. Karz, were everyone's lives messed up. No one should go through what they had gone throug; especially the severe pasts of the Techna."This is such a good day," Ga'mal says while Tain carries her. She takes out the pistol and gets ready to fire at the enemy,-Mef Man

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IC: AiruAiru nodded to the Toa of Robotics."Permission granted. Welcome to the Techna Guard," he said. He reloaded his weapons and kicked open a door, revealing three ADRs. In seconds, two were on the ground, destroyed, and the third was retreating. Airu leapt over a table and flipped it, using it for cover as the ADR spun around and unloaded fifty bullets into the metal surface.IC: GustGust laughed slightly and kissed Jade's forehead."I couldn't let you do that," he said softly.-Teezy



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IC: Tain, Tech TowerTain walked into the elevator, and said "Ga'mal, sweetie, you have an odd perspective on life." Tain joked as he drew his pistol.Krayzikk didn't bother using the table for cover. He blocked the bullets with his riot shield and then shot the ADR with his shotgun. The ADR was still functioning, but Krayzikk had managed to knock out most combat functions.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC(Ga'mal talking to Tain elevator)

(Jade talking to Gust in tunnels)

"Now I'm a sweetie!" Ga'mal exclaims happily; making sure not to be loud enough for any enemies to hear them. "Tain, I'll love you 'till the day I die," she adds in a half jokingly manner. Or was it?"Oh, it's no trouble," Jade replies while gently leaning her head on Gust's shoulder.-Mef Man

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IC: Gust"Not for you, maybe," he said, pulling her closer to him somehow. "But I couldn't intrude on you. Those rooms are meant for one person only."IC: AiruAiru stood and moved into the next room."Clear!" he yelled back.-Teezy



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IC: Tain, Elevtor"Well, let's hope that day isn't today." Tain joked. "And you've always been a sweetie, I just started calling you what you are." He pressed the button for the correct floor and the elevator started to rise.Krayzikk followed Airu, eyes scanning the room. He activated thermal imaging, but it didn't do any good: The ADR et off too little heat.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC(Drone 2 entering cleared room)

(Ga'mal talking to Tain in elevator)

(Jade talking to Gust in tunnels)

Drone 2 could feel the adrenaline pumping through him as he aimed his firearms around the room. Ah, the feel of combat."I have a bigger apartment with plenty of space," replies Jade. "Really, it's no trouble." "Aw, now I need a name for you," Ga'mal says more to herself. "How about...hunk? Or handsome? Or..." she starts to name random names that came into her mind.-Mef Man

Edited by Mef Man
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IC: Drone / SyluxDrone followed behind Airu, shield still poised to defend and assault rifle ready to blast anything that appeared hostile. Using his powers, Drone detected something around five ADRs a few rooms away from them."Five hostiles detected. Watch your sectors."Sylux took an elevator, making his way upwards. Little did he know that the one he took was the one right beside that of Tain and Ga'mal, both speeding upwards at an equally fast speed. That and by coincidence, he chose the same floor as them.

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IC(Drone 2 talking to Drone in room)

(Jild in elevator with Tain and Ga'mal)

"Good, bots to slot," Drone 2 says while edgind toward the nearest room."Hello there!"The ninja-like Matoran named Jild was behind the two "love Gukkos;" revolver in hand. He had it pointed how; ready for any enemy ADRs that would show up. "Have I missed anything?"-Mef Man

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IC: AiruAiru nodded and kicked open the door, tossing an EMP grenade from his belt into the room. A sphere of blue light crackled out from the open doorway, and Airu charged through, firing his SMG for about five seconds before stopping."Clear!" he yelled.IC: Gust"Jade?" he asked, kissing her cheek. "Are you asking me to move in with you?"-Teezy



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IC: Tain, ElevatorTain blushed slightly. Then, he noticed that he was detecting something metal moving at the same pace as them up the elevator shaft. He didn't say anything, but he adjusted his grip on his gun. Then he heard Jild, whirled and aimed his gun. He relxed slightly upon realizing the being's identity. "How much of that did you hear?"

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: DroneFollowing as usual, Drone stayed behind and felt the presence of the five ADRs grow increasingly stronger, indicating that they were close. Two doors were present in this room, one of them leading to the automated defense robots. As Drone made his way to one, about to turn the knob, one of the rogue ADRs burst through and began firing wildly at him and everyone else.

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(Drone 2 in room with others)(Jade talking to Gust in tunnels)

(Jild talking to Tain in elevator)

"Aw, you didn't leave any for me?" jokes Drone 2 while looking around the cleared room.Jade blushes slightly before saying,"No, I...just can't stand to think of you sleeping on some couch all night in an office. A person like you needs a nice room where you can forget the days at the office. Or, I can help you find an apartment," she adds.Am I trying to get him to move in? "Oh, I didn't hear anything," Jild replies. "I've just been waiting for this elevator to stop moving. You two carry on; don't mind me."-Mef Man

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IC: Krayzikk, RoomKrayzikk lifted his riot shield and stepped in front o Airu as the lone ADR started to fire. "Drone, take that thing down!" Krayzikk was pinned, he couldn't leave the commander, but he couldn't lower his shield either.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: AiruAiru spun reflexively and fired off a bullet from his silenced pistol, catching the rogue ADR directly in its metallic forehead."How many of these things are there?" he muttered.IC: GustGust grinned again and tightened his grip around Jade's waist."I'm fine," he said. "Like I said. Comfortable couch. Besides, even before my promotion, I didn't have a lot of time to sleep anyway."-Teezy



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IC: Drone"Four now since you dispatched this ADR. It seems they're hiding, attempting to ambushing us like this one since they obviously know we're here." said Drone in his mechanical voice, getting back up. If it wasn't for his plasma shield, he would have found himself filled with multiple bullets."You lead while I try to locate them."

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IC: Tain, Elevator"I don't think I believe you." Tain said suspiciously as the elevator stopped moving, and the doors opened. "Ga'mal, stay behind me." TAin poked his head out of the elevator.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Tain, Elevator"Oh karz, Ga'mal, definitely stay back." Tain calmly stepped out of the elevator, holding his pistol at the ready. To Sylux, he said "Are we going to have a problem, here? 'Cuz it seems there are bigger fish to fry for both of us."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: SyluxSylux laughed, the noise eerie and robotic, inhuman. He recognized Tain's face all too well now and stepped out of his elevator, standing right in front of the Toa now, towering a little over him.As he stood in front of him, he noticed more people were in the elevator, one of them being the little Matoran he terrorized the other day. In a mocking gesture, he waved his hand casually at Ga'mal as if they were good friends."Deal." he said, now turning back to face Tain.

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IC: SyluxSylux didn't say anything despite the fact that Tain's response humored him immensely. Rather than laughing, he lightly headbutted the Toa with his own head, nothing too serious. With that, he took out his sniper and began walking away, expecting the group to follow. Why Sylux was here was an absolute mystery.

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IC: Airu"Alright," he said. "I'm running point. Krayzikk, Drone, I want both of you behind me. If I go down, I want the ADR that did it to follow me in five seconds, tops. Understood?"-Teezy



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IC: Airu"Alright," he said. "Moving...now."He kicked opened the door and whipped out his Cornershot combat shotgun, firing it into an ADR immediately. He moved to the corner of the room, which broke off and led to a hallway. He adjusted the barrel of the Cornershot and began to view the surroundings via the LCD video screen that served in place of a scope. He found two ADR and fired, destroying both robots. Hearing a creak, he spun around instinctively and jammed the barrel underneath the fourth ADR's head, pulling the trigger and decapitating it with a blast."Clear!"OOC: I love this guy.-Teezy



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IC(Drone 2 ready with others)

(Ga'mal talking to others in elevator)

(Jild talking to others in elevator)

(Jade talking to Gust in tunnels)

Drone 2 rolls his eyes. It looked as if the boss-man would be stealing his kills today..."I hope not," replies Ga'mal. "He's a bit...freaky.""He seems like a rather jolly fellow to me," Jild says casually before taking a step out of the elevator. "So, what now? Go out and face the bad guys, or do something else I'm not aware of?""Okay," Jade says to Gust while hugging him a bit tighter as well. "Anyway, back to the date. Let's see, we can eat a quick snack then mess around the apartment. Then...I guess that'd be it unless you can think of something," she adds before laughing slightly. "You can go sleep on your sofa I guess."OOC: By the way, Jade's armor isn't green, but I picture her eyes being an emerald green. So, I may use green for her posts for a bit.-Mef Man

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IC: Airu"Depends," he said quietly. "What are you picking up right now on echo vision?"There can't be many more of these...IC: GustGust gave a dramatic moan."Quit it," he whispered in her ear, "before you make me feel guilty about my sofa."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Krayzikk, Tech Tower + Tain, Tech Tower"Now," Tain said "We go and group up with the rsr of Airu's men." Tain walked forwad and was soon confronted by a group of what appeared to be Airu's men. "We are on your side, Airu sent us."Krayzikk was impressed, but he didn't show it. "Orders, sir?" Krayzikk tried thermal again, but got nothing. "Thermal is no good, sir. These ADR let off too little heat."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: You can't exactly know when he's using echo vision or that he's ever had it but I'll let it slide :PIC: DroneSound waves that the natural hearing of a person couldn't pick were being transmitted from a little device that came with Drone's echo vision, bouncing off everything it touched and painting an image of the room in his eyes. The outline of things were white along with the sound while everything remained black.Looking more closely, he spotted barely noticeable waves emitting from the ceiling in one concentrated spot."I'm picking up something on the floor right above us, right about there." he said, pointing at the spot he could see the sound. "Any stairs nearby?"

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(Ga'mal following Tain outside of elevator)

(Jild following Tain outside of elevator)(Jade talking to Gust in tunnels)

"Aw, I love you and your sofa," Jade replies while grinning. "I don't have anything against it." The Glatorian's thoughts began to wander toward the mission. Would they be able to get out of here soon? Or, would it be the group stuck in the tunnels for who knows how long? Jade hoped that they'd be able to leave and be done with this mission. She wanted a nice date with Gust after all."Oh, good, the calvary," Jild says happily upon spotting the men as well."They are on our side. Right?" Ga'mal asks while standing beside Tain.-Mef Man

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IC: Gust"That's good," he said, "because I-"He stopped."You love me?"GUST WAT DO WAT DO WAT DOIC: AiruAiru nodded."There's a stairway through this door," he said, walking up to it. "We can head up. How many are you reading?"OOC: I thought you had already displayed it, my bad.-Teezy



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IC(Jade talking to Gust in tunnels)

"Uuuh..." This time it was Jade's turn to stagger. Karz, had she said she loved him?Well, don't you? I guess so, but I hardly know Gust."Rest time. Yes? Time to rest," Jade says quickly while resting her head more on Gust's shoulder before closing her eyes.I think it's working!-Mef Man

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IC:Gust was quiet for a minute, letting Jade's head rest on his shoulder. Finally, he leaned over and kissed her forehead, whispering, "I love you, too."He leaned his head against the tunnel wall and waited for Levacius to return.-Teezy



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IC: Raxen (Housing District/Information District):Raxen walked along the corridor and stepped through an entrance to the Information District. The heads up display build into his mask was unable to connect to an sever, leaving inactive. Something strange must of happened while I was in snore-land, he though, releasing an grunt. I wonder where all the people are.OOC: Open for interaction.

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