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IC: DroneAs estimated, my calculations were correct: the time spent to get to the shop upon arrival took approximately nine minutes and forty-three seconds. As I entered, my scanners identified everything in the room. Shelves filled with junk cluttered the place and a lonely counter stood on its own. I made my way to the back after locking the entrance, opening a hidden door which led to the basement of the building, our base of operations."VRF-3 identified. Drone 2, commence re-installation process." I commanded my friend to do upon having located VRF-3's original body. 'Friend'. The word felt alien to me. Emotions in general felt alien yet, I lived with them, most of them now almost nullified yet I felt things. I was aware. It would take time for me to adjust.

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IC(Drone 2 transferring Vrf-3 back into his body)

Drone 2 mumbles an,"Okay," while taking out his laptop and hacking devices. The Matoran soon hooked the two bodies together and began to transfer one "soul" into the other.After a while, it was completed. Drone 2 unhook the tech needed for the operation before taking a step back."Well, V, how you feeling?"-Mef Man

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IC: Tain, CKCTain grinned an almost evil grin at the manager's reaction. "Tell you what, boss, you cut back on the crankiness, I stay out of your way. Sound fair? Oh, and can I have a copy of the handbook?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: I've come to realize that with the internet down, and the fact that nobody is going to buy these ADR, I need to step up my plans to the final phase immediately while two Toa Techna are disconnected from the network, thus being unable to use the SCPU, and the only one who isn't has no idea what's going on either. There should be no way for Gust or Matrapolix to learn what is going on, outside of some sort of communication sent to the latter; Torch may, but he's pretty much helpless to stop it now.Yes, this initial phase can be stopped, but it's hardly going to be easy.If anybody comments that they don't know this is happening, then there are no excuses - read the first part of this post. More importantly, read everything that is bolded.~IC: Rinnder & Kinksh / Implant Your Cash!"Slow." Rinnder said to the Kinksh."That's not good enough." Kinksh said. "We can't afford a delay any longer. Things are moving too quickly where they need to be; too slowly in others. With the internet down the second phase is worthless now. Flyers are useless; most are taken down. Thuiop and Swuiop are ready. Are assets are uselss for us. No reports on the Toa Techna from anyone. I'm pretty sure a few of them died off. No, right now the city is at its weakest. And when the city is at its weakest, we strike..."Rinnder nodded, almost terrified. What they were going to do next was a plan that could only be considered completely hopeless by most. Things were moving far too fast for his liking. But Kinksh knew what he was doing... he guessed.Kinksh typed quickly into his laptop, sending out a number of vital commands. With that, the ADR, in both the front room and the storage, were all actived. Eighty ADR, all heavily modified to be the easy match of two in combat, rose up.The side of the Implant Your Cash! storage that faced an alley suddenly blasted open, and the sixty ADR within hovered out, buzzing eerily with a number of bizzare sounds that were actually their 'talking' of a sort, commands to keep the whole group together. There were twelve with Kanoka Launchers and Regeneration Disks, so that they could regenerate the other ADR. Many had more intricate weapons such as flamethrowers; a few even had plasma blasters, though much weaker in quality than ones used by people like Torch.The ones in the front room of the shop did the same. All opened fire with their weapons, and within moments every living being other than the shops employees that was within were gunned down. These 20, the best equipped of them all, folowed the others.Their destination was clear - and along the way, they attacked everything the passed, guards included - Technology Tower, the production factory of the Techna-Nui.~IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / Hitching a RideTwo of the Techna Guard moved rapidly through the Information District, mounted atop city designed speeder bikes in their hot pursuit of a Skakdi hacker, whose speed implants and natural leaping power were helping him to evade them. Finally, they turned down the corner to find him - only to meet two other Toa, of whom the larger of the two held the Skakdi by his throat."Quite the foolish mistake." the female toa said, aiming her lightning pistol at the two guards before they could register the new toa as enemies. The one allowed himself to gracelessly fall of the bike; the other was not so lucky. The ground did not prove any safer, however, as a spike of stone rose up to impale him through the heartlight"Looks like we've got ourselves transport." Swuiop said, moving over to the bike. With a swift movement, she drew her blade and impaled it into the first guard, who was still alive, just stunned. He shook violently as the energy draining blade went to work, and she gave a relieved sigh and evil grin as she absorbed his strength.Looking to see handprints necessary, she cut off his hands and clamped them - with Thuiops hands - to the handlebars, in a way that she would still be able to maneuver. Thuiop did roughly the same on his own, and soon enough, they had their own transport..."Now, to see if we can stir up some anarcy." she said with an malicious grin to Thuiop, who chuckled, as both turned around and took off.~OOC: Also these characters weren't doing much, but they need to go out with a *bang* so I can at least keep some of my character slots.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: (Drone Zone): Vrf-3The little robot buzzed and hummed before rising into the air, trying to get back into control of his body. "Woah, I feel like I've crashed myself into a wall a few times... I'm feeling great!" The robot buzzed around in the air, doing loops and swirls, enjoying his small spherical body over the ADR body. "I'm as good as I've even been. And my comedy data drives are back! Oh how I've missed those... I need them to read when speaking to people gets boring... ignore that last comment."

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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-==IC: Zero//Science District==-"Hm?" Zero suddenly twisted his head to the side, and narrowed his eyes."Do you hear that?" Zero muttered to both Ciel and Emma; even if he didn't trust the latter just yet. It sounded almost as if..."Gunfire?" Zero muttered, and looked back to Emma, a suspicious look."Did you send for guard robots?" Zero asked, a frown on his face.-==IC: Kairan//Science District==-Kairan noticed the tensing of the red armoured being, and the fact that he looked over in the direction Kairan was about to head toward from. However; he wasn't anywhere near what the stranger was looking at, so... What could he be looking at. That's when he heard guard robots, and his eyes widened somewhat, and looked in that direction, as he strained his ears. He mentally berated himself, as he heard the gunfire off in the distance; it wasn't loud enough to be totally obvious, but loud enough that he would have heard it; if he hadn't been giving his full concentration to this being."Come on, we have to go." Kairan said, and barely spun of of the way of the red armoured being's gun blast, as the person narrowed his eyes."Why should we go anywhere? Aren't they your robots? Call them off." Zero stated, and Kairan growled."They aren't 'our' robots, that's the thing. They attacked us earlier, and if they're shooting randomly..." Kairan said, and Zero glared at him."And exactly why should I trust you two? You're Techna, and more in favour of oppressing us." Zero stated, which caught Kairan off guard, and he frowned."Who told you that...?" Kairan asked, not liking this, and Ciel stepped forward."I did. You've been oppressing us for months." Ciel stated, and Kairan thought for a moment, and looked at the mark he had noticed earlier... A mark that now seemed very suspicious."Who told you that?" Kairan asked, and Ciel frowned."I... I don't know. I just remember that always being that way... Right?" Ciel thought, and frowned."I remember someone in white armour helping me fend off some robots... But that's a blurry memory..." Ciel thought, and Kairan looked at Emma, as he had a funny feeling he knew exactly who Ciel was talking about.

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Alan/Takadox's Lair, Following LevaciousIC:

"Ah, now you remember. Yep. Well, I'd still consider it a vacation. Given, it was an odd one involving near-death calls. Still, it was a vacation nonetheless," responded Alan cheerily. He was a strange person, that was certain. His drastic change of manner was likely a part of why Levacious didn't originally recognize him.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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-==IC: Kairan//Science District==-"I thought so..." Kairan said with a frown."But... The sound's coming from the wrong direction to be them... It mustn't have been an isolated case..." Kairan said, as Zero simply looked at Emma. Ciel shook her head, as she had no clue where he was."He's not bad, though; he saved my life... Memory's blurry on that, though..." Ciel said, and Kairan sighed."That guy has a mask that can alter memories, it seems." Kairan stated, and sighed once more, reconsidering the situation."None of us trust any of our memories." Kairan said, as he looked around at the ohters. Zero simply looked at Kairan."I have no memories, and I'm a robot anyway, so that likely is not a problem." Zero stated, and looked over in the direction of where the robots were."That's more important for now, however." Zero said, as he simply walked off in that direction, Ciel following quickly. Kairan frowned, and looked over at Emma."The guy's annoying... But, he has a point, if those robots are attacking everyone like when they attacked us, that could have a bad result. Plus, I wish to keep an eye on those two, they seem a little suspicious." Kairan said, though wanted to hear Emma's ideas first.

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IC: Krayzikk, StreetKrayzikk heard weapons fire, and approached cautiously, riot shield active. He spotted the rogue ADR. "Oh Karz." Athen, are internet functions still down?Yes.Find a way to get a message out.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: The ADR Attack / Technology TowerThe main force of the ADR made their way up to Technology Tower. With internet connections down, they didn't see the force until they were in line of sight - and by that point, almost every citizen in the Science District could. Other ADR were left in confusion, having no way of recognizing them as threats until they were already gunned down. A few of the Techna Guard were ready at the defense, along with the private security of the Technology Tower, all ready at the top.A few tried to fight back - but this wasn't the Matoran Universe. Here, elemental powers were given, but not exactly perfect to use. A few novice toa who had only got the upgrade when transferred up from Spherus Magna into their form moved to fight, but none of them had any idea how to fight back. Only a few of the ADR went down along their warpath - not many were willing to risk the full attack.Soon enough, they were at the front area of the tower, using their hovering abilities to swarm it. Defensive turrets were pointed, putting ADR down quickly. But anything short of full destruction was useless; they could simply be repaired by their 'medic' units.One ADR, equipped with boosts to its energy shields many times over, moved forward even against the turrets and opened fire on their users (or lack thereof), shutting them down quickly. It wasn't easy to say how many it put down before a lucky shot from a rocket launcher took it down, but it wasn't a small number.The attack continued.IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / PrisonThe two toa came close to the prison on the hoverbikes, inpecting it over for weakpoints."Showtime..." Swuiop said.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Zero//Science District==-That was about when a red blur shot toward the ADRs, and one of them suddenly found itself missing half it's body."Hmph; is that all it takes?" Zero wondered, as he held his sword with energy surrounding it's blade. He looked at one of the other robots, which had spotted him, and fired off three shots at it from his energy pistol. One was aimed at the body of the robot, one at the head, and one at the disk launcher on it's shoulder; though, whether the attacks would hit was a separate question.This seems to just reinforce what was being said. Zero thought with a frown, not thinking of any other reason a security force would be attacking the city's own citizens.OOC: Good thing Zero's not just any Toa... or a Toa at all. =P He's not wielding his Chips, however, which might be bad for the fight.

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IC: Krayzikk+Tain, CKCKrayzikk was skidded to halt in front of the CKC and transformed. He barged in through the door, flashed his credentials, and apprached the main workspace yelling "All civilians, out of here, now! Attack on the Technology Tower in progress. Get out of here, now!" He opened the door to where the manager and Tain were talking. "Get out of here. Now." Tain's eyes widened, for multiple reasons. One: Here was Krayzikk. Two: Attack on the Technology Tower. He hurried past the robot, approaching Ga'mal's workstation. "We have to move. You heard the big robot."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: Well, if Matrapolix can't be there, his custom trained team of Toa can. Before you ask, yes, they have been mentioned and used before.IC - NPC Guards - Don't Kill Without PermissionNews didn't spread slowly around Techna, especially when haywire ADRs were involved. Soon, six Toa had been dispatched. Each of an unusual element- sound, electricity, plasma, psionics, crystal, and shadows, they had been trained by Matrapolix himself. Top-notch snipers and melee fighters. Only one was relatively new, being a replacement for one who had been killed in a jail break.Two were approaching from behind, two were sniping from high places, and two were shooting from the lower buildings. A generic strategy, but an experimental one as they had never encountered this many ADRs at once. The Hackers were getting risky. They had probably left traces."Get the medics first, or our work is useless." said the captain into her mouthpiece.The Toa of shadow was coming from behind, and had a rocket launcher. He blasted at the "medics" as fast as he could. Even as he and his partner rained fire at them, snipers shot them from far off. The other two blasted from near with high-velocity assault rifles.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Krayzikk+Tain, CKCKrayzikk heard Ga'mal and approached. "Rogue ADRs. They are attacking the Tech Tower, specially modified." Krayzikk paused, and then said kindly "You need to get out of here."Tain looked at him. "And what are you going to do, Krayzikk Altair?"If Krayzikk was surprised, he didn't show it. His response was a grim one. "Do my duty. Fight and die."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: Krayzikk, feel like interacting with Drone?IC: Drone / SyluxFrom my basement, my sound preceptors picked up sounds identified as screams from the outside and lots of it. By instinct, something I retained from the operation, I made my way up the stairs and exited the shop, only to find multiple ADRs assaulting the technology tower and civilians.The threat was imminent, knowing without my robotic functions having to tell me to so I 'bolted' (strange word for running) and began to take control of a few ADRs. With ease, I caused a few to fire on each other, destroying them or putting them out of commission.Meanwhile, a certain bounty hunter was poised on a rooftop, picking off multiple of the automated defense robots, his sniper bullets making nice clean holes in their bodies.

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IC: ADR Attackers / Technology TowerProgramming instructed a number of non-medic ADR to move forward as the elite toa came into play. A few of the medics fell out the sky, but in most cases, it was another ADR blindly sacrificing themselves. In the space between loading his next few rockets, the toa of shadow would come under fire from a number of energy spheres, being swarmed by lesser ADR.The walls and defenses had been hard to deal with, but one ADR made quick work of it with a Reconstitute at RandomKanoka, which turned a small portion of the towers side from reinforced protosteel to simple wood, which was easily taken out.Another, using the same RaR type disks, was closing in on a few of the elite toa, firing the disks at them - one shot, that would be all it would take to reduce an elite toa into, well, who knew. It was random, after all.OOC: Question - does the prison have some kind of towers or anything connecting it to the ground to get power? Or am I to assume its power is on the inside?-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: That's something to ask LegoLover.IC - NPC Guards - DKWPThe Toa of shadow leapt away from bullets, blocking a few with shadow energy. He blasted back with rockets at the medics. Surely he would hit some. His partner did the same.The Toa of electricity the disks flew at sent lightning into the disks, either stopping them or sending them back. An ADR was hit, and turned into a being of complete ice. Another lightning blast shattered it.The Toa of sonics, however, was nearly hit. One flew over his head. It was soon obvious he was the newest and least agile.Snipers kept shooting, firing at the medics.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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NPC: GuardsThere were only pockets of guard resistance left in the Technology Tower. Torch, Matrapolix and Gust were unable to be reached; indeed, many rumors were floating around that the three had been killed earlier that night. With that said, the guards were know on their own."So," asked one, who was hiding out with a dozen others in a barricaded room, "what now?"The captain of the guard shrugged."We wait."OOC: I want NPC's too. :c-Teezy



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-==IC: Zero//Science District==-Zero growled, as he fired three shots at the disks that were shot at the elite Toa. They may be his enemies; but that didn't mean that they couldn't help possibly defeat these opponents. Zero dashed to one side, and then jumped onto an ADR, as he attempted to plunge his sword into the robot; and destroy it's power core and memory core in the process.

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IC: ADR Attackers / Technology TowerFrom behind one of the buildings, one of the ADR equipped with a plasma launcher activated its weapon on the ice toa, blasting him with incinerating force. A few more gathered around the areas the toa had based on.By this point, only a few of the medics were left, and those ones were almost right at the tower, out of range or line of sight from the elite toa, for now. They, and a number of others, were now heading inside the tower itself, moving through the destroyed wooden wall and opening fire.The toa of psionics was the one who noticed it - the others had missed the easily overlookable fact. Four of the ADR, more weaponzied than the other, had completely vanished, becomining invisible.Now what had been eighty was dropping just below fifty.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC - NPC Guards - DKWPThe ice Toa, whoever he was, died a horrible death screaming "Why, cruel world?"The snipers had also dissapeared from their perches. They were heading towards the building, unseen or not cared about. Once they reached the perimeter where people had stayed away from the attackers, they began sniping at ones on the edges.The rocket-launcher bearing ones took flight, striking at ADRs from above. The Toa of shadow removed the light from around them so that they could not aim properly.The other two kept firing into the now sightless ADRs.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: ADR Attackers / Technology TowerThe ADR continued dying off. A few remained outside, easy targets for the attacking elite toa, but now turned around and were fully attacking. All of the other began gathering to them, firing at the group.The rest were all inside of the tower now, spreading across and firing at those they came upon...... the four vanishing ADR, however, had a more important task linked to their programming. All made their way, in pairs, to important computers and databases in the tower.IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / PrisonSuddenly, out of the blue, two toa burst from underneath the floating prison atop speeders, staffing across the prison. Swuiop fired her lightning pistol at two of the guards she passed over, hitting both and causing them to fall over, stunned. Thuiop released a fist of stone that collided with the window of the perch where a sniper sat, watching for escapees.They repeated the process a number of times, firing at any guards they saw, while moving at speeds that made it difficult to get a lock on them.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Sure, TXIC: Krayzikk+Tain, CKCKrayzikk turned sharply and ran to a window, drawing one of his plasma pistols. He began to take carefully measure shots at the ADR, having no scope, most missed but some collided.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Drone / SyluxNoticing a robot which appeared to be a Toa, I ran over to it and assisted the being, shooting at multiple ADRs from the window with my assault rifle while taking cover."Identification: Drone, Toa of robotics." I said, identifying myself to the robot.Now done picking off ADRs, the Toa of plasma teleported to the ground level using his Kualsi and soon made it to the hole in the wall where the ADRs had entered from. Using his sniper rifle, he quickly took out most in the hallways before proceeding deeper inside.

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IC: Krayzikk, CKC WindowKrayzikk looked down on the toa identifying himself as Drone. "Detective Krayzikk Altair." Krayzikk continued firing. Krayzikk, by my calculations, we are at a severe tactical deficiency. Yeah, I know.Tain reached into his messenger bag and removed his pistol. "Ga'mal, stay down." He ran to the window in time to see Sylux enter the building. "Ga'mal, really stay down. That brakas from yesterday is here." Tain's eye implant configured to recognize the gun in his hand, allowing him improved accuracy as he took shots at the ADR below.**********************A good long way a way, Skull watched Swuiop And Thuiop enter the prison. He knew his instructions. He would observe, at a close range, and ensure that he knew what there was to know about the prisoners. They will be needed, one way or another.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: Oh, reunion between Tain and Sylux. This is going to be fun. You make the first move.IC: Drone"Pleasure to meet you." I responded, doing the most formal thing according to my memories. I shot a few more rounds into the window before reloading, having taken out two ADRs. Calculating what would be the fastest possible way to get inside, I stood up and took control of three ADRs, causing all of them to attack the rest and destroy each other, leaving a clear path for us."Path has been cleared. Ready to proceed?"

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OOC: Wanna know what else? Tain is almost completely unarmed.IC: Krayzikk+Tain"Yes, one moment." Krayzikk responded. He turned to Ga'mal. "It's dangerous, you can stay or you can come. You are in danger either way. And either way," Krayzikk unholstered and handed her one of his plasma pistols. "Take this." Krayzikk noted Tain's expression. "And if you come, I think lover-boy here might keep you safe."Tain blushed. "Nice to see you again Krayzikk.""And you, Tain."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: DroneAcknowledging Krayzikk's response with a nod of my head, I stood up and entered the building, my assault rifle lifted in preparation to shoot any threats. Just in case, I activated my plasma shield on my right arm, a transparent glowing blue substance appearing from my forearm, shaping itself in a circle which covered a good portion of my body."Follow me."OOC: Levacius, what's the current status of the ADRs in the building? Are there only the 4?

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IC: (Heading out into the madness): Vrf-3Seeing that Drone left, he decided to follow after, the floating eyebot trying to catch up. Everything seemed to be going insane out there. He flew quickly over to Drone with a wide-eyed look on his... eye. "What's going on?!" He asked, not knowing if the Toa of Robotics had any idea himself. It seemed that ADRs had all gone insane. He was glad he wasn't still in the Adr body, or he likely would have been shot on sight.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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IC - NPC Guards - DKWPThe two in front had moved in. They landed inside the lobby and opened fire. Now with two pistols in hand, they rained bullets on the ADRs. They hadn't yet noticed the missing ones.The flying pair still shot down from rocket launchers, laying waste to the ADRs from above.The snipers continued to pick off ones from behind.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC(Drone 2 helping Drone in CKC)

(Ga'mal joining others in CKC)

Drone 2 appeared shortly next to Drone with a firearm drawn."What's the plan?" he asks Drone while checking his weapons."You can bet your Mask I'm coming," Ga'mal says while taking the pistol. It was larger than hers and it seemed to be more lethal. Much more lethal.Lover boy? Is he....?-Mef Man

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NPC: GuardsFinally, the guards could wait no longer: they burst from their hiding place, securing sniper positions and killing any ADRs in the area.The chief guard, a Toa of Air named Airu, cocked his silenced pistol and fired it into the head of an ADR."Let's take these things out, boys," the captain of the guard said to his men, much to the cheers of those around him.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Krayzikk + Athen + Tain, Moving OutKrayzikk nodded. "If I still had a Mask, I would." His next words were directed at Tain. "Hey, you helped fix me up, why couldn't you give me a mask, huh?"Tain scowled. "Because your mechanical systems and software mind couldn't-"Krayzikk cut him off. "It was a joke. Now, Athen, tactical readout.""Yes, Altair. Then enemy has control over a large group of heavily modified ADR. My observations indicate the presence of a medic type, a few almost standard, and some heavily armed ADR. Their numbers are large, but are quickly being reduced by the elite team outside. There also seems to be the presence of several unknown beings, all aiding our cause.""Any resistance left in the tower?""The thermal scans taken with your optic sensors indicaet that there are still small pockets of resistance left.""Good." He looked at Tain and Ga'mal. "Here is how this is going to work. I am Techna Guard, and you are technically civilians. Also, I am more heavily armed than both of you put together. So, I am going to take point, Lover-Boy you will cover our six,m and you, Miss, will be in the middle. Watch our flanks. Any questions?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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-==IC: Zero//Science District==-Zero frowned, as he landed on the ground, and looked up to only see a few more of the rogue robots left... Outside. Noticing that most of the people were starting to head toward the Tower, he instead ran toward the remaining robots outside. An ADR noticed Zero, and fired at him quickly, however, Zero moved to the side, only getting his armour on his leg clipped a bit. Zero was in position regardless, though, and aimed at the ADR's head, as he found a secondary button, which he used to charge up a more powerful shot, which he fired through the robot's head, causing it to spark as it fell to the ground. He still noticed about 15 or so robots still outside, however, and frowned, as he walked toward them quickly.

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IC: Krayzikk, CKC WindowKrayzikk noticed an unseen, by Zero, ADR about to attack Zaero from behind. He quickly took aim at, and fired upon, the ADR. It fell to the ground in a plasma melted mess. He nodded at Zero. HE then turned back to Ga'mala and handed her a clip. "It fires plasma, so each clip holds a lot of shots. Be careful, though, these don't have a stun setting."Upon saying this, he activated the riot shield stored in his left arm.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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