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It's so original; who would have thought a purple dragon dressing up as a purple dragon?

I know! M Night Shyamalan must of directed it.
Oh please, we knew he was behind the plot (Hehe, pun not intended) ages ago, when we got that jaw-dropping plot twist near the end of last series. You know the one.

I did not see Spike having a crush on Rarity coming. Completely blew me out of the water.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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You know, if I had to describe my personality as ponies, it would probably look like this: 50% Twilight Sparkle25% Rainbow Dash20% Fluttershy05% Rarity

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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I saw this video about my little pony where a lot of fighting was going on in the comments, so i thought "let's see what all the fuss is", and I watched the first episode and the next one, and then i couldn't stopRainbow Dash: and i liked it. a lot.anyways, i like fluttershy.

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i know it's a couple pages late, but i feel it needs to be said: When you people got on the topic of Gilda*Fluttershy Fanfics, you immediately reminded me of Bionicle O_O. Alright I'll get back to watching more episodes now.

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Owlowiscious is cool. I hope we'll see more of him/her... What is it, anyway?

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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For me, I'd say: Twi: 50%AJ: 15%Rarity: 15%Fluttershy: 10%Pinkie: 5%Dash: 5% Also why do these ads keep asking me "Want a Girlfriend?" when I'm in this topic.

Hey, at least they're not saying "Want a boyfriend?". Ironically, I get a lot of girlfriend ads in other places, but here I'm just getting manly stuff like Transformers and rugby. I guess MLP really is manly now.

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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The most messed up shipping I saw was Twi, Dash, and I think it was Fluttershy.

Huh, my three favorites... Fascinating.

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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... Ew. Favorite fanfics?

I feel like we've done this before. :P
  • [*]Fallout: Equestria[*]Past Sins[*]Progress[*]Elements of Gaming[*]Legion of Gloom[*]League of Fanons[*]The Vagabond[*]It's A Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door[*]A Sight For Really Sore Eyes[*]The Worst Bakers in Equestria[*]Life With Derpy[*]A Day For Spike and Twilight[*]Better Living Through Science and Ponies[*]The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle[*]The Ballad of Gordon Freemane[*]Of Two Minds[*]Macintosh

Remembered more of them this time, lol.

Edited by --Calamity--

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Alright guys, you can add me to the list of bronies. I'm actually a recent 'convert' (if you want to call it that). I got into it just after Season 2 started. As you can tell, my favorite is Pinkie Pie, with Rainbow Dash being a close second, with my other favorite character being Discord.

*Insert some sort of banner or photograph here*

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