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What are your fun LEGO.com memories?

Master Inika

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Over all the years, with so much being added and taken down, are there any particular memories you have of LEGO.com that you wonder if anyone else remembers? There are a lot I have that I think were pretty popular: that real-time tic-tac-toe game you could play against other online members, the Knights' Kingdom games and webcomics, and Supersonic RC.

If anyone else hasn't played the Knights' Kingdom games, then you should know the Bionicle games spoiled us. The KK games were fun, but they had no music, just sound effects, so playing them was kind of surreal.

I'll be surprised if anyone else remembers this: the armor-finding game on the Knights' Kingdom website. It was sort of like the 2009 My LEGO Network BIONICLE Campaign. There were little pieces of armor hidden on random game and product pages, and if you clicked on them, it'd show them on your knight. There were a dozen or so individual pieces of armor, and when you found them all in one color you'd graduate to the next. I think the final color was gold, and I spent a whole day when I was 9 tracking them all down. It was glorious.

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I remember a very old version of the Lego club site... the one where member pages didn't have all the fancy add-ons of later years, but you could still customise them to an extent by picking one out of a choice of characters and a choice of backgrounds. And the two didn't have to match, so you could have Johnny Thunder or whoever on Planet Slizer, for example, as your member page. I don't remember what all the options were, and I can't find any evidence of that version of the site existing online - I searched for it once, the only Lego club pages I could find pictures of were the far more customisable early-00s ones - but I'm sure that was a thing.

I also remember the part of the site for the Adventurers theme was cool. The Jungle page had it set up like a map, and you could click on the sets in it for more information about them, and there were some things you could click for little bios of the Adventurers, too. And the Desert page had a little game on it where you had to help Johnny Thunder pick the right direction on the map, and every time you made the wrong choice, part of the graphic of him would be replaced by the respective part of a Lego skeleton. If he got completely turned into a skeleton, you lost and had to start over.

Again, I've found no evidence of those things, but I for sure remember that they existed!

Edited by That Matoran with a Vahi


"New legends awake, but old lessons must be remembered.
For that is the way
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The Lego Star Wars Christmas games were fun. I also remember discovering the wayback machine and witnessing all the games and webpages for all the themes I loved as a kid but didnt have a computer at the time to witness their websites. And I did this all WITHOUT my parents permission lol.

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  • 1 month later...

As far as games go, I think Junkbot has to be right up there with MNOG (blasphemy, I know) and I found the Alpha Team ice world game to be very fun and underrated. I definitely put a lot of hours into the adventurers game, and I have fond memories of the Knights Kingdom II games as well. 

Other than games, I always loved when a theme home page had a characters section that you could surf around, learning things about all the different characters present in those themes. It's a shame Lego has so few story-driven themes these days so there's less character exploring to be had. 

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Junkbot, baybee!

Honestly, there were a *ton* of good Flash and Shockwave games on the Lego website:

  • MNOG (which sadly never worked very well on my dial-up connection; I had to wait until the 2006 re-release to make any real progress in it)
  • Spybotics: The Nightfall Incident
  • Mindstorms Robohunter 2: Spy City (don't think I ever made it past the first level cuz I was bad at stealth, and again my internet speed was garbage)
  • Those isometric-ish Drome Duel racing games
  • Supersonic RC (the looping music is baked into my skull)
  • Lego Studios Backlot

I also really liked the instructions pages that were exclusive to Lego.com. Nowadays I can see them for the cheap-and-easy content that they were, but back then it really did feel like being part of this little secret club.

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My Lego Network was my absolute favorite thing on the Lego website. It had so many crossovers and tied into so many of the Lego flash games, it was so good and so fun. That and Lego Junkbot were just a great time, along with all of those other flash games they had.

I remember close to the end of My Lego Network there were a bunch of links that led to pages where you could get badges in the game that were exclusive and no longer possible to obtain, I always wondered how that was made possible but was always thankful, because it opened up new parts of the game for me to explore!

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On 6/1/2022 at 7:41 AM, Master Inika said:

I'll be surprised if anyone else remembers this: the armor-finding game on the Knights' Kingdom website. It was sort of like the 2009 My LEGO Network BIONICLE Campaign. There were little pieces of armor hidden on random game and product pages, and if you clicked on them, it'd show them on your knight. There were a dozen or so individual pieces of armor, and when you found them all in one color you'd graduate to the next. I think the final color was gold, and I spent a whole day when I was 9 tracking them all down. It was glorious.

Dude I loved that little game. Don't think I ever managed to find them all, though. But it was on a shared computer so I didn't have enough time to search for them all when my time was up on it.


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23 hours ago, Tohunga Premium said:

My Lego Network was my absolute favorite thing on the Lego website. It had so many crossovers and tied into so many of the Lego flash games, it was so good and so fun. That and Lego Junkbot were just a great time, along with all of those other flash games they had.

I remember close to the end of My Lego Network there were a bunch of links that led to pages where you could get badges in the game that were exclusive and no longer possible to obtain, I always wondered how that was made possible but was always thankful, because it opened up new parts of the game for me to explore!

Man, how could I forget MLN, the game masquerading as a social network. I had some fun with it back in 2008-9. I think I made it up to the rank where the next masterpiece was the house, which I think was where a lot of people got stuck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looking at the games mentioned, I surmise that I am much younger. I didn't have any consoles growing up, nor many toys other than Lego, so www.lego.com was my one stop spot for Gaming, I have fond memories of many games there:

The first I can remember is the Dino Attack game-in which you drive a car with instant acceleration (sounds fun but it makes it real hard to drive) and run away from insta-death mutant lizards. Some very fractured memories of Aqua Raiders games, although I think I played that on a Flash Game site a bit later. THE GOAT, CRYSTAL ALIEN CONFLICT (Okay, well MNOG is great in a story-telling way!) is really up there for me, little me had never heard of a live strategy game so it was quite the challenge and in the end I enlisted my dad's help to pass some levels. The Power Miner games where mainly just small ones, such as the rock monster long jump game, that was more my skill level. Whilst I wasn't into Bionicle back then, I do remember playing the Phantoka Battle for Power games and once again needing dad's help especially on the pursuit one. There was also the Lego City/Agents free roam game across several years, that was a weird one as it was the first time I'd seen a game that crosses over themes. It had a mixture of things to do such as time trials or item collecting, even some Agents shenanigans. There was also a plethora of Racers games over the years, one, likely back in 2006 was terrifying for me, you drive around a city and cops chase you (I guess like Smashy Road huh), that was the height of adrenaline. Then there was the Space Police games, I don't really remember them much, they weren't as interesting. Other time I think TLG realised it wasn't worth their time making flash games or at least, challenging ones, as older kids would just graduate to other stuff. Thankfully there was that library of old games to play so I would revisit Crystal Alien Conflict etc. Although even that would eventually get removed. However, as games dwindled on the Lego site, there would be a brief renaissance:

The Pharaoh's Quest Game and The Dino Game. These were awesome. Both were side-scrolling, multi-level games with collectibles, bosses, puzzles and unique environments. After that I would slowly stop visiting the site and eventually the game archive would disappear but those games were a great send off to the flash era. Great memories.

Footnote: You know, I think I remember coming across the name 'MNOG' in the index but for little me it just didn't sound interesting, if only I did play it then, that would have been cool.

Edited by Axelford



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