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One of my favourite lines. Ehlek is easily my favourite, though I would like to get Takadox, he looks awesome. The best thing about Barraki is, IMO, their unique builds. They look creepy sometimes, which is awesome. Pridak has those nice red markings on his face and blades that look great.


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My absolute favorite Barraki was Carapar. Both in the story and set. I loved his shell armor.... thingys.. (Awesome for MoC'ing) And I thought that the claw looked fantastic. :PI also like Mantax because of the way the Rahkshi parts were used to make his body.



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Wow Every one seems to like Ehlek.

That is because he is, frankly, brilliant. Out of all the Barraki, he's my favourite. Of course, I only had him and Pridak, but even so. Personally, I loved the Barraki. They were all unique in their own way, in both personality and set design. Ehlek had his army of sea creatures, Takadox was an untrustworthy trickster, and Mantax was something of a loner IIRC.

"The sun is a wondrous body, like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"


My PBZP: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=4267

I hadn't even known it was posted until much later... Oops.



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My first Barraki was ... gosh, honestly, I don't even remember. I had enough money to buy all of them at once, and while I usually count whichever one I build first as "my first", I can't quite recall which one it was. It might have been Takadox.Of them all, it's rather hard for me to choose a favorite because now that I think about it, I don't really like any of them too much, though if I was forced to choose I think I'd pick Ehlek. His overall look was consistent and menacing, whereas the others seemed a little thrown-together, at least in spots.As far as designs go, I think I like Ehlek because of his design. Pridak's design could have been so much better, as Mantax's could have, and as Takadox's could have. Aesthetically, Carapar was pretty good. People like to claim that he was bad because he had an Inika torso, but aside from a gap in his chest that was due to the shape of his armor, I think he was actually rather good because of his Inika torso. As I've said, it might have been a tad overused, but it was overused for a reason - it was simply the single best pre-molded torso we ever had in a set.(Additionally, this pollable topic has been poll'd, courtesy of yours truly.)

avatar by Lady Kopaka


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My first Barraki was ... gosh, honestly, I don't even remember. I had enough money to buy all of them at once, and while I usually count whichever one I build first as "my first", I can't quite recall which one it was. It might have been Takadox.Of them all, it's rather hard for me to choose a favorite because now that I think about it, I don't really like any of them too much, though if I was forced to choose I think I'd pick Ehlek. His overall look was consistent and menacing, whereas the others seemed a little thrown-together, at least in spots.As far as designs go, I think I like Ehlek because of his design. Pridak's design could have been so much better, as Mantax's could have, and as Takadox's could have. Aesthetically, Carapar was pretty good. People like to claim that he was bad because he had an Inika torso, but aside from a gap in his chest that was due to the shape of his armor, I think he was actually rather good because of his Inika torso. As I've said, it might have been a tad overused, but it was overused for a reason - it was simply the single best pre-molded torso we ever had in a set.(Additionally, this pollable topic has been poll'd, courtesy of yours truly.)

Thank you but does that mean that the topic has to be closed I would hope not because this topic still has questions that make it unique.
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My first Barraki was ... gosh, honestly, I don't even remember. I had enough money to buy all of them at once, and while I usually count whichever one I build first as "my first", I can't quite recall which one it was. It might have been Takadox.Of them all, it's rather hard for me to choose a favorite because now that I think about it, I don't really like any of them too much, though if I was forced to choose I think I'd pick Ehlek. His overall look was consistent and menacing, whereas the others seemed a little thrown-together, at least in spots.As far as designs go, I think I like Ehlek because of his design. Pridak's design could have been so much better, as Mantax's could have, and as Takadox's could have. Aesthetically, Carapar was pretty good. People like to claim that he was bad because he had an Inika torso, but aside from a gap in his chest that was due to the shape of his armor, I think he was actually rather good because of his Inika torso. As I've said, it might have been a tad overused, but it was overused for a reason - it was simply the single best pre-molded torso we ever had in a set.(Additionally, this pollable topic has been poll'd, courtesy of yours truly.)

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