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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:Orssa nodded to Elynirus' comment. "They are heading into a trap, I believe. But alas, there is no hope of stopping them," Prssa realized.IC: Amalia: Parched Wastes:Amalia and Kono did not go off far-- rather some distance off Asheing. Amalia noticed it was daytime again, and there was a cache in their area. Amalia dove down to the ground, exhausted of flying. "Kono? Cab you teleport us theough the shadow to get to that cache?" Amalia asked.IC: Doru Araeba: Shadowtangle:"You didn't tell us why you are being tracked, did you?" Doru questioned.

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IC: Parched WastesVertan watched in awe as the Shepherds used their divine powers to turn night to day, and then thanked them silently for the clear way. He and Reptak made sure to stay close to the Parched Wastes-Ashring border to avoid any close contact with other slaves, lest they lose Reya.The Skakdi kept her over his shoulder as he carried the Toa of Water. His companion stayed low to the ground by Vertan's feet, acting very much like sand being kicked up, in case of an ambush as the headed for the Yawning Sunder.IC: Parched WastesSeeing as Nostala had left before he could answer, Greel simply continued the repairs with Desiana. Another successful day on the Island of Pain, he thought to himself as new "sunlight" shone through the remaining cracks in the buildings. OOC: Parugi, Blade. Make sure Nostala and Kairan open that cache very cautiously. There's no telling what trap might be set! :P

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OOC: I learned things from everyone opening caches like there was no tomorrow last time. ... That being said, since Kairan was asleep for that whole incident, and none of the Wolves were affected... =P-==IC: Desiana//Oasis Ruins==-"I just hope they're careful..." Desiana said with a frown. It would definitely not be a good thing to lose two key allies at this point; especially when they were two of the original members, from the way everyone else had been talking. However, she put that out of her mind for the moment, and simply concentrated on repairing the ruins... If they couldn't get this to withstand attacks from others, and people rushed the ruins thinking the cache was there, then it didn't matter if that cache was trapped or not... They wouldn't stand a chance.

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OOC: A trap? Of course not! It's just there for the Shepherds' purposes in acquiring Reya! Nothing suspicious at all about its location! 8DIn all seriousness, there's only one way to find out, isn't there? And if it isn't a trap, then better for us, right?If so... well, I'll have to resort to my leet Ackbar and haxxor powerz to avoid it. :PIC - Nostala - Parched Wastes: Nostala continued to run, deep in thought, though her movements did not indicate this. It was indeed curious that a cache had appeared so near by the Wolves immediately after they had found a base to operate from. The thought did cross her mind that this could be a trap, and if it was, she was prepared to defend herself.However,one other thing had come to her attention -- one of the black dots had also disappeared from the map, along with the indicator that had accompanied it and made it clear that it had been a contender. That, and the other dot had moved to the south of the island -- where there were no caches. Perhaps the Shepherds were simply using the caches as a way to go after the other blacklisted prisoner themselves?No; that's unlikely, she thought. Regardless, if there's even a chance that this cache is claimable by us, for once, then I'm willing to risk it.She looked up. They were already closing in on the cache; it really hadn't been that far away. She gripped her staff tightly."You ready?" she called to Kairan behind her. Just a few more minutes...

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-==IC: Kairan//Parched Wastes==-"Always." Kairan replied, as he drew his sword in preparation for any possibilities of an attack. It might not happen, but then again; you can never be too careful."Just..." Kairan started to say, but then smiled, and chuckled."Never mind, it's pretty obvious right now anyway." Kairan said instead, as the two neared the cache.

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IC - Nostala - Parched Wastes: Nostala looked back at the Toa of Lightning and smiled, nodding. "Likewise."She slowed to a halt as they arrived at the designated area. Searching first for other contenders - and not finding any -- the Artanian scanned the area with her eyes, looking for whatever would indicate the cache's position, as well as to get a reading on the terrain."Let's try to be quick about this," she said quietly to the Toa as she activated her mask. "I'd rather not get ambushed here."

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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-==IC: Kairan//Parched Wastes==-Kairan also looked around for anything that might give off the position of the cache, and also checked the rough positioning of the map to see if they were actually nearby or not. All the while, he kept his sword on his shoulder, ready in case another slave decided to attack them.Where could it be, though? Kairan thought, as he scanned the surroundings cautiously.

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IC: Levacius / Shadowtangle"Yeah, and before you stands one of the most infamous criminals and famous war heroes in the universe, and you didn't recognize me either." replied Levacius."Adept as you may be in your powers, do you know how to forge a weapon? We need to set up a forge first, but once it's done, your metal powers are useless if you can't make the weapon right. And I like my tools done right.""I am being tracked because I know some things not based off of conjecture. I have seen the Shepherds secrets. They want it to die with me. Well it won't!"IC: Arillan / Shimmering Maze"The cache can wait." hissed Arillan in reply, holding Jontan - who had now been with no oxygen, and no way to gain any, for almost 10 seconds - aloft in the air. "He's a problem. I don't like problems."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Well, you never know, Parugi. What might seem small and unsuspecting could turn out to be something big and dangerous. Like having a cache on the beach not hidden at all and containing slimy Kraata to stun you and give you a message that you've been blacklisted. Or finding a cache in a jungle where one-half is a bomb that can only be deactivaded by finding its counterpart or else big BOOM! :PYou never know what the Shepherds might do...IC: Yawning Sunder/Shadowtangle Vertan carefully walked across a temporary bridge over the Yawning Sunder. It was bulit of rope and wood, and seemed not to be able to carry much more weight than his and the Toa's. But he got to the otherside without much of a problem, grumbling over Reptak's ability to fly and why he couldn't.The group continued to move along the coast of the island, entering into the great forest of Shadowtangle.

Edited by Magnus Greel
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IC: Levacius / ShadowtangleLevacius inspected the sword, and said, "It's nice, but I've seen better. Still, if you can make more of these, it'll have to do for now."He gave the sword back to Myr and said, "We need to leave here. Our goal is the Parched Wastes. Finding allies would be perfect."IC: Suicavel / Near Haven CoveNestled in the dark rocks, cloaked in shadow, Suicavel stared out towards the waters of Haven Cove, then turned back to the pass. Either way, travelers unwilling to risk the danger of scaling the mountains would come this way.He wouldn't enjoy fighting in the day, but it was the best he had.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC Kono - Ashring - Talking: "Sure, as long as I know exactly where it is, I can go as far as my powers can reach," he said, studying the map and their current location to know precisely where to go. He enveloped the two in shadow, and then transported them to the Cache area (which was luckily not too far away from them). "Alright, we're here, I think. Let's look around for that Cache," he said, beginning to search the area for the Cache.-Kono

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OOC: You haven't said your name, so he doesn't know.Not to mention only Amalia has recognized his name so far, when he (supposedly) was well known before his "death".And even if he had telepathy and knew all of these feelings, he wouldn't really care - he's insulted Makuta, Dark Hunters, Order of Mata-Nui agents, half the merchants on Stelt and Xia, and isn't scared of a single toa of iron crying about how good his craftsmanship was. You're not good until you prove it.IC: Levacius / Shadowtangle"Well obviously," said Levacius, drawing his longsword. "This things taken more damage than I have over ninety five thousand years of life, and it's pitifully rusted. I do not mean to insult you as a smith, but it's hard to know about your work when I don't even know your name."Sheathing the blade he said, "Blasted Shepherds. At least they leave some of you with weapons. Me? Had to find these things on some dead toa. Poor fool was even a full corpse. About one third of one."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: I could've sworn Myr had introduced himself to Levacius...IC:Myr was not surprised. "I had to craft this sword with metal from a cache case. You should see what I can do with protosteel." Myr took Levacius's comment as a challenge. "I can fix that, if you want. And my name's Myr, by the way. I've heard the stories about you, and frankly, I'm not impressed." Myr had been both admired and feared by thousands, not for his skill with a sword (which was considerable), but for the effectiveness of his weapons. Thousands had died by blades he had forged, and thousands more were going to when he escaped.

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IC: Grotir had seen the change in the map and knew what it meant. Time to hunt.She looked at her two allies. "Let's get the westernmost one," said she. Then the hybrid once more loped off the top of the Dragon's Roost and down towards the one past the Shimmering Maze. She intended to avoid it for the moment, merely wanting to get to the cache as fast as possible. Then again, it wasn't like the warrior was exactly averse to the idea of a fight...

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Levacius / ShadowtangleLevacius' eyes expressed that he was impressed, to a slight extent, but quickly faded. "Yes, Myr. I've seen your symbols on shipments before. As captain of the Griffon I, I had to smuggle an entire crate of your longswords from a Dark Hunters ship without them knowing and deliver it to my client. An impossible task... but not for me, me and my best infiltrator were in and out in ten minutes.""Your words express how little you know. However, if you do good here, perhaps you'll have a favored customer."He chuckled, "After all, with the Brotherhood fighting the Dark Hunters, nobody can stop my conquest this time."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Grotir saw the raven leave, however. She shrugged as she continued running and decided to finally respond to his offer."Maybe I will. They haven't done much to make me hate them yet, but if they do, I'll let you know," the hybrid said with another shrug.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Levacius / Shadowtangle"Well, considering my client was a Skakdi, I would assume they're scattered across Zakaz right now. Don't even ask how I got it through the barricade, but let's just say it involved a Zyglak and a sea squid with psionic powers."He chuckled. Definitely the most profitable agreement he had ever made with a Rahi, even if it had eaten the rest of his crew on their first encounter."And yes, I just saw you blast the sword into that tree. Perhaps you can demonstrate its effectiveness in combat upon the next enemy we face. I know of two Skakdi who, when the time is right, could do very well."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC:"If you think that's neat, get a load of this." replied Myr, who swung his arm quickly so that the end of the scabbard swung in front of his fist. Myr then jabbed at a tree. The end of the scabbard buried itself a good six inches into the trunk. "Ambidextrous only, I'm afraid."OOC: I just remembered, the sword had buried itself hilt-first(pommel spike) when Myr launched it.

Edited by Killer_myr
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IC: Nostala's worst fears were...not confirmed. There was no trap within the cache, it apparently was just a coincidence. Instead, safely contained within foam packaging was a syringe and a vial. The vial was clearly meant to go in the syringe and be injected into someone, injecting...whatever it was into the victim.The stuff filling the vial was odd. A sickly, almost luminous green viscous liquid that wallowed thickly in the glass tube. Those who had seen it before would have recognised it instantly. Hordika Venom...Amalia was wasting her time. The cache was not alive, had no mind, so there was nothing for her psychic powers to detect


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-==IC: Kairan//Parched Wastes==-"What is that...?" Kairan asked with a frown, as he approached Nostala, and saw the vial. He was still looking around to make sure no-one decided to attack them... But he was curious about this mysterious prize.

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OOC: ooh.....Since I have school for several hours, I'm going to give permission to any Wolf to say she and Kairan get back safely. So that I don't get ambushed and get the cache stolen from me while I'm gone. :PIC - Nostala - Parched Wastes: Well, they had found and opened the cache without a hitch. The 'prize' was puzzling. Still wary, Nostala moved closer to inspect it -- and then shut the case when she realized what the liquid was.Picking it up, she gestured to Kairan. "Hordika venom. That's an odd thing to put into the hands of prisoners," she said. "Not to mention a dangerous thing. Come on; this is something we need to make a decision on what to do with the rest of the group."Cache firmly in hand, the Artanian began walking quickly back toward the ruins.

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Well, Zeus & Hades are back. And running away.IC: Zeus & Hades / Escaping from The Shimmering MazeZeus and Hades knew they stood no chance against the Patronae member. So they ran. Hades used his shadow powers to create a mighty tendril that slammed through the ceilings until it reached outside, where it evaporated. Hades covered himself in shadwo, and created a platform that lifted him up to the outside, where he waited for Zeus.Zeus, recieving the message from Hades, used his light speed powers to quickly run put the wall, jump back, and catch the edge of the hole. He kept on doing this at lightspeed, and soon he was up were Hades was.


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-==IC: Kairan//Parched Wastes==-Kairan nodded grimly as Nostala mentioned what the liquid was."I've heard rumours about it, but only rumours. We'd definitely have to be careful with that, that's for sure." Kairan said, as he followed Nostala quickly, sword in hand.OOC: Don't worry, Kairan's there, nothing can go wrong. =P

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OOC: I have Computers for 5th period, so I have an opprotunity to post now.Quick Nostala! Become a Hordika!IC: Levacius / ShadowtangleLevacius chuckled, saying, "Sadly, I was never gifted with that - would probably make sword fighting easier, but I take what I've got at my disposal."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :Flagusa

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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