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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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OOC: Blast it Darkon!Why on earth, or whatever other planets people come onto BZP from (I don't want to discriminate if there's an alien here), would they just happen to be in the same area as Suicavel? On this entire island, why out of all places, would it be there? And how would they know it was him? Why would they interfere? How would it benefit them?Suicavel - Traced two victims from all the way at the Toothy BaneHades & Zeus - Hey, look, let's randomly attack that guy even though we've been badly injured.I mean, come on! You haven't even gone through the medical treatment post yet. <_<Plus, I'm tempted to argue the whole, "Only Takanuvas light is stronger" thing here just to be a pain. Considering as you're not even real toa, that's another thing, but since he was the only user of light at the time, I guess I have to let that pass.IC: Suicavel / ShadowtangleZeus never made the light through the shadow - Suicavel had already closed it up when he felt another attempting to tamper with his conjuration. The light made a large dent, but that, too, was covered once more.Hades was tired, and being less powerful than Suicavel as far as elemental powers, he was easily bested in attempting to control the darkness. Suicavel wasn't going to let him take control of his field again.The two would have to wait their turn to die.IC: Levacius / Parched WastesLevacius came over a large dune and examined the area. The purple flag, knocked over and with the area dug up around it. Ruins nearby. Light footprints that way. Figures nearby.Well, the other three couldn't see it all, but he could."Come on!" he said. "I can see potential recruits!"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: ShadowtangleIn the dark of the Shadowtangle forest, the earth began to move. Soil began to push up through the roots of an old oak tree, even as the roots writhed like snakes and moved aside. It was an eerie sight, but there was nobody around to witness it. Finally, a crack spilt the trunk, revealing the entrance to a small cave within the split. From the mouth of the cave emerged three Skakdi.They had found the cave and cracked tree the previous evening, and, with a bit of embellishment with earth and plantlife elemental powers, it had provided some shelter for them to spend the night.They had slept long and soundly in their improvised shelter, safe from marauding rahi and warriors. What a thing it was to sleep and dream on the Island of Pain! No nightmare could possibly match the reality here, though the three recent arrivals were yet to realise just how true that was.“Nice job on the tree, Krokk” said a grey one, Malok. “Nobody could have found us under there.”Krokk grunted in response. He was still a little sleepy, and right then the Skakdi of plantlife was busy growing them breakfast – fresh fruit and potatos.OOC: Krokk, Malok and Hatak open for interaction.


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IC: Shadowtangle Vertan didn't need a Makuta to protect him. As soon as the tentacle of Shadow neared him, the Skakdi felt the apendage brush against the spikes of his spine. Now that he knew something was about to grab him and where, Vertan swung his right arm, chopping off the tip, where the energy was thinner. He proceeded to leap from the rest of the tendril.While the light of his Fire abilities wouldn't pierce through darkness this thick, his heat powers would work nicely. If his powers were extinguished by this shadow, then something must be concentrating on it, so he needed to break that focus... and maybe a neck. Detecting where his attacker was through the heat of his body, Vertan located the source."Who has dared attack me?" demanded the Skakdi.He summoned heat energy, forcing it to increase in Suicavel. He would enjoy having his enemy melt.OOC: I'm pretty sure the Avsa drains physical energy, Levacius, not life energy. And I'm sure if Suicavel can't see Reptak, or know exactly where he is, he couldn't use his mask on him.IC: Parched WastesGreel stomped out of the building. After working hard to patch up the openings of the ruins, vines had sprouted from the ground and began breaking the old ruins.Some other Wolves stood outside, talking to some visiter. And they even seemed to have a cache. "What is going on?" OOC: Mt Ihu, I could send Vertan and Reptak to interact with your characters after the fight, if you want. :)

Edited by Magnus Greel
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OOC: He's been watching the two of you, and whilst Reptak thinks he's hidden, Suicavel knows where he's located. It never says anywhere the Avsa requires direct line of sight to use - ex. you can use it on a being behind a wall.Also - look, if I can't use the Avsa to instantly drain almost all of your energy like it was used in canon, you can't complain about what I call the energy it drains. Phyiscal energy, life energy (though I think that makes more sense), doesn't matter. It can still kill you.IC: Suicavel / ShadowtangleSuicavel withdrew the tendril for only a moment before strengthening it, and splitting it down the middle to create two. Shadow, as has been previously stated, has no energy. And as there was no light, Vertan was completely oblivious to the two silent killers swinging at him from both sides. Drawing all of his shadow tendrils in, he teleported, and once more released them upon Vertan and Void."Pathetic Patronage! You dance around this island as if you have any authority or power. Prepare to meet destruction that your masters could never hope to save you from!"IC: Levacius / Parched WastesLevacius came over the next dune. He was now within effective sight, not using the mask, of the Wolves of Liberty base.There were a lot of them gathering outside... around Terizov! Blast, what had that bird got himself into now!Coming forward, he raised his hand to the sky and two bolts of lightning struck down nearby - close enough to startle the Wolves and get their attention, but not to cause harm to any of them.Lowering it, he continued his approach, stopping close enough to give a good show of himself."My name is Levacius, Captain of the Griffon II. I would request you do not attempt to eat the bird, as he is a friend of mine. And if you are willing to listen to what I have to say - I can get you all off of this island.""Please let that be intimidating enough, please let that be intimidating enough."IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes RuinsElynirus turned, looking quizzically at the being. Who was this with such gall to come upon them, make an attack, and then request them listen to him?-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-Kairan sighed, as another person who was attacking decided to approach, but looked up as he mentioned about getting off the island."I take it you want off as well?" Kairan asked, curious.Although I probably could have countered those lightning bolts, he seems like he might be able to help us in our goals... Kairan thought, though was still a little wary about this person, since he had attacked.

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IC: Levacius / Parched Wastes"Of course..." said Levacius. "We all do. Except maybe Team Patronage, but they matter little to the great plan at the moment."Pacing about as he moved in, he said, "So, others have begun to gather? Judging by the fact you're the one speaking to me, you would be the leader. Quite the rabble you've gathered together."He stopped his pacing and said, "But we're all a rabble now, aren't we? Unorganized. But not a common one. One made up of powerful beings.""I make you the same offer as everybody else - take a moment and listen to what I have to say. Then, if you like what you hear, we can begin our work to crush the Shepherds."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-"Alright then, let's hear the plan." Kairan said with a nod. He didn't fully trust this person just yet, but that was more because of the fact that he tried to get attention by attacking the group. However, more people was definitely what they needed. And for some reason, that guy looked almost familiar.

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OOC: Two things I want to point out:1: Zeus & Hades, as stated in their first point, had a small camp like area set up where the had game and other supplies. That is why they are heading back. If I have time, I'll edit that in there.2: Suicavel's power over shadow is not greater than Hades'. You stated he had elemental control over shadow. So does Hades. Equal level. Please edit, or remember that in future posts.IC: Zeus & Hades / Fighting SuicavelDuring all of the arrogant boasting Suicavel was making, Zeus had began to create a Ball of pure light energy, making it slowly larger. When satisfied, he threw it directly at the dome, aided by Hades forcing the shadow to weaken.


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IC Klastio - Ruins - Listening:Klastio almost unsheathed his sword, but stopped and put the sword away as the new arrival only wished to speak. A plan of escape? This Klastio had to hear. He could fly, and had been flying for the longest time on the island (no, not all the time), he had seen no exits, no openings through which a person on the island could escape through. Klastio hadn't even pondered on an escape since the first few weeks he had been on the island, and since then he had found any attempts at escape futile. Unless this person could warp them all out, or had some kind of scheme up his sleeve to either kill or distract the Shepherds while they all got away, he wasn't going to buy into his plans. --IC Kono - Parched Wastes - Claiming Cache: Kono sighed, apparently Amalia was incapable of defeating so many tiny foes. "I got them," he said, creating a large ball of shadow around the swarm of Dust Darters, effectively encasing the lot of them in a field of energy that he could control at will. "They cannot escape, no matter how hard they try," he said, holding the ball away from Amalia, allowing her to move in and claim the Cache once and for all. -Kono

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OOC: Moving the group along.IC: Grotir bit into a hunk of meat and chewed thoughtfully. Slightly scorched, but Ajax'd kept it above the lava only long enough for 'slightly scorched' as opposed to 'fully charred'. At its center the scorpion still possessed some water within that flesh of the tail.The three's cooking had been successful. The longest part of the process was getting warmth spread throughout its armor to high enough temperatures that they could hear its moisture sizzling. After letting it roast a little more there, the three had put it on the hot volcanic rock nearby for a good while longer. The procedure had ensured its safety to eat. They then had removed the armor carefully and cut the flesh up. Now Grotir was just having a grand old time. After eating she'd construct armor and bags for carrying from the scorpion's and worm's skin and armor. For now she just ate, watched the surrounding area, and waited for the next caches' locations to appear on the map.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Perhaps equal power, but Suicavel uses his powers a lot more. He may be lacking to Hades physically (or not), but he's a master of his element.IC: Suicavel / ShadowtangleSuicavel caused a pulse of shadow energy to burst out from himself when he sensed the shadow weakening. To those within, including Vertan and Void, it was only a minor attack. To those outside, the shadow struck out in a wave. The shadow swept over the area, towards Hades and Zeus both, neutralizing the orb of light completely.IC: Levacius / Parched Wastes"You must first understand a few things - tell me, whoever you are, why do you think you're on the Island of Pain?""All of you think of that. Think of yourselves. Think of those you've faced in battle. And tell me - how powerful are you?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-"Well, I believe that we're here for the Shepherd's entertainment, after whoever had the biggest grudge against us paid the Shepherds." Kairan said, as he stated the obvious, or so it seemed to him.

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IC: Terizov: Parched Wastes:"Do not tease me, vermin. I merely came here to ask for an audience. Ah, my Lord! You are here! But alas, this pesky one who's brain is the size of a Gukko's asked me for more bird friends. Explain what we've come here for," Terizov snarled.IC: Amalia: Parched Wastes:It is fine. Kono finally took action, Amalia said back to Levacius. She answered Kono's call and dove into the cache site, zipping by the crumpled dust darters. She lifted the cache in the air, and opened the contents-- a safe distance away.

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OOC: I don't believe you stated that in your profile. In fact a just checked. You didn't. You are on the same level of power in shadow control as Hades.IC: Zeus and Hades / Fighting SuicavelHades walked into the wave, absorbing it. As he continued to walk, he began to absorb every shadow in the nearby area, slowly replenishing his empty energy. When he reached the dome, he absorbed it to, bringing his energy level to 3/4 full.Zeus stood back until the dome was absorbed, and focused all his powers into increasing the sunlight tenfold, and twenty-fold around him.


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OOC: Personally, if it's different things, I think it matters.IC: ShadowtangleOnce again, Vertan was able to avoid the tendrils of death by feeling them with his spines. This time they touched the spikes that ran down the spines on his upper arms, allowing his to duck as he felt their presence. The tentacles slammed together above his head, while he moved off to the side, detecting more shadowy apendages with his spikes. He hacked at them with his blade where he felt them, cutting the tendrils to pieces."Reptak, I think someone's jealous," he said, grinning, depite not knowing if his "friend" was present.His heat powers allowed him to find Suicavel again... and three others? Fine. They interferred, maybe he'd kill them too.This time, though, he wouldn't focus his powers just on Suicavel, but on the surrounding area, like his shadow field. Already he began raising the temperature, going to unbearable levels, at which point only a Fire-wielder like him could remain concious. Anyone who wanted to live would have enough time to leave before fainting from the heat.Reptak's cloud stirred angrily, moving upward and out of the darkness, away from the range of the Avsa. He wasn't a fool; if he couldn't see his enemy and stay fighting, then there was no reason to continue the battle. Those Shadow types could shift through their element to another location, so that only added to his reasons. Plus, it was starting to get even hotter than a jungle should be. While Suicavel had locked him in shadow, he did manage to escape. The problem was the Shadow monster had too many things to focus on all at once. The huge field of darkness; the power of the Avsa; the tendrils of shadow; the new intruders that were forcing light into the area, which he was repairing; the shadow lock; and teleporting. No matter his level of control, he couldn't concentrate on all of it at once. The Skakdi needn't worry about crashing into tree branches on the way up, for his pieces were too small to be crushed. He slipped through the spaces as he moved through the canopy. It was possible the darkness went into the sky as well, but not far, he hoped.

Edited by Magnus Greel
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IC: Zeus and Hades / Fighting SuicavelHades' protosteel skin protected him, but Zeus had no such luck. He ran back at the speed of light, moving just beyond the area of raised heat, and began to once again increase the "Sunshine"'s brightness to blindable levels. Hades covered himself with a cloak of pure shadow energy.


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IC/KinikaKinika cleared his throat to get Grotir's attention. "That Observer, uh, can I have it?"He supposed he could reprogram it like he did the other tech. The sheppards, for the most part, seemed to underestimate the ability of the captives.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: "Whatever," Grotir said with a shrug. She opened her holster, grabbed the squirming Observer, and chucked it at Kinika. With all that metal plus an Observer, he would certainly be able to make something useful.Meanwhile, Grotir herself moved on. The hybrid popped out her knuckle-blades and began to slice the leathery skin of the worm carefully. Using her macuahuitl as a measuring tool, she began to get strips of it to make a pack with.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC/KinikaCatching the Observer with one hand, Kinika pulled out his pocket knife. He flipped open a screwdriver, and began tapping at the thing. It was squirming, but he held on tightly. He found a small plate, and unscrewed it. The Observer instantly stopped moving."Shall I program it to recognize both our voices, or just mine?" he asked Grotir.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Ajax / Dragon's RoostAjax finished his meal in silence, chossing to ignore the Matoran's comment, knowing that confrontation would result in a very, very violent ending."Grotir, the team needs to practice their combat skills." He said out of the blue, his unsettiling white and blue eyes glancing at her. "I've been thinking about how long it was between caches last time, and realizied that I got rusty in between. I'm not sure if you did, but I believe we should maintain our edge."

Edited by Lord Darkon


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IC: Grotir shrugged. "Sorry. I couldn't have captured it otherwise."She looked at Ajax, still cutting through the leathery skin. "Let's do so after we each finish making something," the hybrid suggested. "That way, we don't try to fight early and get cramps and also acquire a new tool each before anything else."

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Rynekk Simul - Parched Wastes/Oasis Ruins/ListeningRynekk began flanking Levacius, cautious of this newcomer.'Depends, how powerful are you,' he said slowly.IC: Void - Shadowtangle/In shadow-construct/Fighting SuicavelVoid was being knocked senseless in almost utter darkness. When was the last time that had happened?Never. That was why he didn't appreciate. He got back to his feet, shouting, 'Come out and face me, coward!'-Void



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IC: Umaroth: Parched Wastes:Umaroth quickly found a ruin after his departure from Shimmering Maze. The ruin had appeared to have been used by a Plantlife user(Terizov's old ruin). He ran straight through the spiny wall, leaving a blur of particles. He saw that an oasis was in place. Umaroth slid off his armor and cloak, and proceeded to clean his wounds.

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OOC: I still haven't figured out how you were allowed all the benefits of a Skakdi with the same elemental powers of a toa, so at the very least, you would be less potent with them.@ Magnus Greel; How are your spikes sensing them? They were six feet away, and then snapped shut like two fly swatters. Of death.OOC 2: Okay, this is how I see it. Vertan can't see anything, that includes Hades and Zeus and Suicavel, save with heat. Reptak can see nothing at all. Thus, when this happens, it should be fun to watch.IC: Suicavel / ShadowtangleHades failed to absorb all of the shadow zone before Suicavel released a massive pulse of shadow energy. The shadow covered over a much larger area, in addition to being an attack - within burst range of even Reptak, and as a burst, being in pieces might even be worse for him. It also blocked the light from Zeus' powers.Freed from having to use the Avsa by Reptak leaving range, he teleported away before dispersing the shadow. Hades, under the effect of his own shadow barrier from before, was completely concealed from sight. Suicavel willed a massive burst of shadow to strike from its exterior, flying towards Vertan.The fire skakdi didn't know where Suicavel was, but as far as he could tell, Hades had just attacked him.IC: Levacius / Parched Wastes Ruins"Wrong," said Levacius. "That's not why you're here. Think about yourself, the others around you, and how you've fought. You're not average beings, any of you. Are you? Powerful leaders, elite bodyguards, master smiths, independent barbarians, even a few talking Rahi - for example, Terizov, a being as yourself. Certainly superior to some average Rahi! And with powers to back it up."Looking to Rynekk, he said, "My powers are that of a normal toa, though with the experience of multiple life times to back it up. Some how, most of you never picked up a tablet and studied it, or you would have known upon my name - Levacius - just how potent of a word that was before the Brotherhood got involved.""Entertainment fits it very well. See, the Island of Pain isn't a prison, or a torture cell. It's an arena. We are gladiators, the best warriors from across the Matoran Universe. Gathered here, for what? Sport? NO! We have been gathered here to fight each other - no doubt, you've had your fair share. And who are the champions? Team Patronage. How do you become a champion? Take his head, and claim his throne!"Getting himself excited was important for a speech, and the opening pitch was important - as such, his voice was not one of conversation. "But what is a gladiatorial ring to the Shepherds? They have much better they can do for entertainment! This is a training grounds! Fight us down, slowly but surely, from a hundred, to a couple dozen, to only six. Team Patronage, the Shepherds lackies.""They are training a group to serve them! There own elite guard. From amongst the best and brightest they can capture. That is why we're here! That is why we are stuck here, on this island!""But we do not need to play their games! They come to this island - I have seen their ship! I know how they come here! And I know we can free them from the island one way or another!"Looking around, he said, "If you would show me and my companions inside, perhaps I can show you that plan."Picking up Amalias message in the back of his mind, he responded to her by saying, "Send Terizov a message and have him show you the way here. I'm preoccupied with convincing a very large group to not gut him - or me - or the others I found."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-Kairan raised an eyebrow at what Levacius said, and then suddenly the realization of who he was clicked in his mind, and Kairan nodded."I believe you." Kairan said, and nodded."I think that all the more help we have, the better." Kairan said, and then smiled."You might have been able to use a better way of getting our attention, but I understand that you really do wish to get off the island, and are on our side." Kairan said, as he nodded to the ruins."You can join us inside, and we can talk more there." Kairan said, and nodded to the others to not attack, as he lead the way into the ruins.OOC: Okay, so, we did finally all meet up. And now we've got a huge party. Now it'll be time for things to get ramped up to 11. ;)

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OOC: The part of his spine that branches off from the main part on his back that connects to his forearm is lined with spikes, and is on either side of him. As soon as the tendrils touched the ends of his spines, he dropped, letting them close above him.Also, if Suicavel can't see, then how is he able to attack everyone? I understand if it's by sound, but then his assaults wouldn't be as accurate.IC: ShadowtangleReptak was hit by the oncoming Shadow wave, which began scattering his cloud. As soon as he felt this, he threw out every once of his concentration to keep them together. It succeeded... somewhat. A wisp of him remained whole, while the other particles moved away. He decided to move with the burst, heading out in front of it and ordering his separate pieces to follow and combine. When the blast finally settled, he was a little more collected, but still just a puff of crystal dust. The Skakdi rose up again up through the canopy, his distant parts drifting towards that spot as well. Unfortunately for Suicavel, Vertan knew exactly where he was. It didn't mean he knew about the blast, though. Well, that broke his focus, but the heat would still remain until cooled down. It had already reached the point for metal to start to burn, so his opponents had that to look forward to.As for Vertan, he slammed into a tree... maybe two or three. He groaned, but he was still large, so he didn't break anything like a smaller creature. As far as he knew, Suicavel had hit him. He didn't know what power Hades held, especially with all the dark around and only heat to see with. At least the shadow was gone.IC: Parched Wastes"Hold on," Greel said. "Did you just say you saw their ship, and know how they get here? Do you know if the Shepherds come here?"

Edited by Magnus Greel
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OOC: In the shadows, he just "felt out" where you were, basically.IC: Levacius / Parched Wastes RuinsComing to Greel, he said, "Yes, I did. Thought I escaped unseen but, well..." he motioned to the dome. "It's hard to bypass a Makuta."Following Kairan into the ruins, he thought about the area. Well defended, it was a perfect place to guard against.IC: Elynirus / Parched WastesWalking up from behind Greel, Elynirus said, "I don't trust him. He thinks to inspire us with his name, but he was a warlord. A murderer of hundreds. How do we know he doesn't just want to use us as cannon fodder?"IC: Levacius (Part 2)"So what is your name?" he asked Kairan. "It is much easier to talk with one you are familiar with."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: No, they are not less potent. My characters have one elemental power, and one special power. No vision powers. They are on the same power-level as a Toa or any race I can think of, and thus they can use their powers just as dangerously as a Toa or a Skakdi could. IC: Zeus & Hades / Fighting SuicavelHades smilied, making all the shadows around him controt to his will. "Your power is also mine, Demon." He said as he absorbed all the shadow around him in a 20 foot radius. As soon as he had absorbed it, he stopped the shadow attack on the Skakdi, turning it into a ball of pure energy in his hand. He teleported to Zeus, ready to fight side-by-side.Zeus's previous ignored multiple light based attacks prevented the shadows from getting close to him all this time, and they continuted to do so. When Hades appeared next to him, and forced the shadows to obey him, he took the time he was given and created a massive burst of light energy, completely destroy the shadow dome, (Along with the lightwave) and granting him the sense of sight. And also hurting Suicavel, considering that the shadow had been forcefully removed that fast, giving him no time to teleport.


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IC: Suicavel / ShadowtangleThe shadows parted to reveal that Suicavel was indeed gone.Far into the shadows of Shadowtangle - Zeus would be unable to reach him with light speed due to the obstruction, even if any of them knew where he was - Suicavel cursed. Once more, some metagaming player random meet up had led to him being outnumbered and driven away.This would not happen again oh wait, it probably will because for some reason you have a high chance of being in the exact same place on the island.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Geez, no need to be mean. I simply said you ignored those attacks, and now you're almost at the level of trolling.IC: Zeus and Hades / ShadowtangleZeus cursed as the strike revealed the Demon had once again left the scene. Hades returned back to normal form, walking over to Zeus to converse on what to do.


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IC: Terizov: Parched Wastes:"How do you know if he kept all the islands in peace?" Terizov said to Elynirus, overhearing her comment.IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:Orssa had listened to the newcomer silently. All of this made sense now, and the Wolves could become even stronger.IC: Doru Araeba: Parched Qastes:Doru at first not trusted Levacius, but now, he realized, these things al fell together-- like a puzzle.

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OOC: *Calms down*I'm not trying to be mean, or to troll, I'm telling you how it is - those two were badly injured in battle. They never tried to recover from their injuries, but immediately attacked - you say you saw it from within Shadowtangle (it being the shadow dome), but considering the size of the area, that's incredibly unlikely.Think about it from their perspective - they're in no condition to fight. They had no way to assume Suicavel was the cause of the shadow, and even if they did, they know that he was able to fend them off before - the way they are now, he would be a danger to them.You should be roleplaying, keepingIC: Elynirus / Parched WastesSurprised at the birds hearing and ability to pick her comment up, Elynirus replied to it, "He didn't control anything other than the continent. Thank Mata-Nui. Keep in mind, this was long before my creation, and I was from the Southern Islands regardless. He was no better than the League of Six Kingdoms. Wanted everything under his control. I hate to say this, but...""Let's just say, he would use the Hordika venom on somebody if it would benefit him."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-"My name is Kairan, Toa of Lightning, and leader of this group." Kairan said, keeping up the charade of being leader... With everyone else here, he had no idea who of the others he could trust.OOC: Kairan's operating under the assumption that Levacius's just as willing to get out any way possible. =P Especially since he's, you know, wanted.

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