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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Something caught Amalia's eye as she flew above Parched Waste. A cloud of dust billowing about in the wind. Except that it wasn't moving anywhere. No matter which way the wind was blowing, the cloud remained resolutely in place. And the purple flag demoting a cache was poking up out of itGrotir saw a similar flag, only the danger surrounding the cache was more obvious this time. The flag was sticking out of a slowly bubbling patch of molten magma. Apparently the cache was underneath it


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IC: ShadowtangleVertan made his way through the jungle of Shadowtangle. His partner was no where to be seen, but his work could be heard. While he carried the prisoner, Reptak took care any Rahi that came to close for a meal. They cried and roared as they were mercilessly slain by the cloud-like Skakdi of Air.On the way, Vertan entertained himself with thoughts about his reward. The imaginery sword returned, sounding better every moment. With it, he could know the true power of Fire, control and create without Reptak's presence. He could be stronger, better, fiercer, and no longer relay on eyebeams and force bolts to do the job.They kept to the eastern side of the forest, close to the shore and the mountains to their right. Soon, this Toa Reya would be on the beach, be taken by the Shepherds of Flesh, and know fear.

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IC: Amalia: Parched Wastes:Amalia's jaw dropped at the sight of the dust devil-- in place. To her, physics were being undone. There was no way there could be a whirlwind in one place, unless it was a vaccum. She flew to high enough to inspect the internal section of the whirlwind without being sucked in.

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IC: Haven CoveVertan had emerged from the tree line of Shadowtangle, now walking on plant-free ground. The land was uneven and hilly, and composed of grey rock. Mountains that formed the eastern range of Toothy Bane rose up by him, with the sea to his left.The Skakdi had quickened his pace to Haven Cove, not wanting to run into any problems problems along the way. Thanks to the Shepherds, probably most slaves were drawn to the north and northwestern section of the island, so that left only Rahi to deal with.As he thought about it, Vertan realized he didn't need to go cache hunting. As long as he did his job of torturing and killing slaves here, the masters would provide equipment for his services. It wasn't their fault he had been poisoned, he was being foolish enough to chase after the games of the Shepherds. That was for non-Patronage to do. But he'd help Reptak if the Skakdi wanted to go after, but it was something he didn't care about anymore.The beach lay ahead. Vertan's clawed feet kicked up white sand as he neared the center of Haven Cove. There didn't seem to be a sign of the Pale Burnak around, but he assumed the Shepherds would arrive soon. The Skakdi of Fire thought he heard the shifting of crystal behind him, evidence Reptak was near, though he didn't see the Skakdi.Now Vertan stood in the center of the peaceful looking beach. He hated the place; it was too... nice.

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IC: Elynirus / Parched WastesElynirus looked out to see Nostala and Kairan coming back over the camp. "Here come our leaders. Wonder what they found..."IC: Levacius / Shadowtangle"It is time to make our way towards Parched Wastes," announced Levacius. "The more allies, the better, and we can probably find many there. What with the caches and all."Walking back through the web of trees, after retrieving his lightstone, he said, "Come, let us make haste!"OOC: @ ToDD; Your lack of posting is make time mess up. By this point, with the map up, Jontan would have been without air for fifteen minutes to an hour, and long dead, but somehow that's only a few seconds time. Thanks. Thanks a lot. :P-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Haven CoveFrom behind Vertan and to his right, Reptak began piecing himself back together. They would be meeting the Shepherds of Flesh for the first time, which made him wonder what they were exactly, and if Caretakers might be popping up all over the place for protection. As he reformed, he noticed the black dot on the map with Levacius' image next to it. So, that's where he was! There was no need to track him down, note which directiong he went in, the Shepherds had done that already. So, thought Reptak, almost completely whole again, he can run, but never hide. There is nowhere he can go without us knowing, and now we can use that to our advantage. A trap can be set, and he will fall like his Water friend here. If he can't be caught, I wonder if the slavers will send Patronage after him. How fun that will be to watch. Finally in one piece, he grinned a nasty grin. I hope he finds his burning ship as a perfect present from us. Seeing as how he hasn't been there yet, it must be in ashes by now.

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IC: Levacius / ShadowtangleAs those thoughts passed Reptaks mind, similar things went through his enemies -"So, the Shepherds have a tracker on me. Perfect. It means I can lure enemies into traps. Of course, it means I have to be careful, but I was already careful. So that makes no difference to me.""I wish Amalia would send a message already. I don't like not knowing. She and Kono, with any luck, followed my instructions and got to the ship with Reya to inform her about what happened. Unless, of course, one or both of them betrayed my trust.""Tell me, Myr," he asked on a whim. "You were known for the more bizzare of weaponry. Any ideas we can make use of as far as siege weaponry? When the Shepherds come, I would like to have something bigger than a longsword to fight them with. Perhaps some ballistae to set up. Maybe a captapult... certainly have enough wood. And building a fleet of ships? Well, that would be nice. You could provide the metal required, couldn't you?"He stopped, coming upon what appeared to be the dead, half eaten corpse of some kind of dragon creature (OOC: The long left to rot corpse of Krija.). Inspecting it, he found a kanohi and two katana, which he took without saying a word.Twirling the two, he said, "Like I said. Some of us are dropped off with better weapons than others."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Plagia - Parched Wastes/Oasis Ruins/RepairingPlagia wiped her brow and frowned. She and Rynekk had been building supports the building(s?) on and off for the better part of the night, but it never seemed any closer to completion.'Here come our leaders,' she heard over the distance. She turned to see Nostala and Kairan returning, looking none the worse from when they left.'Hey guys,' she called out, welding forgotten for the moment, 'How'd it go?'-Void



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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-"Oddly, it went surprisingly well." Kairan said, as he chuckled."The cache wasn't trapped or anything. Has the weirdest contents, however." Kairan said with a frown, but then smiled."So, how's things here, everything going well?" Kairan asked, curious.

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan looked at Nostala with a frown for a moment, and then looked at Elynirus."Hordika Venom." Kairan simply stated, wondering if he should have said that right at that moment.

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IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes RuinsPerhaps he shouldn't have."What?" she shouted out. "Of all the terrible things you could of found, it's Hordika Venom! You should destroy it at once, before it can fall into the wrong - nay, anybodies hands! Why didn't you destroy it back there!?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-"Well, for one, we wanted to check with the rest of the team to make sure everyone agreed about what to do. Especially since that was the only thing we found." Kairan explained, but did grimly nod at what Elynirus said."I've heard rumours myself. Another reason we just didn't dispose of it there, however, was because we didn't want to get attacked, and to make sure it's properly disposed of, we have to make sure that no-one else could use it... And getting killed while you're about to destroy something makes it kinda hard to properly do that." Kairan added, but understood from what he had heard why Elynirus didn't want it around.

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IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:"It does not matter if we have it-- it matters what we do with it," Orssa said to Elynirus.IC: Amalia: Parched Wastes:Amalia remembered to give Levacius a report on what she and Kono have done: 'Levacius! Reya's location is unknown to us, we are at the Parched Wastes/Ashring Cache, and Terizov is also gone. I will try to claim the cache. Farewell...' Amalia proceeded to take the cache via telekinesis, and tried to pull it out of the vaccum's grasp.IC: Terizov: Parched Wastes:Terizov saw a ruin being reconstructed by some beings. He swooped down on top of the roof of the ruin, squawking. Maybe someone would notice him.IC: Doru Araeba: Shadowtangle:"Who is Amalia? Your Psionicist?" Doru asked.

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IC: Ajax / Helping GroitrAjax nodded, and focused. He put out his hand palm foward, and a large bone spike shot out, turning into a simple three fingered hand that grabbed the cache and brought it back. He cursed as the bone began to melt. It colapsed right at his feet. He leaned down and picked his prize up.


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IC: Grotir also laid her macuahuitl on the cache, if only the tips of several obsidian blades. While she had not obtained it, she was the leader and they were a team. They'd get equal dibs.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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IC Kono - Parched Wastes - Claiming Cache: Kono watched as Amalia flew above the location of the Cache, trying to pull it out of the dust cloud that it was in.--IC Klastio - Parched Wastes Ruins - Talking: "Hordika venom? Heh, must've been a total pain to get that," he said, thinking up a whole situation in which someone could extract hordika venom from a visorak. "I don't know why they don't call it Visorak venom, since that's what it really is," he said, walking over to get a look at the venom for himself.-Klastio

Edited by Skarloth
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OOC: Levacius never said that out loud.IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes"Rumors? Kairan, Hordika Venom is the most potent transformative substance, save energized protodermis, in our universe - certainly the most potent biological one! If that gets into somebody... I dread to think about it! If it wound up with Jontan, or someone like him, they would be turned into something potentially more powerful, and certainly more dangerous!" she continued."I'm sorry - you were right to come here first, but it has to be destroyed!"IC: Levacius / Shadowtangle"Loud and clear." replied Levacius to Amalia before she closed off. "See to it you keep me informed."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan nodded."I've never actually heard any of the facts about that." Kairan admitted, but nodded again."Well, anyone else agree? If so, then I'll try to destroy the venom." Kairan said, though people would have to have a very good reason to not want it destroyed.

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IC Klastio - Parched Wastes Ruins - Talking: "I say we get rid of it, even if we can use it, that will only take care of one guy out there. Not really worth it unless we can infect someone like Jontan or Suicavel, and we'll have a real karz of a time trying to do that," he said, not really seeing any other reasons to keep the venom. -Klastio

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IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes"You would suggest doing that? This is no mere poison to kill! This isn't even a slow killer! It is the mind killer. To infect a being with it, or one self, is a terrible thing - not something of good, but of evil. Not even the Shepherds deserve such a fate!" she protested.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC - Nostala - Ruins: Nostala had set down the cache and opened it for the others to look at the prize, allowing them to argue over it while she sat in thought."Hordika Venom..." she said absentmindedly. "What kind of prize is that?"She sighed. Then, looking back at the others, "The Shepherds are expecting whoever found the venom to utilize it as a weapon. That's the only reason they would have put it in a cache; no one is dumb enough to use it on themselves, especially with the inhibiting effect it has on the mind, special powers and Kanohi. If we're going to make a stand against them as we've said we are, then the right option would be to destroy it, no questions asked - we aren't as morally low as they are, certainly not enough to use such a destructive substance on another being." She looked away, turning her gaze back toward the hole in the ceiling. "This shouldn't even be a debate, unless one of you knows for a fact that by injecting it into yourself you'll only enhance your abilities due to some previously unknown mutation in your DNA. I say we destroy the venom and use the materials from the cache - including the vial and syringe - for our own purposes."

Edited by Parugi

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IC - Nostala - Ruins: "Do we have a right to freedom if we act in the same manner as our oppressors?" Nostala responded. "Answer this, Orssa: If we forcibly mutate someone and then manipulate them into our service, with no given consent from them, is the situation any different than the Shepherds capturing us and forcing us to play their survival game? I don't think so. I don't think turning someone into a slave is justifiable in any set of circumstances. You're free to think and do otherwise, but I can't in good conscience help in a plan like that."

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OOC: Shameless quote time.IC: Elynirus / Shadowtangle"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings - all freedoms. That's what we fight for. The name, Wolves of Liberty. Would we strip others of their liberty to gain our own? Nay, that is the goal only of evil. Of those who serve it.""A rebellion needs morals, Orssa. We need rules. Otherwise, we're just a mindless rabble who do as they please."She thought. "The question isn't what to do with it - that is painfully obvious. The question is how to destroy it."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Wow, of all the things I was imagining might happen after introducing Hordika Venom, a complex debate on the nature of choice and freedom wasn't one of them. Go you guys :)IC: Amalia got two things from using telekinesis. The first was the cache flag, the long pole wasn't actually attached to the cache. Clearly the Shepherds had planned against psychic powers, just as they had in Dragon's Roost.The second was much worse. Part of the cloud detached from the rest, flowing through the air towards her. As it neared she heard a low, ominous buzzing. It wasn't a cloud of dust, it was a swarm of Dust Darters! They'd devour her in seconds!IC: Ajax had to drop the cache sharpish. Just because it was out of the lava, didn't mean it had cooled down. Once it had though, and was safe for them to touch and open. In it were a pair of gauntlets, each one with a trio of spikes resting on them. It appeared they could extend past the knuckles if the hand inside the glove went through the right motions.OOC: Nuparu Inika's tri-spikes by way of Wolverine :P


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IC: Amalia: Parched Wastes:Amalia scoffed as she flew out of the direction. of the pole. These were mindless animals. She reached out with her mind, forcing them to obey her. If that did not work, a simple stasis field of telekinesis would stop them short.

Edited by Rakata
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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan thought he heard the squawking of a Rahi off in the distance, but was paying more attention to the current debate."I also believe we should destroy it." Kairan stated, as he nodded at Nostala."We could definitely use the other materials for things; but one question..." Kairan said, and paused for a moment."How would we get all the venom out of the vial? It would be vital to not have any still in there, after all." Kairan noted, with a slight frown.

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IC: Amalia's mind control didn't work on the darters. They were just too stupid, they didn't notice anything but their own all-consuming hunger. Her telekinetic shield worked though, pinning the angry insects in place.Then the rest of the swarm charged at her from behind...IC: Once more the trim clipper sailed into Haven Cove, right through the dome as though it wasn't even there. As it landed a squad of four Caretakers leaped out, coloured in black and gold livery. They formed a line in the sand as the Makuta emerged from the ship's interior."I hear you have a present for us."


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IC: Suicavel / Toothy BaneSuicavel noticed the powerful being as it approached from the clipper. He knew immediately what it was - it was incredibly powerful, and incredibly evil. A Makuta! Here, in the flesh (or lack thereof).No doubt, he had already sensed him. Nothing passes by a being with mind reading abilities. Not to mention other enhanced senses, the inevitable caretakers.What to do? Crush him, demonstrating his power? No, impossible - he wouldn't stand a chance. Or would he? No, he wouldn't stand a chance. But what if?Of course, he could go with his plan to serve him. But that would be difficult to do. The Makuta would simply strike him down like an insect. Cloaking the area in darkness would be useless, and if he approached, the Makuta could strip him of his own powers. No, this wasn't a good situation.Who were those Skakdi? Who were they carrying?Well, that was an easy question to answer - they were a meal. They were carrying a peace offering. They were his next target.Vanishing into a nearby cave, he decided to wait this out. He could catch a snack once this was done...IC: Levacius / Shadowtangle"Let's get moving," said Levacius, heading through the woods whilst testing the balance of the katanas. They were incredibly elegant and light, as all blades of such forging are, but were not of his liking. Sure, he could use two larger weapons, but having one of them smaller was more to his style. Perhaps he could have Myr put aside the fancy technology for a moment and forge him some better blades once they had a forge up and running.Slicing with them, he managed to cut a swathe through the bushes in front of him. Whatever that dragon thing was, he was glad he didn't have to fight it over getting them."You know," he said, moving through the bushes - light indicated they had almost reached Stony Leap - "I'm sort of surprised. I've seen the slaves here attempt many things. But you know what I've never seen? A fortress. Plenty of iron and stone users. Of course, not many have the knowledge to built a strong, permanent fortification, especially with others trying to destroy or take them from each other. But you would think that at least one or two ruins of them would be seen. Like the remnants of a..."He stopped short at Shadowtangles edge, staring out at Stony Leap. Remnants of a fortress, pieces of a destroyed bridge of metal, a massive block of stone with a destroyed castle on top, a massive crater nearby from which it came. Dead bodies all over..."What in Artahka's name happened here?!" he demanded to nobody in particular.IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes"Why the Karzahni would we need something like that?" asked Elynirus. "There is no point in it! A bottle and a syringe are useless to us. Just dig a hole, destroy the items, and let the venom rot. Hordika venom isn't going to mutate the sand. Well... I hope it doesn't. That would be pretty bad, I guess. Maybe a troller would eat the envenomed sand and mutate?"As people pondered that, she said, "Of course not! That's why there's a syringe! You don't drink it, the venoms injected."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: I'll assume the gauntlets aren't protosteel in my editing of her profile to reflect these changes.IC: Grotir nodded in acknowledgement. She strapped her macuahuitl onto her back and then removed the crude cesti, dropping them on the ground. "Kinika, you may have these. I can rework them if you wish," she explained while strapping on the new gloves.Then the hybrid tried them out. Grotir began to flex her hands slowly and cautiously. sniktThe spikes lengthened with barely a sound to serrated blades the length of long knives for her. It had taken Grotir a few tries, but she now remembered the right hand configuration to cause them to spring forth. After a little more playing around with the unsheathing and sheathing of the blades on the gauntlets, the warrior became certain she had the basic movements down to extend the spikes and retract them. She stood up straight and stated: "The other caches are probably taken by now. I saw several groups out on the Ashring and the Parched Wastes from our vantage point close to both. We should therefore move back to the Dragon's Roost," the leader continued, "this time through the Ashring to avoid the fighting at the Shimmering Maze. There we can eat, rest, practice, and build in safety.""Unless," she added, purely to appease the others, "You have better ideas?"

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan didn't respond to the second part of Elynirus's rant, however, he addressed the first part."What if there's an antidote that requires a syringe or vial, that isn't given by the Shepherds, that we need to have? We could use the vial or syringe from this instead." Kairan pointed out.

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IC: Haven Cove Vertan dropped to one knee, bowing and proceeding to place Reya from his shoulder to the sand before him. He looked at the ground, his head down, as she laid there. One of his masters was here; time to show respect, especially as he was here in person."My master," the Patronage member said, filling his voice with a great deal of loyalty. "How generous of you to come. We have brought you one of the troublesome members of your flock, as ordered."As he waited for the Caretakers to take Reya, he added, "Her Toa friend still roams the island. No one else seems to challenge him for battle and capture. What are your plans for him?"Meanwhile, Reptak stood, his arms crossed, watching in the scene in awe. The appearance of a shipon the island was something not to miss. His eyes darted back and forth from the limp form of Reya to the Caretakers and the arriving Shepherd. He wondered what this Toa of Water had done to get the slavers' attention. It must have been something big if a Shepherd was strolling onto their island just to pick her up.... unless they did this to all rebellious slaves.

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IC - Nostala - Ruins: "Not to mention, think of the Rahi and plant life on the island," Nostala added. "Some of them are bound to have either poison or healing substances in them; with this island's purpose the former wouldn't surprise me at all. A syringe and vial could be useful in extracting either one."

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