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The Island Of Pain

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IC: Amalia: Parched Wastes:Amalia before hand noticed their life signatures and put them into an illusion envisioning them devouring Amalia. Because of their dumb mind, they would believe they would have killed her and moved out upon the desert.

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IC: Once again Amalia ran into the problem that the Dust Darters were simply too stupid for psychic trickery to work on them. While her illusion told them they were devouring her, their empty bellies told them they weren't. And unfortunately their bellies had the louder voice. They engulfed her, a cloud of mad biting energy, flakes of her armour peeling away and vanishing in the swarm...IC: The Caretakers used magnetic power to hoist Reya up and onto the Pale Burnak. They began withdrawing something else, covered in cloth..."We have no plans for Levacius," the Makuta replied, "Let him run and make his little speeches. In the end he will hide and whisper. They all do. No-one has ever figured out the trick to escaping."He whisked the cloth away dramatically to reveal...a sheet of metal. Not a weapon, not a shield, it didn't even look as though it had any powers. Well that was a crummy reward for-The metal leapt into the air between the Makuta's outstretched hands, warping and contorting as the Makuta used his own magnetic powers on it."Now for your reward..." the Makuta grinned broadly, small wisps of shadow smoking from the corners of his mouth, "What would you like?"


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IC: Haven CoveLevacius? So that's his name! I must see to his destruction, but now...Vertan's eyes lit up at the mention of his reward, though he kept them trained on the sand. "Oh great, Shepherd! I desire a blade... a blade with the ability to channel my Elemental powers through it, independent of another Skakdi, so that I may command Fire by myself!"He went into detail, describing the shape, size, and design of the sword, with its flames burning on one side to symbolize Fire.OOC: For design, its best description is one of Tahu Nuva's Magma Swords.

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IC: Amalia: Parched Wastes:Amalia groaned as the darters peeled her exterior, but it was not as severe because Amalia focused on all of the dust darters, and clumped them together. She then castes another illusion, now showing them succeeding eating Amalia and having a stomach full of food while in reality they were eating themselves.

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IC: Ajax / Talking to GroitrAjax nodded absently, his attention was on something else. "Yes, yes, yes." He muttured as he poked the ground with the shaft of his Yari.Suddenly, a gigantic, 5 Kio long worm like creature busted out of the ground in front of him. "RUN!" He yelled as he began to expertly wield his spear, slicing the creature's under belly. it emitted a power scream, making him skid back a few feet, dazed.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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OOC: Rakata, I've mentioned it twice now that mind-games don't work on the Darters. Not to mention that guessing they saw through the last one because they weren't physically eating anything is borderline meta-gaming. Just give it up :rolleyes:IC: If the Dust Darters had wanted to eat themselves they would have done so before Amalia even arrived. Once more they turned on her, engulfing her in a buzzing biting cloudIC: The metal sheet began to spin, fast, contorting into a more sausage-like shape before stopping in mid-air, flattening out into a much more sword-like mould. A minor act of molecular disruption allowed a few chemical changes to be made, giving it gold inlay, before more magnetism finished it down to Vertan's most precise specifications. Then the Makuta let it drop at the Skakdi's feet."You're welcome."


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OOC: Fine then..IC: Amalia: Parched Wastes:Amalia could not handle dying by a bunch of bugs, so she flew back down to Kono. "Kono! Do something!" Amalia screeched.IC: Terizov: Parched Wastes:Terizov needed the WoL's attention, so he began to grow vines-- lots of them, they began to consume the ruin.

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OOC: Darkon, do you honestly mean that thing is five kio long? As in, around 6.85 km long?IC: Grotir would've run.Really, she would've.If she wasn't a sociopathic warrior determined to get a few good fights out of this island, that was.She grinned, unstrapped her macuahuitl, and leaped at the thing in an overhead hack of her massive obsidian-bladed club. The hybrid doubted it would be able to kill the thing with one hit, but that was the fun of using such a weapon: It tore into things easily due to its blades sharper than any other material, and once in, left behind shards of said blades. The worm would be in pretty good pain from the huge bladed edges biting into it with the strength of a fit titan boosted by gravity and wouldn't stop feeling that pain for a while. Especially not if she hit an artery.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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OOC: ... 5 Kio long? That's....Okay, I don't think a FULL GROWN troller is that big. I don't even think the worms in Dune were that big. Something that long wouldn't be able to live on the island. Heck, you couldn't hope to kill it. Perhaps using a nuclear weapon. In the mouth. Point blank.What the blast are you trying to do boy?EDIT: The Fearless Leader noted that.400 is in the fathomable killing range. 100 is in the "kill" range.IC: Levacius / Stony LeapAs the group continued onwards, crossing Stony Leap, Levacius said, "So, this is what happens to those who attempt permanent structures. I can tell why; the work is shoddy, and was apparently done swiftly. They put little work into the architecture or plans on a permanent base to be made. Fools!"As they crossed the bridge to the Parched Wastes, he said, "And here we are. The Parched Wastes. Come, let us try to find our future allies in this bleak wasteland."IC: Suicavel / Toothy BaneSuicavel watched from the shadows. The ship was still there. Not much longer until he could claim another two kills.Creeping back fully into the abyss of the cave, he stared up at the domeIC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes"Perhaps," said Elynirus. "But it seems like more trouble than its worth."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis==-Even though vines were now surrounding the ruins, kairan still didn't notice them. That is; until the vines decided to wrap around his legs. Kairan frowned, and looked at the vines."Stand back." Kairan warned, as he drew his sword, and slashed through the vines. Kairan looked at the doorway, which was beginning to be covered, and his eyebrow twitched. Then he ran toward the door, swinging his sword around randomly."A second! Is that all we can hope for!? Can we have more have one second without something happening around here!?" Kairan yelled out, as he sliced through the vines, and ran outside, and looked around rapidly for who was 'attacking' this time.OOC: xD

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OOC: Did I say Kio? XD I meant Bio. Or whatever the smallest measure was.IC: Ajax / Fighting Giant worm-beastAjax sighed as he ran back to the worm-thingie from where he had landed. As he neared, he did the most insane thing a being could ever do. He jumped on it."Stupid worm!" He shouted from where had landed. "Never mess with a Skakdi!" He roared as he created Five gigantic bone spiked on his arms, and stabbed them into it's head, killing it instantly. As the beast fell, Ajax began to strip it of it's tough outer shell, deciding it would be useful later on as armor."Next time you open a Cache, be more careful." He said as he finished stripping the beast of it's armor.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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IC: Grotir also stripped the tough armor, wrapping some over her macuahuitl and restrapping it to her back. She then cut off a decently-sized hunk of flesh with skin still on and held it under one arm.She grinned. Thus far, she had obtained food, an advantageous position, allies, several weapons, and a robot. And all at the cost of some stamina which she had regained.This game was almost too easy!"Let's get going," she said again, seeing that her teammates appeared to have taken what they wanted as well. "We should go back to base-eat, build, whatever. We can go from there."OOC: Lul @Grotir's tempting of fate.BTW, what's the status of BW Vs. A ton of PCs? I remember Zeus and Hades left it, but I don't remember what happened to any of the other combatants.-The Fearless Leader



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IC: Rynekk Simul and Plagia Simul- Parched Wastes/Oasis RuinsRynekk willed a number of iron scraps to bend into rough spears, before launching them at the oncoming vines. They shredded the smaller, and at least pinned down some of the larger ones.Meanwhile, Plagia was sending electricity flying everywhere, frying vines left and right, shouting things like, 'How wants fried seaweed tonight?'She hasn't lost her flair for the dramatic I see, he thought grimly.-Void



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IC: Haven CoveVertan looked with glee at the sword on the sand. Reaching out, he greedily picked up the weapon, admiring its beauty. It matched his description, every part of it. He ran a silver claw down the sharp edge, then held it up, pointing at the sky.The blade flared with fire and thermal power, changing in color as the temperature rised. Flames jumped from the sword, leaping into his other, open hand. He played with it for a few moments, before sucking it all back into the sword. The light and fire vanished, the metal cooled as heat, too, was absorbed."Thank you, my master," Vertan praised, giving another bow. "Thank you so much. Know that I will strive to do your services with it."Then, remembering Reya, he said. "What will be the fate of the Toa of Water, my lord?" his mouth was curved into a wicked smile, revealing his sharp teeth. Hopefully it was punishment - the reward of all Toa, in his opinion.

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IC/KinikaA worm.What. The. Heck.His invisibility practically worked on his own as Grotir slaughtered the beast with the other guy."You have any food?" he grunted in Grotir's direction.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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BTW, what's the status of BW Vs. A ton of PCs? I remember Zeus and Hades left it, but I don't remember what happened to any of the other combatants.-The Fearless Leader

OOC: Yeah, Zeus and hades are gone, I'm going to say Blinding White vanished as well after walling everyone off, so lets just assume Umaroth kicked Rastaque's behind and left because otherwise waiting for ToDD is going to hold everyone upIC: "Clearly she does not enjoy the fun and games of this island, so we shall put her to work instead. Perhaps she shall look upon her time here more fondly when the salt from her sweat clogs her pores, the endless labour breaks her bones and the grind of torment shatters her spirit. Such is the fate of bad little slaves. Fare thee well Skakdi."The Makuta turned to board his vessel, leaving Vertan with his prize


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OOC: Stokunde post later. Thanks.IC: Grotir grinned again. "A hunk of this, a giant scorpion tail back at the Dragon's Roost."She then began loping towards said roost. It wasn't like they'd go elsewhere, anyway.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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OOC: I went through the trouble of asking Solaris if he's still in and if I can say Telmerk's dead/unconscious yet, having a char loot 'im in that state. He said yes to both.IC: Stokunde gazed coldly at the other wreckage of the fight. Disappointing. Not one had managed to come close to beating Blinding White.Conjecture: The battle is over. Hypothesis: If the battle is over, then I should leave and continue.The toa stealthily moved out of the maze. It sensed several other beings fighting above and did not wish to join. Keeping aware of all other beings around it, the vigilante trotted across a stretch of desert towards the Stony Leap. It had previously decided to take up residence either there or across it. But even as it neared the far-off bridge, a far-off gleam of light on armor caught Stokunde's scope. The Ba-Toa cautiously continued, this time checking the thing's gravitational field out to see what it was even as it pretended not to notice.Toa. Breathing slightly, shallowly. Not even twitching. Stokunde trotted to the body and examined it. Ligntning. Huna. Copper dagger. Unconscious and sweating. Evidently a Lightning toa had wandered the desert for a good while. He was feverish and looked to have fallen where he stood in a dead faint. Stokunde duly and quite drily noted the inherent irony present in a toa of Fire burning up. It then proceeded to rip off the Huna and copper dagger, strapping the latter in its belt while slipping the other on its face.The toa then continued trotting towards the Stony Leap. To use the mask at the moment to conceal itself would be pointless; its footprints would show where it was moving. But the bridge would be a different story.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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IC: Haven CoveVertan giggled menacingly after hearing Reya's fate, then bid his master a safe journey back. He would have waited to leave once the Makuta was gone, but was too eager to use his new present. The Skakdi mounted it on his right forearm, so as not to drop it. This way, he could swing his arm and slice through objects, or jab it forward and plunge the tip into something... a Toa, hopefully.Reptak marched over to Vertan and grabbed the sonic bow from him. "Mine," he snapped. "If you get to use your element freely, than I should hold onto something this powerful."His partner opened his mouth to protest, but closed it, not in the mood to fight. Now was the time to head back inland. Reptak fell apart, wishing to leave in stealth and not waste energy walking. His particles flew ahead in the same direction they came in, passing over the grey rock again and entering the forest first. Vertan followed, admiring his new blade as he moved into the eastern jungle as well.IC: Shimmering MazeHexxon kneeled before the sparkling diamond of the Shimmering Maze, studying his relection. The entrance to this "lake" was on the other side, but he had no wish to enter. He simply continued looking at himself, ignoring the unconscious body of a slave a few feet away. His other Kanohi had warped into his head, with his Kualsi wrapped around it, concealing the others beneath. The Toa of Psionics decided to no longer carry his masks in a satchel, but wear them all at once. Instead of removing one to use another, Hexxon would merely switch his concentration to the desired mask power. Satisfied with his hidden possessions, he stood and turned, catching notice of the "sleeping" being. He had to smile; it was because of him the slave was out. He was another victim of the Avsa. No more physical energy remained in him. If Hexxon wanted to master this mask, then he needed subjects. In fact, it was time for another meal. Mentally contacting his Kualsi, the Toa teleported away to the farthest place in his sight. With new daylight, he could see farther, no longer needing to navigate his way around with the glow of the screen. Seeing farther meant traveling farther, and that's what he did.

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IC: Ajax / Dragon's Roost.Ajax ran side by side with the titan, making up for his shorter legs with a vicious sprint. As he neared the large Volcano, he jumped into the air, using his powers to create clawed poles of bone covering his hands, allowing him to climb the mountian with extreme ease. When he reached the top, he took the spear off his back and began to clean it.


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IC: Grotir clambered up the mountain after the skakdi. Sitting with back again to a rock after checking and finding that the scorpion tail was still there, the hybrid cleaned her macuahuitl.After doing so, she strapped it back onto her back and leaned forwards slightly. She wanted to eat, and she also wanted to explore the capabilities of her partner's powers. And she had thought of a way to do both."Ajax, can you make a skewer of bone and detach it from yourself? I think we'll be wanting to roast this meat pretty soon."



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IC: Grotir nodded. As she expected. The bones were a part of him, and although he apparently felt nothing when they broke his skin, they still had nerves."I suppose that will do for this as long as we find a pool on which the stinging end can be supported," she said, hefting the tail. "Let's find one."



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IC: Shadowtangle/Yawning SunderVertan walked through Shadowtangle again, looking alone as he had done before. His partner Reptak was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't floating just above the ground, flying in the air, or drifting by him. The cloud of crystal was unseen, yet nearby.Ignoring his companion, the red-colored Skakdi took entertained himself by dealing with the hungry Rahi of the jungle. Using his new blade, Vertan had incinerated at least two, crushed one, and badly burnt another. Once finished, he absorbed the heat to replenish his power reserves. It was quite a delight to create and manipulate Fire without Reptak. So fun, in fact, that he may just finish off the "fragile" Skakdi of Air himself, and take back the bow. Maybe later, when he wasn't enjoying all this power.The appearance of the Yawning Sunder surprised him, for he had been too busy burning things up to notice. The dark clouds of Ashring could be seen beyond the canyon. With a shrug, Vertan crossed a bridge back to his favorite place on the Island of Pain.

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IC: Suicavel / ShadowtangleFollowing the two Skakdi in the shadows was easy. Now, before they could leave, was the time to strike.A cloud of darkness equivalent to Type 6 used by Kraata covered over a massive area - how large, the two Skakdi couldn't tell. Even Vertans flame powers would be useless against the supernatural darkness.Suicavel had been following the two, and while he didn't know where Reptak was, he knew where he wasn't. Using his shadow powers, he made a lock onto Reptaks location and began draining him with the Avsa his crystal form could not save him from the masks powers.He smirked from behind the mask. The two had no Makuta protecting them now.Knowing Vertan wouldn't be kept off of him long, Suicavel outstretched his hand. A massive tendril of shadow whipped out, seeking to grab around Vertans neck and squeeze him to death.IC: Levacius / Parched WastesLooking across the dunes, Levacius looked up to the potential cache locations - they were all gone, but he figured checking the area around them would be a good idea."Come," he said, moving north/north-east. "We will be encountering others soon with any hope."OOC: Arillan wishes somebody would stop messing with the Vahi.IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes RuinsElynirus rushed outside to see what was going on. She saw no obvious signs of an attack, but there was some sort of bird rahi flying around."Who are you whom attacks us!" she called out. "Come, show yourself and meet their blades! Because I don't have a blade to meet you with!"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Void - ShadowtangleVoid saw something over the distance. Or rather, saw nothing.A massive spot of shadow covering an area of...well, a big area.'Demon,' he hissed, remembering his encounter with that wretched beast (Suicavel). No being outwitted Void and lived to do it again.He raised his one remaining sword, sprinting the shadow-construct.-Void



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IC: Suicavel / ShadowtangleNoting the presence of another inferior being moving into the shadows, Suicavel growled and reached another tendril out towards Void. He would have Void and Vertan crushed to death, and Reptak drained of every ounce of life.The Skakdis heads would make good trophies. The other being? He would just crush him and be done with it.Reptaks life energy was sufficient to have already restored him to full strength. Still, he wasn't here for a meal - he was here to kill.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Of course. >_<IC: Levacius / Parched Wastes"How about because every single attempt I've seen at an only metal siege weapon has failed? You can't make a catapult without wood. You can't make a trebuchet, or a ballista, or anything. You're forgetting also the difficulty of a metal siege weapon to move.""Bah," he said. "There's no point. A toa of stone can shatter a fortress much easier than siege weaponry can."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Amalia: Parched Wastes:Levacius! Kono I and need you urgent here in the northeast Parched Wastes/Ashring Cache! There is a swarm of Dust Darters that I cannot manipulate! Come if you're willing.. Amalia sent out as she hoped the darters would not come back.IC: Terizov: Parched Wastes:Terizov dove down at Elynirus, perching beside her. "If I may, I would like to speak with your leader. May I?" Teriozv said as he motioned the vines to recoil, popping back into deeds.IC: Doru Araeba: Parched Wastes:"Why does one need a siege weapon when they have their wits?" Doru asked curiously as he polished his cesti.

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-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-Kairan walked up to the Rahi, and started 'friendly' knocking on the bird's head with his hand."One of them's right here." Kairan said, and then stepped back, with a slight frown."I'd say this is strange that there's a talking Rahi, but I've seen stranger on this island." Kairan said, but then paused."What is the reason for visiting here?" Kairan inquired, slightly curious.OOC: Just to mention, that means knocking as if it's a door. =P

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OOC: I'd like ToD to post, too. Okena is dying to kill a Patronage, especially with two in his sights and no one with any way of becoming wise to his presence. :PIC - Okena - Near Shimmering Maze: Night had turned to day, cold had turned to warm, and Blinding White had disappeared. None of that mattered to Okena, still concealed within the rock formation he had set himself up in. He continued to keep the two Patronage members in his sights, debating on which one to take out.At this point, the sand Toa was trapped. He seemed about finished to the Sniper. This in mind, he took aim at the Toa of Air. Once the other had fallen and died, a metal sphere, unnoticeable to anyone at the speed it would inevitably move at, would pierce a weak point in Arillan's armor, just below the ribcage.He continued to wait.IC - Nostala - Ruins: Nostala approached the newcomer, her staff over her shoulder. Before leaving the cache, she had closed it -- after removing the vial and syringe and placing them both in a pouch on her belt. No reason to leave them unattended to in case this was a trick.She said nothing as Kairan introduced himself, merely watching. Once again, if this was a trick, it wasn't a wise move to reveal all of the Alpha Wolves.

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Terizov: Parched Wastes:"I am intelligent, Toa scum. I merely call you scum beacuse you refer me as a dumb, idiotic, mindless animal! But not my lord, no, not my lord. How he should've accompanyed me here before those Skakdi attacked," Terizov said solemnly, talons raised at Kairan, but not ready to slice through him-- yet.

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-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-A bead of sweat ran down the back of Kairan's face, as he sighed."I didn't call you dumb; I was just trying to mention how you don't see a talking bird every day. There was no offense meant in that comment." Kairan replied, as he noted the bird utterly ignored his question.OOC: He knew that Terizov was intelligent, he was just expressing his surprise. =P

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IC: Levacius / Parched Wastes"Dust darters... blast! I don't think I can get there in time, but I have an idea Amalia! Create a telekinetic burst - release exactly 3.9% of your elemental energy. It should be enough to send them flying within about nine Bio if you're lucky. It'll kill the ones close to you, at the very least."He continued, "They're too stupid for illusions or trickery, but they still have something resembling a brain. Crush it!"He turned to the others and said, "Come on, we're nearing the cache site. The winds are still, so we can follow the footprints and find some companions.IC: Elynirus / Parched WastesElynirus looked around, saying, "Your lord? I never realized giant chatty Gukko had lords. Who is this being that you show such reverence for? Another, larger chatty bird?"IC: Arillan / Parched Wastes"Why! Wont'! You! Die!" hissed Arillan, releasing a gust of wind from his body as he continued to rip Jontans air out.Perhaps for the first time since he was matoran, Arillan felt a twang in the back of his mind of concern - was his new companion alive? Or had he been crushed by the sand user. He found Klax, and gave a slight sigh of relief."What am I thinking! He's prey to butcher!"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Eh? I thought Klax was only a few feet away, not as far back as the forty feet between Okena and Arillan's group. Why would he scan that far out?IC - Nostala - Ruins: "I think it'd be a bit less awkward around here if we found out his name first," Nostala said, observing the newcomer. She held out a hand, approaching him. "I'm Nostala. Who are you?"She was, of course, more than prepared to flip him over if he attacked. Nonetheless, she would give him the benefit of the doubt, at least for now.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Oh Suicavel, you forgot about someone.IC: Zeus & Hades / Fighting SuicavelZeus and Hades had been walking through the jungle at their leisure when the giant dome appeared. Using his shadow powers, Hades opened it enough for Zeus to send a gigantic blast of light into it, bursting it open, and hurting any darkness beings inside. It was so bright, Hades had to cloak himself in darkness, and activate his powers.


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