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IC: Skyra"Possibly. I'm definitely considering it." Skyra sat down and strapped in. Skyra looked at the helmet donning heroine. I wonder if she'll actually decide to tell us about herself.Skyra could tell by the way both Loadstone and the helmet girl reacted to him they were a bit concerned with having a 'newbie' on this mission."I know I maybe be a 'newb' at how the league operates, but I'm not at how to use my powers by any means. I've been training for an entire year, mastering my powers, learning swordplay, all that jazz. Heck, I've been able to take down a couple of small time super villains in Cleveland."While he was saying this, Skyra had been casually twirling the air around his arm, causing several foam balls to float around his arm. "Not to sound overconfident or anything, I realize I've never taken on a mission this big before, but I should be able to hold my own."Oh great I started talking their ears off....speaking of ears, the air pressure is changing rather quickly, are we taking off? I hadn't even noticed...

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC(NPC): "That's good to know, but don't make the mistake a lot of young heroes make," said the helmeted heroine. "Don't be embarrassed to ask for our help."She reached up and pulled off her helmet, revealing her tanned face and bottle-green eyes. A head of lustrous black hair cascaded from her head, falling as far as her ankles."I didn't get to introduce myself, by the way. I'm Miss Tress."IC: Sarah winced as another zombie shark shot past her, its crooked teeth scratching her leg as she barely propelled herself out of the way in time. There were about two dozen of the creatures now, and not enough of them were occupied by her whirlpool... it was as the same shark wheeled around for another charge when she struck upon the idea of combining the whirlpool with her earlier water funnel technique. She focused her hardest, and everything surged upwards.From the view of The Reaper and Fellwyd (if they were paying any attention to the surrounding waters, that is) the sinkhole that had recently formed reversed itself, extending upwards like a waterspout. Shark-shaped shadows flickered within its murky body. Sarah emerged at its top, balancing upon a small platform of ice. The waterspout grew to about thirty feet in height, wobbled for a few minutes, then lurched towards the barge...OOC: Shadows, feel free to have this help out Fellwyd in some way or miss him entirely.

Edited by Kumata
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OOC: I'll take 'Help' for 200.IC(Fellwyd): When the waterspout hit, it knocked the horned beast off-balance, the sheer force of the moving pillar of water throwing the reanimated creature off of its feet, and it was only through luck and a well-timed shift from the back of the beast to the side that the alien managed to avoid being crushed beneath it. As both fighters were thrown away from the waterspout, the alien grabbed onto the beast's horn, and released his grip on the beast's torso. When they landed, the beast's neck snapped with a very audible crack, and the reanimated corpse lay still.Moving away from the corpse of the beast, Fellwyd looked toward the center of the barge to see what damage the waterspout had done...

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: The waterspout had slammed into the barge with great force, rocking the craft and covering its deck in water - plus the flailing bodies of a few zombie sharks. Sarah had managed to slow her own fall enough that she was able to hop from the ice platform onto the deck. Her gaze swept the shattered remains of a container, the ripped-up corpse remains and Fellwyd standing over a decayed Rhino.Then a shadow fell over her as The Reaper hurled another shipping container...

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NPC: Ultionis didn't even bother cursing. Supers, be they hero or villain, always seemed to have some kind of luck. Sometimes very good, sometimes very bad, but never in the middle. But neither good luck nor an ice shield would help against an armor-penetrating round that could go through a tank and out the other end in one shot... unfortunately the ice villain was no longer a serious priority (no more so than usual, anyway). Tactically advantageous as it might be to remove the weakened member of the team now and spare the trouble later, those others were providing covering fire that was decimating those agents. His first thought was to remove the one the science officer viewing the scene had told him was made of anti-matter via radio contact just before he set up. Unfortunately again, he knew what might happen if he ran a charge of electricity through anti-matter. He'd once used an anti-matter explosive - the actual payload was no larger than his thumbnail, and a tiny electric charge had caused it to annihilate a fortress the size of Fort Knox. He did not want to think what would happen if he seriously damaged the anti-matter man. That left the pyrokinetic, or plasma judging by the damage he'd wrought earlier - that wasn't fire. But bullets didn't work, he was out of extinguishers and the R&D boys hadn't figured out how to make cryo grenades into sniper rounds yet. That left only one option. The foam should by now have hardened and sealed completely, making it very difficult to simply wash off, so in theory he could do more good than harm if he took very careful aim at that fire hydrant, shot the top off at just the right angle (a trick he'd learned only by trial and error) and let loose a torrent of water all over the guy made of fire. Adjust power, aim, compensate for external factors- he moved, recalculate, and...BANG!H-D

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC (Nihilo): As they made their retreat, Nihilo saw a glint out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to look at it, he realized it was the sniper that had been bothering Negafire. He was going to dispose of it, but then he saw what he was aiming for. "Aww shoot." Ironically, that's what the sniper did. Nihilo, meanwhile, was hightailing it as fast as he could away from the hydrant. Just because he was made of antimatter instead of fire didn't mean that water didn't hurt. Especially when it was spraying up randomly like it was. Nihilo didn't want a repeat of the last time somebody shot a fire hydrant in his vicinity.To be honest, he kinda had a phobia about water now...OOC: And from what I gathered from the sniper's last post, Nihilo can take out a city if he gets hit with electricity. Sweet.

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IC:Hijek drove next to the street on Centre Block. He got out of the car, shining in the sunlight. The guards at the entrance blocked him from entering, so Hijek said he needed to meet with Ms. Amandine. The guards escorted him in the Centre Block, doors booming as they shut.OOC: TPTI, need a NPC to get me to Ms. Amandine.

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OOC: Firstly, I don't even know where you are.Secondly, Amandine hasn't been in charge of Canada for quite a while now. Is that not clear enough in the first post? I mean look at how the plot has moved onThirdly, her current location is unknown. She was last seen being broken out of Confinement with a bunch of other villains. They've been in hiding


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OOC: :crying: :sick:. Well maybe this was not good for me. Not sure what to do, but I'll kust get my but kicked out of the place and kill some heroes.IC:Hijek was thrown ut of the building. He had to be so ignorant and ask for Ms. Amandine. Next thing to to was kill some heroes, which he could've earlier. He got back into the car-- destination: DC.

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OOC: We've just finished an alien invasion so there's probably going to be a few villains running round trying to take advantage of things. if you want to be a hero you could be cleaning up some of those guys, or if you want to be a villain you could be one of those guys.There's also a group of villains kidnapping the daughter of the US president. They've caused a bit of a scene so you could have noticed that by now

Edited by The Power that Is


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OOC: First one:Real name: Dmitriy AzarovAlias: AchillesAppearance: Dmitriy is a tall, 6'5" to be exact, Russian man with a shaved head, a black goatee, and clear blue eyes. His "super suit" is completely black clothing, including gloves, as well as a cloth mask, with holes for his eyes, which is covered by a ski mask. His right arm is covered by a clawed metal gauntlet with an attacked wrist blade.Power: Dmitriy is completely impervious to physical harm. You shoot him, you're gonna tear up his clothes, but his skin will be just fine. Same for fire, sharp objects, crushing blows, heck, even a building falling on him. The only ways to kill him are drowning, asphyxiation, or depriving him of food or water. While he will be knocked back by a punch, it won't cause him any harm, or pain either.Besides this, due to his Spetznaz training, Dmitriy is a master at many forms of combat, armed and unarmed, as well as military tactics. He's extremely athletic, and very strong, being able to bench over 500 pounds. This is not due to any "power" besides hard work and natural talent. Many superhumans have seen Dmitriy as an easy target, due to his lack of obvious powers, but then found themselves at his mercy when the Russian simply outlasted them.Allegiance: Solo villain.Area: Born in St. Petersburg, currently active in NYCBio: Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, which was then part of the USSR, Dmitriy is a natural born super-human. Ever since he was a boy, he has found himself immune to pain and harm, from burns he should have received from a hot stove, an attack by a large dog, and rocks thrown from bullies. When he got into his first fight at the age of six, with a 12 year old twice his size, he took every blow the older boy dished out, then proceeded to throttle him to within an inch of his life.In his teens, he became cocky, having realized that as far as he knew, he was unkillable. He fought often, displaying a natural talent for combat, and engaged in other non respectable pursuits. Once, after robbing a store, he was pursued by two policemen. When he would not back down when caught, and proceeded to attack one of the officers, the other opened fire on him.The bullets, like all the things that should have killed him through his life, had no affect. He was finally subdued by the officers, and taken to prison.However, that night he broke out, battering the barred window with his unbreakable fist until the bars have way.Upon escaping, he was forcefully recruited into an elite wing of the Spetznaz, the Russian special forces, created to counter US meta humans. He did the work of spy, assassin, and soldier all in one, the training he received turning him into a ferocious, indestructible killing machine.When the USSR became the Russian Federation, Dmitriy left, making his way to the United States. He has become a successful criminal, and has even taken down several superhumans due to his former training. He sees himself as a god among men, and is not willing to let anyone stand in the way of what he wants.Equipment: An Uzi sub machine gun with several cartridges of ammo, eight throwing knives, and his his metal gauntlet, which is sharply clawed and has an extendable wrist knife.

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: Plasmafire kept his hands raised, and also threw in a raised eyebrow. "Uh... Simply put, I'm from an alternate reality. Frigid never took over there, therefore I never died. Longshot filled me in though, Frigid froze me solid and let me fall to Earth. One bit of useful information I think you should know: In my universe, Fade stopped Frigid, he's the good guy... And he came with me here, quite by accident."IC: Negafire turned to follow after Typhoon, and it's good he did. The hydrant seemed to blow its top, spraying a jet of water exactly where he'd been a moment before. Another bit of luck: The top of the hydrant collided with his foam encrusted arm, shattering the foram off that arm. Unfortunatly, it also felt like that had fractured his wrist. He grimaced, and flew after the group, using his now barely functioning arm to blast fireballs at the remaining SS agents.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: I have a question too: What about poisons and the like? Does Viktor have invulnerability, ot impenitrable skin?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: That guy's backstory looks to have been created for that RPG that just got pretty much shot down in the Planning Topic, considering that, so far as I know, in TSTW superhumans have never been called "meta humans" and the United States hasn't really made organized use of them.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOC: It's mostly impenetrable skin, but his bones are unbreakable, too. While his insides are more susceptible, his body is excellent at flushing out most poisons, and Viktor is very careful about what he eats.And I had the idea of him for that, but I figured it's translate decently over here.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOC: I might advise you to adapt the backstory so it fits within the TSTW universe, then. Change metahumans to superhumans and stuff like that.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOC: Well, it's also a bit of the fact that the profile seems to imply the US government organizing superhuman agencies, which simply isn't the case. As far as has been seen in TSTW!, I don't believe there are any known superhuman groups specificly government run. Sorry, I'm a bit nitpicky...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: Well, that's all cold war era, so we could just say its not anymore? I'm alright with changing it though if it's an issue.Next guy:Real name: Isaiah "José" MoralesAlias: Agent 456, as designated by the CIA. Sometimes goes by Watcher.Appearance: Isaiah is a medium height Hispanic man in his mid twenties, with wide brown eyes, styled black hair, and ran skin. He usually wears his armor when fighting or doing a mission, which is a black suit reinforced with steel and kevlar, with a face mask similarly reinforced.Power: Isaiah has the most acute senses of any human in the world, and has the unique ability to "turn them down" to prevent overload. His senses are so powerful that he's able to actually sense electronic communication, from hearing radio waves to using the GPS system to find his location. He can see a much greater portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that normal people, allowing him infrared sight, among other things. His senses of smell, touch, and taste can be similarly enhanced, though he usually relies on sight and hearing.In addition to this, he has developed the ability to communicate electronically. While he can't control machines, he can reply to email or call someone in his head.Allegiance: CIA, United States Government. Nominally, though not officially with the League.Area: Western United States usually, current location unknown.Bio: Isaiah was born in southern Nevada outside Las Vegas, the child of Mexican immigrant parents. Because of this, he is fluent in both English and Spanish, a useful skill.Being a natural superhuman, Isaiah has had his powers for most of his life, and never thought it odd that he was able to listen to the radio without an actual device, read things hundreds of feet away, see perfectly at nighy, or watch TV in his head. He would often surprise his father by reporting the scores of football games he'd never seen, which his father soon came appreciate. His mother was equally stunned when he would identify every ingredient in food he hadn't seen her cook, and then recreate the dish, at the age of seven. When he graduated, he enlisted in the CIA, who discovered his abilities, which were no secret, and trained him to use them, becoming the perfect spy. A knack for remembering things people said nearly word for word also contributed to this.Isaiah is trained in armed and unarmed combat, and is quite athletic, due to a rigorous workout schedule. He's a skilled spy, and serves his country well. While not a member, he does work closely with the League.Equipment: A grapple gun and a machine pistol, as well as his suit.

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOC; The thing is, I don't know that it is an issue. The only solid thing I can give you is this: There was conversation not long ago about how long various organizations have existed, and it seems that the Coalition is by far the oldest, with the League holding second place. And I don't know that either of those went back as far as the Cold War.Bottom line, I'd wait for TPTI to do anything, I guess. He knows more about this than most of us. :P

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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NPC: Ultionis was getting tired of this. He had just about neutralized that threat, and now it got worse because of- Wait. He zoomed in his scope a bit. That wrist - the pyro was favoring it clearly. The metal cap of the fire hydrant had hit it dead-on, enough power to shatter an average human wrist, and it seemed not to have gone through or anything. His earlier bullet had passed clean through the fiery form. Did that mean it was now inactive? That he could turn it on and off? That he could now be hurt? Perfect. He loaded another stun round and took aim quickly. No fancy stuff here: Target was moving at measured speed, figure out where he'll be when and shoot him. Child's play. Slight adjustments for power, precision, account for gravity and wind speed/direction, aim and...BANG!H-D

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC: The only thing that saved Negafire's life? The fact that he was surrounded by a thick layer of superheated air. By the time the bullet reached him, it had become a mostly molten bit of metal. Of course, it still hurt, getting slapped with that, but at least the penetrating power was gone. He raised his hand, wincing as he did so, and shot a spurt of flame at the jet of water behind him. A cloud of steam sprang up, hopefully masking his and the others escapes from the sniper. "I #@!$#&% hate snipers." He growled as we flew through the air.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: I updated Nihilo's profile, and fleshed out his repulsing ability (I could have sworn that was in there initially.), as well as specified what he can absorb exactly (negative emotions are prevalent, destruction and chaos don't give off as much.)

Edited by King Joe
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OOC: Should be noted that that was a stun round, so he wouldn't have died from it... maybe fallen to his death, but not died of the impact. He reduced the power on the gun just for that.NPC: Ultionis considered, for a moment, switching to one of the alternate vision modes of the scope - infrared, maybe - but the cloud was too hot for thermal vision and too dense for the other attempts. If it kept up that way, he would no longer be able to shoot at them. Just as well. Let them think he's lost them, or given up. The one holding Danielle was still marked with harmless radiation that, through just the right filter, would glow straight through three yards of solid concrete. A simple satellite hookup from the on-board computer on his ride and he would follow them straight home. After that, a simple hostage rescue from a hostile base of unknown layout with four, maybe five supervillains crawling around inside. Okay, scratch that; even he wouldn't have an easy time with that one. But at least he knew the objective here.H-D

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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OOC: ToA, while I'm not gonna comment on the character's backstory, I feel I ought to point out that "Viktor Morislav" is literally one letter off from the name of one of Kumata's characters, who is also a Solo Villain from Russia who operated during the Cold War. I'm not sure if that's intentional or just a really weird coincidence, but I'd recommend finding a different name for him.Also, fun as I'm sure it must be, I wonder if Ultionis knows he doesn't actually need to shout "BANG!" whenever he fires his gun. :P (Just bear with me on this, his posts become a lot funnier if you pretend this is true...)IC:X-Calibur stared blankly at Plasmafire. Even with the helmet concealing his features, his surprise was plain to see."Well... at least you're up front about this sort of thing. Most people might try to ease into the whole 'alternate universe' thing," he said. One might notice that he had not yet lowered his energy machete. "Now, I don't know if you're making this up; for all I know your some new ploy by Frigid to wipe us out once and for all. And the only person who could possibly verify your story doesn't appear to be in any condition to do so."But slowly, if only slightly, he brought the weapon away from Plasmafire."...But Longshot looks hurt pretty badly. I can't afford to stand here confronting you while she's dying," said X-Calibur. "If you're really who you say you are, then help me get her to safety, and I might start to believe you. But if I find out you did anything to hurt her, have no illusions: I will kill you."[For Science!]

Edited by Chronicler of Ko-Koro

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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OOC: Whoops... Sorry HD, I completely missed the stun round thing. O.oIC: Plasmafire nodded, reaching down to try and help Longshot up. "Totally understood dude. I'd probably be doing the same thing you are if I were in your shoes. By all means, even take me wherever at machete-point if you feel the need. Ah, in the interest of full disclosure, I originaly thought Longshot had hypothermia, so I tried to heat up the air around her. Turned out she was actually hurt, so heating her up may have sped up the bleeding a tiny bit... But, that was comletely unintentional, I swear!"

Edited by Toa Korkoa: Toa of plasma

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC:"I do feel the need, thank you for asking," said X-Calibur, the flickering glow cast by his machete bouncing off the walls. "I'm sure you can be forgiven provided your actions were well-intentioned... and, of course, providing you're telling the truth about said actions."He headed off at a quick pace down the tunnel, a wave of his blade indicating it would be wise Plasmafire to follow.[For Science!]

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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OOC: *sigh* I seem to be starting all my posts off with a series of notations and corrections nowadays. :biggrin:@Kumata - True, true. It's just a sad fact of life that I can't remember everything. Not that I'm not looking for a way to counter that, though. :P And you'd have to pull a really obscure character out of the woodwork to surprise me.@Toast of Awesomeness - Welcome back to TSTW!. First off, you changed Achilles' name in the real name field, but you still call him Viktor in the rest of the profile. Common oversight; I've done it far more times than I'd care to mention.Secondly, I'm going to be the third person to ask you to please remove the word "metahuman" from both your profiles. I think that's enough to warrant it being enough a deal to look into. ;)Lastly, for everyone who's wondering, a table of organizations and notable dates in the TSTW!-verse -

  • [*]1824 (183 years ago) - First superhuman to create an alias to fight crime (in other words, the first official "superhero;" before this time, superhumans were known as witches, and before that as gods.)[*]Early 1900s - Formation of the Werewolves of London[*]During World War II - Formation of the secret US government group known as "The Agency"[*]1970 (37 years ago) - Formation of the Coalition of Corruption; disbanding of "The Agency"[*]Between 1970 and 1993 - Formation of the Superhuman Operatives and Intelligence Branch of the FBI (a public revision of "The Agency"; the existence of "The Agency" is still officially denied)[*]1993 (14 years ago) - Formation of the League of Salvation[*]1995 (12 years ago) - Formation of the Order of Extortion[*]2007 ("Present day") - Setting of the TSTW! RPG. Currently somewhere in the middle of the year, roughly between May and August. (2007 is considered the present because the RPG was created that year, and we have yet to progress more than a few months in game)

I hope that clears some things up. :) For future reference to players new and old alike - if there is anything about the TSTW! universe you want to know, I can probably help you out.IC: (Loadstone)By now the jet had shot out of a disguised tunnel connected to the hangar and was rapidly gaining altitude. It was a testiment to the design of the League jets that the rapid increase in speed, accelerating almost casually past Mach One, was barely felt by the Heroes. The only thing to denote that they were traveling faster than sound was that the ground below was a dizzying blur."Miss Tress has a good point," Loadstone added. "The League's strength is in the cooperation of its members; we ask each other for help all of the time. And being a newbie doesn't mean we think we're above you - everyone starts out as a newbie. It's not like you joined the Sidekick Program or anything."~Lord Rahl~

Edited by Lord Rahl
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OOC: The only question I have is this: I decided that kaname is like almost 85 years old, and looks fifty(His powers keep his cells rejuvenated or something cause his power are like his own body, wait...) hence how he is able to tun into his Lightning form.Ah darn*it..forgot to put that part in the profile, on how he can turn into lightning..dangit..I hate those details...I dotn even know if thats allowed..maybe younger...Anyway.What group would Kaname be in before he was with the League for his two year term?(about four five years after it's founding)IC:Kaname started at Fade, "Wow, you guys sure have been busy, i've been stuck on the other side of the world underground for the last few years...Dont even ask why." He kept following "But Yeah, I understand what your saying...well guess we have to find out what happened in more detail..um..Plasmafire was his name? i'm guessing he already went with Longshot?"Then a thought crossed his mind, "Ah ######..i'd better apologize for almost cooking her into next years turkey...hopefully she's not that easy to kill."

Edited by Kenpachi Zaraki

Kenpachi Zaraki Captain of squad 11


Read This to learn about kenpachi.


Credit to Republic Commando Darman for the banner.

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IC:"Don't worry, I won't ask. Ever," Fade muttered. "Frigid managed to hurt Longshot pretty bad. Plas took her to safety while I went off to make sure you didn't get yourself killed."Fade approached the subway station he'd seen Plasmafire disappear into on his way up, and started down the stairs."Well, if we're lucky, we might still be able to catch up with them," he said. "Come on..."[For Science!]

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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IC:Kaname managed to hear Fade's muttering, Well, to be expected. he followed Fade down the stairs and wondered if he did die in this universe..if so then his hideout would be gone now.Guess the best thing to do is get home, and fast. "Well, hopefully They dont try to kill me."

Kenpachi Zaraki Captain of squad 11


Read This to learn about kenpachi.


Credit to Republic Commando Darman for the banner.

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IC: Skyra"Ya, your right, and that's more then fine with me, I'm a people person." Skyra looked out the window, nothing but a blur. "So what's our ETA?" They were covering so much ground so fast, it couldn't be much longer, a few minutes at most.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Edit: Whoops, sorry Ken, I forgot to answer. Depends on the size/scope of the organization you want him to be a part of. As far as I know, the League was the first worldwide superhero organization, but before it was formed there were a large number of superhuman teams everywhere. In fact, the League was formed by a number of those teams banding together.IC: (Loadstone)"Given that we're over south-central Maryland, I'd say right about now," Loadstone replied, flipping a number of switches and pulling back on a lever similar to a gear shift. The aircraft noticeably slowed, the blur of the ground becoming distinct buildings. Through the viewscreen the city of Washington, D.C. could be seen, white buildings and large domes dotting the skyline. Where the Washington Monument once stood, a jagged tower filled its place, construction platforms and catwalks circling the structure as construction crews worked to repair the monument. Other than that, the city seemed much like it did before the invasion."I need to find a place to land this thing...Skyra, do you have enough control over your powers to let you fly?"~Lord Rahl~

Edited by Lord Rahl
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