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Techna: Breakdown

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IC: Belthnor:Belthnor did not reply to either of the beings. Rather his eyes were still on the blue being. He wouldn't allow another death to happen, not after the incident in the manafacturing warehouse.He kept his light from showing off, but he began to glimmer in the shades of a rainbow, charging with energy."No."

Edited by Belthnor
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IC-Aclaraung:"This living-diamond doesn't seem to understand that, guardian," Aclaraung said to Honnak. "It makes me wonder how much he's had to drink." He gave out a roar, grasping that entire side of the building. He pulled, creating a rather large opening."Ah...finally," he growled. "I can actually see inside here rather well now."

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IC: SongSong paused. "No one interfere."She removed her sunglasses, and set them on the bar. Then she launched into action. She lashed out with a sidekick toward Belthnor's ribs, simultaneously using her mental powers to disrupt his concentration. He would find it hard to use his element.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Belthnor:Beltnor stumbled to the ground, hit by the kick, but rebounded with a uncontrollable blast of ultraviolet rays at Song, who disrupted the power of the crystal being's electromagnetic element. Belthnor's mouth dropped as he realized it could kill her if she remained in its diameter. He propped himself back up, unsheathing his sword.

Edited by Belthnor
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IC: SongSong jumped back, a prick of fear worming it;s way into her heart. She quickly forced it down, before it could affect her heart.The thought of using her Gauntlet occurred to her, but she decided against it. Not yet. Not unless it was necessary.Instead, she jumped at Belthnor, lashing out with a roundhouse kick.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Belthnor merely outstretched his amplified metal gauntlet, slamming it into Song's roundhouse kick. It sent him tumbling backwards, but he recovered in time to strike back with a flash of light, directly into Song's eyes. Whether it would be tampered by Song's mental capabilities and possibly become a different ray would depend all on Song. Beltnor sheathed his weapon as he did this, not wanting to fight as he did not strike first."This is what happens when you don't interfere."

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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung snorted. "I do believe that if you hadn't interfered yourself, that small duel could have been averted," the dragon growled. "But you seemed to think that Krayn here was in mortal danger. Truly, who made the first mistake here?"

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IC: SongSong staggered back as the light hit her eyes. She could use her powers to sense where minds were, and what they were doing, so she wasn't completely blind, but she couldn't see. She used her telekinetic powers to throw a chair behind Belnoth at him. "If you hadn't interfered with my investigation, this wouldn't have happened. In case you hadn't noticed, he pulled a gun on me!"Song could feel her heart rate turning irregular, as she struggled to control her temper.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Gust (Cafeteria, The Citadel)After a tense minute or so, Gust released the Great Being. She fell to the ground, her eyes swimming with hurt and what could logically pass as confusion, but then she shrugged and walked away, out of the cafeteria. Gust walked over to the elevator and pressed the up button, headed to the penthouse. Once inside, he turned off all forms of electronics in the room with a muttered verbal command and sat on his couch, letting a few tears fall as he curled up against a pillow and tried to get some sleep.-Teezy



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IC-Kal:Kal watched what happened, then grabbed an aide. "Get Krayzikk for me," he said, then began to contact his implant to Athen. "I really think he might want to know about this...and I also have to make sure he doesn't try to kill Desdemona. Or me."

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IC: KrayzikkAt that exact moment, Krayzikk was a very angry robot. And a tad depressed.He stood in the shooting range, a pile of weapons on either side of him. On the left side was a variety of small arms, things he had already used. On the other side were larger weapons, getting larger and larger as you went down the line. At the moment, he was using a Cornershot.In fact, there was only one weapon in the room that wasn't in either pile. The Patriot. The weapon that was used to end his life.IC: Athen"Kal, you might not want to be around Krayzikk right now." Athen materialized on the monitor next to Kal. "It's been a while since I saw him this bad."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Northern VolcanoArketh sensed his control over Shadow being augmented by Blacklight's power, bringing it up to a higher level. The constructs and creations of darkness, as well as some natural, surrounding shadows, were absorbed into his body. He leapt into the air, encouraged by the sword and the newly granted strength. Sustained in the sky by his flapping wings, the specter pointed the weapon at Mror and his vehicle, then Edubard and his hovercraft.Once more utilizing the mountain's massive shadow for offense, he attacked his targets. Outbursts of Shadow energy erupted under and around their transports, blowing up in bursts fueled by his increased elemental abilities. For Jasrich and his Manta Ray, Arketh swung Blacklight, channeling through him a rapid fire of razor sharp Shadow blades at the fleeing Toa.

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-==IC: Jasrich==-Jasrich looked behind him, and scowled."Persistent." Jasrich stated, as he had his Manta Ray mount spiral out of the way of the shadow blades, just barely avoid most of them, though some of them clipped his shoulders, even as he flew off out of the Volcano, looking behind him to make sure that nothing hit him on the way out.

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IC-Edubard:Edubard felt the craft shudder as he lost some visibility, and knew it wouldn't last much longer. "Well, great," he muttered, reaching behind himself for the rest of the survival kit quickly. There was a small amount of food, a jetpack with attached parachute, and some water. He put the contraption on his back, and attached the food and water containers to small clips on his seat.Before he jumped, he contacted one thing he'd noticed earlier-an unexplained A.I. "Hello," he said to the A.I., apparently known as Watcher. "I'd like you to try to patch a comm through to Esao Mandala and tell him what's happening, please-I don't have him on message." He pulled the lever on the side of his pilots seat, sending it flying up into the air through the suddenly-released canopy of the hovercraft.Edubard fell for a little bit, before opening his parachute and allowing it to slow him down, as he watched the now-unmanned hovercraft lurch towards Arketh and the sword-if the engines blew, one of those two would most likely get destroyed.

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IC: SongSong staggered back as the light hit her eyes. She could use her powers to sense where minds were, and what they were doing, so she wasn't completely blind, but she couldn't see. She used her telekinetic powers to throw a chair behind Belnoth at him. "If you hadn't interfered with my investigation, this wouldn't have happened. In case you hadn't noticed, he pulled a gun on me!"Song could feel her heart rate turning irregular, as she struggled to control her temper.

IC: Belthnor: Belthnor was hit to the floor by the chair, groaning as he propped himself up. "Whether the man committed the crime, it is not reasonable to demand revenge. You'll just become one of those crime ridden hoodlums." Belthnor persuaded. He then turned to Aclaraung. "Clearly, you are the one to make a mistake. I only intervened to prevent bloodshed. This 'investigator', however, used violence to persuade."
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IC-Aclaraung:"Bloodshed would not have occurred, crystal," Aclaraung growled back. "Not if the beings here were smart enough or sober enough not to interfere with that which does not concern them. You included." He snorted, ignoring the smoke that came out of his nostrils."And yet you beings must always think the worst, and believe that you are the only ones that can stop what is happening. You would never have lasted in the wilds, creature," he finished.

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IC: SongSong's temper rose. Few things angered her more than needless conflict. Ironically, her nature was often perceived to be confrontational due to the fact that she is willing to do whatever she has to."In case you hadn't noticed, pretty-boy, I shuffled a deck of cards in his face. Last I checked, that was hardly-" Song doubled over as her heartbeat fluctuated between being too too quick, and too slow.Calm down Song... Calm down...She coughed up blood.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung growled again, his tail whipping over and blocking Belthnor from coming near to Song, while the Dragon utilized the still-kept mental contact.Keep a calm head, Huntress, he said to her. Control your breathing, relax your muscles. Allow your thoughts to drift from this material world to the world of your thoughts.He snorted again. And I recommend you don't do anything like that duel for the next week, at least.

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IC: Belthnor:Belthnor's heart skipped a beat when Song coughed out blood. He forgot about his surroundings, and rushed towards her."I- I-," was all he could say as remorse filled his body. He was the cause of chaos, not her. He attempted to tend to her using one of his chemical vials which contained a stimulant to stop any more of the out bursts of blood.

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IC: SongSlowly, Song's heart rate returned to normal.Unfortunately, Aclaraung, I haven't got much of choice. I have to make sure the Skull never claims another victim. And if Mata Nui decides I must die in the process, so be it.Shakily, Song straightened. "I'm fine." Her voice was rather calm for someone who had just lost at least twelve hours of her life. "I'm fine."She looked at Belthnor. "And you. Don't do that. I know that expression. What's done is done, the best thing you can do is learn from your mistakes."If one were truly paying attention, they might notice she held the back of a chair for support.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: SongSlowly, Song's heart rate returned to normal.Unfortunately, Aclaraung, I haven't got much of choice. I have to make sure the Skull never claims another victim. And if Mata Nui decides I must die in the process, so be it.Shakily, Song straightened. "I'm fine." Her voice was rather calm for someone who had just lost at least twelve hours of her life. "I'm fine."She looked at Belthnor. "And you. Don't do that. I know that expression. What's done is done, the best thing you can do is learn from your mistakes."If one were truly paying attention, they might notice she held the back of a chair for support.

IC: Belthnor:"How- how should I pay my debts to you?" he asked nervously, hoping redemption would be in sight as he wanted to repay for her sudden ejection of blood. His face twitched in anticipation. Belthnor realized he was a flawed being after all, trying to do good but making things worse than they already are.
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IC: Song"There is no debt." Song answered. "You owe me nothing."Calmly, the Toa wiped the side of her mouth. "Am I grievously injured? No? Then there is no debt."She brushed off her jacket.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Belthnor:"Must there be something of me to appease you other than my departure, because I have interupted your investigation. Apparently my long lost mind has been flooded once again of old artifacts and philosophies," Belthnor said while tending to his radiation scanner. An unusual amount was in the room, more in some places than others. It was not high enough to effect, but there still was a considerable amound embedded. "Hmm.." he murrmered as he checked the room.

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IC: Song"Unless you can track an arrogant prick across the city, I can't think of anything."

An arrogant prick? "What do you mean? I could assist you, in whatever it may be," Belthnor offered, reluctant that he would be allowed to accompany the investigator after their apparent 'clash'.
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IC: Northern VolcanoArketh caused the swords of Shadow around him -- the same ones that cut his shoulders as they passed -- to explode in a burst, similar to the feat he performed on Mror and Edubard.As the damaged hovercraft came soaring at him, the shadowy creature stepped into a gateway he opened before him with his mind, evading a collision with the vehicle. The passage reappeared near the Toa of Air, with Arketh drifting out. From overhead, he slashed with Blacklight and his scythe (suspended in the grasp of several strips) at the parachute and lines connected to it.

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IC: Song"The guy who tried to kill me. I'm hunting him."

"And the bartender was a suspect. Do you know who he is? After all, my forte isn't knowing identities," Belthnor shrugged, ashamed at his lack of social activity.
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-==IC: Jasrich==-Jasrich had anticipated that, and spiraled down, to avoid the explosions as best as he could, even as he navigated his way toward a tunnel in the wall, that would hopefully lead out of the volcano.

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IC: "Watcher" (Techna):The AI noticed the incoming transmission from a being, who Watcher didn't exactly recognize, but he heard the message. Esao Mandala. Watcher reconized the name from the Techna, one of the Techna Guard.The AI recieved a notification, he had obtained access to a coms network. The AI wasn't sure which network it was but it simply "spoke" into it, "Attention, is Esao Mandala avaliable? This is a priority one message from aboard the Techna, sent to you from a being previously located... Between 50-35 Kilometers from the Techna, I repeat, this is a priority one message from aboard the Techna, ignoring it is a direct violation of Techna Guard rules and standards for communications and downed members of the Guard."The AI finished the message, and awaited a reply. It was doubtful that he had more than two hours of battery life remaining, and redoubled his efforts on cracking other channels, and at the same time, began to overwrite the old directives that he had been programmed with new directives, more suitable for this new, alien world.IC: Auress (NMN, A Bar):Auress had watched with a growing sense of dread, for some reason, she felt as if Song wouldn't survive, and that she was hiding something from her.

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IC: Krash (Krahzia)Krash continued to walk around singing. Loudly singing. Annoyingly singing. "It never stops, never slows! Always faster, always goes! This..." IC: Lekar (NMN) Lekar was rudely awakened by someone pushing him into the fountain. "zzzz-SPTH! What the!?!" Standing on all fours, Lekar spat out some water and got up. Muttering some choice words, he stalked away.Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: Song"The culprit is a crime lord called the Skull." Song answered, as she dusted every speck of dirt she could find off her coat. "If there's a crooked deal in the city, either he or one of his associates had something to do with it."Song donned her sunglasses. "The problem is finding him."She glanced at Auress, and felt a pang of guilt at her deception. "Hey, you alright, kid?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Song"I didn't read your thoughts, by the way. Little bit too disoriented to, right now."Song sighed. "Well, I think it's time we hit the streets. Either we'll find Skull," She grinned. "Or he'll find us."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Emma - Albiore IIEmma leaped out of her chair, heading back to the engine compartments. Her fingers reached down, snatching at the worn handle, before swinging it open, revealing the inner workings of the dying thrusters.Next, activated her elemental abilities, sending a stream of tempered hydrogen atoms burning into the metal shell of one of the engines, removing a small section of the outer casing. Once that was done, the Toa reached in yanking out one of the energy wires, re-connecting to the Ion Thrust. Now the power from the Ion Thrust would be diverted into the thrusters, so while lowering their speed, might keep them in the air longer.Granted they could find the fuel for it. Which was where the next part of the plan came in.Shutting her eyes, Emma removed herself from the action around, focusing all her willpower on channeling as much power as possible into the Thrust. Slowly, she tried to imagine ions forming in the device, causing energy to crackle in it's circuits, power flowing through it's 'veins'.And just as slowly, the thrusters roared back to life. The damage to the engines was obvious, and sudden outpour of flame was destroying the casing of the machine. But if it could keep them in the air long enough to land, it was worth it.-Void



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-==IC: Kairan//Albiore II==-"I think I see the city!" Kairan called out, as he struggled to keep the hovercraft in the air.So much for it lasting a while... Kairan thought to himself, finding it funny that they'd be on version three of the hovercraft whenever they got back."I guess it's a good thing we didn't install any fancy seats or beds, right Kinvex?" Kairan called back to the other Toa with a slight chuckle, as he attempted to line up the hovercraft just right, so that they would be able to land the ship just after entering the city.

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IC: Northern VolcanoArketh, when he glanced away from the slashing to see the outcome of his attack on Jasrich, was iritated to see the Toa maneuver his way out of the explosions and into an opening in the mountain. It was not acceptable for him to escape without much difficulty!Reaching out with his heightened powers, the specter of Shadows caused the darkness in the tunnel to stir, making it sprout wicked spikes to impale the "Necromancer" and his Manta Ray. Some of the barbs smashed into the passage's ceiling, rubble falling and rocks collapsing as a result. Now Jasrich would have to steer around the dark without getting stabbed to death, and make it out before the whole tunnel sealed or crushed him.Content, Arketh turned back to Edubard and his parachute, waiting to see if he retaliated, or if there were enough holes in the cloth to make him plummet to the ground.

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