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Techna: Breakdown

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IC: Amalia:With Song's 'threat' on Blade, Amalia plainly dropped to the ground. She was out for a few seconds, then jumped back right up. She didn't know what happened, then looked at the group staring at her."What?"Then she followed Blade down the hallways, happy with glee.

Edited by Belthnor
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OOC: Blade is the old Kairan. Kairan is the Replica. Yes, that gets confusing, but people have learned to understand it. =P Kairan has the old Wolf Fang Sword, though.-==IC: Blade==-Blade raised an eyebrow at Amalia, wondering subtly what that was all about, but continued to walk on, even as he contemplated what this 'Golden Hammer' group could be.

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IC: Amalia:An embarassed feeling began to come out of Amalia, who kept her eyes on the end of the hallway. She thought about how Blade would be with her, but shook the thought off, knowing he chose to be with her and help the organization she was trying to get in.

Edited by Belthnor
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IC: Ezraftin / Technology Tower

OOC: I'll try and think of something clever later, when I'm feeling cleverer, but for now, I'll throw something at it for the lulz :PIC: TrakudaSON OF A MOTHERLESS-Manage to reverse gravity around plasma bolt in time... That was close. Now the ceiling's melting. Brilliant.This thing's covered in shields, it has grav-pads to stop from being crushed, and is pretty much invincible as far as I can tell. I can try some stuff though, even though they probably won't work, but hey. Here goes...I increase the weight of the ceiling above the Nektann tremendously, to try and bring it down on the machine. The piece of roof that breaks off it about big enough to trap it, not by crushing it, but by the sheer weight of it causing it to bend around the edges and trap the robot in a dome of whatever metal the ceiling's made of. Edited by Doctor Wotz
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IC: Watcher, Auress (NMN, Citadel Tower..? Where the heck did Song and everyone go!?):Auress was stadning near Song still, trying to shield her mind, and keep an eye on the detective."Edubard? Are you in need of assistance?" The AI asked Edubard, he had failed to find another projector near Auress, at somepoint, he would have to find a way to move about outside of a projector.

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IC: Auress (NMN, The Citadel):"Oh- Well, I just have a bunch of stuff on my mind. Like, nearly getting killed today, getting attacked a lot, and meeting my father again. Just really... Exhausting, " She said, it was really exhausting, "After all, in less than a day, I went from barely surviving on the streets to being in one of the most secure places on the planet."

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IC: Amalia/Belthnor:Belthnor scoffed. "And who is this? Some Toa? Bah! How are you worthy?""Shut up, diamond head! Let's just get on with this. Now, you know where to go?" Amalia retorted.Belthnor nodded slowly before walking towards the city entrace/exit. "Far east. Hope you're ready for this."

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IC: Amalia/Belthnor:"Let me give to you simply: I give myself to Techna, and I get no credit in that organization for assisting the people. Is that really fair?"Be cautious about this one, Blade. I could detect his lie Kios away. Amalia noted to Blade, warning him about their 'friendly' accomplice.

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IC: Amalia/Belthnor:Belthnor quietly remarked about dumb Toa of Lightning, then raised his head, eyes glowing in vibrant colors. "Be careful of what you say," he said before turning away and leading the trio out of the city.Amalia rolled her eyes, and stayed by Blade. She didn't like the way the tall being was acting, certainly the way to Blade. She nudged her mind against his as a warning to stop the behavior.

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OOC: Need to get back in here.IC: ZaphosNear the centre of New Metru Nui, some strange looking speakers flared up as a somewhat bestial voice rang across the area, easily identifiable as belonging to possibly the only Frostelus in the region."Hello there everybody! Are you hungry? Do you search for enlightenment? Well order some pizza from the Local Pizza StoreTM.! We have many types of pizza, and all of them are available for low prices! Call 19 98 10 now and get a free pizza!"

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-==IC: Blade==-Blade frowned at Belthnor, restraining himself from pummeling the being into the ground; really, it was a good thing that this wasn't happening just after he had been unsealed, when Tsuki was still around, or Belthnor would likely be lying in a mini-crater he caused.

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OOC: Need to get back in here.IC: ZaphosNear the centre of New Metru Nui, some strange looking speakers flared up as a somewhat bestial voice rang across the area, easily identifiable as belonging to possibly the only Frostelus in the region."Hello there everybody! Are you hungry? Do you search for enlightenment? Well order some pizza from the Local Pizza StoreTM.! We have many types of pizza, and all of them are available for low prices! Call 19 98 10 now and get a free pizza!"

IC Keisael - New Metru Nui - Watching:Advertisement. He was always surprised by how.. normal.. life seemed in the city. Even though, in reality, it wasn't normal here, not in the least. He honestly didn't know how people could just pick up the pieces and move on so easily... after the crash, he hadn't even been able to get a good night's sleep, let alone run a store in 'New Metru Nui'. He almost thought of the city as pathetic.. like they were trying to hide the fact that it wouldn't be the same again, like they didn't want to face the reality of the situation at hand. He shrugged the thoughts off, and tried to ignore the sound of that annoying advertisement that blared out across the center of the city. -Keisael
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IC: Emma - CitadelEmma gingerly got to her feet, still attempting to keep her lunch down, "Sorry about fainting on you guys. And nearly hurling on you after that."She gave a weak grin, before working her way out of the office, "Well, let's find the others before they do something insane."-Void



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OOC: Tyler granted me permission to bunny Desde into the cafeteria.IC: TorchTime: ~0843Citadel cafeteriaWith Desdemona / Jade still holding onto his left arm, Torch entered the cafeteria. Several staff on duty saluted Torch with clear joy radiating from their movements; Torch saluted in return with a grin intended to be comforting, though it took the semblance of attention sickness. Gust didn't seem to be in the cafeteria yet, so Torch took a seat at the table nearest the counter. Desdemona / Jade sat beside him.

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-==IC: Kairan==-"It's okay." Kairan said with a nod, as he helped Emma up, taking it slowly, since she still might be light headed."Was likely partly because of everything we went through in the last..." Kairan paused at that and checked his communicator for the time."Hour or so?"

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IC: Gust (Cafeteria, The Citadel)"Get off of him.""That's right. He's your mate. Apologies."Before Torch's eyes, Desdemona shifted from Jade's form to her own, taking on the shades of blue and the deep sapphire eyes that made the Great Being distinctly recognizable.-Teezy



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IC: Gust (Cafeteria, The Citadel)"I, as well," he said, still watching. "Dez. My office. Top floor. You can use elevators, right?"With a confused glare from her wide blue eyes, Desdemona walked to the elevator and entered, her eyes never leaving Gust, even as he stared dead forward with tenacity that looked as though it could burn a hole in the wall. When it disappeared, he turned back to Torch."It's nice to see you."-Teezy



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IC: Gust (Cafeteria, The Citadel)"I've been managing," said the Toa Techna of Air, sitting across from Torch. Now that he was in the light and close to Torch, the Toa Techna of Plasma could see just how much stress his friend had been through. Gust's eyes carried permanent deep purple bags below them, his right eye had a diagonal scar over it (a trophy from the Drazen op, in which Gust had personally led two TOA teams) and his shoulders were slumped in that way that only a leader could recognize on another leader, as if a man were carrying the hopes and dreams of all his citizens across his shoulders. Gust had been supporting the city almost completely by over the last few months; now he just looked the part."We all have been."-Teezy



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IC: TorchTime: ~0844Citadel cafeteriaTorch nodded in somber understanding. In the reflection of Gust's Kanohi, Torch could see his own face. It didn't look very good: His Kanohi was dented and covered in smudges, and his armor also carried some malformations. More than a simple buffing would be required to give Torch his old shine."I'll do what I can to help," said the Toa of Plasma.

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IC: Gust (Cafeteria, The Citadel)Gust nodded."I'll have someone get you Level 3 access pronto. CHI's kind of backed up right now, but if I can bypass it here at the Citadel, maybe I can get it done quicker..."Noting Torch's indigniant reaction at the clearance he was afforded, he shrugged sadly."We've rooted out a lot of moles today, bro. Both Hacker and Umbrae. I can't run the risk that you've gotten some kind of implant that could get the other factions anything too classified. Speaking of which..."He looked up, noticing Jasik A'Ranthee still standing there, a shadow amongst shadows in the corner of the cafeteria, watching silently. With a nod, Jasik snapped his fingers, turning into a tendril of darkness and then nothing.Gust shrugged, looking back at Torch."I just can't take that chance."-Teezy



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IC: Amalia/Belthnor:The trio had made it out of the city, trekking outwards to the east of them, where the Stormstone Caves were. The Golden Hammer was reported to be located there thanks to Belthnor's source. He rationed supplies for Blade and Amalia, but keeping the larger portion to himself. He'd remarked earlier his interests earlier, infuriating Amalia, who retorted about his appearance once again.Belthnor checked one of the maps he had taken earlier. "It seems we aren't far from here; we need someone to scout." he notified, obviously showing he would not volunteer for the job. Amalia sighed before disappearing in a flash, returning with a nod. "The caves appear to be safe. Let's go."

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IC: TorchTime: ~0845Citadel cafeteriaJust because it made sense did not mean Torch had to like it. He stuck his tongue between his teeth -- for he had no other response -- and nodded. "I understand. I just... I can't stand being unable to do more." He hesitated, reminiscing. "Maybe that's why I was so overbearing as leader."He shrugged. "I'll do what I can. Can you schedule a clean-up and repair for me? I need a new plasma jet, and I don't want to walk around in this trashy armor."

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IC: Gust (Cafeteria, The Citadel)Gust rolled the plasma jet across the table."I found that in the wreckage last night," he said. "Figured it was some kind of omen. Guess I was right."-Teezy



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IC: TorchTime: ~0845Citadel cafeteriaAs Torch had expected, the plasma jet was warped with damage. He had not, however, expected its connections to all be intact. A minute of fiddling allowed the jet to be attached to Torch's arm; a sickly orange glow illumed its barrel on mental command."It still works," Torch said, taking it off again. "One more thing to busy your technicians, I suppose." His attention returned to Gust. "I'm sure you have a lot of work to do, so if you can schedule that repair session, I'll be on my way."

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