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R P G: Pantheon

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OOC: Alright then, here we are.IC: It had taken a few hours, but they were nearly there, only a few minutes out. "Okay, Inetrnot. Has he made any progress this way?"OOC: Yeah, if the people at the Norse side would hurry up, I'm going to be getting most of the mortal players to Austin. That's when the plot will really kick off.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOC: ToA and Lord of Adders Black approved this.Username(What do we call you?): KaithasName(Who's your character?): NavanAge: 25ish (hard to tell with time deities)Gender: MaleSpecies(Include parent or dominion if demigod or god): New God of Time, Native American reserves.Affiliation(Work for anyone?): Loner. Wouldn't mind a pantheon, but only if they go along with his mission.Appearance(What do they look like?): Tall, blond haired, green eyed American male. An hourglass mark has appeared on the back of his hand since meeting the Buffalo Man, and so far he is unaware of it.Weapons(carry anything around?): an enchanted longsword that cuts through metal like butter(cuts through other materials as normal)Powers/skills(What can they do that's special?): Local time manipulation. Can run much faster than normal, age things to make them weaker(anything above a mortal can resist, but he doesn't really use this on living things as he considers it cruel). reacts faster, can dodge more easily, though this takes immense concentration, as it requires him to maintain two speeds at the same time. His powers tire him out, and he runs the risk of his atoms falling out of time if he pushes himself far past his limits, which will destroy him. Permanently. An expert with his sword. Can de-age objects to restore them to working order, but this tires him out almost instantly. One thing you won't see much is his ability to make short range portals(like 10 feet) as his accuracy is pretty bad. (yes, I forgot to mention this to you Lord of Adders Black. That is just how rare this us gonna be)Biography(tell us a little about them): A personification of time, he was originally called into being by people worshiping time more than money. He wandered for a while, but when the Old Gods started reappearing he noticed something odd. The Native American deities hadn't come with the rest. He decided not to join the rest of the New Gods, as holding onto territory that doesn't last doesn't appeal to a God of time. He started investigating the Native American god's disappearance, and this has gotten him a following among the Native Americans themselves. His shunning of the New gods means most of them will be hostile to him, and the Old Gods don't like him either. However, his worshiper base being as spread out as it is makes him hard to defeat the conversion way. He has been warned to stay out of the New-and Old-God's way multiple times, and he is just now coming down from the Dakotas, deciding that the most likely cause for the disappearance is in the battleground.IC: Navan was running(and time boosting) as fast as he could through the Akkadian territory. Unfortunately, this meant he'd probably show up as a massive spot of divine energy on everyone's sensors. Also, given that he was moving as fast as he was, meant that they would probably immediately know who he was. He stopped when he saw some kind of bubbles floating through the air. He started to follow them.

Edited by Toa Kaithas

No such thing as destiny.

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IC: (Musica)"Hey, who's that down there?"

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: "This could go very good, or very bad depending on whether they're old or new gods, and whether they've heard of me" Navan thought to himself, having recognized that they were gods. "HEY!" He yelled as he covered the remaining distance. "Are you guys Greek? Please tell me you aren't Greek."

No such thing as destiny.

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IC: Pax called out from the bubble."We're Alamoan. San Antonio. Who are you?"It felt strange to describe himself that way, but he supposed it was time he got used to it.OOC: I'll be contacting all players soon to see if they plan to continue playing, so I can get the plot moving more quickly.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: Navan was relieved, but he tensed again."I'm Navan, and my dominion is, well... I don't really have an official dominion. I guess you could say I hold dominance over various native American settlements. I hope you haven't heard of me, or you're more forgiving than the new gods were when I was here last."

No such thing as destiny.

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IC: "You mean I just ran halfway through Akkadian territory for nothing?"Navan facepalmed."Oh well. If it's not too much trouble, could I hitch a ride with you guys? Once we get near the location, you can drop me and I'll do a ground search. I'm just anticipating a battle with some Akkadian soon, and I need to save my power."

No such thing as destiny.

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IC: Inetrnot (In a bubble)"Let's see..." He focused, irises glowing solfly green. The holo-globe shifted and zoomed in, showing the divine-power camera once more. "The main energy source is currently somewhere around the zone where the Red River and the Texas border part ways. Moving at 14 MPH South-Southwest." Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC ( Musica)"The goddes of music"

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: (Muisca)Musica had picked up on the song quickly, and started to strum along to with her guitar.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: They had reached the spot.Pax landed the sphere, and the gods left as it disappeared. He shielded his eyes from the sun, looking around the dry, grassy area."Where could he- Does anyone else see that?"Thought it was nearly dark, an even darker shape could be seen walkin through the grass around 100 yards away.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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Navan led the way. "I can get out the fastest if he turns hostile, and this way I can grab one of you and pull you away." Navan whispered. "Pax, you do the talking. I'll help if he makes references to native American mythology, or speaks in some native language."OOC: Navan knows Indian languages, as they are his primary believers and he's been searching for their gods.

No such thing as destiny.

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IC: "Okay."The group walked toward the figure. When they got within earshot, Pax called out to him."Hello! Ah, Buffalo Man?"The figure, who they could just make out some details of, stopped. He was clad in dark clothes, with a huge round, fur covered head, horns coming from the top. As he was facing away from them, his face could not be seen. He spoke a single word."Approach."

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: Navan walked slowly toward him. "Buffalo Man, I am Navan, New God of time. I have been searching for you for years. This is Pax, God of peace. He's our diplomat, so he'll be doing the talking unless you prefer to speak in a Native Tongue. In that case, I will interpret. "

No such thing as destiny.

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IC: Thunder cracked overhead, as the sky darkened, dark clouds covering the sun. It did not hang, but the atmosphere was obvious.The god did not turn around, but as they approached they could see he was shirtless, with a strap across him holding several items. His skin was a deep tan, his round head dark and hairy, with two small horns. He carried a staff, and wore leather pants."Ask your questions," he said simply, in a voice more deep and ancient than any the others had heard.Pax nodded at Navan, guesturing at him to speak.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: The Buffalo Man sighed, and swept his staff across the ground. The dust around him swirled up, and within it images could be seen within- Native Americans- fighting, working, playing... living in huge cities and villages, tribes rising and falling."The People were noble, diverse as the land itself. We did not divide our world into countries, but moved and changed with the ages, having only our tribes together. We were the stewards of this land, and we kept it well."The images suddenly changed, becoming darker and warlike. Foreign strangers appeared, and the Natives began to die- but not from guns and strategy. The killer was obviously disease."The Spanish, the French, the English- all good in their own way. But they came and brought their filth with them, and the People died like dogs. The white men came upon the remaining scraps and slaughtered them, believing the scattered fragments to have been the entirety of what they saw as a 'barbarian' culture."The images changed again, showing the treatment of Native Americans through the centuries- the wars, the marches, the reservations."We were small, scattered, denied our rights. Few of us remained."The dust swirled so that they could not see. When it cleared, the area had darkened completely, and the Buffalo Man sat cross-legged in front of a campfire, the shadows hiding his face."As the People were scattered, so were their gods. Few have returned- Coyote, in San Antonio, is one of the last remnant of the Comanche, surviving through folk tales which have been passed down."He raised his head, revealing his face- a ceremonial buffalo mask, with a painted, human shape to the face, and eyes of burning fire beneath the fur and horns. He looked directly at Navan."The People have begun moving north, to the areas we were never driven out. The Aztecs and Incas control the southern lands, but the north remained ours. There you will find the Remnant, and the answers you seek."He paused a moment."Do not go now. They will not accept you, weak and untrusting as you are. The People must be allowed to form alliances, to reconcile the tribes and traditions of this vast land. As I said, few gods remain, and they will not easily add more. Perhaps one day they will accept you, but were you to travel there now- you would not survive."

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: "Yes sir. I just came from the Dakotas, but I did not see clues there. Pax has his own questions, I'm sure, but I have one more. What should I do to become stronger, to become worthy of joining the Remnant? Indeed, I know I have not realized my full potential" Navan asked, relieved to finally find answers. As he said this, a small hourglass glowed on the back of his hand.

Edited by Toa Kaithas

No such thing as destiny.

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