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R P G: Pantheon

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IC: "I mean in... What is it called now... Moccasin? Mocassinco? Oh, something like that. The Aztec area. I assume you're referring to the Lakota and tribes in that region. I'm sure they'll begin moving north soon as well. The Norse are closing in in that area."He turned to Pax."What is it you want?"Pax bowed slightly."I'd like to ask you to come back to San Antonio. Travis says you're an Alamoa-"The Buffalo Man began to laugh at this, cutting Pax off. He chuckled once more."Sorry. You were saying?""....Alright. Well, Travis wants you to come bac-"More laughter.Pax's eyes narrowed a bit."Is this going to become a regular thing with you?"He shook his head."No.... I never joined. Travis assumed I would. He's been trying to get me to for years. Even has a throne.""Why won't you?""I'm a wanderer. I don't like staying in one place- never have. I've been around far longer than any of you, remember that. No place is safe forever.""Well, Travis fears the city can't hold out without you. He made your return a condition of us joining.""Then I suppose you'll have to make your own pantheon," said the god staunchly, the dust beginning to swirl.Pax held out his hand."Please. There are human lives at stake. I'm fromEl Paso. You must know what happened there. What's left of my people are in San Antonio right now, and if we don't bring you back, some of the gods have threatened to kill them."The elder god sighed as the dust settled."Please, sir," said Pax. "I'm begging yo-""Alright!" replied the Buffalo Man, cutting him off again. "I'll come back. That's what he asked. No promises about staying. And all of you, quit with the 'sir'. We're all gods here."Pax smiled. "Thank you. I'll make us a transp-"Even more laughter."I've got this one," chuckled the old god. He looked at Navan."Are you coming with us?"

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: "I beileve I will. There isn't much else for me to do but wait. Maybe if my tribes go up and join the Remnant I'll be accepted there." Navan said. "Besides, I need to practice my combat skills anyway. But I will NOT be joing a Pantheon. I'm a wanderer, like you." Navan added, addressing the Buffalo Man. "If there was such a thing as a wandering Pantheon... Maybe."

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC: "Good then."The fire went out as the sky began to lighten again. The dust swirled around the group, obscuring their vision before slowing and settling down. They found themselves directly in front of the Alamo."Much faster that way," said the Buffalo Man, standing up.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: The gods entered the throne room, Pax opening the door."Travis!" he called. "We're back!"There was a shimmer in the air, then the god appeared."Oh, you're back. Good. And you've brought our frie-"There was a snort."-The Buffalo Man. Good then. You're all in."The god looked them over carefully, then pointed at Navan."He's new," the god said, extending a hand."William B. Travis, leader of the Alamoans."

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: "I will help you fight, but no, I will not be joining a pantheon. If joining your pantheon is the difference between victory and defeat I might, but only temporarily." Navan said. "My worshipers are heading north currently, and I hope once this is over I will be able to join them." Navan glanced at the Buffalo Man, for he was speaking of his people joining the Remnant.OOC: still have no idea what this hourglass thing means....

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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OOC: Me either. :PIC: "Fair enough. And you, Buffalo Man?""He is with me. I... I will help you should it come to a fight. I will not join, however. You know I can't do that.""My friend, your pantheon is shattered. Coyote has seen that joining is the best and only option, and so-""I have given you my final offer."Travis sighed."Fair enough. Will you be staying?""For a time. I'll leave when it suits me.""As it will soon, no doubt. Well," he said, turning to Pax's group."You've done well. You're welcome to claim a temple in the city, and we're glad to have you."

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: (Muisca)"It could mean your power is growing? Thats seems to make the most sense to me."

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Sorry I haven't been on in a while, just haven't been able to use a computer for a while, and never really got to this on mobile... Anyways, if I'm needed, I can always be PM'd, that would definitely remind me. :)Anyways...IC: GerhardGerhard stepped out of the truck he was driving, as he had arrived at his destination. "Well," he said, with a slight sigh of relief, "we're here now. So, what's our next move?"

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IC: Inetrnot (Alamo)"Well, you people have fun doing whatever. I'm gonna go claim a temple, so just call when ya need me." Inetrnot simply dissolved into code, flying off to claim a temple. (San Antonio, Random Internet Cafe) Inetrnot appeared just outside the doors of the nearest internet cafe, and walked inside.After a quick talk with the manager, he went to the center of the cafe and spoke."Alright. This here cafe is now the Temple of the Internet, home of the God of the Internet. That's me, if ya didn't know. Anyway, I'm gonna remodel some, so it'd be nice for all to leave." Once the mortals had done so, Inetrnot turned back to the cafe. With a snap of his fingers, the cafe transformed. The counter where they sold coffee moved off to the side, becoming smaller along the way. Where it used to be came a large screen, followed by many other small ones that popped up along the walls. A keyboard also appeared, along with a sign that said 'Prayers, Hopes, Dreams and Worships here'. The entire building, inside and out gained what looked like the inner workings of a computer, replacing the walls, ceiling and floor.Inetrnot fell onto a seat by the counter, exhausted. He turned to one of the people returning to the Temple. "One coffee, please."Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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OCC: Sure, and im still waiting for the Romans to do something.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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OOC: Double post breaker so ToA can post a long one without editing.IC: Navan turned just as an elderly lady was about to get run over. He boosted as fast as he could and pulled her out of the way. His entire hand was covered in marks by now.OOC: COMBO BREAKER!

Edited by Toa Kaithas

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC: (Musica)Muisca had gone out to the closest music shop to make it her temple."This will now be the temple for me, Musica, Goddess of muisc. It would be safest if you mortals leave, so you are not hurt while renovate the temple." She then went about, re-decorating, having most types of music their own little areas, so as to avoid fighting between types.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: The Texan god appeared in a whirl of smoke, looking down on Navan."Why, exactly? You ain't part of this Pantheon."OOC: Alright, everyone, ATTENTION.All mortal players- I realize that currently everyone besides the Norse has nothing to do. Choices:Choice A- I send you off on an attack.Choice B- I have you called off to Austin to start the main plot. What would you guys like?

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOC: I RETURN!BOW BEFORE THE MIGHT OF THE BLACKEST MAGIC'S MORTAL FOOLS! :PIC (Manuel, Abbas, Cedar Park)Time had been kind to Cedar Park. Lights burned brightly in it's windows, church bells rang once more. Car's could be seen moving in the street. Looking at the city, one would be hard pressed to reconcile it with the chaos that had consumed the land around it. Then one would note the ring of bunkers and trenches surrounding most of the city and it would begin to make sense. Manuel had been busy, busy rebuilding what others would have torn down. He had freed the people of Cedar Park, and they repaid him with loyalty. His forces had grown at an immense rate as volunteer's had practically flooded his office and later, the recruitment offices. He had been hard press to supply them all when a national guard convoy, or what was left of the convoy had shown up in town. It had been a godsend in more then one sense, the firepower that convoy offered was nothing to sneeze at and they helped immensely in regards to training Manuel's forces . But the news they brought had been even more welcome.The United States Government had not blindly waited for the threat of the Gods to crash upon it's shores. They had been preparing, but the Gods had hit sooner then anyone could have anticipated. Their programs and the fruits of them had not had the time to be distributed. But one of the complex's that had stored the fruits of this program was nearby. Scouts were dispatched, along with reclamation forces. What they had brought back was exactly the edge Manuel's forces needed. Lightweight composite armor, able to stop bullets and allow the user to keep going. Armor for special forces, masks that could switch between infrared and night vision and other such things. With the composite armor, Manuel could build an army that not only defended humanity, but one that could take the fight to the god's. Factories had been prepared, material smuggling routes set up and before long, his army was truly a force to be feared.And it kept growing, as tales of this human power, this army that dared to defy the god's grew, what was left the national guard made the dangerous journey to Cedar Park, some made it, many did not. Everywhere about the city there was a sense of joy. Other towns, in the thrall of criminals or demigod's, waited with bated breath to see if the Liberator's would come for them next.As Manuel sat in his command offices (formerly the police station) he contemplated his next move, Cedar Park was a good starting point, but millions still suffered under the thrall of the god's.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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