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R P G: Pantheon

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IC: José looked at the ground, and cursed.El Paso had been Aztec for some time now. So, naturally, the gods weren't satisfied. Now they wanted San Antonio. And, of course, they wanted José in the attack.He sighed, his breath swirling out and rustling some papers in his room. He had chosen a fairly nice top-floor apartment in El Paso, doing his best to keep it clean. He stood up, and grabbed his blade from where the strap was hung on the wall. He hung the strap over his bare shoulder, the sheath falling at his side."Well, I guess it's time," he said, looking around the apartment. Nothing else here he needed. He opened the window-door, stepping on to the balcony. He climbed to the railing, looking at the building's roof above and behind him. He turned his attention forward, and leapt out. He felt himself begin to fall, then...His skin rustled then exploded as if something was coming from inside. And indeed it was- a huge, greed, red-and-gold feathered serpent had appeared in midair, winging its way through the city.Well, thought José. Might as well enjoy the ride.IC: Erisa stepped out of the van. And was handed a megaphone. She stared at it for a minute until a demigod showed her how to operate it. She raised it to her mouth, beginning to speak."Okay, everyone, this is our stop. Let's get the camp together. Some of you will be contacted shortly about tonight. If you are, be ready."She turned to Gerhard."Alright, Gerhard. Let's get this started."IC: Fiona MacArthur walked aimlessly through her camp. Things had been quiet recently. It seemed the Tuatha didn't want to fight everyone in Texas, but instead wait a few people out. Less competitors, she guessed.However, in the meantime she was bored. She'd had just about enough of training. Fiona entered her tent, sitting down on the bed. Really, it'd be nice to get at least some action for a ch-Suddenly, she jumped up. The wall of her tent was literally glowing. Not completely, just in one spot. It wasn't fire, but light, burning its way in a series of lines... letters?She sat down again, more relaxed. Obviously, this was some sort of divine message. She began to read it-"Austin Museum of Art, three days."She paused."Why the Museum of Art..."She stuck her head outside, seeing a passing soldier."Hey, you!""Yes Ma'am?" he asked, snapping to attention."Is there any sort of attack scheduled soon?"He visibly relaxed."No Ma'am. The gods haven't declared any.""Ah. Thank you."She returned to her tent, looking at the still-glowing message. She thought for a moment."A few days won't hurt," she said, as the message faded away.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC (Georgetown)It began. Ranger Thomas watched it through the telescopic sight of his anti-material rifle. He and a few other Texas Rangers had been deployed here to scout out the town. They had little relation to the pre-Gods ranger, but the name still felt fitting. He switched to infrared sight and watched. A detachment from Cedar Park had been sent here with one mission, liberate the city from the Demigod holding it in his power. Three APC's made up the tip of the assault, clearing the way for traditional trucks loaded down with men. The APC's had performed well, the demigod's cultists hadn't had anything that could match the reactive armor the APC's sport and when the squads the APC's had been loaded with joined the fray many of the cultists had been cut down or turned tail and run.Then things got interesting, the convoy of trucks came in behind the APC's, off-loading soldiers dressed in the composite armor of Manuel's Liberators. The armor was painted the colors of the Texas countryside and beneath them the men wore desert camouflage. It wasn't ideal for urban combat, but it would have to do. Much of the grass in the city had died, no one really watered it anymore, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. The cultists continued to fall back, and the infantry pressed forwards, being joined by the citizens of the city in a few places, armed with whatever they could lay their hands. Then there was a flash of light, the Demigod appeared in a burst of fire. Thomas raised his rifle, his comrades that could see the demigod did the same.Three anti-material rifles spoke. Three large chunks of the Demigod vanished as the bullets plowed through him. Thomas smiled. That was that. The Cultists would have no one to turn to now, it would just be a matter of rooting them out.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: "Okay then. Reason 1: I will be able to give my all in the upcoming fight. 2: My normal believers are in danger currently, and I don't want a major drop in my power in the middle of a fight. 3: I've never had a temple before, so I wanna see what it's like. Also, from your point of view, this will be more conducive to me maybe joining your Pantheon sometime in the future."

Edited by Toa Kaithas

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC: "Great. Thanks."Navan dashed to the nearest clock tower. "Okay, everyone out. If you're still here this might hurt." Once everyone had left Navan remodeled it to the point that the entire bottom floor's walls were covered in clocks, each showing the time at different parts of the world. In the middle was the shrine, which was a giant hourglass that flowed up on the odd numbered hours and down on the even.OOC: ready for the Aztecs.

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC: "I'm gonna try something new with my new power." Navan held out the hourglassed hand (his right hand) and started concentrating on it. A small flicker started appearing. He focused more, and a small orange holo sword appeared. Navan grinned. "That takes far too much energy. I'll stick with old fashioned steel." The blade flickered out of existence.

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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OOC: The gloves are off, then it's remembered that the gloves are there for the safety of the hands, not the face, then one glove is donned again as sort of a compromise, then it's realised that that looks silly, and then everyone figures out that I'm stalling for time aaaaand screw it.

Username: TrymonName: Pedro Turquesa/Turquoise Peter (used interchangeably)-Epithet: The Eternal SalesmanAge: Estimates range from 503 years for 399 seconds. He isn't really sure himself, as the idea of a man selling food in a desert - and at reasonable prices - has been desperately believed in by a small group of people - usually those starving to death in a desert - for quite some time.Gender: MaleSpecies: God. At present he has no city he rules over, but he is instead followed through the desert by those who believe in him and are willing to wander the desert with him.Affiliation: His concern is for himself and those who follow himAppearance: He has a rather large amount of burlap wrapped around the top of his head, making it impossible to tell if he has ears, eyebrows, or really any hair at all. His skin and eyes are, as his name suggests, turquoise in color, and he wears a sort of mail shirt fastened, not from rings of steel, but from perfectly shaped rings of turquoise (the stone, not some physical embodiment of the color). Underneath this he wears a plain white robe, and very comfortable sandals. Pedro Turquesa is rarely seen not riding a small donkey, which has cups and plates of varying sizes tied to its sides. When standing, Pedro Turquesa is about 4'7".Weapons: Pedro Turquesa is adamantly nonviolent, and he carries no weapons.Powers/skills: Pedro Turquesa can convert money directly into food, and it is in this way that he feeds his followers - though when they have no money left, he seems to generate the food from thin air, as he does when he eats (his favorite - and, it seems, only - food is limes). Water he never charges for, and it continually sloshes out of the cups tied to his donkey, leaving a trail of cool, wet sand behind him. If he wills it, a patch of sand can be made to not dry in the sun, and a lime tree may sprout in these patches, if someone does not make an effort to dry or scatter the sand.Biography: Pedro Turquesa's past - or as much of a past as he has, as any god has to have had a beginning - is much the same as his future. He has exchanged food for many different currencies over the years, but he has always ridden through the deserts of the Americas, or, at least, those parts not closed off to him by hostile pantheons.Username: TrymonName(Who's your character?): Sigrid Adair LoptsdottirAge: 19Gender: FemaleSpecies: Demigod (Daughter of Loki)Affiliation: Norse PantheonAppearance: Sigrid is a tall, thin young woman with a slightly muscular build, and noticeably muscular arms - she doesn't quite look like a female bodybuilder, as she does not spend most of her time in battle, but she does not shy away from manual labor, and it shows. In older times she might have shown a preference for simple, woolly clothing, but in the modern era, her tastes tend to less itchy clothing - jeans, typically dyed black or the all-too-common blue, a t-shirt - light in color but never white - and a light denim jacket, matching her pants about 50% of the time. This not-so-uncommon clothing is offset somewhat by the bone-hilted sax (Viking short sword, not saxophone) at her belt and the Norse shield strapped across her back. The shield is black, with a symbol - two snakes intertwined to form the letter S - embossed on it in silver.Her eyes are green, her hair is red and hangs to her waist when loose, her face is heart-shaped with light eyebrows and a sharp nose, and everything, it seems, from her hairline to her toes, is covered in freckles. Weapons/Equipment: She carries a sax in a sheath on her belt and a round Norse shield on her back. The blade of the sax is 45cm in length, and, like many of the best historical blades of this type, it is pattern-welded. In addition to her weapons, she wears a pair of shoes crafted byVölundr, the noted - and, indeed, legendary - craftsman of Norse mythology. These shoes allow her to run as fast as a horse, though they do not grant her the same endurance.Powers/skills: Sigrid possesses no extraordinary powers that are useful in combat, though, like her father, she is clever, and quick to laugh, either in earnest jest or mockery.Biography: Born in the year that the old gods returned, Sigrid is the daughter of an American theologian who had written several books of interpretations on the role of Loki in Norse mythology and was, to say the least, thrilled when she actually met him. Sigrid was born in November of 1992, and was given a Norse patronymic in addition to her mother's English surname. Sigrid was made aware of her father's identity at an early age, and she and her mother followed the struggle between pantheons with much the same enthusiasm that a football fan might devote to their sport, holding a small celebration in their living room whenever the Norse gods scored a victory - and watching tensely, eyes glued to the news broadcast, whenever Loki himself was caught in a scrape with gods of another pantheon.When she turned 18 the previous year, Sigrid left home, desiring to travel the undecided regions of the world, aiding the Norse gods in persuading those who did not know where to turn. With her, relying on her guidance during the day, is a troll named Aldrig Sten.---Username: Ymper TrymonName: Aldrig StenAge: ForgottenGender: MaleSpecies: Troll [associated with jötunn, more closely with 'rock giants' under the umbrella term jötunn]Affiliation: NorseAppearance: Aldrig Sten is three times the height of a large human male, and easily four times the width. His head is much rounder than a human's, with a prominent brow, a large, bulbous nose, and a wide mouth full of large teeth. His eyes are small and black, and his eyesight is poor. Because any significant direct exposure to sunlight would turn him to stone, his skin is very pale, of a colour not at all dissimilar from one of the eyeless fishes that inhabits the deep, dark pools of the world's caves. His hair and beard are both very long, white, and wiry, like steel wool. His arms are longer, proportionally, than a human's, and he walks hunched over, back bowed by the weight of the pack slung over his back. He keeps himself wrapped up in various heavy fabrics, ranging in color from brick-red to black, all thick enough to be quite opaque, and while the outer fabrics might be caked with mud or covered in sand blown in by the wind, they are all well cared-for, and Aldrig Sten frequently washes them in streams or clear lakes at night.Weapons: Aldrig Sten carries an oversized breiðöx-style axe, which he uses both as a weapon and a tool.Powers/skills: Apart from having strength in proportion with his size, and the ability to make a rather nice rockery if he ever gets caught in the sun, Aldrig Sten has no particular powers.Biography: Aldrig Sten is, like most trolls, ancient. It is a commonly-held belief that trolls are stupid creatures, but this is a misunderstanding - time just works differently for a trollish mind. While a human mind has Monday mornings, when everything goes faster than is comfortable, or days before important, stressful events, which may as well not exist for the speed at which they flit by, or Sunday afternoons at 4:30, when time very nearly stands still, it is always Sunday afternoon at 4:30 in the mind of a troll. While a troll's mind may be slow, it is also quite clear, with no trace of species-wide stupidity to be found. Indeed, while trolls have been known to take ten years to decide what to have for lunch, they also tend to amuse themselves with philosophy, spending longer than they care to know puzzling over the meaning of life.In such respects, Aldrig Sten is a typical troll - slow and plodding in thought, and quite happy to let time trickle past in a mountain cave, or to wander under the stars in a dark northern forest. In such ways did he pass centuries, as his black hair turned moss-green and wrinkles found their way onto his face.This slow lifestyle ended when the war came. Knowing the hardships that were to come, the Norse gods made the trolls an offer before the other pantheons could get to them, hoping to secure allies in their struggle for dominance. The nature of the offer was neither kind or subtle - such is not the way of gods when they are in a hurry - but nor was it the kind of offer that is safely refused. Trolls like Aldrig Sten were given a choice - they could either join in the armed conquest of other pantheons, or wander the Earth, spreading belief in the gods by way of words and favors. Aldrig Sten, being a practical sort who had thought for some time on the ways in which belief takes root, favored this second option, and so he joined the ranks of those wanderers who speak at length to potential converts, putting in them the fear of the savage Aztec gods, or urging them to trust in the wisdom of the All-Father.It was in these wanderings that Aldrig Sten crossed paths with a daughter of Loki, and the two soon began travelling together, for security and to allow the troll to move by day.[A note: Aldrig Sten's name was given by his mother as a well-wishing - a literal translation of the name reads as 'never be stone'. Due to the nature of the name, neither part of the name, spoken alone, is treated by Aldrig Sten as his name, and, in fact, the second part alone is treated by him much as a human would treat being told to go die in a fire.]
IC(Pedro Turquesa): Two miles outside of San Antonio, the air shimmered around a small caravan in the desert. Many of the people walked, wearing various scarves or shawls to protect themselves from the sun as they walked slowly in the cool, wet sand left in the wake of the one member of their party that did not walk. That individual was hidden in a very clean white robe that, at the moment, seemed to be somewhat too big for him, though there did seem to be a lot of bluish - perhaps teal? - material glinting in the sun on the individual's torso, adding some color to his otherwise plain adornments. The clothes his followers wore were a somewhat more eclectic mix, apparently chosen with little care, though most of them seemed to know where their towel was at.As a hypothetical observer - a hawk, maybe, or a watchful god - may have seen that day, one of the members of the caravan quickened his pace, easily coming up alongside the fat donkey on which the robed figure sat. As the caravan moved along, the man pressed a coin into the rider's hand, and stepped a little bit to the side.The rider held the coin between a finger and a thumb, turning it over a few times in the light, before enclosing it in his fist - which, as it turns out, was very plainly turquoise, not at all a color associated with a normal, healthy human being - and holding his hand tightly shut for a moment. When the hand reopened, an orange had grown up in place of the coin, and the eager follower who walked beside the donkey took the fruit, and drifted back into the line to enjoy his repast.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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  • 2 weeks later...

IC: "I'll make sure of it. Alright everyone, meet here in two hours. Go ready yourselves, and remember who you fight for. We are the blades of the Æsir, and we shall not fail!"The others cheered and dispersed, as Erisa nodded to Gerhard."See you soon, Gerhard."She headed back towards her tent, leaving him alone with the dragons.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

IC: Inetrnot (Temple of the Internet)Inetrnot glanced over at a screen, which showed an unusual spike in divine energy. Though it was small, it was enough to show up on his Google Readings for the Earthen Globe (now called the GREG). "To do something about it, or watch dogs fail spectacularly...hmmmm.... Well, sorry for you, readings. Coffee!" And he turned back to his video.OOC: Hey. When's some action happening? We're stagnant here. Action! Please? :PZakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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OOC: Alright, we'll give it one more shot.IC: It was midnight when the team went in. A single dragon streaked across the sky, it's blue scales black in the moonless night. Erisa was at the reins, her face hooded. Gerhard sat behind behind her, followed by Jyrik and Travis. Two human soldiers sat in a basket strapped beneath, checking their weapons, while a night elf and a dwarf were seated similarly on the sides.The plan was simple. Abilene's Air Force base currently only had three working combat-ready fighters there. They were to get in and destroy them, crippling the city's forces before taking it. As they neared the base, the soldiers drew their weapons.T'would be a battle for the ages.OOC: Who's currently playing a demigod or blessed mortal?

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OCC: I do. I have 2 Demigods. one Roman, the other Greek

Edited by thelonewander

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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OCC: One was at that forge with yours, and I haven't started the second one yet. Been waiting for the Greeks to moblize before I start him, or have Hades sommin him, which ever works best.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: GerhardGerhard was waiting, the wind blowing through his hair. The team was rapidly approaching their target, not only flying closer, but also descending. There hadn't been any gunfire yet, although that was most likely due to the soldiers not having any clue as to what the dragon was, or that there was a small team prepared to disable the base. Even if the soldiers noticed them, he was confident that they would defeat them and take over the base.He was the son of the god of war and victory, after all.

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IC: As the dragon approached the base, it began to descend, avoiding the few base lights that still functioned. However, the jets were in those lights. Erisa held up her hand as they descended, counting down. hit the ground, and the elf dismounted, sliding down as the others followed.OOC: All demigod characters have something important coming very quickly.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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