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What's Your Favorite Makuta?

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None of the Brotherhood could ever compare to the Makuta, for reasons that everyone here is aware of.

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-- Harlan Ellison



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I think Teridax was the best, for obvious reasons, but there are a few other Makuta that stand out to me. Those are Mutran, the foremost mad scientist, Krika, the nicest Makuta we ever knew and perhaps the least evil, Gorast, the bloodthirsty psychotic fanatic, and Icarax, who could be the most dangerous warrior in the universe, only outdone by Teridax's cunning. The rest, of course, are special characters, but those are the ones that are most memorable and entertaining to me.

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My favorite is the Makuta. Everybody else go home, he's been maniacally menacing the Matoran since 2001! He also bores me for he is Nothing, but even as a swirling vortex of Technic pieces and a rusty Matoran disguise he is awesome. He's cunning, and sneaky, and utterly evil, and has been plotting to take over the world since forever. I'd help kick His Nastiness over the horizon any day, but he's the oldest and finest piece of work the villains of Bionicle have to offer.I still call him Terry, though, because it's funny and I have no sense of self-preservation.

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My favourite is definitely Makuta, one of my favourite BIONICLE characters and fictional characters overall. And yes, I´m sorry but I still call him Makuta. :P-Gata signoff.jpg
Dont worry. I do too. I only call him terri on the site so people know what Im talking about

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Vamprah....What, someone had to make the not-really that important guy their favourite Makuta!
who..?I'm kidding. But jog my memory a bit...wasn't his death a little anti-climatic?
I think he died in the energy storms with all the other Makuta in Karda Nui. Now, whether that string of deaths in and of itself is anticlimatic is another discussion entirely.
Personally, Vamprah was my second favorite Makuta. A couple of the Kardakutas' deaths were anticlimatic. For one, Vamprah. Second, Gorast. The most exciting thing she did during the storm was muttering,"Krika was right Krika was right." If I remember correctly, which I might not, Antroz just perished in the storm as well, so I don't think it was all that special when he died. In fact, he would have had one of the least developed Makuta characters if it wasn't for the Jetrax T6. (All of this is just opinions, so feel free to disagree.)
I agree with you that the Kardakuta (aside from Mutran) did not get much screen time and character development, but alas I'm certain this is a matter of opinion.
Actually, Krika had quite a lot of development, with his rather unique character, and the comments he makes to the Toa.~B~
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  • 2 weeks later...

To be perfectly honest, I kinda stopped following the story around '06-ish, so I'm not entirely familiar with the other Makuta, but for darkslizer's reasons, Krika seems pretty cool. He definitely has depth to him, not just being the same as the rest of 'em.But having been a fan since the beginning, I'mma go with the Makuta, Teridax. Nuff said.

Edited by Shinken Green

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Teridax is my favorite, hands down because of his cunning and the fact he's the Big Villain, but I liked Mutran and Gorast too.Mutran because he was a mad scientist (and an inspiration for my Makuta OC), and Gorast solely because she was a tough, female warrior.-Inferna

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Call me unoriginal, but my favorite Makuta was definitely Teridax. He was the first BIONICLE villian I had known, he has several great quotes (i.e. "There are a thousand ways I could destroy you right now, and 941 of them hurt."), and he had such a brilliant plan.
I was going to say Miserix/Antroz, but you reminded me of that one line. I love that line. Also I remembered all the awesome stuff he did. I'm going to now say a miserix/teridax/antroz tie. Miserix because of his design and how he was handled in the story, particularly his battle with teridax in the mutran chronicles. Teridax because of all the awesome stuff he did, an example being his battle with karzahni which I loved. I started to dislike him after he took over the universe though, so only pre 2009 Terdax for me. Antroz because of how he didn't underestimate the toa nuva, his one line about a handful of toa being my favourite line in the series.
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Hard to pick one, though I'd like to mention Spiriah and Tridax for their characterization during their brief appearances.Always somewhat liked Icarax, though Teridax will always be the Makuta to me.-Roki

Edited by Roki

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  • 2 years later...

Teridax because of classic villain role and crazy plans. Icarax because of his handling of the Brotherhood of Makuta, and Antroz because of his set



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Definitely Krika, he had a lot of character and his personality stuck out from the other Makuta.


Please look at the date of the last post before adding your own - if it's over 60 days old, you will revive the topic.


However, I've checked the active topics in S&T. It seems we don't have a "Favorite Makuta" thread at the moment, so it may be a good idea to start a new one. As for this topic, though, it's been revived, and so I will now close it. Please PM me if you have questions about this.

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