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So I Stumbled Upon Something Today


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1340129036642.jpgI'm not sure if this is ridiculously old news or not, but it's news to me; apparently Bionicle got a shout-out in an issue of The Spectre. I don't know the context of the comic, but that is undeniably Gali, Tahu, Pohatu, and Lewa right there.So... does this make Bionicle part of the DC Universe?(Also, pardon me if this is in the wrong forum. I wasn't sure where else to put it.)
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Do you know, I was about to post this myself once I tracked down the comic it was from. (Saw it on a friend's blog, but he didn't know where it was from.)In any event, it's news to me as well. But DC was involved in the comics, right? My guess is one of the artists who used to work on Bionicle threw it in as a little nod.Any idea what issue # this is/when this was released?EDIT: A little digging around suggests it's The Spectre #10, released in December 2001. So time-wise it fits in nicely with the start of the Bionicle comics.

Edited by GSR

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It wasn't drawn by a Bionicle artist.It was drawn by Craig Hamilton, aka craigo-lego. Craig was possibly the best known person for painting/modifying minifigs in the late 1990's into 2001 - maybe a bit later, and had how-to web pages on the subject. His MOCs were in the castle theme, and he built Mephisto's Castle, which I think is the tallest minifig scale castle I've ever seen, a ninja themed red dragon fortress, and a lot of things that I don't remember; he also created characters/custom minfigs to go with these structures.Unfortunately, Craig's website disappeared long ago...






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Well, they were part of D.C. Comics, so I imagine, technically, yeah, but not directly. That's pretty sweet though!



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This is probably a coincidence of some sort, but as Pohuaki said above, it wasn't drawn by a BIONICLE comic artist. Hard to say why he at all drew it in, although this is still pretty cool, however.

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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A little digging around suggests it's The Spectre #10, released in December 2001.
Having researched it on a website I don't think I'm allowed to name, it is The Spectre #10, but the report is dated to November of that year, and it was apparently spotted several weeks earlier. This puts the comic's release date in at least October-ish. Its title is "The Return of Parallax!"I'd like to see the actual page in more detail. What are the other images? Below the Toa is some kind of whale creature, and above, a confrontation of two figures, but the two in the top left are too obscured. And why are they there in the first place?
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  • 4 weeks later...
1340129036642.jpgI'm not sure if this is ridiculously old news or not, but it's news to me; apparently Bionicle got a shout-out in an issue of The Spectre. I don't know the context of the comic, but that is undeniably Gali, Tahu, Pohatu, and Lewa right there.So... does this make Bionicle part of the DC Universe?(Also, pardon me if this is in the wrong forum. I wasn't sure where else to put it.)
Woah......You know, I suspected as such. Part of me slightly expected a Bionicle comics reboot along with the New 52. Glad to see that DC actually made a tribute to this. Nice find!

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That's pretty cool. Great job DC Comics. :D


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Heheh...all the potential for a crossover...But I don't think that was a coincidence.

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I'm pretty sure that Craig snuck the Bionicle pic in there himself without any guidance from DC - it's certainly the kind of thing he would have done. I haven't had any contact with him for about eleven and a half years, which is shortly before Bionicle came out and about nine months before this book came out, so I can't be positive.Anyway, I mentioned before that Craig's LEGO website was long gone. I recently remembered that a couple of the early DixieLUG meetings were held at Craig's house. At the risk of derailing this, I checked the DixieLUG folder on Brickshelf to find pictures of MOCs made by a guy who would put a Bionicle drawing in a superhero comic, and here are pics from the January 2000 meeting and the July 2000 meeting. I believe the castle structures and the custom minifigs are Craig's (the penguin and globe are Eric Harshbarger's, I don't recognize anything else).






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I'm pretty sure that Craig snuck the Bionicle pic in there himself without any guidance from DC - it's certainly the kind of thing he would have done.
What I find interesting is that it isn't just inserted at some random point with no explanation - it's one of a number of diverse images.I might track down a copy of the comic just to see what the Toa cameo is in the context of.
I haven't had any contact with him for about eleven and a half years,
So there might be a small amount of catching up to do at your next meeting? :P
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Pohakui, do you think you could contact him? I'd be interesting to know his motivations.
I've already checked with with a few people who I thought might know how to contact him now - no luck with that. I might try checking some other LEGO websites to see if I recognize anyone from Castle World who may have kept in touch with him, but that's a long shot. Edited by Pohuaki






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