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Aloft: Castle In The Sky

Blessed Blade

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IC: Saphiron / Resedomanadia SurfaceSaphiron looked up as the airship rose from the ruins and sped away. "What in... how could they have gotten back to their ship so fast?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: 77 leaned slightly over the side, watching the jungle go by below. The crew seemed very shaken up after seeing that thing in Resedomanadia. 7 didn't really understand why, as he had no emotions- sure, it was definitely a danger, but it hadn't attacked them. Their fear was a waste of time and energy at best. Perhaps it would be best to try and get at least the Captain focused on something else."Sir, what is Vizarna like?"

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-==IC: Sykar==-Sykar scowled, as he saw his airship was gone."Lucky I never left anything important there..." Sykar muttered, and shook his head."Follow me." Sykar said, as he lead the way to the other airship, the backup.-==IC: Kreinan==-"I dunno; I've never been there." Kreinan said with a shrug.-==IC: Seiran==-"They couldn't have; that'd be an impossibility..." Seiran said with a frown. But, that was obviously their airship."So, why is that airship already in the sky?"

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IC: Del Strata - Floating ShadowI shrugged, "I suppose so. I was too far out, in the out-lands, to really be affected by the War."Turning to Skarr, I tossed him a menu, "The special today is Spicy Sand Stalker soup, with seaweed and noodles."IC: Zed Brakar - Machine AirshipZed whirled around, unsheathing his blade and slashing at the fourth guard's chest in one smooth motion, sending him crumpling to the ground.Without stopping for breath, the Bone Hunter headed straight for the cockpit, pulling out his other sword quickly, should there be a lot of pilots and co-pilots.-Void



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OOC: Of course, unimportant to the leader of a group of people who work with expensive machinery is the jackpot to a couple of air pirates. And if it's his personal airship, you'd think he'd keep a few valuable things there, wouldn't you?WAAAADE.Joskirre is yelling at Navu.IC: Crigg: Resedomanadia:The guard Crigg had thrown the corpse at was knocked over, and barely had time to wonder what the heck just happened before the maul slammed into his head, too. Crigg went to the front of the airship with Zed.

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IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:Janaalra looked up at the tower that had the dragon's corpse in it."How are we going to get that into an airship?" She asked, pointing up at it.IC: Shaaltar: Resedomanadia:Shaaltar frowned. Now he wouldn't get a chance to hear Sykar's plan. He followed the others onto the second airship.

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IC: GontarGontar, knowing that it would not be wise to attack again, flew away from the Dinosaurs, on his way back to Dragon's Fire Tower.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia: Janaalra looked up at the tower that had the dragon's corpse in it. "How are we going to get that into an airship?" She asked, pointing up at it.
OOC: It fell to the ground, remember? =P-==IC: Sykar==-Sykar, noticing Cotan wasn't following, simply shrugged, and walked onto the airship, as it took off, toward the next set of ruins.-==IC: Kreinan==-"Good... There it is." Kreinan said, as he spotted the ruins rapidly approaching."Get ready crew, because we're about to fulfill our dreams." Kreinan said confidently, with a nod.
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OOC: I know, I remembered shortly after I posted it, but forgot before I could get back to the computer. =PIC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:"Well, technically hitting the ground face-first killed it, but yeah, I caused its death." Janaalra said. Looking at the huge beast in front of her, she still couldn't believe it. She definitely couldn't have asked for a better first kill.

Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

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IC: Saphiron / Resedomanadia SurfaceThe Fire Glatorian stood nearby, off to the side, watching the Machine member who was speaking Janaalra closely. She didn't like two things - one, the look about him, and be, the fact he was in the Machine in the first place. One wrong move and she'd have his head.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Seiran==-"We may want to get out of here, now." Seiran reminded the group, and Cotan, given that there was a giant beast nearby, and all."We need to take this creature, and bring it back to the City. Any investigating can occur there."

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IC-Cotan:"If you don't mind, I would like just a few scales, a couple rib bones, and whatever blood may have been left in the creature," he said quietly, though they could still hear him. Maybe, just maybe, he could start stocking up on items he could use for his magic.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:Wasn't too weird of a request, although the blood part was a bit creepy-sounding. Still, she didn't want to give any of it away. "I'm not sure," She said. "I'll think about it, though."

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OOC: Defencing? Is that a joke or reference of some kind, or is Kreinan just unliterate? =PIC: 7"Yes, Captain!" There was a small bump as the airship landed, followed by a clang as 7 leapt off. Walking up to a tree, he snapped off a straight section of a branch, then snapped off the end and twigs. Waving the makeshift staff over his head, 7 exclaimed, "I have procured a stick for defencing, sir!" Hmm. I thought the word was 'defense.' How languages change!

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OOC: He's not illiterate. He's just making a joke. =P-==IC: Kreinan==-Kreinan nodded, a smile on his face."Good, good. Now, then, use that stick to break down those fences!" Kreinan said with a wide grin, as he pointed to the fences up nearby.

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OOC: His dream is to break down fences? =P Must be a Carpenter bot. =P-==IC: Kreinan==-Kreinan nodded, as the crew disembarked as usual, but stopped to study the ruins, this time, before blindly rushing in..."Hmm, let's see, where to start..."

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IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:Janaalra sighed. She didn't like this guy. Darned Sykar had to leave one of his goons here. The airship was moved near the dragon, and a bunch of Glatorian pushed the corpse onto it.

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OOC: Hehe. =P-==IC: Seiran==-After a while, and everyone helping, the dragon was loaded onto the airship."Alright, let's get going, I don't want to spend any longer here than we must." Seiran said, as they got into the airship, and began to head back to the city, as quickly as possible.

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OOC: WAAAAAAADEIC: Janaalra: Faithful Airship:Janaalra watched the ruins and the huge beast leaving them get smaller and smaller as the airship flew away, back to the city. She looked at Cotan. "So, what exactly do you want all that for?" She asked.IC: Shaaltar: Machine Airship:Shaaltar, hearing that they were nearing their destination, looked out the window to see which set of ruins it was.

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IC-Cotan:"I've never seen anything like one of those before," Cotan said. "I would really like to have various tissue samples to learn more about them, instead of doing what most do, just instantly taking it apart, and salvaging everything possible to make different equipment."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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KaelenIC: He had been resting for most of the trip to the next set of ruins. Now that they were close, he got up and looked over the side as they approached.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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-==IC: Pheosus==-The setting was a great city that was partially intact, and mostly ruined. Towers lined the ground, rubble surrounding it, with a few towers still remaining. Alongside that, there were spikes on the towers, and some on the ground. Some of the spikes on the tower had worn off over the years, however, many of them remained still."Well, this is it... Pheosus. Former home of the Skrall and Rock tribe."

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KaelenIC: "I always shudder at the thought that of trying to fight my way up those towers." said Kaelen, gazing out over the ruins. "Which part are we headed towards this time?"

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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-==IC: Sykar==-"All of them." Sykar said, and frowned."We'll need to split into three groups; each of the three main towers surrounding that centre one, has a source of energy that allows the defenses on the central tower to remain in place. If we get rid of that, we can get inside, and get closer to our prize." Sykar explained with a nod."I'll lead one group, Shaaltar will lead another, and Cotan..." Sykar said, and looked around, and then scowled."We left Cotan behind. Kaelen, you get to head up the third group."

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