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    Did anyone notice that Nigel St. Nigel insulted someone by calling them a "daft punk" in Psych season 2 episode 1?


    I chuckled.

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  2. Miss you all, but I'm leaving forever now. :)


    So yeah... bye!


    -GJ. (GlatorianJaller)

  3. This is what I've written as part of a paper (essay format, supposedly) that I'm turning in tomorrow. Honest to goodness, word for word.



    Consider the effectiveness of the movie in communicating its message. As a tool of communication, what are its strengths and weaknesses?

    The film is quite effective in communicating its message. It scares people into germophobia and educates them on the worst-case scenario. Its strengths include fake blood, crying children, scared families, desperation, death (all of which are very good for getting people to relate to the film on an emotional level for more effective inundation), an old friend who is haunted by past wrongs, a helicopter chase, and explosions. Its weaknesses include not enough footage of gory disease, making the gullible audience think that an antivirus can be isolated, created, and distributed to an entire town in less than a day, and not enough explosions.


  4. I want to get around to photographing my full MoC collection soon. The characters will be photographed individually, and then as a group. I am talking way too technically. Later.



  5. Well, this isn't a blog post I'd suspected I'd be making, even up to just a year ago. But, It's time for me to face the facts: I'm actually gynesexual. In case some of you don't know what that means: well, the definition seems to vary a bit, but in my case, it means I'm attracted to "femininity" and the "feminine" form, but I'm not picky when it comes to people's sex, sexual organs, or gender identity. 

    A bunch of LGBTQ+ friends have told me this officially means I'm under that banner as well. So, uh, hi everyone. I hope you'll all give me a kind welcome. I'm really excited about this, but understandably also quite terrified. Cause I live in semi-rural Tennessee. People around here are not gonna take it well if/when I make this public. In fact, I really can't at the moment - not if I wanna keep my job. And this is while I'm currently still single. 

    I'm sure ya'll can help me figure this out along the way, though. People from this site already have helped so many other people come to terms with their non hetero-normative sexualities. It's good to know I'm not alone. Anyway, that's all for now. Peace out, ya'll!

    Image result for gynesexual flag"


  6. Ga-Metruian
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    Who here likes dragons?

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    I'm Nyorg


    ...I think



















    If this post appears sane, go see a doctor.

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  7. So I've been playing hide and seek in my house with my little sister. but I neglected to tell her one rule.


    You can't set the house on fire.


    Now most of you would be like, oh, okay. You're kidding.


    I'm not.


    So apparently, she thought it would be a good idea to hide under our stove (under it is an empty compartment where we were supposed to keep school supplies.


    :P Like school supplies belong in my house. I mean, they're SCHOOL supplies.


    Spell it with me.


    S K O L


    There ya go. :D


    Anyway, so she also thought it a good idea to leave the stove on and put a rag on it to hide her even better (I question this child's logic...but she got it from me, I'm told B)).


    So I'm in the basement, and I hear an alarm go off.


    Something sorta like this.




    That would be the alarm of smoke. (Very nifty, ain't it? :))


    So I ran upstairs, my face covered. My little sister is out on the front yard with firemen and some cops. They bring me over to an ambulance and do the usual routine.


    Yes, this has happened before in other houses. :P


    Luckily, it was just a stove fire, and didn't get much further than the wall.


    HOWEVER, that wall was the wall where all cords are run to the different rooms.


    And that includes the ethernet cable (internet cord, for all you non-computer junkies. :D)


    So I'm at my friend's house writing this, since I have no internet. This happened earlier in the week. But I just wanted to say one more thing.
























  8. Okay this show has been out in Japan since 2009 and dubbed since 2010...how have I missed this amazing remake of one of the biggest pieces of my childhood for so long?.


    Voices are a bit different from what I remember though but still...amazing.



  9. I hate to say it, but this is it. This isn't going to be like before where I've said that I'll be gone for a while and then come back before the week is out, this time I really mean it and I don't have a choice. Life issues have reached a critical point, and if I want to have any meaningful future, it's very likely I'll have to cut BZP out of it. I will not be able to get on BZP again for a very long time. Not a week, not a month, maybe not even in the summer.


    I've enjoyed my time here, and I'm thankful for the opportunity I've had to spend time with everyone on here. I just wish that in the end, I could've done more to make sure my stay was longer, and that things didn't have to end the way they are.


    To anyone I've made obligations to--I'm sorry I won't be able to fulfill them. To anyone who I've forged friendships with--it's been great, and I hope if I ever get back on here, you'll all still be around. To anyone who reads this, I'll miss my time here.


    Farewell, everyone.

  10. I come here every few years just to see what happened. It is like returning to a hometown that never existed, and all the people were fictional characters you made up as imaginary friends, and only a few straggling ghosts roam the grounds as though nothing changed.

    I post this just to see if the ghosts can hear. The sensation of wandering in here ever since 2013, when I left the staff, has been haunting.

  11. Wisey
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    Who else is happy that they finally fixed the BZP server? I know I am. The main reason I stopped coming here frequently is that a third of the time when I tried to go on the boards it told me to pop bubble wrap and wait. Bubble wrap is fun for a little while, but it gets really, really old rather quickly. So yeah, thank you BZP staff for giving us a working server.


    Anyways, I am here today to talk about wood. I am sure this will interest you all… not. Oh well, you’ll live. The last week or so, I have been spending approximately two hours per day splitting logs (closer to four or five hours on the weekend). If you think that's cool, you're a nature geek. I live in Alberta, Canada, and over here winter consumes close to one third of the year. Over that period of time, a lot of money would be spent on heat... if we didn't have a wood-burning furnace, that is. It is the opinion of me and the rest of my family that every dollar spent on heat during the winter is a wasted dollar, so every year around mid-summer we go hunting for dead trees around our beautiful little twenty-six acre property. My job is to split the logs so that they burn better (not fun) and carry the logs up to the house with a quad (quite fun). The not-fun part of it (splitting logs) is very physically gruelling if you do it for a long time non-stop (like three to five hours). It stiffens a person's back to the point of not being able to bend over and blisters the hands. But oh well, painful stuff is fun, like removing duct tape from your hair. The slightly funner part (carrying wood up to the house with the quad) is quite enjoyable, aside from listening to Davin (Doovin) and Loray (Lavra) scrap over whose turn it is to go with me. Really, they’re not much different in real life than they are in the comics. Eventually I have to pick one of the two to go with me, and if I don’t take Loray, she threatens to send me to my room, or even to jail. If it’s Davin that I leave behind, he threatens to cut me with his toy chainsaw. Quite frightening, isn’t it?

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    ##### Bassai
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    No, I'm not dead. :) Just on leave of absence(for the most part) for a while.



  12. If you haven't seen it yet, go here.


    This time, the theme revolves around building your very own castle/fortress/big strong building thingy.

    Which is not what I would call up my alley. Although I had ideas about building something like that in the past...

    Nevertheless, I'm still contemplating whether I should or should not build something.


    I think I'll build somesort of prototype to see what my options are.

    if all goes well, you should see me in the polls some time in the future.

  13. Anniversary Ramblings

    Episode 2 - Choosing is Good (Unless You Do It)


    “Choice....There is great power in choices."


    This here is (half of) a quote you may hear from Flemeth while playing Dragon Age. Origins, of course, and not DA2. It's something I sat and thought about and decided to share some insight on, relating to certain games and to real life alike. Let's look then, shall we?


    Frankly, some games give you quite a lot of options based on your choice. The aforementioned game has quite a few things that can occur differently according to your choices, and the possible endings are all decided based on what you did - from minor details like what that person is wearing, to major ones like who gets to rule the country and who lives... or dies.


    Contrast this to more linear games. Bionicle: Heroes, for instance, since most people on here either know about it, or own a copy and have 100% completing (I did it twice). How does the game end, exactly? The same way every time. Minor differences based on play style, of course, but those don't really impact anything when you get right down to it, you know.


    Even with Origins, though, some stuff is already decided for you. And in Heroes, those minor play style differences can play a part.


    What am I getting at?


    Even when you have no real choice, you can still find your own way of doing things. How you execute the movements, in what order you do things. And when you have lots of options, you have to accept that some things are out of your control. What you do with circumstances beyond your control affects you as a person.


    Even if the decision you make is a bad one, don't live with regrets. Embrace those mistakes and flaws. If that character in the game died or didn't drop the right item for you, you can reload. But you can't in real life, and you must be willing to accept that no, the shake machine at Del Taco is not working (I once went a really long time without having a milkshake, so I asked for one at a fast food place; twelve visits to assorted fast foods later, months later, every one had a broken shake machine)


    So like the heading says - choice is good, unless you do it! But you've gotta live with those choices anyways.


    A tad more sentimental and quite a bit shorter than my last rambling, I think.


    Minor life lesson from a sixteen year old. It probably doesn't matter any and frankly has been said so many times that I'm now a walking cliche in every way (until the day this rhyme don't pay).

  14. So last November I participated in NaNoWriMo, and actually suceeded in writing a 50,000 word Novel. I'd really like to publish it, but there's a lot of work that's between now and then, if ever.



    What was my book, you ask? Well:


    The Lord of Misrule


    There used to be magic in the world. REAL magic. But as time went on, the magic faded. Now no one believes that it ever existed.


    Except for the Actors.


    Hidden away in the world is a special school dedicated to teaching actors and their ilk the ways of magic in their craft, to keep it alive in a world of cynicsim and blurred lines. Like every school, it has its quirks, in-jokes, and traditional celebrations. The most famous is the Feast of Fools, their own version of Homecoming. And the King of it all is the Lord of Misrule. Thing is, no one ever knows who it is. The voting process is a secret, and the mask is never removed.


    And This year, Elijah Goodblood plans to take the crown.



    The Lord of Misrule is about a magic school for actors, performers, and those who work behind the scenes. It's not wave-a-wand magic like in Harry Potter-No, this is more subtle. The magic is born from light, movement, props; It is a product of many parts, rather than a reaction to an action.


    It's also about the Green Room Gang, a collection of students who hang out in the New Globe's Green Room when not in class. A variety of students from numerous locales, backgrounds, and previous theatrical education. And the crazy shenanigans that they get up to.


    It's also about Elijah Goodblood, a sophomore member of the Green Room Gang who wants to win the title and position of Lord of Misrule, essentially the Homecoming King. Winning this title is acknowledgement of his abilities as a prankster and humorist.


    There may also be a cat hidden in the Girl's dorm. Just to let you know.




    So I've written this book. Now comes the fun part: Re-writing the whole thing!


    When I first wrote it, there were two main characters: Elijah, who drove the plot, and Avalon, who introduced the readers to the school. After some reflection, I decided that two characters with unrelated goals split the reader's focus too much, So I've narrowed it down to one. Elijah's still going to help little freshman Avalon adjust to her new school, but for the most part the story's focused on him.


    I've also changed the focus, screentime, and overall helpfulness of the Green Room Gang. In the original Script, they made cameo appearances and didn't do much in the way of story. I'm giving them more focus and more impact into Elijah's choices; this group is almost like a family. (and is certainly made up of a few.) Also, there's way too many fun characters to not use.


    Considering that, some of the other characters I've made (Namely Elijah and maybe Avalon's roommates) are going to be given less focus or cut altogether. They've been fun to write, so they may stay, but I really need to re-work their characters or meld them into existing ones. If I write more books, they may re-appear, but for now they don't have a lot of influence on my main character, so out they go.


    I also need to put more focus on the school itself. One of the few things I didn't like about Harry Potter in its later years was how little school was focused on, despite it being a part of the students' everyday lives. I want to show my characters in class, workshops, shop hours outside of class, ect... I want to show them interacting with professors and directors in a positive way, not the you-got-caught kind of way. These kids are in school and I want them to act like it!


    There's also a lot of little things that happen in the background, like hammering out the timeline and everyone's schedules. (Not that it matters for some students...) This whole post was mostly a personal lining-out of my next steps.


    So since approximately half my book is going in the dustbin, There's a lot of writing to do.


    I can't wait to get started.

  15. I haven't been around for months, have I? Well...I blame college. And life. And my dogs (but I love my dogs!) ...I don't know if anyone remembers me or not, but I've been hanging around...somewhat. And I'm kind of surprised by the new forums, but I'm not really disappointed; just have to get used to them is all.


    Anyways...I'm going to take a look around at the forums and...update later, I suppose? ^^;

  16. Reception is looking nice over at my C3 Presentation for Rising Suns: over here please Although, I had to shorten it a little and take out an nicely written version of the first comic. Well, I'll be posting it here:


    We begin with Blade sleeping soundly on his bead...or at least kinda, what with that cardboard pillow. After playing through Kingdom Hearts until about 4:00 AM, it was about time for him to hit the sack. So either he's gonna dream of some silly video game parody, or something with him swimming in muffins.


    Tonight, it was number 1.


    So Blade is free falling in this big world of darkness. But instead of just diving down for the rest of the night, he safely lands on an invisible platform, which reveals itself as a large glowing symbol of sorts. The symbol depicts a large triangle in the middle of a circle, riddled with a bunch of mysterious runes. The triangle contains three circles with a different rune in each circle. On the opposite side of the arcane circle is a person in a golden cloak.


    "Nice threads. Can't find that in your typical Halloween store."


    "...So much to do, so little time. Take your time. Don't be afraid. The sword is still sleeping..."


    The cloaked figure disappeared, leaving behind a confuzzeled Blade.


    "Now, step forward. Can you do it?"


    As Blade stepped into the center of the circle, three pedestals surround him, each holding a different weapon of sorts. A shield, a rod, and a sword.


    "Power sleeps within you. If you give it form, it will give you strength. Choose well-"


    "Sword, duh!"


    "The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is this the power you seek?"




    The sword disappears from his hands. "Your path is set." The cloaked figure's voice says. "Now what will you give up in exchange?"


    Blade ponders for a moment. "Meh, I'll give up the rod. Matoran can't even use magic, right?"


    "The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. You give up this power?"


    "Yeah, yeah, get on with it, this preview is getting long."


    "You've chosen the power of the warrior. You've given up the power of the mystic. Is this the form you choose?" Blade selects yes.


    Suddenly, the pedestals collapse, and the arcane circle vanishes, leaving Blade sky diving again...


    In case you haven't noticed, this is a blatant parody of Kingdom Hearts' opening world, the Awakening. Quotes and all. I've decided to pool in my love of video games, a large cause of my "hiatus" from my original series, and include tons of allusions to all my favorite games. Gamers, prepare to lol. What happens next, you'll have to put into consideration the rest of the Awakening tutorial, and just make any wild predictions from there.


    So that's that. This is Starman DX, signing off.

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  17. Sidorak the Feared
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    Yeah, I'm back after a whole year of innactivity.

    I'm pretty much done with BIONICLE, but I'll keep up on the story.

    So as I came back I felt a certain familiarity- talk of 2009 set names, no-spoiler policies... I miss it all. But I'm done with the sets, books, etc.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    I've got to say- 2009 looks like it will be the best year ever. Amazing sets, they have a very 2001-ish feel.

    Haha, now that I think about it, I can't even remember if I'm aloud to say that.

    Sorry if I can't, but I'll use a spoiler tag just in case.

    So have fun (as the year draws to a close) searching in vein for the 2009 sets you know won't be on the shelves, by you convince your mom to check anyways... And maybe bug that poor WalMart guy if they have them in the back :) .

    You know, that's worked for me on three ocasions (Kal, Toa Metru, and Hordika). You ought to try it.

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