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Because I Felt Like It

I honestly felt like drawing this and putting it up. Because I can. Comment now, demented reader creatures.



Spider-man 3

I went to see it with my dad today. And I was not disappointed at all. I loved it. The start was a great one, and I loved how the symbiote arrived... Flint Marko's transformation and reformation was one of the most dramatic, emotional scenes ever... Peter's struggles, and those of the people around him, were well portrayed. His discovery of the suit and how he used it was great, but I was aghast when Peter got himself an Emo hairstyle. However, this was alleviated when he acted rude and thoughtl




Had to get up this morning, haul myself downstairs, get my shoes on and pack my lunch into my bag. I had a slice of pizza that I reheated in the toaster (one of those mini-oven models) and settled down at my computer, and wasn't happy to see that that last part of my entry was deleted, seeing as what I said about the guy is completely true. Anyways, I browsed around online and then had to run to my bus stop to catch the bus. I showed the guys on the bus my parody of the Black Sabbath song 'Iro



Alarm Clocks Are Evil (again).

I overslept and woke up at 6:35, having to rush out of the house. I had to get dressed, get all my stuff, get a little breakfast, and run out the door. I barely made it to the bus stop...   Then I got to school and managed to get on a computer, and interacted on the interwebs there... Then I had Computer Fun class, so there was more interaction (yippee!) and I played some games, plus went on other sites...   Then I had Assisted Study, which was incredibly dull and wasted on talking about a l



500 Entries

To say something, first: Contentment is listening to metal, a kitten sitting atop your head, and having that whiny Emo kid buried in your back yard. About that: While I don't actually have a cat sitting on my head, nor do I have one in general, and I will neither confirm or deny the last part of my sentence, it's pretty much true.   Anyways...........Wow. Who'da thunk it, I have 500 entries. Ten times fifty. Five-zero-zero. Twenty times twenty-five. Two-five-oh doublesized. Yike. I (re)started



Myeh, Twas A Day That Did Be So Day-y

Biomech was correct- it's the Pink Floyd song, "Stop", which is now one of my favorites ever. It'll probably be my blog subtitle for a long time to forever, since the song makes me so nostalgic... Mmn...   I wrote a parody of the Black Sabbath song 'Iron Man' today...   In school we had an assembly on abusive relationships... It was good and all, but my classmates didn't take it very seriously... Plus the guy who narrated the story... Well, he... Um... Yeah, I don't wanna mention it. Took arou



New Subtitle

I've returned to the lyrics subtitle after a long break. Guess what song it is?   Anyways, I had a doctor's appointment today about medication, and my mom picked me up right after lunch, so I just packed a bag of those midget sour cream and onion pringles for lunch, and then we went to Burger King after we left school. Mmm, the fries there are my favorites, and the chicken fingers are tasty...   I got some homework done today, and relaxed. Blegh...   I'm working on some lyrics illustrations..



Ugh, And Other Expressions Of Disgust

I'm ticked. Wanna know why? See, every day I post an entry, long and meaningful, for the express benefit of being seen and read by members. And pretty quick, it's whacked off the front page into obscurity, for we all know the little member gremlins never check the second page. What ticks me is that I spend so much time putting relevance and thought into my words and then a horde of ravening noobs posts entries like 'HOMG TODAYS I'S AM GOTTED ME SUM STUFF LAWL POST HEER I'S AWESOME DUDE!' that ar








You know, what's really funny is that talk show hosts actually believe they count as people. Haha! Fools! That's as crazy as saying John F. Kennedy's cloned secret twin isn't the leader of the Illuminati! No, really, Dr. Phil, a person?! PFFFT!     Oh, nuts, that was an incredibly tasteless joke. I may have invoked the wrath of thousands of fans of Oprah, Larry King, and a few others, too.     QUICK! SOMEBODY INSULT THE FRENCH!     ...   In other news, I was home sick today. I woke up and sp



Todd Goldman Is A Thief

Really. I'm sure if you're savvy with the interweb, by now you know that the "artist" Todd Goldman, who also runs a T-shirt company called 'David and Goliath' (which makes those lame 'Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them' shirts), is a no good, plagiarizing little wretch. Todd Goldman makes millions off of ripping off slogans, images, and more. His 'Goodbye Kitty' line of merchandise uses that little Microsoft cat that ran across your screen. Those shirts with that crudely drawn stick-girl thing



490 Entries...

...Whoa. I mean, I swear, I had just 461 entries a while ago... Crazy, huh? Soon I'll be the first member to reach 500 entries... Daaang. I've posted a lot fo entries in this thing, and it's sort of a chronicle of some insane rambler... Which it is! I've been seriously blogging since October now, and now this has kinda become a fixture of the blogs, I'd say... I mean, I hardly ever go a day without blogging. This thing is an archive of my mind... If I die or something, this and my posts will pro



More Improv

In Drama today, we had to do this thing where three people at a time would be on stage performing. We had to make up our acts on the go. The first person was Person A, who has some sort of problem. Person B is the one who (over)reacts and panics upon hearing the problem. Person C is a superhero who has to fix the problem somehow. When the act of that group is done, Person C leaves the stage, Person B becomes Person C, person A becomes Person B, and somebody esle comes up to be Person A.   So a




I went to see that movie with my dad yesterday. It was awesome. Nick Cage and Jessica Biel starred in it, and it was about this guy who can see two minutes into the future. So he can explore all the possible pathways he can take, and- Oh, why the [bleepity] [more bleepity] [and yet more!] am I even telling you this? I have hardly any readers who appreciate enough to comment, and the comments don't come often. My dissemination of information is not satisfying to the clumps of neural meat and elec




I've noticed recently a lot of members with blogs are putting up those map things that tell you how many people have visited a page and from where. Now, that's kinda rude. Did they think of the fact some people want their privacy? I already divulged my general location as Massachusetts, which now means unless I want to be Big Brothered, I have to avoid some really good blogs which put that stupid map in their content blocks. And some people generally don't want their presence and activity record



Raining Salt?

I had a freaky dream last night. It was so real, I swear... I was in this giant port city or something, called Unisport. I think I was on some sort of tour about legends of witchcraft and piracy (don't ask) when it started raining salt. It stung to feel it, so we (Me and classmates who appeared in my dream) ran for cover under trees, trying to protect ourselves. I pulled the hood of my sweater (The Nightmare Before Christmas one, which I was wearing when I went to bed O_o) over my head and stret



Star Wars And Elections

So on the bus, for some reason, we started debating about Darth Vader. Somebody asked why Darth Vader didn't just kill Palpatine, and we answered that Darth Vader's limbs were robotic and he depended on that chest thingy to breathe. Then we got to talking about how Vader basically killed himself when he killed Palpatine for trying to kill his son by throwing him in that reactor or whatever of the Death Star. Then I said, "Vote Palpatine-Vader for 2008! Why vote for the lesser evil?" And the guys



Twelve Angry Men

It's raining out, and it was a chilly but sunny day earlier. Woo! I like it when it rains, it gives me good ideas and creates a fun atmosphere for me. So sue me for liking gray skies and the pitter-patter of rain on the roof, I also like sunny, crisp fall days...     My day was fun. In English, there was a substitute, and we watched Twelve Angry Men, and took notes on the jurors in the film. Then I had Math, which was actually easy, and I got a head start on my homework. Then, onward to lunch.




Come on, there are only two comments on my song parody? Come on, I worked really hard on that. Please, come on, comment on it... Or I'll eat your head...     ...     Time for some WORDS!   "A penny saved is a penny earned, but the IRS is going to take it anyways."   "Once more, puppies are a viable food source. Really. They go well with barbecue sauce."   "What made you think I cared about your opinion, come again?"   "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, but it'll probably be full o



Potc Song Parody!

A reeeeeeeally long time ago I wrote a parody of the song 'I think we're alone now', and it's themed on Pirates of the Caribbean. It's really funny. Bahrag Kal's already seen it (though I doubt he remembers it) and he liked it, and I forgot it for a while... Now I'm finally posting it.   Oh they're so depraved, That's what they say when we come in like stormy weather, We won't be merciful in our raid, They made a last stand, And so we're,   Pillaging just as fast as we can, Passin' loot i



Hectic Day.

My day at school was okay, we started our new Integrated Arts class, Drama...   Anyways, the weather today's way too hot... Blegh...     And I was busy elsewhere online... Man, some people are total morons.     Man, nobody appreciated me for cleaning up yesterday for Earth Day... The kids on my bus teased me...       I'm reading Johnny The Homicidal Maniac: Director's Cut right now. The Nine Inch Heels thing is SO funny... It was a great parody. Not to mention the rest of the comic, which is



Earth Day

I had to pick up trash along the side of a road near my house for Earth Day today, and I did it with my family. It was hot out, the branches scratched me everywhere, there was so much trash, it smelled, and I was generally uncomfortable. We took a long while, and we picked up trash from a lot of the part of the road we were cleaning up. My sister brought a friend along, and they were annoying. My sister complained so much... Argh.   But then later an ice cream truck came by and I got an Oreo



What A Day

I am still so relieved that my dad listened to me and decided to get counseling with my mom instead of divorcing her... But like I said, there's still a long way to go.     My day was kind of dull, I didn't go anywhere. And now I'm listening to Marilyn Manson's "A Place In The Dirt". Planning some art, too... Mostly just character designs for a comic I just started producing on another site. Misanthropy is a prime theme.     And now it's somethingty something AM and I'm listening to "The Nobod



Sigh Of Relief

I talked to my dad this morning, and we had a very long talk about how he wanted a divorce. I talked to him about how my mom has been depressed ever since my Grandma, her mother, died, and told him that divorce was both a hard and easy way out, and the wrong choice, and I convinced him to try to fix his problems with my mom through counseling. I still don't know what will happen, but I am much, much less stressed and I can only hope the counseling works. After I had the talk with my dad, we drov




My parents might be getting a divorce... I can't believe it... I don't want this to happen... It can be fixed, and it's obvious... I don't want my parents to divorce... I feel so awful right now... My dad just called a while ago and told my mom he wanted a divorce and they talked for a while... Then me and my sister talked to our mom and we comforted her... My dad hasn't thought this through, and hasn't considered what it would mean for us, and I'm going to point that out when I see him tomorrow



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