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Black Six Is Evil

Takuma Nuva


This just in, guys. Black Six is gonna fire me from the staff (supposedly for "poor taste in music") and he says that "[McSmeag] isn't that cool."


(See, Sixxer? I told you I'd blog this. :P)




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On the bright side, you can be the new bearer of the "Possessor of Bad Taste" title. =D


also I can replace you tooooo

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I never said I don't like them! I just said I don't listen to them!


I mean, it's hard to take an interest in something you've heard very little of!

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Who doesn't like The Beatles? I mean really!

I was going to be on you side, Takuma. But then I read this.


seriously who DOESN'T like the beatles.

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okay guys, I seriously can't tell if you are joking or being sarcastic. makes it harder because this is typed.

is this real?

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@Bulik everyone here is joking (except I do want to be a BZP staff one day) Black Six would never fire anyone for their poor taste in music, but if Takuma had a bad taste in art that might be a different story.


Don't worry Black Six I'll get him to listen to the Beatles one day.

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Black Six would never fire anyone for their poor taste in music

that's just what he wants you to think!

That's what you think he wants you to think!


I think.

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Obviously, he thinks that you think that he wants you to think that while making you think that he thinks that you think he makes you think while making you think about what he's thinking.



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I never said I don't like them! I just said I don't listen to them!I mean, it's hard to take an interest in something you've heard very little of!


Hey, I was there until I found a Beatles CD at my house and played it over the weekend. The funny part was that I'd actually heard half of the songs on it but didn't know the Beatles sung them. :P


If you do get fired, I'm sure tons of people would leave BZP in protest, and since B6 doesn't want that he probably won't fire you. So you should feel free to not listen to the Beatles as much as you want without fear of horrible consequences.

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Who doesn't like The Beatles? I mean really!


My only thoughts on the matter. It's seem difficult to not enjoy The Beatles.

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