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Superman vs. Batman

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc.

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If it's a death match, all it takes is one Nova blast from any of the Toa, and NYC is in ruins.


I agree with your points, but would the Toa even be capable of preforming a Nova blast right out of the can? Would they even know that they could do it at all?

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If it's a death match, all it takes is one Nova blast from any of the Toa, and NYC is in ruins.


I agree with your points, but would the Toa even be capable of preforming a Nova blast right out of the can? Would they even know that they could do it at all?


I magine they would have an innate knowledge from training with Hydraxon, just like they learned everything else. They didn't remember how they learned. They just knew. Like Jason Bourne.

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This is a tough one, and it really depends on how smart the toa decide to be. 100 tanks are some pretty overwhelming odds, so I'd vote for them, but I haven't fully considered the potential damage the toa can do to them. I'll hold my vote for now.

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:kaukau: If I count the tally correctly, the vote is currently 3 to 3. I'm going to bump this entry and wait for considerably more votes to be cast in.


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This is a tough one, and it really depends on how smart the toa decide to be. 100 tanks are some pretty overwhelming odds, so I'd vote for them, but I haven't fully considered the potential damage the toa can do to them. I'll hold my vote for now.


Given that they already technically know how to use their powers, that it's a death match, and that it's easier to just go crazy with powers than to focus them, I would assume that the toa could just unleash everything they had and then, well, I'll just say that the Yankees and Mets will have awful long road trips.

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Yeah, the problem is that it could really go either way, depending on who reacts first, and what the very first move for each side is. Considering Tahu's mask though, I place my bet on the toa.

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:kaukau: Alright, I guess that breaks the tie. The Toa it is. Meanwhile, I guess I'll upgrade them for this next match-off...


The Toa Nuva vs. The Avengers.


Area of Competition: Death Match


Conditions: They meet at the Kini Nui. The Matoran and the Suva shrines have been evacuated. The Nuva each have only their base masks, except for Tahu, who also has the Vahi. The Avengers team consists of the same six individuals that appear in the movie, and SHIELD is nowhere to be found.



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Toa nuva. they are experienced, can manipulate time, know the surrounding, have incredible powers, and can do 1 hit KO nova blasts

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Is Takanuva with them? Cuz the Avohkii's calming power could take down the Hulk easy.


But either way, Nuva. Only thing the Nova Blasts can't take out is probably Hulk and Thor, and I'm guessing it would knock out both of them. Nuva win.

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Ah... Hulk would be extremely tough to take down I think. Pretty evenly matched, but I say the Toa. Lewa could create a vacuum around the Hulk, Onua and Pohatu could be a good team against him too. Yeah Toa Nuva. Hulk and Thor would be hard to take down, but the rest would drop like flies.

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You know which one I want to see?


Teridax, MOL form, vs. Superman, no Kryptonite or Red Sun, and the Makuta's powers don't count as magic. No wild cards like EP or masks of Light, in a neutral area, like a big, open, endless plain. Teridax has more powers, but also the weakness of antidermis.

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Two words: Tony. Stark.

It doesn't matter how powerful or experienced the Nuva are, if they're up against Tony, they don't have a chance.


- Austin Powers

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Nuva. Too much God-Mode on them, plus the fact that Tahu's mask can keep them all protected, 'specially if they have Kopaka sharing his Akaku to keep everyone on the lookout for ambushes and other sneaky tactics.

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I have little to no prior knowledge of the Avengers, so I'm going to vote Toa. I mean, a bunch of fools running around in vibrant colors would make easy targ-... oh, wait...




Seriously, though, I think they have quite a bit of power compared to other heroes. Apparently godmodding isn't applicable to Bionicle; they always have a greater power that just trumps the latest craze...


Anyway, I decided to stop by here to give you this, as I find your blog posts are interesting.



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Like I said in your previous Avengers entry, I don't know much about them. I'm sure Captain America, Hawkeye, and what's-her-name would be down in less than a minute simply because their just flesh and bone. Iron Man might pose a problem, but Pohatu would probably be too fast for him. Thor would pose the biggest problem since he's a God, and I have no idea what Hulk can do. I'm assuming Onua could probably match him in strength.


Push comes to shove, they trap them in a protodermis cage. Or Lewa traps them in a vacuum. Either way, the Avengers aren't winning.

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All these Death Matches are getting boring. Why can't the area of competition be house decoration? Or dance-offs?


Anyway, the Nuva for obvious reasons. Too much power among their masks and enhanced Nuva abilities, and the environment favors them.

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:kaukau: Alright, it looks like the Nuva won this round by a long shot. The next one, however, by dotcom's request, will be something other than a Death Match.


Toa Nuva vs. The Jedi


Area of Competition: Who has the better code of honor?



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I actually approve of the Jedi's a little more. They have to deal with human factors and a wide variety of political enforcement and war... and despite all that still be peaceable and neutral.


I think the Toa have it too easy to stay just, and the Jedi have to work harder at it. So overall, Jedi have a better code of honor.

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Isn't their code of honor basically the same? No killing, solve problems preferably without violence, etc.? Although I guess Jedi aren't allowed to love, which kind of sucks, so I guess the Toa's is less strict. They get my vote.

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The Toa have the easier job to do, while following their code, so its a more difficult comparison. However, the Jedi codes stance on love and possession is flawed, and pretty much the premise behind all the star wars movies. The Toa code isn't flawed in any way really, and for that reason I suppose its better.

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