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Garreg Mach

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Do you want in? (SIGN UP - 7 SPOTS LEFT)



So some of you might be aware that awhile back, I asked for members to signup as characters for an epic.

Well, we're entering the home stretch of that epic, and yes, I am going to write a sequel. That said, to plan the sequel properly, I need to know what characters I'm working with.


For those of you that were characters in the first epic, do not sign up - the survivors will be in Book 2 (minus one, for reasons that will be explained later), and those who are dead will be staying dead... for now, at least. :P


If you'd like to signup as a new character for Book 2, feel free! 11 spots are reserved for the survivors of Book 1 + some others (Burnmad, RG, Taka Nuvia, and Automaton). Xaeraz, while you will not be a "player", a non-player spot has again been reserved for you.


That leaves 14 spots open for members to sign up as "players". If there's a staff member that would like to join, please do - there's a possible role (for backstory) that only a staff member can hope to fill.


If you're signing up, just say so in the comments and provide me with two possible elements for your Matoran is (canon elements only please, no shadow).


Any other questions can be asked at any time.



1. Shockwave

2. Tyler Durden

3. Baltarc

4. fishers64

5. Canis

6. Kaithas

7. Squishyfrog









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Nope; I'll do my best to keep characters accurate to the member in personality, but I make no promises. Due to the nature of the story, it needs to be as flexible as possible for me. =P

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Are there spots? If so, I would like to join.


Yup. With you signed up there are roughly 10 spots left, I think? I just need you to provide two possible elements, unless you don't care.

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Darn I wish i could join but voxumo likely won't live.. Could I sign up as another character? Perhaps syvra?



Shame I can't be in this again. I kinda liked this.

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